Works of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Page 255
Together peace and justice shall combine!
That sounds like priestcraft.
Priests in sooth were there;
The well-fed paunch, that was their primal care;
They implicated were above the rest.
The tumult swell’d, the priests the tumult bless’d;
Our Emperor, whom we beguil’d, perchance
To his last battle hither doth advance.
I pity him — so frank, so kind of heart.
Let us look on. There’s hope ere life depart.
Him from this narrow vale let us deliver!
If rescu’d now, he rescu’d is forever.
How yet the die may fall, who may divine!
Vassals he’ll have, if Fortune on him shine.
[They ascend the middle range of hills and survey the disposition of the army in the valley. Drums and military music resound from below.
Well chosen the position is, I see;
We’ll join them, perfect then the victory.
What there may we expect? Deceit!
Illusive sorcery! A hollow cheat!
Cunning to win war’s lofty game!
Be constant to thy mighty aim,
The while thy goal dost bear in sight;
Secure we to the Emperor throne and land,
Then kneel, from him receiving as thy right,
The fief of the unbounded strand.
Already much for me hast done;
By thee be now a battle won!
No, do thou win it; forthwith here
As general-in-chief appear.
To my true honor it would tend,
There to command where naught I comprehend!
The general’s staff, let that provide,
So the field-marshal’s safe whate’er betide.
War’s want of council to its source I’ve trac’d;
War’s council I forthwith have bas’d
On mountain’s and on man’s primeval force:
Bless’d who together draws their joint resource.
What yonder bearing arms appears?
Hast thou arous’d the mountaineers?
No, but like Master Peter Squenze,
Of the whole mass the quintessence.
[The three mighty ones enter.
My fellows now are drawing near!
Divers the clothes, the arms, they wear,
Of different ages they appear;
With them not badly shalt thou fare.
[Ad spectatores.
There’s not a child but loves to see
Harness and arms of warlike knight;
And, allegoric as the rascals be,
They, for that reason, give the more delight.
(Young, lightly armed, in motley attire.) If one but looks into my eyes,
Straight let his jaws my clenched fist beware,
And if a coward from me flies,
Forthwith I seize him by the hair!
(Manly, well armed, in rich attire.) Such brawls are foolish, are invidious,
They forfeit what the occasion brings;
In taking only be assiduous;
Hereafter look to other things.
(In years, strongly armed, without attire.) Not much by such a course is won;
Through great possessions soon we run,
Borne by the stream of life away.
To take is good, ’tis better fast to hold;
Be still by the gray carle controll’d,
And none from thee takes aught away.
[They descend the mountain together.
On the Headland.
Drums and martial music from below. The Emperor’stent is pitched. Emperor, General-in-Chief, Attendants.
Still duly weigh’d appears our course,
Back to this vale at hand that lies,
To lead when somewhat press’d our force;
Our choice of ground, I trust, is wise.
How it succeeds must soon be known,
Me this half flight, this yielding, grieves, I own.
On our right flank, my prince, now cast your eyes!
Such ground doth war’s ideal realize:
Not steep the hills, nor yet too easy to ascend,
The enemy ensnaring, while they ours befriend;
We, on the wavelike plain, are half conceal’d —
No cavalry durst venture on such field.
Save to commend naught now remains for me;
Here strength and courage can well tested be.
There, where the middle plain allures the sight,
Behold the phalanx, eager for the fight;
In the bright sunshine, gilded by its rays,
The lances glitter through the morning haze.
How darkly waves the mighty square below!
For bold emprise its thousands all aglow.
The mass’s strength thou thus canst comprehend;
To them I trust, the foemen’s strength to rend.
So fair a sight ne’er have I seen before:
Such host is worth its number, twice told o’er.
Of our left flank naught have I to relate.
Holding the stubborn cliffs, stout heroes wait;
Ablaze with arms, the rocky height ascends,
Which the close entrance to the pass defends.
Here, where the bloody onslaught none expect,
The hostile force will, I foresee, be wreck’d.
There march my lying kinsfolk, still who claim’d,
As me they uncle, cousin, brother, nam’d,
More and more license; till the sceptre’s strength,
Its honor from the throne, they stole at length;
The empire, through their feuds, distracted lies,
Now, leagu’d as rebels, they against me rise!
The many waver, sway’d from side to side;
Then headlong rush, borne onward by the tide.
A trusty man, abroad for tidings sent,
Hastes down the rocks; oh, happy be the event.
First Spy.
Fair success on us hath waited;
Through our bold and crafty art,
Here and there we penetrated;
Little good can we impart:
Many pure allegiance proffer’d;
But for their inaction they,
In excuse, these pretexts offer’d,
Public danger, civil fray —
Self-seekers, caring for themselves alone,
To duty, honor, gratitude, are blind!
If full your measure, you ne’er call to mind,
Your neighbor’s house-fire may consume your own.
The second comes, descending heavily;
Tremble his limbs, a weary man is he.
Second Spy.
First with pleasure we detected
The wild tumult’s erring course.
Undelaying, unexpected,
A new emperor leads his force;
And with his behests complying,
O’er the plain the concourse sweep.
This false banner, proudly flying,
They all follow now — like sheep!
As gain a rival emperor I hail;
That I am emperor, now first I feel!
But as a soldier did I don the mail;
For higher purpose now I’m clad in steel.
At every festival, how bright soe’er,
Though naught was wanting — danger fail’d me there.
When to the ring-sport at your call I went,
My heart beat high, I breath’d the tournament;
From war had ye not held me back, my name
For deeds heroic had been known to fame!
What self-reliance in my breast did reign,
When I stood mirror’d in the fire-domain;
The ruthless element press’d on elate,
’Twas but a show, and yet the show was great.
Fame, victory, my troubl’d dreams display’d —
I’ll now achieve, what basely I delay’d!
[Heralds are despatched to challenge the rival Emperor.
[Faustin armor, with half-closed visor. The three mighty ones, armed and clothed, as above.
We come, we hope uncensur’d — foresight here
May yet avail, though needless it appear.
Thoughtful, thou know’st, and wise the mountain-race,
Of rock and nature they the secrets trace;
Spirits, who long have left the level ground,
Are to their rocky heights more firmly bound:
Through labyrinthine clefts they labor, where
Rich fumes metallic fill the gaseous air;
Untir’d they separate, combine and test;
The hidden to make known is their sole quest;
With the light touch of spirit-might, they rear
Transparent figures, then in crystal clear
And its eternal silence, mirror’d true,
The doings of the upper world they view.
This I have heard, and think that it may be;
But, honest man, say: what is this to me?
The Norcian sorcerer, the Sabine, he
True, honorable servant is to thee;
What ghastly fate appall’d him, on the pyre!
Crackl’d the brushwood, rose the tongues of fire;
Dry fagots all around up-piled were seen,
Mingl’d with pitch, with brimstone-bars between,
Man’s, God’s, or devil’s aid had been in vain —
Your majesty then burst the fiery chain!
’Twas there, in Rome. Deeply to thee he’s bound,
And o’er thy path keeps watch with care profound;
Himself forgetting, from that moment he
Questions the stars, questions the depths for thee.
He bade us, at the swiftest, hither post,
To succor thee. Great powers the mountains boast:
There Nature works, omnipotently free —
The priest’s dull mind blames it as sorcery.
On festal day when guest on guest we greet,
Joyful themselves, who joyance come to meet,
Well pleas’d we see them enter, each and all,
And, man by man, contract the spacious hall;
Yet highest welcome is the brave man’s dower,
Who, as ally to aid us, comes with power,
When morning breaks, which doubtful issues wait,
While over it are pois’d the scales of Fate.
Nathless withhold awhile thy stalwart hand,
In this high moment, from the willing brand!
Honor the hour, when many thousands wend
To battle, for or ‘gainst me to contend!
Man’s self is man! Who would be thron’d and crown’d,
Of the high honor must be worthy found.
Now may this phantom, that against us stands,
This self-styl’d emperor, ruler of our lands,
The army’s duke, lord of our feudal train,
By my own hand, be thrust to death’s domain!
Whate’er the need to end the glorious fight,
To peril thine own head cannot be right.
Is not the helm with crest and plumage deck’d?
The head, our zeal which fires, it doth protect.
Without the head what could the members do?
Let that but sleep, forthwith all slumber too;
If it be injur’d, all are straight unsound,
And all revive, if it with health be crown’d.
Promptly the arm its own strong right doth wield,
And to protect the skull uplifts the shield;
Its proper duty well the sword doth know,
Parries with strength, and then returns the blow;
The active foot shares in the common weal,
And on the slain foe’s neck doth plant the heel.
Such is mine anger: him I thus would treat,
Make his proud head a footstool for my feet!
Little profit, little credit,
From our challenge did we gain;
Noble ’twas, yet while we read it,
Us they flouted with disdain:
“Spent your Emperor’s power,” — they say,
“Like echo in yon narrow vale;
Would we think of him to-day; —
Once there was: — so runs the tale.”
What hath occurr’d doth with their wish accord,
Who firm and true for thee would draw the sword.
The foe approach; thy troops impatient stand;
The moment favors; straight the charge command!
To the command all claim I now resign.
(To the General-in-Chief.)
To execute that duty, prince, be thine!
March then our right wing onward to the field!
The foemen’s left, who even now ascend,
Ere they complete their final step, shall yield
To their tried valor who the slope defend!
Permission grant that this blithe hero be
Enroll’d among thy ranks, immediately,
That with thy ranks incorporate, he may
Have for his powerful nature ample play.
[He points to the right.
(Steps forward.) His face to me who shows doth not escape,
Till both his jaws I’ve smash’d with sudden bang;
His back to me who turns, I strike his nape, —
Dangling adown his back, neck, head, and top-knot hang!
And if, with sword and club, thy men
Will strike, as on I rage before,
Man over man down-smitten, then
The foe shall welter in their gore!
Now let the centre phalanx follow slow,
And in full force with caution meet the foe!
Distress’d, they yield already on the right,
Their plan, by our attack, is shatter’d quite.
(Pointing to the middle one.) Let this one also thy command obey.
(Steps forward.) Unto the host’s heroic pride,
Shall thirst for booty be alli’d;
Upon this goal be all intent;
The rival emperor’s sumptuous tent.
Not long upon his throne he’ll boast indeed!
Myself to battle will this phalanx lead.
(Fawning upon him.) Although his wife I may not be,
A sweetheart dear is he to me.
For us what harvest now is ripe!
Woman is fierce when she doth gripe,
Is ruthless when she robs; press on,
All is allow’d — when we have won.
Upon our left, as was to be expected,
With furious charge, their right is now directed.
The defile’s ro
cky path they hope to gain;
To thwart their purpose man for man must strain.
(Beckons to the left.) Sire, I entreat, look also on this one;
If strength be stronger made, no harm is done.
(Steps forward.) For the left wing dismiss all care!
For where I am, safe is possession there:
Herein doth age approve itself, we’re told;
No lightning rendeth, what I hold!
(Coming down from above.)
Now to the background turn your gaze;
Forth from the jagg’d and rocky ways,
See how the armed warriors pour,
The narrow paths to straiten more,
With helm, shield, harness, sword and spear,
A wall they’re forming in our rear,
Waiting the sign to strike the blow.
(Aside, to the knowing ones.)
From whence they come, ask not to know.
No time I lost; where I appear’d.
The armor-halls around were clear’d,
Footmen and horsemen, stood they there,
As if yet lords of earth they were;
Knight, emperor, king, they were of yore,
Now are they empty snail-shells, nothing more, —
Full many a ghost, thus arm’d for strife,
The middle ages have brought back to life;
What devilkin therein may lurk,
For this time it may do its work.
Hark, in their anger, how they clatter,
And like tin plates, each other batter;
Torn banners too, flapping aloft one sees,
That wait impatiently to catch the breeze.
Reflect, an ancient race stands ready there,
And in this modern combat fain would share.
[Terrible flourish of trumpets from above; perceptible wavering in the hostile army.
Now dark the whole horizon shows,
Yet here and there presageful glows
A ruddy and portentous ray;
The weapons gleam, distain’d with blood;
The atmosphere, the rock, the wood,
The heavens, mingle in the fray.
Firmly the right flank holds its ground;
Among them towering there I see
Stout Hans, the nimble giant, he
His wonted strokes now deals around.
First on one lifted arm I gaz’d,
A dozen now I see uprais’d:
Not nature’s laws are working here!
Of mist-wreaths hast not heard, above
The coast of Sicily that rove?
There hovering in daylight clear,
Uplifted in the middle air,
Mirror’d in exhalations rare,
A wondrous show the vision takes.
There cities waver to and fro,
There gardens rise, now high, now low,
As form on form through ether breaks.