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Betting on the Wrong Brother (What Happens in Vegas)

Page 6

by Cathryn Fox

  “Ryan,” she whispered, his look intimate, soft, full of emotion.

  “I need to see you,” he said.

  She shook her hair off her face, and his hand slipped between her legs to stroke her, his touch seducing more than just her senses. A moan ripped from her throat and seemed to do something to him. He growled and tugged on her hair, as he sat up, pulling her nipple into his mouth. His hands raced over her, as he bit down on her hard nub. Her head fell back. So much pleasure. There was nothing gentlemanly in the way he was taking her, but she loved every second of it. Ryan was rough, greedy, selfish in his demands, but he didn’t take without giving first. Her perfect romance hero. She swallowed her unease at that last thought, because this was just supposed to be sex.

  A storm rolled through her and her blood burned hotter than it ever had before. As she hovered on the precipice a second time, he fell back to the pillow, taking her down with him and crushing her against his chest.

  Euphoria hit and she ran her hands through his hair and grabbed a fistful as she let go.

  “Fuck,” he said as she clenched around him. “I’m there.” His mouth went to her neck, and his breath was hot on her flesh as he panted. He kissed her as they both came back to earth. With a gentleness that took her by surprise, and did the strangest things to her insides, he inched back, and pushed her hair from her forehead as he planted a warm, sweet kiss on her mouth. The tenderness in his actions caught her off guard, made her feel things the young boy had never, and gave her the impression that this grown up version of the teen she knew would never hurt her, never let her down.

  “You okay?” Her heart squeezed at the softness in his tone, the intimacy in the way he was looking at her.

  She drew a shaky breath, a new kind of need gathering in her stomach. “Yeah,” she whispered, trying not to feel…anything…for him. A difficult task, considering the way he’d just made love to her. Made love?

  Could it have been?

  He reached for her hands, his fingers sliding through hers as he lifted them over her head. His grin turned mischievous as he shifted and adjusted the cups of her bra back over her breasts. “Next time I’ll try to go slower. But Jesus, Andi.” He toyed with the bra strap. “I just couldn’t seem to help myself with you. I’ve never been so crazed or lost it so fast before.”

  Her throat constricted. Maybe she’d wanted him to lose it. Maybe she’d come to his room dressed in something skimpy under the guise of payback, because on a deeper level she wanted this to happen. Wanted to pretend to be something she wasn’t just to experience his brand of lovemaking. And now…well…now she was pretty damn sure she was in over her head. Oh God, what had she gone and gotten herself in to? The bliss she felt from her climax disappeared. She couldn’t fall for him again. She just couldn’t.

  He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” she said, forcing a smile. “Just thirsty.”

  “Let me get cleaned up, then I’ll get you something to drink.” He jumped from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. The water in the bathroom sink turned on, rushing as fast as her thoughts.

  God, did he have to be so sweet and considerate?

  She sat up and looked around the room, catching sight of her torn panties. Her heart slammed harder. She’d made a mistake coming here. She never should have let this happen. How could she have crawled into bed with a guy like Ryan?

  She pushed the covers off, grabbed her panties from the floor and pulled on her robe. The sight of her lingerie brought back the things she’d said to him. There is nothing I like better than a big T-bone. Really? Seriously? Who said crap like that? If her heroine had said something so stupid or cheesy, she’d have tossed her off a cliff. T-bone. God!

  Tip toeing, she crossed the room, opened the door, and winced against the bright light. She stepped into the hall and was about to close the door behind her, but her hand stilled on the doorknob. Blood rushed to her face when her glance met with a hallway full of spectators.

  Oh. My. God.

  “Is everything okay?” a man dressed in a black suit and gold nametag asked.

  “Yes,” she managed to croak out. She looked over the crowed, recognizing a few familiar faces from past conferences.

  “We heard moans,” one of the woman said. She looked past Andi’s shoulders. “That’s the room that is supposed to be haunted, so we thought…but I guess…” she let her words fall off, and Andi was thankful that she didn’t state the obvious. Someone chuckled and more doors opened in the hallway.

  Why oh why couldn’t she have plummeted to her death on the elevator?

  A hand landed on her waist, strong and protective. “There’s nothing to see here,” Ryan said, moving her so she stood behind him. “You can all go back to your rooms.”

  “But we heard—” someone began.

  “I don’t know what you think you heard, but the show’s over,” he said, effectively ending the conversation. “Good night.”

  The concierge shooed everyone away, and gave them both an apologetic look before he climbed into the elevator. Once the hall cleared, Ryan turned to her. He touched her cheek, his palm warm and comforting.

  “You okay?”

  “No,” she said, sure she’d never be okay again, but not because she’d gotten caught sneaking out of Ryan’s room, but because of him.

  His voice dropped. “Where are you going?”

  “I just…” her words fell off. Think Andi, think. “I have a bit of work to do before my meetings tomorrow.”

  His thumb brushed her cheek, but the look on his face told her he didn’t believe her. “Okay,” he said, and she was grateful he didn’t press. He dropped a soft kiss to her forehead and stood outside her door as she let herself in.

  “Night, Andi.”

  “Night,” she said and tried not to look at him. If she did, she’d want an encore performance. She couldn’t let that happen because she liked everything about him, from the way he’d taken her in his bed, to the way he’d come to her rescue just now. There were so many sides to this grown up version of the boy she’d fallen for, and she liked them all. Come morning he’ll likely be flying out of town, once again leaving her to deal with the things she was beginning to feel for him. And honestly, that was for the best this time. She never should have slept with him. She should have been stronger.

  But when push came to shove, he pushed her, and she shoved him—right onto his damn bed.

  Chapter Six

  After seeing Andi back to her room, Ryan tossed and turned in his bed, unable to shut his brain down. Normally he fell into a deep sleep after sex, but this time he was wide awake, running over the events of the night. He couldn’t believe that Andi had shown up at his door and seduced him, but he was damn well glad that she had.


  Jesus, she was so sweet and sexy, and he wanted more. If only she hadn’t run from his room, sneaking away under the cover of darkness, then making up some lame excuse about work. Why, exactly, had she run away?

  He wanted to sleep with her, wake up, and go another couple more rounds between the sheets before they started their day. In fact, he wanted to get to know her better. He stilled. He wanted to get to know her better? When had the self-proclaimed bachelor ever wanted to get to know a woman outside the bedroom, and what was it about Andi that suddenly had him going soft around the edges?

  He rolled and caught her scent on the pillow. Shit. Pulling it over his face, he breathed deep, wanting her beneath him again. Or on top. Didn’t matter. He’d be happy either way. Kicking the sheets off, he rolled around for the better part of the night, dozing temporarily, his dreams a confusing mix of moans, ghosts, and a naked Andi.

  Eventually, light drifted in through the crack in his curtains, pulling him fully awake, even though he was still exhausted. He sat up slowly and stretched. Perhaps a good hard run on the treadmill would tire him out. Then he could grab a quick nap before he put a few words down on paper. He also needed to c
all his agent, Cassandra Kent. She lived in L.A. and wanted to drive to Vegas to meet up with him later in the week. She’d booked a stay at the hotel for the weekend and planned to do some sight seeing.

  First though, he needed to get in touch with his pregnant sister. He grabbed his cell, swiped his finger across the screen and pressed on her contact. He walked to his window to look out as the phone rang.

  “Jack,” Allie said when she answered the phone. “Nice to hear from you.”

  Even though his family still called him by his first name, they were careful about keeping his identity and the location of his home a secret. “Hey Allie cat,” he said, tugging at the curtain to see the Strip below. “Sorry I didn’t call last night. I was tied up.”

  “Tied up, huh?” she teased. “Were there ghostly moans involved?”

  “Very funny. I was doing a bit of investigative research and lost track of time.” It was a partial truth. He was investigating Andi’s hot body. And the moans involved, ghostly or not, were none of her business.

  “Katie missed you last night,” Allie said.

  Ryan smiled. God, he loved that kid. His sister Allie was only a young teen when their parents had died in a crash, and hadn’t seen as much of the fighting or cheating as he and Nolan had. It was a volatile household, and Ryan took the brunt of the beatings to keep his siblings protected.

  Like his grandparents, his parents fought constantly, had affairs, saw the bottom of too many bottles, went to counseling, and then made up, only for it to start all over again. It was a vicious cycle, one filled with heartache and pain, for all those involved. He and his brother had seen too much over the years and had witnessed constant disloyalty. For that reason alone he didn’t believe in happily ever after—and had vowed never to get married and end up in a relationship like their parents. Ironic that they’d died in a crash on their way to counseling. Maybe it was the universe’s way of saying some things couldn’t be fixed.

  After their deaths, Allie had gone through some rough times. As the oldest brother, Ryan had tried to do his best to raise her, but she’d gotten herself in with the wrong crowd and soon found herself pregnant. Giving birth to Katie had changed Allie for the better, matured her, and now she was with a good man who treated her well and raised Katie like she was his own. He had no idea how long the relationship would last, and even though Allie assured him it was for the long haul, he was prepared to be there for her and help pick up the pieces when it all came crashing down. Like it always did.

  He heard Katie chattering in the background. “Put her on,” he said.

  “She only has a minute. We were just on our way out to day camp. It’s princess week.”

  “Uncle Jack,” Katie squealed into the phone.

  “Hey kiddo. Sorry I didn’t call last night. I’ll be home soon, though.”

  “Seven days,” she said.

  He grinned. “Then we’ll have that sleepover I’ve been promising.”

  “With scary movies?” she asked, her voice sounding muffled as she whispered. Ryan heard Allie’s warning in the background. “Mommy wants you,” she said.

  “No scary movies,” Allie said.

  Ryan laughed. “Come on, I know better.”

  “She’s anxious for you to be back,” Allie said.

  So was he. He’d been gone for nearly a month now. “How are you feeling?”

  This time she laughed, and it warmed him to hear the happiness in her voice. “Like a damn whale.”

  His smile fell, his thoughts shifting. “Has Nolan made it home yet?” He could shoot his brother a text, but if he was in the air it would be hours before he got it. Plus he’d rather have a phone conversation with him since he hated texting.

  “He gets in today. Hang on. Katie, don’t forget your crown.” A rustling sound and then, “Why?”

  Ryan dropped the curtain and walked over to the sink. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. “I wanted to ask him something.”


  “Are you Nolan?”

  “No, but I’m nosey.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Just ask.” He could almost see her rolling her eyes. Typical Allie move.

  He ran his hand through his hair and looked at his mussed bed. “Does the name Andi Palmer ring a bell?”

  “Hmm, no I don’t think so. Should it?”

  “No, not really.” Maybe she wasn’t from Cedar Point. Maybe she wasn’t the girl he thought she was at all. “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Is this the girl that had you tied up last night?”

  “None of your business.”

  “You’ve never asked about a girl before. Is this one for keeps?”

  Good God, Allie never gave up on trying to get him hitched. It was her life’s mission to prove to him and Nolan that true love and happiness existed. He shook his head and grinned. “Just tell Nolan to give me a call when he gets in.”

  “Will do.”

  “I’ll see you at the end of the week and make sure you don’t go into labor until I get home.”

  “Not sure I have any control over that, but I’ll do my best, Jack,” she said, her voice going soft, emotional. “Katie is excited for the baby, but I think she’s more excited to stay with you and Nolan overnight when I’m in the hospital. You guys spoil her.”

  “Tell her I love her and I’ll see you all at the end of the week.” He hung up, pulled on his gym gear and tossed a towel into his duffle bag. Stifling a yawn, he crossed his room, and listened to the laughter and voices in the hallway, presumably as the convention got under way.

  There were a bunch of women from the night before at the end of the hall by the stairs. Maybe he’d take his chance with the elevator. He jabbed the button and when the doors opened, he stepped on.

  “Hang on,” a familiar female voice said, and he stuck his arm out to keep the doors open.

  A breathless Andi jumped in with him. “Oh,” she said when she saw him standing there. She adjusted her bag higher on her shoulder and gripped the straps like it was some sort of lifeline. “I didn’t…I mean…the stairs.” The doors pinged shut and she stood there staring at him, her mouth opening and closing. After the suggestive things she’d said to him last night, he had no idea why she was struggling for words, or staring at him like a damn deer in the headlights.

  Coming to her rescue, he poised his hand over the numbers. “Going down?”

  Heat crawled into her face at the double entendre. Okay, maybe that wasn’t really coming to her rescue. But dammit, she looked so sexy when she was rattled.

  “Lobby please,” she said.

  He pressed the lobby button, deciding to ride down with her, even though he was going to the mezzanine level to the gym. “After yesterday, I’m surprised you’re taking the elevator.”

  “Stairwell was busy, so I thought I’d take my chances.”

  He nodded, and looked her over, taking in her coral blouse and short white skirt as his glance fell to her sandals, to those red painted toes. He bit back a groan. Fuck, she was a crazy combination of sweet and sexy. His eyes moved back to her face, to the dark smudges under her eyes that not even makeup could hide. Had she been up all night agonizing over her walk of shame back to her room? She had no reason to be embarrassed. They were consenting adults who could do what they wanted.

  “Look,” she began. “What happened last night was—”

  “Something I want to happen again,” he said and dropped his duffle bag. He stepped close, and she sucked in a quick breath and moved back. What the hell? Why the cold shoulder this morning? Damned if he’d be having any of that. “I want to get to know you better, Andi.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she mumbled under her breath as she put more distance between them.

  “What?” he asked, his head jerking back. “What are you talking about? Last night was good, damn good, so I don’t know why you’re acting like this today.”

  A loud grinding noise sounde
d and he almost missed what she mumbled next. “Don’t you have a plane to catch, flyboy?”

  Why the hell would he have a plane to catch? Flyboy? Didn’t she mean soldier boy? His brother was the flyboy, not him. “Andi—”

  She extracted herself from his arms. “I know who you are, okay,” she blurted out.

  He stiffened. Was she talking about his writing identity? Had he left something in his room to give away who he really was? Maybe she was another crazy stalker chick who wanted to get close to him. Nah. She clearly had him mixed up with someone else. “You do?”

  “Yeah, and last night shouldn’t have happened.”


  “It was a mistake…” she murmured, a grinding sound drowned her next words but he was sure she mumbled something about backfiring.

  What had backfired?

  “I don’t think it was a mistake.”

  “Well, I do.”

  “Okay, then, will you let me try something, and if you don’t like it I’ll stop.”

  She eyed him. “What are you talking about?”

  He pressed the stop button on the panel, then stepped into her. “Let me kiss you.”


  “Why not?” He shrugged. “If last night was a mistake, then kiss me and prove you feel nothing.”

  She planted one hand on her hip. “Fine then.”

  He dipped his head and pressed his lips to her. She stiffened, but he slid his tongue along her lips to coax them open. He cupped her face, running the pad of his thumb over her flushed cheek and when her body melted against his, his tongue found its way inside. He kissed her, softly at first but when she moaned, responding to the heat they generated, he deepened it.

  Christ, she tasted good. Like minty toothpaste and cotton candy. He groaned, and her bag fell from her shoulder as her hand slipped around his back. The warmth of her touch sent heat rocketing through him, frying the last of his working brain cells. With his fingers splayed, his hands left her face, slid around her back and gripped her hair, wrapping it around his hand. The sweet scent of berry shampoo reached his nose and he inhaled. God he needed more. So fucking much more. A slight tug had her lifting her mouth higher to him, and his tongue slashed against her.


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