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The Red Veil Diaries (Volumes 1-4)

Page 2

by Marianne Morea

  Her lips parted and she spared a glance at Edie, ready to explain her reasons for leaving, but changed her mind. Embarrassing the little twit was petty.

  Miguel handed Rose her coat check receipt. “Generosa.” He smiled. “You’re parents named you well. A generous spirit inside a beautiful woman.”

  Was this guy for real? Who cares? He’s hot! Then why is he talking to me?

  Her brain went back and forth with every cynical thought she could conjure. Old habits begged her to walk away or go bitch squad on Miguel and call bullshit, but she wouldn’t give Edie the satisfaction.

  She slipped the little green coat check into her purse. “Why not.” She smiled up into his face. “One drink more won’t hurt.”


  Pop! The waitress wiggled the top from their second bottle of Cristal before handing the cork to Miguel. The four had talked for over an hour and it was nearing midnight.

  “Deseo que usted y su novio mucha felicidad,” Miguel said, handing Cassandra her refill. “One more toast to wish you and your future husband a lifetime of happiness.”

  “Fill’er up, honey. I love champagne,” Edie added lifting her glass for the waitress to top off. “It’s my go to drink. That or a good martini.” She took a large sip and sneezed, dribbling and coughing at the same time.

  “Now that’s class.” Cassie laughed, handing her a wad of napkins. “Proving once again it’s possible to look sexy and stupid at the same time.”

  Cassie clinked glasses with Rose.


  Miguel laughed. “It’s okay, Edie” he said taking the glass from her hand so she could wipe her face and neck. “The bubbles tickle my nose, too.”

  “Is that why you’re not drinking?” Rose asked, her own head a little fuzzy from the wine.

  He put Edie’s champagne flute on the table. “There are many ways to intoxicate, and for me most of them start and end with you tonight.” Miguel’s eyes locked with hers and Rose didn’t dare look away.

  “It sounds as though you have a challenging career. It must be rewarding to know you are responsible in part for taking predators from the street. Innocents are not always held as sacred, and they should be, regardless of circumstance. No one should ever walk in fear of what lurks in the shadows.”

  She stared at his mouth and the way emotion played in his eyes and his expression.

  “You sound as though you’ve had experience with this. Are you a prosecutor as well?”

  He laughed shaking his head. “No, unfortunately my nature is not as noble as yours, or at least not inherently, though I’m working on it. Perhaps you will be a good influence.”

  Pushing himself from his seat, Miguel trailed his fingers over her arm as he stood. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.”

  Three sets of eyes tracked him as he walked down the short set of stairs toward the dancefloor.

  “If you don’t jump his bones tonight I’m having your lady card revoked. He is so into you it’s not even funny!”

  Rosie sighed, shaking her head. “Forget it Cass. It’s a classic bait and switch.”

  “A what?”

  Rose shifted on the couch to face her sister. “He’s only flirting with me to make hot pants here feel rejected and vulnerable. That way she’s easy to pluck.” She jerked a thumb toward Edie.

  “Easy? You can’t get any easier than Edie. Talk about no effort required.”

  “Hey! I require effort.”

  Cassie snorted. “I hate to break it to you, but a bottle of cheap wine and a drive along the beach for a quick toss does not qualify you as hard won.”

  She covered her sister’s hand with hers. “I’ve never seen anyone less interested in Edie or anyone else for that matter, or more interested in you. Face it Rosie, he wants you.”

  I don’t know, Cass. It’s too easy. There’s got to be a catch.”

  “Exactly,” Edie interjected, but Cassie ignored her.

  “What catch? If it turns out to be a one night stand, so what? At least you’ll have a secret smile and something to dream about for the rest of your life.” She squeezed Rose’s hand. “Look at Michael and me. I thought he was a one night stand and now we’re getting married.”

  “I don’t know, Cassie. What if he turns out to be a creep or a psycho? I prosecute creeps every day, but they’re in custody. I’m not sure I could handle one still on the loose.”

  Cassie waved her off. “You’re always telling me I’m the one with the witchy genes in the family and my sixth sense is telling me he’s good.” She winked. “In more ways than one!”

  Rose smirked, shaking her head. “Not buying it, Cass.”

  “Come on, Ro. I never told you this, but in middle school I would sneak your romance novels from your bedroom when you were in college and read them under my covers. No one else knew you were into them, but I did.”

  Rose exhaled. “My class load was mind-numbing back then. I needed something to sweep me away from all the dry reading and they were the perfect escape. They still are.”

  Cassie chuckled, lifting one hand. “Hey, you’re preaching to the choir. I’ve been hooked ever since.”

  Rose let out a warm laugh. “You were what? Twelve? Mom would kill me if she knew.”

  “Classic. New York’s up and coming Assistant District Attorney reads trash romance.” Edie smirked draining her drink.

  Cassie crumbled her napkin and threw it at her. “It’s a billion dollar industry, smarty pants. Don’t poke fun at it.”

  Edie clicked the inside of her cheek. “I don’t know about books or industry, but I could certainly go for a guy with a billion dollars.”

  “Yeah, well. Try the subgenre on taming the billionaire. You might learn something.” Cassie dismissed her, turning her attention back to Rose.

  “You always talked to me about life’s what ifs. This is your chance to live your own spontaneous romantic scenario. If you let this opportunity pass, you’ll end up regretting it. If only because you didn’t let it play out.”

  “Speaking of fun and games, this place is a washout and I think it’s time to leave.” Edie looked at Cassie. “You coming?”

  She nodded gathering her things. “Yes, but only so Rose has more room to maneuver. Three’s a crowd.”

  “Three can be fun.” Edie snickered.

  “Hey, let’s start with one and see where it goes.”

  “Wait…I haven’t said I want this.”

  Cassie laughed getting up. “Oh, you want this, Rose. It’s written all over you. Just relax and let it happen.” Leaning over she gave her sister’s cheek a peck. “Call me tomorrow. I want details.”


  “Are you both leaving?” Miguel asked passing the two girls as he walked back across the floor.

  Cassandra nodded. “I’ve got work in the morning,” she said, lightly elbowing Edie.

  “Uhm…yeah. Early shift.”

  “What about your sister? Is she leaving as well?”

  “Not yet. She wanted to finish her drink and wait for you to say goodnight.” She paused, eyeing him. “Take care of her. My fiancé’s a cop, and we’ll find you if you don’t.”

  He laughed. “Of that I have no doubt.” With a nod he turned and headed back toward their table.

  Rose watched him approach. He was elegance in motion. Sinuous and graceful, yet there was something mysterious and dangerous about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it made her blood race.

  “And then there were two,” she said with a chuckle as he slid into the seat beside her.

  He was so close she smelled the scent of his skin, the underlying maleness of him and her heart pounded with nervous energy.

  Lifting the bottle of champagne, he poured her another glass. “You’re uncomfortable,” he said handing her the flute. “There’s no need to be.”

  She shrugged, taking the glass from him. “I’m not used to all this attention. Even in the courtroom I try to keep a low profile. As you might have guessed, Ed
ie is usually the one who attracts the men whenever we go out.”

  “A man would have to be blind not to notice her, but she’s too obvious. I prefer the understated, and I can sense the extraordinary in a crowd of thousands. Edie may attract most men, but I’m not most men.”

  Rose warmed to him. “I think that’s an understatement.”

  He smiled almost sensing the shift. “We can sit here and talk all night if you wish, or we can find other ways to get to know each other.”

  He stressed the words in such a seductive tone it made her panties damp.

  “The choice is yours, querida.”

  More than a little unsettled, Rose lifted her eyes from his intense gaze and focused on the beautiful music floating in from the speakers.

  “What a lovely sound.”

  He smiled and in one fluid moment he stood, holding his hand out. “Dance with me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so, Miguel. I’m not what you would call graceful.”

  He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. “You’ll be fine. Trust me, no one will even know we’re on the dance floor. We are the only two that matter.”

  His words struck her as strange, but she followed him to the dance floor, her strapless dress fluid around her full curves as she walked. He circled the small corner of the dance floor with her before slipping his arm around her waist, spinning her with him to the beat.

  A gorgeous melody played and the strains from a twelve string guitar filled her ears, leaving her as breathless as the feel of his chest and thighs.

  As Miguel moved with her to the music, shocks jolted her lower belly making her panties wet.

  Oh God, was she that hard up that a simple dance could send her crashing toward climax?

  He tightened his grip and his lips found hers. He kissed her softly at first, but when she sighed in his arms he bit her lower lip, sliding his tongue into her mouth to taste her, urging their kiss deeper.

  Rose knew they weren’t alone on the dance floor regardless of what Miguel said, but she didn’t care. Her lower body pulsed with such need she pressed her body to his, aching.

  “You’re beautiful, Rose,” he murmured, skimming one hand over her waist to gently caress the side of her breast, his thumb grazing her nipple before his fingers traveled to cup the side of her face.

  He kissed her again, deeper. “I’m finding it harder and harder to resist you.”

  This was happening too fast and she knew it, but she didn’t dare stop it. “Then don’t,” she murmured back.

  She was leading him on, but she didn’t care. Wherever this went, she would follow.

  “Then tell me your deepest desire, what you crave, right here, right now.”

  His words rained over her and she gasped as images of their bodies entwined filled her head. No one had ever asked her what she wanted. Not like this.

  “I want to be seduced, taken.”

  His hands roamed her full curves, gliding over the thin fabric of her dress, electrifying her senses as his teeth and tongue nipped and grazed her bare shoulders.

  “Now tell me your deepest fear, your secret shame, right here, right now.”

  She sucked in a breath at the feel of his mouth against the hollow of her throat. It was as if she’d been hypnotized and Miguel had control. “That you’ll reject me. Use me and discard me.”


  Her scent overwhelmed him and Miguel bit back on the urge to drag her to the nearest dark corner. Even from a distance he sensed her longing and her discontented abstinence, and the combination was irresistible.

  He hadn’t fed in days, and the smell of her fresh arousal made his mouth water and his teeth tingle. One word echoed through his brain. Mine. He had to have her, even if it meant glamouring her into submission and breaking his own rule.

  Miguel’s body moved with hers, foreplay set to music. He led her, walking her backward toward a door marked private at the backend of the club.

  “Come. Let me be your fantasy as you are mine, tonight.”

  A thousand reasons buzzed through Rose’s lust-clouded brain why she should say no. Why she should bolt and run. She ignored them, throwing all rational thought to the wind.

  Miguel pressed his hand to a biometric keypad and the door snicked open. She walked across the threshold not knowing where it led.

  She stood with him in a dimly lighted antechamber of sorts. He slid his hand from hers to grip her shoulders, caressing her skin.

  “From here there’s no going back. Do you still want this? Still want me?”

  Throat dry, her only focus was the shape of his lips and the thought of his mouth and tongue on her body.

  “Yes,” she croaked.

  His eyes darkened, and he led her through an arched doorway to a large circular room. Inside were luxurious compartments, each divided and hidden behind semi-translucent veils of sheer red silk.

  Silhouettes of bodies twined and twisting met her wide stare and she froze. “What is this place? Where have you taken me?”

  “The Red Veil.” He paused. “The true Red Veil. This is the first of the infamous backrooms many whisper about. Here you can live out all your fantasies.”

  “The first?”

  He took her hand and pulled her close. “There are many, many rooms. Some of which are off limits even to me. They are not for the faint of heart.”

  He kissed her once more before spinning her around in his arms. His sweet breath fanned against the back of her throat and the base of her ear as his hands slid over her breasts, stopping to pinch her already hard nipples.

  “Look at their bodies, Rose. Hidden, yet a mere touch from us. See how they move and writhe in excruciating pleasure.”

  His hands released her breasts and slipped teasingly over her belly, gliding over her curves to the juncture between her legs.

  “Inhale, querida. It’s the tang of lust and tension and delicious release. Sex in the very air.”

  Rose reached behind with one arm fisting Miguel’s hair. She lifted her face, turning to pull his mouth to hers. She devoured his lips, sucking in his tongue and when she ran her own over the sharp edged tip of his fangs, she drew back.

  His dark chocolate eyes now held an aura of red and his pupils a cavernous black. She couldn’t look away, and the taste of her own blood on her tongue suddenly seemed sensuous and primal.

  “What are you?” she whispered.

  “I am what you crave in your darkest fantasies, what you’ve longed for. I am what you’ve only dreamed could be…until now.”

  Her disbelief nearly paralyzed her, but not enough for her to stay frozen in place. “I…I...don’t believe you,” she whispered. “It can’t be.” She shook her head, but couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  His eyes searched hers, the tips of his fangs peeking from under his upper lip. He lifted his chin and let her watch them retract into his gums. No deceit. No secrets.

  “The rumors are true. I am what you have heard, but I brought you here because I choose you, Rose. Of all the women here tonight, I want you and only you.”

  She exhaled, her eyes never leaving his. She had lied to Cassie. She was more than curious. This was a fantasy come to life.

  He held his arms out and she walked into his embrace and kissed him again, only this time he dragged his fangs over her bottom lip, grazing the sensitive flesh enough to bleed. He sucked her lip into his mouth and groaned with the taste of her.

  Miguel walked her to one of the rooms and parted the sheers. He stood her in front of an ornate floor mirror and let her see him in all his vampiric glory. His fangs, his red eyes and his need for her body and her blood, her wet juices and her sex.

  “I am very real, querida. As real as you are. He pressed her hand to the bulge in his pants and then leaned in to whisper at back of her ear. “As real as my cock is hard for you.”

  This was more surreal than she could ever imagine, and she was powerless to stop it even if she wanted. She was a freight train careening d
own the tracks.

  Slowly he unzipped her dress, letting the loose fabric puddle to the floor around her high heeled pumps. Rose kicked it to the side, and catching her mirror reflection in just her bra and panties, she immediately moved her arms from his neck to cover herself.

  “No, mi amor. I want to see you. All of you. I want you to see me love you, take you, feed from you. I want you to see yourself as I see you, as I make you come. I want you to see me as I empty myself deep within you.”

  He stripped, allowing her to turn to face him. “See me as I am. As I have been for nearly a century and a half.”

  Rose licked her lips at how beautiful Miguel was, not just his body, but his face and the glow in his eyes. He wanted her…truly wanted her.

  She circled him, taking in his sculpted chest and strong thighs, his firm ass and long, thick cock. He was magnificent, and with the way his dark hair cascaded to his shoulders, he looked like a Latino Adonis. A dark lion.

  “You find me amusing, mi amor?”

  Rose shook her head. “I find you astonishing. Extraordinary and indescribable. Both who you are and what you are. I should be frightened, and my rational mind rebels against what my senses tell me is truth, but I’m not afraid. Maybe I’m drunk with lust, or perhaps you’ve cast a spell on me, but I don’t care. You said my name suits me? Well yours is you incarnate. You are a lion ready to strike and I am your willing prey.”

  At her words Miguel sucked in a breath and his cock jerked. His fangs lengthened fully and he licked his lips.

  Excited fear spiraled into Rose’s belly along with the unbearable ache to have him, and the combination sent her juices dripping.

  “I smell your need, querida. Your panties are soaked with it. Take them off.”

  She did as she was told, unhooking her bra first and letting it fall to the floor. She then slipped her underwear down her thighs to her ankles and stepped out of them.

  “Come.” He held out his hand and led her to the plush chaise. He stood behind her again. “We all harbor secrets and passions that haunt us in the dark, which leave our bodies throbbing with unfulfilled want. Tonight I will quench that hunger in you as you will quench mine.”


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