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Seized: Trek Mi Q'an Book 1.5

Page 3

by Jaid Black

  Her breath caught in the back of her throat. It was him. Good lord in heaven—it was him! The same black leather outfit. No shirt. A bizarre necklace that pulsed in unnamable colors hanging around his neck. A necklace he was taking off…

  “What do you want?” she breathed out. Her stomach knotted as she locked gazes with him. Good lord, he was huge. Even bigger this close up than he’d been at a distance. He was tall—at least seven feet and probably bigger. His musculature was extreme—heavy, defined, and vein-roped. Not the kind of guy you wanted to meet up with in a dark alley. Definitely not the kind of guy you wanted to find standing before you while alone and unprotected in your hotel room wearing nothing but a towel.

  She frowned. He was also more handsome than she remembered him being. His face was perfect in its rugged, masculine beauty, his golden hair that hung to the middle of his back plaited off of his temples in a series of three braids. His skin was a tanned honey, his body as perfect as it was powerful.

  How ironic, she thought glumly, that she had been fated to die at the hands of a golden devil with the face of a ruggedly masculine angel. “Where is Kyra? Where is she!”

  He raised an eyebrow in such a way that she realized he didn’t understand her words any more than she had understood his. She felt his eyes boring into her cleavage, and then lower, as the towel was pulled away from her body by forces unseen. Slowly. Seductively…

  She gasped.

  His glowing blue gaze wandered up and down her nude body as he steadily made his way towards her. Perspiration broke out on her forehead. Her heartbeat went into overdrive.

  Run, idiot! Run and scream!

  Her mouth worked up and down, but nothing came out. Her eyes widened as he grew alarmingly closer. She was able to gasp again when he reached toward her with his gargantuan hands, but that was all she seemed able to do. That necklace—Help! He’s going to strangle me with it! Her heart was beating like a rock in her chest. He’s going to—

  The necklace clasped unforgivingly around her neck. She blinked, having expected something far more sinister. What the…?

  Geris’s wide, startled eyes flickered up to the giant’s. “What do you want?” she whispered, at last able to speak. A strange calm stole over her, accompanied by acute fatigue. She did nothing, was able to offer no resistance, as two vein-roped arms reached down for her.

  “You,” the giant murmured as his hands grasped her waist and bodily pulled her up the long length of him. “Only you.”

  She was given no time to register that statement, let alone make sense of it. His mouth came down on hers—hard and unyielding, yet soft and gentle. His tongue thrust between her lips, forcing them open. Her eyes widened further, her mind telling her to fight him, but her body, for reasons unknown, unable to resist.

  He palmed her buttocks as he kissed her, kneading them and squeezing them in his large, callused palms. He rocked her up and down, rubbing her clit against the erection bulging against his trousers. She whimpered, uncertain as to what she should do. Uncertain too as to why she still felt no fear.

  He kissed her until she was breathless, until her hands were wrapping around his neck as though they were meant to be there. Until she’d forgotten that he was her enemy and that she hated him.

  Until she was so tired that she passed out in his arms, dead to the world.

  * * * * *

  Geris awoke with a groan, her body feeling heavy as lead. Her eyes remained shut as she tried to think, tried to remember. Something wasn’t right here. Something was very wrong…

  The police, the giant hunting her down—

  The way she’d kissed him.

  Sweet Jesus, she was an idiot! What had she been thinking, kissing the very man she was certain had everything to do with Kyra’s disappearance? The odd thing was she hadn’t been thinking. It was like that man’s bizarre gaze had sucked all rational thought out of her head until she’d responded to him like some sex-crazed simpleton.

  Well no more, she thought, grimly. She would never…

  Wait a minute! she told herself. Last night had to have been a dream. She was certain of it. Because no way would she have kissed that lunatic back. Uh-uh. Not in a million years. No sir—

  “Good morn, nee’ka.”

  Well shit.

  “’Tis wondrous to have you all to myself at long last,” he murmured.

  Sacred Horse, where are you when a woman needs you?

  “Leastways, after we take Kita back to the planet from which he heralds, I will have you to myself anon.”

  He sure was chatty for a lunatic, Geris thought as her lips puckered into a frown. The man was talking to her as if they were lifelong best friends instead of bitter enemies.

  “Where,” she gritted out, getting right down to business, “is Kyra?” Her eyes flew open and clashed with the giant’s. Her nostrils flared as she regarded him. Damn it! Why did he have to be so fine? It should have been a law that all lunatics had to be butt-ugly. “Where the hell is…”

  She gasped, startled when she saw the second “face” hovering over the bed she’d been laid out—naked!—on. Sweet Jesus she was naked. Naked, and with a spotted guy who had a butt where his face should have been staring down at her, a beady little eye popping out of either cheek. She wanted to shield her body, but found to her dismay that the covers were quite a ways down the bed. She used her hands, as best as she could, instead. “What,” she bit out, her words evenly spaced through clenched teeth, “is that?”

  Sweet Jesus!

  The giant ran a hand through her long hair, eyeing the micro-braids they were plaited in as though he’d never seen the likes of them. And as though they—and she—were the most beautiful things he’d ever gazed upon. She frowned again, wondering how it was that she knew what he was feeling. Wondering too why his feelings were making her heart thump in a strange way.

  Who was the lunatic here? she thought grimly. Him or her?

  “‘Tis called a pugmuff,” the giant said in an absent tone as his hands played with her hair, then softly trailed over her face. “We will take my friend home anon, then will we continue onward to Tryston that you might greet my brother and be reunited with my sister-within-the-law. From there we will venture onward to our home on Ti Q’won, the low-hanging green moon.” He grinned. “Leastways, I will set you to hatching whilst there.”

  She blinked, not certain she was following the thread of the conversation. Also uncertain as to why she didn’t feel overwhelmed with the need to get up and run. Huffing, she threw his hands off of her face. “What in the hell are you talking about?” she shouted. “You don’t make any damn sense!”

  She could have sworn she saw him blush just before he glanced away. An act that left her feeling strangely…guilty. She’d hurt his feelings, she knew. She’d—

  Huh? Arrg! She didn’t even know him!

  “What are you talking about?” she asked in a calmer tone of voice. She intensely disliked this urge she felt to shield the man’s feelings, but there it was. “All I meant was that these words you are using—” She clamped a hand to her forehead and groaned. “I don’t know what they mean…hey wait a minute!” She gasped. “We’re not speaking in English!” Her eyes went a bit wild. “What in the name of God is going on here!”


  Wife. He’d called her wife. Good lord in heaven! And just how did she know that he’d called her that?

  “Where is Kyra?” she shouted as she jumped off of the extremely high bed and landed on her feet. She grabbed at the covers and pulled them around her. He frowned and snatched them off of her—without touching her!—somehow able to do it with his gaze alone. Just as he had done to the towel back in the hotel room before he’d stolen her away…

  “Who are you? What have you done to my mind? Where have you taken me?” Her eyes went lunatic-frantic. “And what in the hell is that awful smell!”

  She watched as the golden haired giant looked to the spotted little guy with the butt for
a head and frowned. “’Tis Kita’s mirth that causes the stench. And—”

  “Arrg! I don’t care, you idiot! Don’t be stupid! I want—”

  Geris stopped mid-tirade when she saw the giant’s face fall at her words. She could feel his pain as if it was her own. Like a knife right through the heart and a punch directly to the gut.

  “I’m sorry,” she heard herself whisper. She blinked. Why was she comforting him? It should have been the other way around! She was the one who’d been without her best friend for three years and now found herself kidnapped by one of the men who had snatched Kyra so cruelly away. And yet she heard herself say, “I don’t think you’re stupid. It’s just an expression that…”

  He smiled.

  Her words trailed off as she sank to the ground, her eyes wide and unblinking. “Sweet Jesus, what is going on?” she muttered. She wanted to cry. She’d never been more confused in her entire life. Tears that refused to fall gathered in her eyes as she looked up to the giant. “Please tell me what is going on.”

  * * * * *

  An hour after Kita took his leave, and thirty minutes after Geris had ranted and raved at her captor about how she’d never fall for the explanations he’d given her, she stared dumbly at the gargantuan man who’d tried to sell her on a gargantuan-sized tale. It was a bit hard to swallow. Then again, everything about this situation was a bit hard to swallow.

  “Let me see if I have this right,” she grumbled. “Kyra—a tax accountant by the way!—is an empress. She is married to that black-haired dude that kidnapped her. Oh and he just so happens to be the emperor of this so called galaxy you herald from.”

  She harrumphed when he nodded. “You live in Trek Mi Q’an, which means, literally translated, the galaxy of warriors.”

  He nodded again.

  Her teeth gnashed together. “More specifically, you live on the planet Tryston, a planet renowned in several dimensions”—her lips puckered as if she’d been sucking on lemons. Sweet Jesus, this man was as crazy as the medium Magda!—“for its healing sands and warriors.”

  “Aye, ‘tis true your words.”

  She rubbed her temples and sighed. He still hadn’t let her shield her nudity from him with the covers, which made her sigh all the more. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Aye, my hearts.”

  She frowned, not caring for what the sweet things he’d been insistently calling her by since her capture did to her stomach. Like make it pleasurably knot. What in the name of God was with that?

  Sweet Jesus, this was nuts! All of it. From her bizarre reactions to him to the whopper of a tale he’d just told, everything felt insane. His story, if it could be believed, was as crazy as tall tales come:

  A bridal necklace that made it possible for her to understand what was being said to her, and for him to understand what she was saying to him.

  Sacred Mates—they had allegedly been decreed since birth “by the fates” to be married.

  A best friend who was an empress.

  A planet of warriors who ruled an entire galaxy.

  An alien—she had been kidnapped and was to be forcibly married to an alien!

  And yet…

  She sighed. And yet in some bizarre way, it all made sense. She had not, in fact, been able to understand his words until that weird necklace cum translation device had been clasped about her neck. And that pugmuff creature—it was safe to say that anything with two butts was not from earth.

  But if the story was true, then there was a piece of it that left her feeling decidedly dismal. “Why did Kyra wait so long to send you to come and get me?” She swallowed past the lump in her throat as she glanced away, her usual formidable exterior showing signs of vulnerability. “I mean, the Kyra I know would have missed me long before three years,” she murmured.

  It was her worst nightmare come to life. The best friend she’d searched the globe for hadn’t wanted to be found. Had, in fact, abandoned her and their friendship for another life altogether.

  “I know not your meaning.” She glanced up in time to see the giant’s—Dak’s—forehead wrinkle. “Kyra did grant me passage to claim you immediately after her knowing period, the time she spent with my brother afore he resumed his duties.”

  Geris released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. “Oh.” It was all she could think to say.

  “’Tis different, your time from ours.”

  She tensed up when he came down on his knees and sat beside her, the muscles in his thighs flexing from underneath the black leather-like trousers he wore. He held out his hands and threaded them through her hair, gently massaging her scalp as he pulled her close against his chest.

  She blinked. He was attempting to comfort her and she wasn’t certain what she should feel about this show of caring. It was hard for her to trust others. It was impossible for her to trust someone she barely knew. Wasn’t it?

  What in the hell was he trying to do to her! He’d kidnapped her for goodness sake!

  No matter how horribly she treated him—and she’d said quite a few nasty things after he’d first delivered his incredible tale—he still wanted to be near her. Most men would have given up after the first tongue-lashing. This one had survived three already and showed no signs of weakening or wanting to go away.

  Since the age of five Geris had believed in no one and nothing except for Kyra, and of course, Kyra’s younger sister Kara. Perhaps it was low self-esteem. Perhaps it was a fear of abandonment. Perhaps it was both. But for whatever reason, she had always felt as if there was something fundamentally unlovable about her. And now this man, this virtual stranger…this alien…was trying to make her feel things after a couple of hours in his presence that no man she’d dated had made her feel after months.

  Like maybe there was something lovable about her after all. Like maybe the ice that was her heart wasn’t as impenetrable as she’d thought.

  Her spine went rigid when he brushed two micro-braids behind her ear.

  “Our days are much longer than are yours, nee’ka. What was three years to you was more like three months to us. I vow to you that Kyra did want you back from the beginning. She detested being separated from you.”

  She closed her eyes at the caring in his voice. This was so overwhelming. It was too much to take in.

  He tugged at her hands until they fell limply at her sides, no longer shielding her breasts from his touch. Her eyes flew open and widened on a gasp as his large, callused hands rested on her breasts, the thumbs gently stroking her nipples.

  She raised her head from his chest. Their gazes clashed. She gulped.

  “I have waited nigh unto forever to find you,” Dak murmured. His glowing blue gaze did something strange to her insides, making her skin tingle a second before she was whisked by forces unseen from the floor of the room into his lap. She yelped, her arms instinctively flying around his neck. “Forever is finally here,” he whispered.

  Oh damn but he had a way with words. And what’s worse, she thought nervously, was that she knew he felt exactly what he’d just said. She still didn’t understand precisely how the bridal necklace she wore worked, but she was well aware of the fact that it was somehow able to convey his emotions to her.

  His mouth came down on hers as though he couldn’t help himself, his eyes closing at the same moment his tongue thrust between her lips. She whimpered, pushing at his solid chest, her mind wanting to fight him off but her body and her heart very much wanting to succumb.

  He played with her naked body as he kissed her senseless, drugging kisses that had the effect of robbing her of what she had left of her wits. His hands toyed with her intimate places, exploring and surveying what she knew he considered to be his. She felt like a doll. Like a living, breathing doll the giant had found and would never give up.

  It was unnervingly arousing.

  He massaged her breasts and nipples, squeezed the soft, full globes of her ass, then went lower, teasing her pussy lips, his mouth working
over hers the entire time, his tongue thrusting and retreating over and over again…

  She gasped as his thumb began working her clit in small, firm circles. Geris’s mind screamed to stop, but the longer she kissed him, the less resistant she felt towards him and his touch.

  Breathing heavily, he tore his lips from hers and stood up. He whispered in her ear as he carried her toward the bed. “You are wet for me, nee’ka. Your body craves mine as much as mine craves yours.”

  Sweet Jesus. She wished she could say the man was lying.

  She opened her eyes as she wet her lips, not bothering to deny the attraction she felt towards the golden-haired giant. He deposited her on the edge of the raised bed and forcibly spread her thighs apart. He didn’t touch her for long moments, simply stared at her exposed flesh.

  The effect was a heady one. Geris’s breathing grew labored as arousal swamped all of her senses. Her dark nipples stabbed upward in reaction, jutting toward the ceiling. “Touch me,” she heard herself murmur. “Touch my body.”

  Later she would deal with what she’d just done. Later she would tell herself how foolish she’d been to invite further intimacy with him. Later. Much, much later…

  On a groan, Dak’s face dove for her pussy, causing her head to limply fall back against the bedding. Her hips instinctually reared up as she ground her flesh into his face. He must have liked her reaction for inaudible growling sounds erupted from his throat as he feasted on her cunt.

  “Oh goodness,” Geris gasped, spreading her thighs impossibly wider. She couldn’t open her eyes right now if her life depended upon it. He slurped her clit into his warm mouth, sucking on the swollen piece of flesh as his hands kneaded her thighs. “Oh lord.”

  His lips latched onto her clit like a kid sucking on a piece of candy, never letting go. She moaned gutturally, her hips rocking back and forth as if trying to mash her pussy against his face.

  He sucked on her harder, and harder still. He growled into her cunt as he feverishly milked her clit, his lips and tongue working her body into a frenzy.


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