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Falling for the Groomsman

Page 5

by Diane Alberts

  “Yes.” He shifted closer, his grip on her hair getting tighter. He thought he had her ensnared. She could see in his eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I even dreamed about you last night. About how fucking amazing you tasted. How alive you were in my arms. Hell, I even dreamed about the way you cried out my name in Mexico when you came all those years ago. About how tight you felt around me… That’s something I could never get out of my head, no matter how hard I’ve tried.”

  She swallowed down the moan that tried to escape and chugged the last of her martini just in time for the bartender to bring the new one Tyler had ordered for her. She slipped her hand into his pocket, took her phone back, and then hopped off the stool. “Well, keep dreaming, because that’s the only time you’ll get to touch me, or hear me cry out in pleasure, again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to work on my list.”

  New martini in hand, she walked off with her head held high. If her entire body was screaming for her to turn around and straddle him, right here in the freaking bar, well, it could piss off.

  She wasn’t giving in.

  Chapter Six

  Damn it all to hell, that woman was stubborn. He could fucking see the desire in her eyes and yet she pushed him away again. Refused to give in to the white-hot passion burning between them.

  Tyler downed his drink and handed the empty glass back to the bartender. “I’ll have another, please.”

  For a second there, he’d thought he had her. But she’d rallied and held him off, her adorable nose pointed up in the air the whole time. When he’d thought that she had a man back home, an inexplicable rage had filled him. Jealousy, too. Lots of ugly green Hulk jealousy.

  After all this time, he still ached to have her. Any other woman in his life had trouble holding his attention for longer than an hour, yet with Christine…being back in her company made him feel as if he’d never stopped thinking about her. Never stopped wanting her.

  That had to mean something.

  “I wasn’t sure if you two would be leaving together or what.” Colton sat beside him. “Fuck, man. What were you up to over here? A battle of wills, sex edition?”

  Tyler shook his head and forced a laugh. “Nah. We were just talking.”

  “Sure you were.” Colt looked at Christine, as if he was trying to read her. Good luck with that. You’d have better luck reading an ancient, unknown language. “You guys had a thing before, right?”

  Tyler choked on his drink. When he could breathe again, he rasped, “No. Why? Who said something?”

  “No one.” Colt shrugged. “Okay, Kady kind of did. But not really.”

  “That doesn’t even make sense,” Tyler said, patience just barely there. “What do you mean?”

  Colt grinned. “She told me something happened in Mexico that neither of you would talk about. I think she’s avoiding the answer staring her in the face. It’s not like it takes much to put two and two together.”

  Tyler forced a laugh. “Well, maybe you should check your math. There’s nothing going on between us.”

  Colt said nothing. Just arched a brow.

  Uncomfortable with the silence, Tyler shifted in his seat. Now would be as good a time as any for the big brother talk he needed to have with Colt. Turning the attention away from him and Christine was simply an added bonus. “So, we’ve been friends for a long time.”

  Colt scratched the back of his head and leaned on the bar. “Uh, yeah.”

  “And you know I like you.”

  Colt’s brow lifted. “Yeah…look, if this is about the whole ‘being in love with your sister’ thing, it’s a little late to—”

  “No. It’s not that.” Tyler narrowed his eyes on Colt. “Even though I like you, I need to know you’ll take care of Kady. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid, but make sure she’s not scared to take risks. Treat her like a princess, but not so much so that she forgets what it’s like to live. Don’t make her cry. Don’t break her heart. And above all…”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Tyler saw Christine cross the room and smile at some tall dude. Why was she flirting with that guy instead of him? Was this all part of her “list”? If her list was all about ways to piss him off, or getting him turned on before walking away…well, she was winning. Hands fucking down.

  Colt cleared his throat. “If you’re done glowering at Christine, I’d love to hear the rest of that sentence.”

  Tyler forced his attention back on Colt. He needed to stop being so damned obvious. “And above all, don’t make me have to kill you. I’m a doctor—I can get creative.”

  Colt laughed. “I’ll do my best. But since it is now my goal to make her smile as often as possible, I think I’m safe from your creative ways.”

  “Seriously, man.” Tyler forced his attention back to Colt. “I’m not fucking around about this. Make her happy, or answer to me.”

  Colt’s smile faded and he locked gazes with Tyler. “I know. I will.”

  “Good.” Tyler signaled the bartender, satisfied now that he’d had his little talk with Colt. “I’d hate to have to hurt you.”

  Colt clapped him on the shoulder. “Me too, man.”

  “Now that we’ve gotten that over with, how about a drink?” Tyler asked. “God knows I need one.”

  “Did I hear something about a drink?” Brock, one of the other groomsmen, asked. “Because I could definitely go for one of those.”

  Brock sat down, and Logan did the same. Reed trailed behind a little more slowly. His attention was focused across the room, perhaps on…Julie? Hmm. That would make for an interesting pairing. He didn’t know the other three groomsmen very well. Brock and Reed had grown up near where Colt’s dad settled in Tennessee, and Colt had gone to college with Logan. But what he knew of them, he liked.

  Reed was a cop and looked more likely to shoot than to ask questions with his dark looks. Brock was a quintessential Southern boy, complete with charm and charisma. And Logan? The guy looked like he’d be equally at home hanging from a rock face or facing down a boardroom. Out of all of them, Tyler related to him the most.

  They were both happily married to their careers.

  Logan sat on the empty barstool next to Tyler. “Evening, gentlemen. Refresh my memory. What’s on tomorrow’s agenda? Mountain biking, poker…what was it again?”

  “Scavenger hunt. Tomorrow afternoon,” Tyler said. “You ready for some outdoor adventure?”

  Logan grinned. “What do you think?”

  Brock lounged on a barstool on the other side of Colt. “I think you’re both going to win, because Lord knows I’m not about to go traipsing across the mountainside for a prize I can buy myself.”

  Reed sat down next to Brock, his attention still across the room and his frown even deeper than before. He nodded at Colton’s glass. “What are you drinking?”

  “Whiskey,” Colt said, waving at Kady. “But not for much longer. My bride’s beckoning.”

  “Nice,” Brock said, grinning at Kady. He signaled for the bartender to come over. “Not before I buy the first round of drinks, though.”

  “Is it from Julie’s company?” Logan asked, grabbing one of those coasters that all bars had and dealing them down the bar like playing cards. “If so, line ’em up.”

  “They have that here?” Reed asked, a brow up. From what Tyler could tell, he’d stopped watching Julie, but only because her family’s business had come into play. If he needed confirmation of his suspicions—which he didn’t—he’d gotten it right there. “I want to try some, too.”

  “Sure,” Brock agreed. The bartender came up, and he smiled at her. “Hey, sugar. Can we get a round of One-Eyed Jack Whiskey?”

  “And two champagnes,” Logan added, but the girl had eyes only for Brock.

  “Sure thing,” she said, her cheeks flushed. “R-Right away.”

  Not a big surprise there. From what Tyler had noticed over the past day or so in the man’s company, women melted into a puddle of goo when Brock turned on the Souther
n charm. Last night, he’d learned that he’d once charmed himself out of an arrest all because the cop was a woman. No one knew what Brock had done to get arrested.

  He hadn’t been so quick to share that part of the story.

  Logan shifted a little on his feet. “Next round’s on me, but it’ll have to be tomorrow after the scavenger hunt. Tonight I have to drink and run.”

  “Why?” Brock asked, his drawl thicker than usual. “You got a hot date?”

  Logan cast an odd look Colt’s way. “Hotter than you four.”

  “Speaking of which…” Tyler eyed Logan’s casual gear. All of them were suited up except for him. He wore khaki shorts and a T-shirt, with a pair of brown leather sandals. “Dude. You realize this is a black-tie event, right? Not a visit to the Outback?”

  “Seriously,” Colt said. “What the fuck, man?”

  Logan shrugged. “Hey, I wore this for you, big guy.”

  “Huh?” Colt frowned.

  Logan leaned in and lowered his voice. “Long story, and no reason to get your panties wadded, but I’m dressed like this so your little sister would come tonight. You asked me to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t hide in her room, and this is what it took.”

  Colt shook his head and clapped him on the shoulder. “Okay, I’m not even going to ask. But, thanks. You’re the best.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Colt shook his head and withdrew his hand. “Actually, no. It means a lot to me.”

  Logan looked vaguely uncomfortable with his friend’s gratitude, but he didn’t reply. Interesting.

  Without even intending to, his eyes sought out Christine. She’d been staring at him, so their gazes crashed in one hot, scorching collision. He froze, not daring to so much as move. Not when she was looking at him as if she wanted to get him naked now. When she turned her back on him, he looked away—only to find Logan watching him.

  When the drinks came, Logan looked away. He downed his shot, picked up the glasses of champagne, nodded, and then took off in Sophie’s direction.

  “Jesus,” Reed said, his frown back in place. “Is she going to eat anything herself?”

  “What?” Colt asked. “Who?”

  Reed startled, as if he hadn’t realized he spoke out loud, and picked up his drink. “Never mind.”

  Tyler cleared his throat. “Dude, you look like you’re about to drown a fluffy white kitten. Relax.”

  Reed snapped himself out of it, frowning even deeper. “I’ve gotta go.” He headed across the room without another word.

  Tyler shook his head and sat down beside Colt, who cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “So, uh, that was an interesting show to watch.”

  “Who? Reed and Julie? I know. It’s fucking—”

  “I wasn’t talking about them,” Colt said, rolling his eyes. “I meant the look you and Christine just exchanged.”

  Tyler picked up his drink and took a swig of Julie’s whiskey. It went down smooth. “Okay, maybe your math isn’t that far off.”

  “You think?”

  Tyler stared down at the amber liquid in his glass. “We’re playing a game of hard to get right now. Her more so than me.”

  “I bet something’s hard on you,” Colt muttered.

  Tyler scowled at him. “Fuck you.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Colt grinned. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be caught. Ever think of that?”

  “Oh, she wants to be caught.” He fished out his wallet. Time to pay his tab and socialize before Kady tracked him down and kicked his ass. “She’s just playing a game, but I’m determined to win the war.”

  Colt rubbed his jaw and stared across the room. “You might have to try a bit harder to convince her of that.”

  “Nah. I just need some more time.” After locating his card, he set it on the bar. “She’ll come around.”

  “Will she come around before or after she’s done with that guy?” Colt pointed at the door, where Christine was leaving with another man. Another man who looked way too happy to be at her side. Asshole. “Just wondering and all.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Tyler lurched to his feet in one smooth motion. “No fucking way.”

  Colt stopped him with a hand on his elbow. “Let her go. It’s all part of the game, right?”

  Tyler shook free of Colt’s grip but didn’t move. She would be gone before he could catch up to her, and he’d be damned before he literally chased her out the door. As she left, she shot him a cocky look over her shoulder, and as the door closed behind her he’d swear he saw her slide her hand into the other guy’s suit jacket.

  Tyler turned back to the bar and motioned the bartender over. “I’m going to need another drink or ten.”

  Chapter Seven

  The tension in Christine’s shoulders increased as they neared the lodge. Her phone lit up and she glanced down at it.

  Where did you go, Red?

  Her heart sped up. He’d been texting her since she walked out of Spago with Joe, the guy she’d been halfheartedly flirting with after the Tyler incident at the bar, demanding to know where she was. She’d been ignoring him, but… Biting down on her lip, she jotted off a quick text.

  You want me that bad? Come find me, Doc.

  A short pause, then: You got it. Game on.

  A contradictory shiver crept up her spine. The man was good. Heck, even his texts made her want him. Please. You were never in the game in the first place.

  A reply came back within seconds, but she ignored it. Joe was commenting on the weather and she nodded politely, hoping he wouldn’t notice how distracted she was. He was some distant cousin of Colton’s—handsome, charming, and built like a freaking football player. Everything a girl could want in a wild one-night stand. And…he might as well have been a rip-out poster for all the desire he brought out in her.

  Zilch. Nada. Zip.

  She was half tempted to kiss him anyway, just to see if she could pretend enough to have a little fun, but wasn’t that beside the point of actually having fun? This was supposed to be her opportunity to cross another item off her list. She was supposed to have a make-out session with this guy in the elevator. Maybe even more, if it went well.

  But all she could think about was Tyler.

  Finally, they reached the lodge.

  “So, Christine.” Joe smiled at her. “Would you like to get a drink with me?”

  She should say yes. She should take him up to her room and lose herself in his touch. Forget all about Tyler Dresco. But she couldn’t. It felt…wrong. Forced.

  Dull and boring.

  “I think I’ll just crash. I have a headache.” It wasn’t a lie. She had a headache, and its name was Tyler. She forced a smile to lighten her rejection, pressing her fingers against her temple. “Good night.”

  “Oh. Yeah, sure.” He dug in his pocket for his room key, and held open the door. Once she passed through, he gave her an awkward hug. Yep. Nothing. All those muscles pressed against her did less to stir her emotions than a cocky smirk from Tyler did. “Catch you later, Christine.”

  “Thanks again for walking me back.”

  “Anytime,” he vowed, his eyes trying to catch hers.

  Christine smiled, even though it felt fake, and wrapped her arms around herself. The dude gave up on flirting with her and left. She sighed and looked over her shoulder, not sure what to do with herself now that her plan to get it on was ruined. Broken. That’s what she was. Or maybe not. Maybe her problem was Tyler and the way he made her feel. He made her feel like he was the one.

  He wasn’t. He never had been.

  So why couldn’t she get him out of her head?

  She headed toward the elevator door. A footstep squeaking on the floor was her warning she wasn’t alone anymore. She turned around, eyes wide when she saw who stood there. “What are you doing here?”

  “You told me to come find you. I did.” Tyler’s face seemed deceptively calm. But she could see the irritation bubbling beneath the smooth sur
face. He was angry. Or was he…jealous? No. Not possible. “According to you, that means you’re mine now.”

  She shook her head. She hadn’t been planning on him actually finding her. He was supposed to be at the dinner party, damn it. “Excuse me? I don’t remember—”

  “‘You want me? Come find me, Doc,’” he said, his voice low and dangerous-sounding. “Well, I found you. Now I’m prepared to collect.”

  She backed off a step, her heart racing way too fast. Sure. Now she got turned on. Son of a mother’s hairy knee. “That’s not quite what I meant.”

  “Where were you?” he asked, crossing the foyer. “And who the hell was he?”

  “None of your business.”

  He stopped in front of her, his gaze dark. “Who was that man?”

  “None of your business,” she repeated, heading for the elevators one backward step at a time. He sounded jealous. God, that was so freaking hot. “Good night, Tyler.”

  Tyler growled and caught her elbow. “Not so fast. Tell me who that was and what you were doing. Did you kiss him? Did you let him touch you?”

  “He just walked me back.” She watched him through her lashes, inspiration striking. “Or maybe he was my lover, and we stole away for a few minutes of privacy. Which do you think it was?”

  His eyes darkened. “I think if it were me you left with instead of him, I would’ve buried my cock inside of you until you were too tired to stand, let alone leave with another man again.”

  Oh my God. Her knees weakened, and her stomach twisted with desire. He said the boldest things to her. Dirty things. Was he like this with everyone? “How come everyone says you’re so sweet and kind and quiet, but with me you’re so bossy and…and…dirty?”

  “I have no idea. I don’t act like this around other women,” he said, his voice agitated. He headed toward the elevator, towing her alongside him. “Maybe you bring out the worst in me. Shit if I know.”

  Worst…or best? “Gee, thanks.” She tried to pull free by wiggling her arm, but he didn’t budge. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you upstairs.” He watched her with a raised brow when she did a spin thing, trying to pull free. “Are you going to stop dancing in circles around me?”


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