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The Girl in Seat 24B

Page 5

by Jennifer Peel

  He must have read my mind. That was going to be my first question.

  Once the doc left, I turned to Jack. “Do you guys mind keeping the kids overnight?”

  “Not at all. Why don’t we just keep them for the holiday weekend. You look like you could use a break.”

  “You have no idea,” I said through tears.

  He kissed my forehead. “Get some rest, my dear. I’ll be back in the morning to check on you.”

  “Thank you, Jack. Please tell my rug rats I love them and that I’m ok.”

  “Will do.”

  “Oh, and Jack. Please don’t say anything about the baby.”

  He turned and smiled from the door. “I’ll let you do the honors.”


  I quickly drifted off to sleep, which was a feat in the hospital, but my body was done for. I was woken up a couple times during the night, and I kept expecting to see Michael on the chair next to me. I had never been in the hospital except to have Ashton and Mia, and each time he never left my side. I just couldn’t understand what had changed. I wanted him to be enamored with me again.

  I woke up Sunday morning and called him. No answer. I didn’t even bother with a message this time. But I was concerned that maybe something had happened to him. Jack called me that morning and I asked him if he would swing by my house and indulge my vanity. I wanted my own pajamas and my makeup bag. I also asked him to swing by Michael’s.

  He laughed. “That is a dangerous proposition. I might just beat the heck out of him.” (Those weren’t his exact words, but you get the picture.)

  I almost had enough energy to manage a laugh. “Be my guest,” I encouraged him. Of course I couldn’t let him go without asking him about my babies. He reported that Mimi was spoiling them just right and they were happy. That did my heart good.

  My fever was down to low grade status and the baby was doing well. I still didn’t feel well, but I was leaps and bounds better than the night before. What people ever did without antibiotics and pain relievers, I would never know. Oh, yeah, they had short life spans. I was thankful to be living in this day and age.

  Jack showed up mid-morning with my requests and a bouquet of daisies and handmade cards from my wonderful kiddos. He also reported that no one answered at Michael’s apartment. That bit of news concerned me.

  “Don’t worry about him. You just worry about yourself and getting better.” I could tell he was angry at his son. Not only was Michael not at home, but he didn’t answer Jack’s calls either. It sounded like Jack didn’t leave a very kind message for his son. Normally I would disagree with that approach, but I was beyond the “show more love” phase.

  We spent a lovely morning talking. He told me several stories of his childhood and rowdy teenage years. I had no idea what a trouble maker he used to be. He divulged stories about breaking into his school and hot wiring cars.

  “How did you and Danielle meet?” I asked him. She seemed too straight laced for him.

  He got a twinkle in his eye. “We met at Georgia Tech. We had chemistry together.” He winked.

  I smiled in return.

  A wicked grin spread across his face as he remembered. “In an attempt to impress her, I made an idiot of myself and I accidentally started a fire in lab. Thankfully there wasn’t any serious damage to the lab or my chances with her. She eventually gave in and went out with me. But marrying me was another story. I asked her a handful of times, only for her to refuse me.

  “Just like me and Bishop.”

  “How many times did he ask you?”

  “At least a dozen.” I smiled at the memory.

  “Smartest thing he ever did,” Jack replied.

  “Maybe,” I said quietly.

  “Honey, I don’t know what’s going on in that thick head of his, but he’d be the biggest fool if he lets you go. You’re the best thing that ever happened to him. I was worried he would never settle down and think about anybody but himself. I worried that we had spoiled him as the only child, but something in him changed when he met you.”

  “Apparently I don’t have staying power.”

  “That’s just bull, dear. This is his problem, not yours.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I keep trying to tell myself, but it gets harder and harder to believe it.”

  “Well, believe it.”

  “Thanks, Jack. Can I ask you a question?”


  “Why doesn’t Danielle like me?”

  He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and pulled on his collar. “Well, my dear, when you entered the picture, you became Mike’s whole world. It didn’t leave much room for his momma. And Mike was her world.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, that’s the way it should be.”

  “I never tried to keep Michael from her.”

  “I know that, dear. And, deep down, Danielle knows it too.”

  He patted my hand and grinned mischievously. “You know, it might help if this baby is a girl, if you name her Danielle.”

  I contemplated the request for a moment. “I’ll think about it. I hope she wasn’t upset we named Mia after my mother. I just wanted to honor her memory, since Mia would never get to know her.”

  “Well, it’s a touchy subject, she was hoping for at least a middle name.”

  That made me feel terrible. “Oh. Well, we thought not giving Mia a middle name meant she could keep Bishop as her middle name.”

  “That makes sense. You may want to throw that into a conversation sometime around my wife.”

  I winked at his smiling face. “I’ll work on it.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Jack, just so you know, no matter what happens between me and Michael, I’ll always want you both to be part of my children’s and my life.”

  He squeezed back. “I wouldn’t expect any less of you, but don’t give up on my son just yet,” he practically begged.

  “It’s not me that has given up.”

  He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment and then, like a true man, he turned on the Braves game. We spent the afternoon watching baseball and talking about my childhood and my travels overseas with my parents. He left around dinner time with a promise to return in the morning. He didn’t leave, though, without ordering me to get some rest.

  There wasn’t much else to do but rest. The doctor said I couldn’t leave until my fever was completely gone, so I was stuck for at least one more night. At least they let me shower and get changed into my own pajamas. I knew I was in the hospital, but makeup does a girl good. I kept looking in the mirror at my pale complexion, thinking, I need some sun and to gain some weight back.

  Once I was back in bed, the kids called and told me all about their day with Mimi. It sounded like they had a great time picking strawberries and swimming in their pool and playing with their golden retriever, Beau. It was like kid heaven over there. I asked to talk to Danielle. She wasn’t very talkative, but I wanted to express my thanks. I also wanted to try and repair our relationship, and this was the first step.

  When I got off the phone, I realized the kids didn’t even ask about their daddy. I hated that they were getting used to him not being around or unavailable to them and me. I hoped whatever he was doing was worth what he was missing out on, but I knew it wasn’t. Nothing compared to Ashton and Mia and my little peanut, who was now the size of a bell pepper.

  It was weird to spend a whole evening alone, but it was nice to just worry about me for a change. Not that I didn’t love worrying about my kiddos, it’s just that I’d been worrying so much lately, it was nice to relax, watch a movie on T.V., and rest. I would have rather done it on the beach or in a spa, but I guess the hospital would have to do. I hoped I could go home the next day.

  I slept on and off as the nurses kept coming in and checking vitals and the baby monitor. Everything was looking good, but I hated being prodded during the night. My body was craving sleep, and I woke up at seven a.m. just to fall right back asleep. I wasn’t sure h
ow long I had slept, but just as I was coming out of sleep mode, I heard two voices in hushed tones, although I could tell it was a heated discussion. I finally recognized the voices. It was Michael and his dad. My heart leapt a little at hearing Michael, not because I was happy to have him there, but because I was nervous. Thankfully, I had enough presence of mind to keep my eyes closed. The conversation was quite interesting.

  “Son, I never thought I would say this to you, even after all of the stupid stuff you did in high school and college, but I’m disappointed and ashamed of you. I didn’t raise you to be this kind of man. I can’t believe what you have put your wife through these past few months. Nothing is worth losing Carly and your kids.”

  “What about my happiness?”

  “Your happiness? Is that what this is all about? Why don’t you think about Carly’s and Ashton’s and Mia’s happiness? That’s where you will find your happiness. And you if you can’t find happiness with them, then you don’t know what true happiness is.”

  There was a long, silent pause. If only it could have lasted. Unfortunately, Michael was observant.

  “Is that a fetal monitor?” I heard him ask.

  I guess it was time to wake up and face the music.

  “I’ve got it from here,” I said as I sat up.

  Jack came immediately to my side and helped me sit up. He even fluffed my pillows.

  I delayed looking at my husband as long as possible. “Thanks, Jack. How are the kids?”

  “They miss you, but Danielle is taking them to the parade and letting them decorate the wagon.”

  “I’m sure they’ll love that. Thank you again for everything. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you this weekend.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Anytime, my dear.” He looked between me and my husband, who I noticed looked more like Grizzly Adams and smelled of campfire. “I’ll leave you two alone now.”

  I looked over to Jack. “Do you have to?”

  He smiled at me, but scowled at his son. “Can I trust you to take care of her?”

  “I’ve got it,” he replied with steel in his voice. He was not happy with his dad.

  “Make sure you do,” his dad said as he walked out.

  Michael approached my bedside.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Hi. Do you have something you want to tell me?” he asked.

  “Do you have something you want to say to me? Like why you didn’t answer my calls or maybe ask me how I am and am I going to be ok?”

  He sat down on the chair next to my bed and stared at the fetal monitor, and then he looked back at me. I wasn’t budging.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t answer your calls, I was camping with a couple of buddies and the reception was terrible.”

  “How nice for you just to be able to take off whenever you want to.”

  He didn’t respond to my jibe. “Are you ok?”

  “Could you say that with any less emotion?”

  “What do you want me to say? Ok, I’m sorry. I’m tired. I drove through the night so I could get here after I got your messages and my dad’s. I had no idea you were so sick.” He looked at the monitor again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  The never-ending supply of tears started up again. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on my ever growing midsection. “I wanted to, but between you telling me you didn’t love me anymore and moving out and then cutting me out of your life, there never seemed to be a good time.”

  He stood up and started pacing and running his fingers through his hair. “How far along are you?”

  “Almost sixteen weeks. The baby’s due November 7.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “Well when the egg and spe…”

  He stopped and looked at me. I could tell he was annoyed. “I don’t need a biology lesson. I thought you were on the pill, and I don’t remember you know…”

  “Yeah, I know. Let me refresh your memory since apparently it meant nothing to you.”

  “Carly, please quit taking everything in the worst possible way.”

  “Fine. Valentine’s Day morning in the shower. Does that ring a bell?”

  I thought about that morning. I was tired of being ignored, so I took matters into my own hands. After that morning, I thought things would get better. I could feel that he wanted me, but it was short lived.

  He sat down and surprised the heck out of me and took my hand in his. He hadn’t done that in months. “I remember, Carly.” His eyes softened just a bit. I recognized just a little tenderness in them.

  Tears were still trickling out of mine. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just forgot about taking the pill because you hadn’t touched me in months. But regardless, I want this baby.”

  He looked toward the monitor and watched our baby’s heartbeat. “Is the baby doing ok through all of this?”


  He turned back toward me. “Are you doing ok? My dad said something about a kidney infection?”

  “I’m better.”

  “Well, I guess this changes things.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He didn’t answer because Dr. White, who was finally back in town, walked in. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to answer anyway.

  She walked in and looked between the two of us. Her glance at me asked, “How do I proceed?”

  “He knows,” I said.

  “Well, good,” she said. But I noticed the dirty look she threw him. She was my friend too, after all, and the only person that I had talked to about my ugly situation. I think he was surprised by the cold reception.

  She approached the bed and asked Michael to move out of the way so she could examine me. I hated letting go of his hand. It had felt so nice. After her thorough examination, she slyly grinned at me. “I don’t think I’ve ever said this to a patient, but drink a milkshake or two and maybe eat a cheeseburger. You’ve got to get some weight on you.”

  “I’ve been trying.”

  “Well try harder.” She winked at me. “I want to do an ultrasound just to make sure everything looks ok. Ok?”

  I nodded my head yes. I was eager to see my baby.

  A tech rolled in a cart with an ultrasound machine while Dr. White doused my stomach with cold blue gel.

  I looked over to Michael who was still leaning against the wall after his earlier dismissal. “Do you want to see?” I asked hopefully.

  He joined me at my bedside. He looked unsure. I wanted him to look happy and excited, but I guess that was too much to ask for. I decided to just pay attention to the monitor. And there was a baby, a very active baby. The tears streamed down my face.

  “Your baby looks perfect.” Dr. White smiled at us. “ So…it’s a little early to tell, but I have a good guess on the sex if you want to know.”

  Well that was a surprise. I instantly said yes and Michael immediately said no. I looked over to him.

  “I thought we decided if we ever had a third, we would keep it a surprise since we already had one of each.”

  I couldn’t believe he remembered that. “Ok.” I looked over to Emma. “I guess we’ll wait,” even though I really wanted to know.

  “If you change your mind, we’ll still do the ultrasound at twenty weeks.”


  She gave me more good news, pronouncing everything looked good and my fever was gone, so they were going to discharge me. The news made me beyond happy. I was more than ready to go home. She instructed me to take it easy and to drink more. She prescribed me oral antibiotics and some iron because I was anemic. That made sense—I had been so exhausted. Once she left, I looked at Michael who had a deer-in-the-headlights look.

  “Are you at least a little happy about this?”

  He kept running his fingers through his dark mop. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Could you please hand me my phone in my purse?”

  “Sure, why?” He reached into my bag on the little couch.

p; “I need to call your dad to come and get me and to bring the kids.”

  He put my phone back in my bag. “Carly, I was planning on taking you home. I know how to get there and everything.”

  I loved hearing him tease. He hadn’t done it in it so long.

  “I was beginning to think you had forgotten.”

  Chapter 7

  I thought, after Memorial Day, that perhaps it was the turn in the road, that Michael would come to his senses and come home. He almost acted like my husband when he stopped on the way home from the hospital and bought me the biggest chocolate milkshake I’d ever seen. I couldn’t even finish half of it, and he ended up finishing the rest. He even stayed with me at the house and waited until the kids got home so he could see them. We didn’t talk about anything important, he was still closing himself off, but at least we talked. The only thing of substance we discussed was a moot point in my mind. He couldn’t seem to get over the fact that I was working again. He reasoned that was the root of all my ills and he asked me to quit.

  Ashton and Mia were happy to see their daddy, but it was me they ran to and stayed near. It made me sad. Of course I loved them being next to me, but I could tell they were treating him differently. He could tell too, and I could tell it confused him. It was like this was what he wanted, but then he didn’t want it. With Michael still there, I decided I should tell the kids about the baby. I had pictures from the ultrasound to show them. They were very excited. Ashton was, of course, hoping for a brother, and Mia wanted a sister.

  Jack and Danielle had come in with the kids, and they were both happy about the news. Even Danielle gave me a little smile. She had never done that before. She suggested we should all have dinner together since we were all there. Michael declined and offered up some lame excuse. I thought his dad was going to smack him.

  Before Michael left, he walked over to the couch where I was laying and knelt beside me. “I have to fly to D.C. in the morning, but I’ll call and check on you. Please try and stay down.”

  I looked over at our very active seven-year-old and almost five-year-old. “Easier said than done.”


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