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Of Sun & Moon (Midnight Guardian Series, Book 1)

Page 6

by Bryna Butler


  At the game, Keira was with Ann and Jumper in the middle of the student section. Sitting wasn’t an option. Everyone was wild, a stomping and chanting sea of red and white. The scent of concession stand hotdogs and stale popcorn floated through the air. Keira could feel her heart beat with the rhythm of the marching band’s bass drums. With each thump, her heart jumped, pushing her to cheer louder and louder.

  From where she was standing, she could see Colby. He sat in a much quieter section with his parents. For this game, the freshmen cheerleaders were allowed to perform during third quarter, so he was there to support his girlfriend, Brooke. It was a good thing that he was busy, Keira thought. She hadn’t had a chance to tell him about her planned rendezvous with William after the game.

  The football game was a real nail-biter. The score was close throughout. William played an awesome game, as well as the rest of the team. In the last seconds, a two-point conversion led them to victory. Afterwards, Ann and Jumper waited with Keira on a bench outside the locker room.

  William was one of the first players outside. He looked nervous; at least that’s what Ann said when she retold the story later. It amused Keira to think of how she had to beg and plead with Nana to allow her to go out with a junior. It was only two years, less than that if you considered that she was one of the oldest in her class and he was one of the youngest in his. Still, the fact that William could drive made a big difference. Nana had finally given in with one condition; Keira had to be home well before midnight.

  William walked over to the bench and stood in front of where Keira was seated. He pushed his hands into the pockets of his jacket. Ann and Jumper, taking the hint from Keira’s eyes, immediately made an excuse to leave.

  William reached out and helped her to her feet. He continued to hold her hand as they began to stroll down the sidewalk to his pickup. Stars filled the clear sky. Fall leaves covered most of the path and crunched under their feet as they walked. The cool night air pushed gently against them.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” William said to Keira.

  The breeze lifted her hair a bit. “I’m glad I’m here too,” she said biting her lip. “So, is there a plan or…” she started, pushing a few wandering strands of hair from her eyes.

  “Well, I’ve got a couple of options for you. Lee is having a party to celebrate the win, so we can do that.”

  “Or?” Keira pushed.

  “Or Plan B,” he smiled. “If you’re not into the party, we can just do somethin’ quiet together like get some food and talk.”

  “Why not both?”

  A wide smile spread across his face. His pearly, white teeth sparkled a bit under the street light and he did that thing he does, that thing that drove Keira crazy. He shook his head slowly and took a shy look at the ground. “I like the way you think,” he said.

  The wind picked up his ball cap. Keira caught it and replaced it on his head before he even had a chance to reach.

  “And you’re quick.”

  She shrugged and looked away. He run his fingers across her cheek and lifted her chin so that her eyes met his. “This feels right.”

  Wow, Keira thought to herself.

  I can’t believe I just said that out loud, William thought to himself.

  They both looked away, but grasped hands again, this time a little more tightly.

  They decided to head to Lee’s first. It was a huge party. Even though she was one of only three freshmen there, she didn’t feel out of place. In fact, Keira never really, ever, felt out of place. Her confidence carried her. Besides, William held her hand the entire time, so she barely noticed that anyone else was there. But, everyone did notice her. She was the recipient of many looks. Some looks were jealous, some were questioning, but most were full-out shocked. She didn’t care. This was turning out to be the best night of her life. After a little more than an hour, he asked if she wanted to leave. She resisted at first, thinking that this meant the evening was over. Then, she remembered his promise for the second half of the date.

  They left the party, arm in arm, and bounded into William’s red Ford F250 extended cab. It roared loudly as they sped away. They stopped at the only place still open, Dairy Dog, a seasonal hot dog and ice cream stand near the high school. William ordered as Keira staked out a claim on the picnic table inside the stand’s neighboring gazebo. It was sort of romantic, even for a hotdog stand, Keira thought. The top of the gazebo was decorated with twinkling, white lights. Moonlight reflected off the honeysuckle vines which twisted around its support beams. William soon returned with a tray of footlongs and shakes.

  Keira grinned as he sat down on the same side of the picnic table, right beside her. “This is not at all what I expected,” she said as she picked up her shake.

  “Oh, I thought you said you wanted strawberry.”

  “No, not the milkshake, I meant the date.”

  “Are we calling this a date?”

  She smiled and punched his arm lightly.

  “So, what did you expect?” he pushed.

  “Well, I’m an awful judge of character. So, I was afraid that you would turn out to be a total jerk. No offense.”

  “None taken,” he laughed. “Anything else?”

  “No. It’s been pretty perfect.”

  William laughed again with that thing he always does with his dimpled grin and shy look to the ground. “Glad you think so.”

  “There is something else, um,” she hesitated, picking at her hotdog.


  She looked up into his eyes, those gorgeous, perfect eyes. “It’s cool if you already have plans, but if you don’t, I was thinking about going to the Fall Ball and I want you to come with me.”

  “Like a date?” he smirked. “I guess I could do that.”

  She smiled and he leaned in. Then a shock went through her. You know the feeling. The feeling you get when everything’s perfect then out of the blue you suddenly remember that you’ve forgotten to do something… something very important. She was feeling it right then, a second of shocking recall.

  “Oh no, what time is it?”

  “Quarter till midnight.”

  “I’m sorry, I better get home. Um…midnight curfew.”

  “Midnight?” He looked disappointed for a moment, then perked up. “No sweat, Cinderella, I’ll get you home in record time. Can’t have you grounded for the ball.”

  They jumped in the truck and were at Keira’s front door in minutes. She began frantically searching her pockets for her house key.

  “Wanna go out again before the dance? How about tomorrow?”

  “Can’t, I have training,” Keira said in her rush to get in the house.


  Keira stopped her search abruptly and looked up. The gentle glow of the porch light sparkled in her big brown eyes which were open wide; giving her an innocent and childlike appearance.

  “Are you playing volleyball? Maybe I can come to your next game.”

  “Oh…uh…oh, found it, here’s my key,” she said dangling the Mickey Mouse key ring in front of his face as proof. It did not distract him from his question.

  “Come on. I make a great cheerleader.”

  “No, I don’t play volleyball. It’s not like that. It’s, um…” Keira struggled in search of an explanation. “It’s piano lessons.” She faked a quick smile and fidgeted nervously with her key. “No games, not even a recital, and I’m bad, really bad.”

  “Modest. That’s something I didn’t see coming.”

  The door swung open with a thud and inside stood an annoyed Nana. “Keira, it is almost midnight. Get inside now! Young man, you can see her at school on Monday. Good night.”

  Keira raised one eyebrow.

  William extended his hand. “Ma’am, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Will…”

  “On Monday…” Nana interrupted. She put an arm around Keira and swept her inside. Keira got a quick “good night” out befor
e Nana shut the door.

  “Sweet dreams, Keira,” William’s muffled voice came from behind the front door. Then she heard his footsteps grow quieter, the bang of the pickup door closing, and finally the thunderous revving of his truck’s engine as he zoomed away.

  “Wow,” Keira sighed as she glided to the couch.

  “Cutting it awfully close, aren’t we?”

  “Midnight is still two whole minutes away.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Did you hear him say ‘sweet dreams’? How cute is that?”

  Nana couldn’t help but laugh at her goofy, love struck teenager. “Just be mindful of the time. That’s all I ask. After all, tonight might be the night.”

  Of course it wasn’t. Not yet.

  The next morning, Keira was up at 5 a.m. to start her day. She worked with Nana non-stop. By 5 p.m. she was spent. After a long soak in the tub, she slipped into her pajamas early. They were her favorites, made of soft and warm blue flannel and dotted with penguins carrying presents. Of course, it was only autumn, too early for Christmas pajamas, but Keira didn’t care. She loved these so much that she wore them year round. She was curled up in the big chair in front of the T.V. when there was a knock at the front door.

  “Can you answer it?” she yelled in vain. As soon as the words passed her lips, she remembered that Nana had slipped out to pick up a few groceries. With a grunt, she got up and pulled the door open.

  “Sexy jammies,” William grinned.

  Keira grinned too. “Thanks, they’re penguins.”

  “Hello again, Mr. Swift.” Nana appeared behind Keira, startling her so much that she jumped and her heart pounded. “Would you like to come in?”

  William hesitantly stepped inside. He kept his hands in his pockets and spoke uneasily. “I knew that you said you were busy today, but I just thought I’d stop by anyway in case your plans changed.”

  “Oh, I’ve had a really hard day.” She could see that he looked a little disappointed. That look was the last thing she wanted. “I was just watching some T.V., do you want to stay and watch with me?”

  “And you are welcome to stay for dinner,” Nana added.

  “Sure,” he said. Keira could keep from grinning as she led him to the den. He sat down on the sofa and she curled in beside him. Nana went straight to the kitchen to put away the groceries she had left there.

  The couple spent the next few hours talking about anything and everything. Keira had been physically attracted to him before, but now she was beginning to think it could be much more.

  He liked the same things. He even understood what it was like to be under pressure, what it was like trying to live up to everyone’s expectations, and what it felt like to have your life mapped out for you. When she talked to Colby, he would listen and then distract her from what she was feeling. It wasn’t like that with William. He listened to her on a whole new level. He could empathize with her. His life was very similar. Of course, his pressures were nothing compared to the ones she faced; but when they talked, she could tell that he really got it, even though she couldn’t tell him everything.

  William knew that she was holding something back, but he didn’t care. He went out with her because he was told to do so. He never really expected it to turn into anything. Yet, he had felt something during that first date. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. That’s what led him to Keira’s house this night. The longer they talked, the more she confirmed it for him. There was something good, strong, and undeniable between them. He was absolutely falling in love with her. For the first time in his life, he was free. Free to live his life outside of expectations and destiny. With her, he felt hope.


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