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Just One Bite Volume 4

Page 9

by All Romance eBooks LLC


  Dick leaned in, all pretense of camaraderie gone. “Because I don’t give a shit how many centuries you’ve been on this ball. I don’t care how many Kings the great Salvatore counseled or how many villas you owned.” He let out a thunderous belch. “That’s all gone the way of the dinosaurs for you, hasn’t it, Sal? All I care about is that little button going off.” He backed away from the camera and plastered on a smile. “We got an understanding here, Sal? Huh? Cause if we don’t, there’s the door.” Slick Dick pointed to the door behind Salvatore. “Use it.” The screen went dark.

  After a few moments, the shade lifted, exposing Salvatore once again to the eager shoppers.

  During the next half hour he tried his best to appear harmless and yet dangerous at the same time. Sexy and yet playful. Naughty and yet nice. Everything as requested in the Slick Dick How To Get That Button Lit manual given to him during his sign up procedure the night before.

  He could simply leave. Dick hadn’t been lying about his freedom. After a stop to remove the accursed collar, he could walk out the door and never look back. But then what? He refused to join a coven. Never again would he call another vampire Master. Not after centuries of being one of the lone travelers. A vampire beholden to no one.

  How could something as impersonal as the human stock market have done this to him? All his millions—evaporated. And if there was one thing Salvatore knew it was no matter which century you found yourself in, it was better to be rich than poor. It wasn’t like the good old days when you could sip from a human and none would be the wiser. These days if a vampire put one foot wrong, the executioners would be after him before the last swallow, stake at the ready.

  So for now, he must grit his fangs and partner with Mr. Dick. A vampire had to eat.

  A young woman came into view. Her long chestnut hair hid her face as she stared not at the cells filled with vampires but at the floor. The bright print dress seemed out of place on her body, slouched in on itself.

  When she stopped directly in front of Salvatore’s window, he was surprised at how much he wanted this wounded creature to choose him. She called to him, this little one, in a way he hadn’t encountered in centuries.

  She lifted her chin and he took in brown eyes, dark rimmed and filled with pain. Old eyes they were. Hopeless eyes. What could possibly have happened to one so young to cause the agony that screamed from her soul, straight through the glass, to tug at his long-dormant heartstrings?

  Puzzlement crossed her features and then her eyes widened and her mouth shaped into an O of surprise. Without further hesitation, her hand slapped at his button.

  A few things happened at once. Salvatore’s corresponding button flashed red, the television screen displayed a picture of Slick Dick giving the thumbs up sign and somewhere deep in his cold, lonely heart, the Vampire felt pleasure.

  On the other side of the glass, the woman finished the financial transaction with a machine on the wall. Salvatore was astonished at how much fifteen minutes with him was worth. With the transaction complete, the small door to the right clicked open. The customer was now free to come in and join the Vampire for their “shared experience.”

  The woman hesitated, her hand on the doorknob. Just when he thought she was about to bolt, she looked up at his face, took a deep breath and came in.

  Immediately, his shade lowered and a voice sounded from the overhead speakers. “Thank you for choosing Richard Henderson’s House of Earthly Delights. For your protection, our love doctors are monitoring the vampire’s every move. However we assure you, no part of your time together is being recorded. That would be illegal. If at the end of your time, you wish to prolong your visit, simply put your card in the slot for the reduced additional rate. So, relax and enjoy. Your music choice will begin momentarily.

  A minute went by as Salvatore stared at the woman who stood back to the door, shaking so badly he could hear her knees knocking. The song, Please Release Me, Let Me Go, started. He struggled to hide a smile.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she said. “You’ll have to tell me what to do.” Her voice came low and deep with a smoker’s rasp. From her, it sounded good. More than good. Sexy and…delicious.

  Salvatore’s mouth watered and fear punched at him. Hunger burned the back of his throat. He’d left it too long this time. Would he lose control with her? Surely his love doctor would use the collar if he went too far. Something about this wounded human moved him. He wanted their exchange to be pleasurable for her. That meant control.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Why are you just standing there? I don’t know what to do.”

  The screen above the woman’s head flickered to life. Slick Dick appeared, gave him the ‘get on with it’ signal, and pointed at his watch.

  Salvatore ignored him and stepped toward the human. “Forgive me,” he said.

  She tensed and he responded by raising his arms, palms up, in the universal sign of peace. “I will not do anything without your consent. And you have but to whisper the word ‘collar’ and hundreds of volts of electricity will shoot through my body. You are…safe.”

  She took a deep breath and her shoulders relaxed a fraction. “So, how do we go about this?” Her arm swept the room. “This place is so small.”

  He ignored what her rapid heartbeat did to his thirst and gave her his best attempt at a charming smile. “We only need enough room for the two of us.” He went to the throne and sat.

  Salvatore began with a gesture he’d used countless times over the centuries. His arm extended in a graceful line, fingers slightly curved as he focused his will on the shaking human before him. In this manner, he’d drawn his prey to him. Young or old, they’d come to him. Rich or poor, they’d been unable to resist his power. Above all, he was a predator. True, he was in a cage but it was a cage of his own making and the old dance remained the same—mark your prey, draw them to you and feast.

  “Come to me,” he commanded.

  The woman took two steps and stopped. Salvatore was surprised. Who knew such a strong will lived within this fragile bird.

  She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “Don’t do that. At least, not yet.” She studied him with bleak eyes. “You look…you’re so like him.” The bleak eyes filled with tears.

  Salvatore thought he understood now. The sorrow and loss bleeding off her had to do with a death. But whose?

  “What was his name?” he asked.

  She flinched and shook her head. “Why should it matter to you?” When he opened his mouth to answer, she raised a hand to silence him. “Please, no false sympathy. I’ve had enough of that thrown my way.” She ran a hand through her thick hair, leaving it fetchingly tousled. “So, am I supposed to sit on your lap?”

  He nodded. “I need you close.”

  “Put your arms on the outside of the chair,” she directed.

  Salvatore complied and tried to appear harmless. He didn’t want to rip into her throat and drink her dry. Oh, no. Not him. Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. Actually, with his low body temperature, it probably wouldn’t.

  She came to him then. Still hesitant. Still shaking. When she settled her tense backside on his lap, Salvatore gripped the sides of the throne in an effort not to crush her to him. To further test his control, her scent, clean and laced with lilac, washed over him.

  Shaking fingers traced the line of his jaw, the arch of his eyebrows, and the curve of his bottom lip. “So like him,” she whispered as a tear slipped down her cheek.

  Her light touch intensified the fire at the back of his throat. “Where would you like your mark?” he asked, surprised that he still had reason enough to form the question.

  “Some place I can hide it. Here.” She pushed her sleeve up past her elbow. “There, do it there.”

  Salvatore lunged but she pulled away.


  “Madam,” he said through clenched teeth. “Never tease a vampire.”

  “Sorry, I…Is it t
rue when you drink I won’t be able to think of anything else?”

  “Oh, yes. I can assure you, after the first sip your only thought will be of me.”

  “Good. Okay.” She looked him full in the eyes. Her pain screamed at him again. “I don’t care if it only lasts a moment.” She offered her arm to him. “Please, take the pain away. I’ll go mad soon if you don’t.”

  He needed no further prompting. Quicker than her human eyes could track, one arm snaked around her slim waist. His other hand grabbed her forearm in a vise-grip and drew it to his lips. If he hadn’t been so hungry, he would have prolonged the procedure. Anticipation of the first sip was almost as sweet as the act itself. But not today.

  His fangs punctured her skin. He ignored her gasp as hot, wet velvet poured over his parched tongue. Gods, she was delightful. No trace of drugs or sickness. Liquid heaven and all for him.

  Once past his mouth, the blood spread quickly, re-hydrating his moisture-starved cells. Pull after pull he took from her. It had been so long. His need was so great.

  As his head cleared, her sweet moans stirred another part of his starved anatomy. His erection brushed against her backside as she wiggled seductively in his lap.

  He could not take her. Not without a pre-signed form of consent. Sex was another sure way to have the executioners after him. Once again, he missed the good old days.

  As he pushed aside his physical need, his mental powers grew and her memories crashed in on him. Maria was her name. Carlos had been her husband. They’d been friends since their mothers had put them in the same playpen. First, as rarely separated children, then as adolescents who pretended to hate each other and finally as lovers in every sense of the word. Theirs was a true love. Soul mates they’d been.

  Salvatore stole a moment to let their love wash through him. So pure an emotion, it brought tears to his eyes and a bone-deep longing for someone lost to him for centuries.

  His remembered pain brought hers to the surface. Carlos’ life, cut so short because of her. If only the neighborhood drug lord hadn’t wanted her. If only she’d given in and slept with the pig, Carlos would still be with her, smiling at her when they woke in each other’s arms.

  The shock of Carlos’ death in a drive-by shooting had brought on a miscarriage. Now, Maria had nothing, was nothing. She’d lost the other half of her soul and was left an empty husk.

  The pain was too great. He ripped his mouth away and broke from her memories. Her relaxed expression made her look like a teenager. But he knew the pain would return. His blood-kiss brought only temporary relief. Risking a visit from the executioners, he stared deeply into her eyes and imposed his will.

  “Carlos would die again if he saw you like this. Would you throw away that which he loved most? For him, Mia.” he used Carlos’ pet name for her. “For Carlos, you must go on and find happiness with another.” Salvatore poured his power into her, willing her to heed his words.

  Maria’s faced displayed a slideshow of emotions. First surprise followed by grief, wonderment, understanding and finally, a ghost of a smile. She cupped his cheek as her smile widened. “You’re right. I understand how it should be now.” Shyly, she placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  She rose and straightened her dress. A gong sounded. “Alas, your time is up,” the speaker voice chimed in. “If you wish to continue this pleasure filled experience, simply put your card in the slot for our special per-minute reduced rate.”

  “I think I’m good to go. No offense.” Maria walked to the door.

  “Maria,” he called after her.

  When she turned, he took in her improved posture and soft smile.

  “Don’t come back here. This is no place for you.”

  She nodded and walked out of his life.

  As soon as the door shut, Slick Dick was back on the screen shaking his head. “You were doing great, Sal, just great. Right up to the time you told the score not to come back. Repeat business, Sal. That’s what we’re all about here. Remember that.”

  “Sure, Dick. Anything you say.”

  “You good for another go-round or you want me to clock you out?”

  “By all means, raise my shade. I’ve only begun.”

  Dick beamed back at him. “Now that’s what I like to hear. You’re going to fit in just fine.”

  The screen went blank and Salvatore’s shade rose. An old man was passing and Salvatore smiled seductively at him. He had the way of it now. In Slick Dick’s establishment he would grow strong again. Gorge himself if he wanted to. Start building his finances. And sometime soon, he would take a night off and pay a visit to the drug lord who had ordered Carlos’ hit.

  Mustn’t let all the old skills rust away. He was a predator after all.

  The old man hit his button. Salvatore smiled in anticipation.

  Inhuman Resources

  by Melisse Aires

  “You need to make an appointment with Inhuman Resources, Candy,” Merridae said, nodding so her greenish grey curls bounced. ”Identity theft is even more serious for the Hidden. Why, what if it’s one of those crazed vampire hunter groups who hacked into your computer? You could be in danger!”

  A shiver of fear rattled down Candy’s spine, even though Merridae delivered her warning in a high pitched child-like voice. All those pixies, trixies or nixies-- or whatever Merridae was-- had those little cartoon voices, and normally Candy thought they were charming. But right now, Merridae resembled one of those creepy little girls in a horror movie. Candy’s lunch of O-neg curdled in her gut and she rubbed her tummy.

  “Oh, does the widdle vampy have twouble?” Brandise, who typed in the cubicle in front of Candy, peered over the dull fabric partition. She shook a finger at Candy and just for a moment the finger flamed. Brandise enjoyed reminding Candy that her fire demon powers could reduce a young vampire like Candy to cinders in an instant.

  “Knock it off, Brandise. I see fire again and you just might find your cute little condo with a small leak problem. Maybe some black mold.” Merridae let her glamour drop for a moment and grinned, showing the razor sharp teeth she really had, not the human teeth she wore in her work persona.

  “Huh!” In a huff, Brandise flipped her flame red hair and flopped back into her cubicle. Everyone knew making an enemy of the Little People made life a pure misery.

  “You call them, Candy. Tell them you might have a security issue.”

  “I will. And thanks.” She rolled her eyes in Brandise’s direction.

  Merridae grinned with human teeth. “No problemo.”

  An hour later Candy’s supervisor told her Inhuman Resources was ready to see her in room 2666. Candy ran a quick brush through her hair, glad her flip had stayed perfectly curved. That was one advantage to being a vampire. Great hair—longer, thicker, blonder and shinier. Becoming a vamp was a beauty upgrade, for sure. Probably the best thing about it. She still wasn’t used to having a stunning figure. As a human she’d been pretty darn ordinary looking.

  She hurried to the elevator reflecting on how high heels never bothered her feet now. She could jog in them if she wanted. Candy was glad she’d dressed especially well today in a kicky little baby blue skirt and great strappy heels, since Inhuman Resources was up on the executive floors of Grubman and Wart Financial International. She worked on the lowly third floor. Still it was better than the mailroom on LL2 that she’d started in two years ago.

  Candy never was much of a hunter, and the crazy homeless people she’d sipped from after her Transformation had disgusted her. Working at the demon financial firm had got her out of the vampire flop house and into a tiny studio, with O-neg delivered to her door weekly. Un-Life was pretty good.

  Until she got hacked, anyway.

  Room 2666 had a nameplate, Evan LaRue, Security. She knocked on the door and was told to enter.

  A man rose from a large desk. Blond, with a French surname, so he was a vampire. Incredibly handsome with midnight blue eyes, long lashes, finely carved cheekbones
and jaw line. A body to match under a designer suit. Mercy!

  She was learning. Most Caucasian humans transformed into blond or red-haired vampires, while darker complexions gained a lovely golden hue or a delicious blue black quality, depending on their human skin tone. Facial features evened up, teeth straightened and whitened, bone structure refined…in short, vampires became physically more appealing to humans than they had been in human life.

  Mr. LaRue held out his hand, and that clasp was like coming home to Mama. So comforting, so safe, so strong—Candy wanted to crawl over the desk and sit in his lap. She wanted to lick him all over and nibble on that luscious neck, see if his blood tasted like hot honeyed whiskey…Candy blushed and tripped on the chair placed in front of his desk.

  She fell into the plush chair, embarrassed. He’s projecting. Old vampires could make humans and young vampires feel certain emotions, a handy ability for all the vampiric manipulation they enjoyed tossing around. Candy scolded herself, remembering how such projections sometimes helped old vampires take advantage of young ones. Not this time! No matter how hot he is.

  “I was just trying to make you feel at ease, Miss LeMay. I understand that your personal computer got hacked?”

  “Yes. Hacked.” She dragged her mind off him and back to her problem.

  “When did you discover this?’

  “Well, yesterday I used my bank card at a terminal, and it said I had no money. But I did have money, in both my checking and savings accounts. When I go home and checked online all my passwords had been changed.”

  “Do you bank with one of our affiliates?”

  She blushed. “No. This bank had a floral china set gift for opening an account, and I had just moved into my own place…”

  He nodded. “So we are dealing with a human institution?”



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