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Lydia's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)

Page 4

by X, Lexie

  When she came across the ancient book, she immediately suspected.

  When she read it, she was certain.

  Emma had that locket with her at all times… she’d had it at the bar, too. If this hypnosis thing really worked, it explained how she’d picked up all those girls so easily, and how she’d made them lesbians…

  She held her mouth, horrified. Intense pain and worry surged through her. Had Emma used the locket on her? She’d enjoyed the night immensely - even had spontaneous orgasms - accepting being a lesbian, thinking about how free she was now and how right it all felt… but was that just a product of hypnosis? Was their entire relationship a sick game?

  She waited until Emma came home from her errands.

  “Hey honey,” Lydia greeted her girlfriend warmly. “How are you?”

  “Good,” Emma responded, surprised at the overly attentive greeting. “I -”

  She let her sliding hand reach into her girlfriend’s pocket - and then she grabbed the locket and pulled it out. “What the hell is this, Emma?”

  She looked stunned. “Um, nothing… why?”

  “I read the book.” She moved to clasp the chain together.

  “Wait!” Emma cried, her eyes watering. “It’s real. It works.”

  Surging with anger, despair welling up in her heart, she held the locket tight. “Is this what you used to seduce Diana?”

  Emma’s lip trembled. “Yes.”

  “Did you tell her to be a lesbian?”

  “It was an accident. I wasn’t used to it then, to how literally people take it.”

  She backed away a foot, overwhelmed. “And the girl last week? And the four girls last night?”

  Emma nodded again, on the verge of outright tears. “It was the locket. But not the same way.”

  “Then how?”

  “I… just used it to make them forget, and had the conversation over and over again until I got it right. Said the right things, got them drunk enough…”

  Lydia thought back on the repeated conversation she’d heard, on how she’d looked away at just the right moment… to avoid the locket’s power? “Listen to me,” she demanded, fierce. “And think about your answer very carefully. Have you ever used this locket on me?”

  Emma’s face seemed to lighten with hope. “No - no I haven’t! Even when we first started fooling around, and then falling in love… I made sure I never -”

  “Except for last night,” Lydia interrupted, furious.

  Tears slid down Emma’s face. “Just that time, just to forget a couple minutes… I was in a really dark place, and I asked you to forgive me beforehand…”

  “That’s what that question was about? How the hell can I trust you after this?”

  “Use it on me,” Emma begged. “Ask me. Use it, it’s the truth.”

  Brimming with a whirlwind of emotions, Lydia took a moment to catch her breath. “Fine. Do I just lock the chain together?”

  Emma nodded.

  She clipped the chain, immediately feeling a strange energy rush through her arm. “Whoah, what…”

  Emma didn’t respond. Her face was flat and neutral.

  Lydia stared, amazed. “Um… quack like a duck.”

  “Quack,” Emma responded, without emotion or hesitation.

  “Holy shit…”

  She circled her seemingly comatose girlfriend a few times, waiting for a reaction or a giveaway that she was faking - but none came. Finally, it was time to ask the questions that might end their relationship… “Did you ever use this locket on me?”

  Emma responded flatly. “Yes.”

  “But you only used it on me last night?”


  “You didn’t make me a lesbian, or make me fall in love with you?”


  Lydia sighed, relieved of her despair, but still confused and angry. Her girlfriend had just had this incredible power all this time, and said nothing…

  “Why didn’t you tell me about the locket?”

  “I thought you would freak out, and think I’d used it on you.”

  Lydia gave a short laugh. “Yeah. Makes sense. ‘Cause I did think that.”

  She had one last question.

  “Do you really love me?”

  Somehow, Emma’s entranced reply still seemed to carry some emotion. “So much.”

  Satisfied, she unhooked the chain, and the strange energy dissipated.

  “Please, use it on me,” Emma begged again.

  “I did…” she replied, confused.

  “Oh. People don’t remember it. I’ve never had it done to me. Did you - ask?”

  She nodded tearfully, filled with a different whirlwind of emotions than before. She held the locket up. “What do we do about this?”

  Emma raised her shoulders sheepishly. “Trust each other…?”

  “But this is so much power…” she breathed. “You used it to make me forget last night, how do I know you won’t use it to make me forget other things?”

  “I would never,” Emma insisted. “It was just harmless fun, for seducing those girls. I had to do the memory thing because just commanding them was too easy. It was such a turn-on, coaxing them into doing it, making them really want it…”

  “That was goddamn hot…”

  “You keep the locket for awhile,” Emma said, touching her arm. “Try it out.”


  Emma smiled hopefully. “Really!”

  She held the golden heart up by its chain, watching it glitter. “And it really does all the things the book says it does?”


  “And you’re not afraid I won’t use it on you?”

  Emma shook her head. “I trust you. Besides Ricky, you’re the only thing I care about, anyway.”

  Lydia smiled, feeling much better - and rather excited. “Good answer.”

  They kissed deeply, both feeling much closer.

  Lydia leaned forward on her elbows, eyeing the other patrons. She’d found a good vantage point in the bookstore’s coffee-shop area. From here, she could see much of the large bookstore. Dozens of scattered people milled about in their winter coats, looking for good books to buy as Christmas presents.

  The locket sat in her pocket, unchained. Still, the presence of such an object filled her with nervous anticipation. She wondered how it worked, exactly - but she was more excited about what it could do. Because of their fight, and the secret she’d kept, Emma had given her special permission to do absolutely anything she wanted…

  But what did she want? That was the problem. She felt like she already had everything - a nice house, enough money, and a loving girlfriend she adored, with whom sex was amazing. What else was there?

  She had a thought… was this the same thing Emma was going through? She’d talked recently about wondering what to do with her life, and wanting to be somebody.

  She brought the locket out and examined its engravings in the light. It could probably be used to ace a job interview, or… to make an audience like a performance? It was curious, how much of life relied on other people’s decisions and opinions. Being able to sway those decisions meant the ability to have almost anything…

  She stood and approached the coffee corner’s register.

  “Hi, what can I get for you?” the young man behind the counter asked.

  She reached into her pocket and hooked the chain together. The strange energy surged up her arm, and the barista’s face turned neutral.

  “Can I… uh… have a coffee for free?” she asked.

  “No,” he replied, his tone flat.

  She frowned for a minute, wondering if the locket had failed somehow. Emma’s comment came back to her, that people took the words quite literally - she’d just asked if she could have one for free, and he’d answered the question.

  “Give me a coffee for free,” she ordered quietly, peering around the coffee-shop area. Nobody was watching her interaction.

  The barista grabbed a cup, poured the
coffee, and handed it to her.

  “Thanks,” she said, before realizing he wasn’t really listening.

  She unhooked the chain in her pocket.

  The young man immediately brightened, and began waiting for her answer.

  “Actually, I’ll just finish this first,” she said.

  He nodded.

  She returned to her table, watching the young man go about his work. He really had no idea he’d just given her a free coffee. The thrill of successful control ran tingling energy up her body - she really could have anything she wanted…

  Leaving the safety of the coffee corner, she began wandering the stacks, pretending to examine the rows of popular books. Using sips of her coffee as cover for checking people out, she thought about what she might make them do. Finally, she saw a girl that piqued her predatory interest.

  Her body tingling, she casually slid up next to the thin, wispy blonde.

  Clad in a fashionable winter coat and tight jeans, the woman looked like she could have been a model. Her perfectly angled cheekbones framed soft, expressive eyes. Lydia guessed that she was twenty-six, maybe twenty-seven… only a year or two younger than her, and - by the incredible grace of her body language - obviously much more sexually mature than the college girls they’d been bedding.

  Lydia looked around nervously, making sure nobody else could see down their row. One hand gripping her coffee, one hand toying with the chain in her pocket, she wondered how exactly to approach the situation… Emma had said she could just order people to do things, but this was a public place, and that felt risky for her first real attempt. If the woman took something she said too literally and made a scene…

  She decided to go with Emma’s latest tactic instead. That bolstered her courage - she would just talk it through, and make the woman forget if things went wrong.

  “I love that book,” she said, by way of introduction.

  The blonde looked over at her with a graceful smile. “It’s my favorite. I’m thinking of buying it for someone.”

  Lydia returned the woman’s smile, struggling to hide her nervousness. Her usual confidence didn’t seem to carry over into paranormal seduction, apparently. “Oh, the boyfriend?”

  “Hah, no, single.” The woman raised a hand in mock defeat. “Family keeps bothering me about it. The holidays are a mess.”

  “I know that feeling. I’m dreading going over there for Christmas. I’m Lydia.” She held out her hand.


  They shook warmly. Lydia could tell Gwen was outwardly polite, but subtly wondering at her intent.

  “This might be a little forward…” Lydia said quietly. “But you’re really gorgeous.”

  Gwen’s delicate features reddened. “Oh… I see.” She laughed sheepishly and took a small step back. “I’m, uh - I’m actually straight.”

  “Oh, me too,” she lied, trying to recover. “I don’t really know where that came from… I just think you’re really pretty.”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” Gwen offered, beginning to move away. “It was nice to meet you…”

  Lydia hooked the chain together in her pocket.

  Gwen froze.

  “Um, forget our conversation back to just after our introduction,” she ordered.

  The blonde gave no response.

  Lydia looked around again, her nerves rising… and she unhooked the chain.

  Gwen’s lips curled back up into the smile she’d had right after they’d shaken hands.

  “Are you a model by any chance?” Lydia asked, changing the course of the conversation completely.

  “Why, are you looking to hire me?”

  It was Lydia’s turn to redden. “Oh, no, I just thought I’d seen you somewhere before, and -”

  Gwen laughed. “I’m kidding. I’ve done some work. Nothing major, though. I’m surprised you’ve seen it.”

  “Well, you’re gorgeous enough to do major work,” she replied, her nerves calming as she thought about how the locket really removed all risk. It was strange, rephrasing and retrying the same words…

  “Thanks,” the blonde said, blushing lightly. “You’re really pretty, too. I actually wondered if you were a plus size model.”

  Lydia let her jaw drop. “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, oh no!” Gwen said hastily. “Plus size in the modeling industry is like a normal woman. You know how ridiculous the body images are. If you’re not stick thin, you’re plus size. And you’re certainly not stick thin.” She made a circle with her hand, indicating Lydia’s large breasts.

  Lydia narrowed her eyes. “Nice save.”

  “I’d kill for tits like that,” the wispy blonde added, her eyes wide, her tone sincere.

  Lydia wondered if her large breasts would pave the way a second time - they’d been the feature that had first gotten Emma, after all. She looked around with a conspiratorial expression. “You want to… play with them?”

  Gwen’s blush deepened. “Oh, I see… I’m actually straight.” She seemed too embarrassed by their prior flirtatious energy to remember her politeness. She began to move off without forging a graceful exit.

  Lydia clipped the chain together again.

  Gwen froze.

  “Forget our conversation back to right after you said you’d kill for tits like these,” she ordered, sighing.

  She unclipped the chain, and continued the conversation. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said, indicating Gwen’s chest. “Kind of unfair that you’re so thin, but have that amazing cleavage.”

  The wispy blonde blushed lightly, as if she was going to leave again - but she stayed, and responded with a sheepish smile. “It’s just my small frame, really. Makes them look bigger.”

  “Makes sense,” Lydia offered. She cupped her own chest. “These get pretty heavy, though. Have to shop endlessly for the right bras or I get back problems.”

  “Oh, I hate bra shopping! Every store’s sizes are different.”

  “I know, right? I’ve had to become something of a bra expert.” Lydia suddenly found inspiration. “That’s funny, I was actually just heading to buy some bras next.”

  She left the statement hanging. She knew that getting the blonde to ask would engage her much more strongly.

  Gwen’s expressive eyes locked on an opportunity, and she tilted her head in slight deference. “Would it be weird if I came with you? I could really use that knowledge. This bra is bugging me.”

  Lydia grinned. “Weird? No way! I love making new friends. Impromptu girls’ shopping trip!”

  Gwen relaxed at the mention of friend. The carefully employed word seemed to define Lydia’s otherwise nebulous intent.

  Lydia waited, excited, as Gwen bought her book and they walked over to the clothing store. Plans and gambits ran through her head - getting the blonde to the changing room was important. They’d be in private, close, adjusting and changing bras…

  “Get a range of sizes, all the same bra,” she suggested. “That’ll help us map out a particular brand’s sizes. There’s a certain way it should fit, too. Just because it’s comfortable at first, doesn’t mean it will be six hours later.”

  Gwen nodded, excited. She picked out six bras of different sizes, but all the same type.

  After picking out a few bras herself, Lydia led her prey to the changing rooms, and picked the one all the way at the back. Closing the door, barely able to contain her excitement, she slipped her coat and shirt off like it was no big deal.

  Following suit, Gwen dropped her coat and lifted her shirt off with a sheepish laugh. “I promise, I’m not in the habit of undressing in front of women I just met.”

  Lydia tried a few joking sexual responses, but each seemed to embarrass Gwen and make her suddenly reconsider what they were doing. Each time, she was forced to make the blonde forget.

  Finally, she settled on responding with raised eyebrows, and unhooking her own bra without overt flirtation. The much more neutral atmosphere seemed to relax Gwen, and they proceeded. />
  Gwen sighed, covering her breasts with her arm. “Feels so good to get out of that… I can’t imagine how you feel.”

  Unable to cover her large breasts with an arm, Lydia just let them hang free as she sorted their bras and chose one for each of them. “It can get painful. That’s why this is so important. I’m glad to help out, pass on the expertise.” She handed a bra over. “Try this one.”

  Gwen slipped it on, hooked it in the back, and examined it in the room’s long mirror.

  Leaving her chest bare, Lydia touched the blonde for the first time, running her hands along the bra’s strap. She could tell the woman was trying not to look at her breasts, hanging free in front of her… the thought excited her. She brought her fingers around and dipped them just inside the cups of the bra, brushing against warm, firm breasts.

  “Oh, cold,” Gwen breathed.

  Lydia explained how the bra should fit, keeping her manner professional to keep the blonde relaxed. With each new bra, she managed to caress the woman’s breasts a little more… and she had Gwen feel how her larger bra fit. The third or fourth time, she imagined the blonde’s fingers lingered a little longer than they needed to - but it might have been her imagination.

  Finally, she decided to step it up a notch. “The other thing about large breasts, they’re really sensitive.”

  Gwen laughed, now much more comfortable with their joking energy. “So, what, is this turning you on?”

  Lydia made a show of sheepish embarrassment. “Yeah, I can’t help it.”

  “Oh.” Gwen held her bare chest a little tighter. “I didn’t know. Sorry.”

  She chuckled. “Who apologizes for making someone horny?”

  The blonde hesitated, but then jumped back into their joking energy to avoid further embarrassment. “Someone who can’t help with that problem.” She motioned toward the space between her legs, indicating her lack of certain male anatomy.

  “Oh, but can’t you?” Lydia asked, feeling the conversation steer exactly the way she wanted it. She let her tone be slightly less humorous than the blonde might have expected.

  Gwen hesitated, her face turning deep red. She was obviously unsure whether Lydia had been joking or serious. “I… uh… would if I could!” She went with a humorous tone.


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