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Lydia's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)

Page 6

by X, Lexie

  "I'm serious. I don't like how I acted with that thing. And I don't think it's having a good effect on our relationship. And I probably eat too much candy."

  Confused by that remark, but weirdly calm, Emma shook her head. "We can make some rules for it, but no way are we giving up the power to have anything we want."

  Lydia screwed up her face. "But that's my point - we already have everything we want. That locket is just temptation."

  "Did something bad happen?" Emma asked, dodging the topic. "I know I said you could use it for anything you wanted, and I wouldn't ask… but you seem… flustered."

  "I am flustered, and I don't -"

  She hesitated as Emma began caressing her thigh.

  "Seriously -"

  "Relax," Emma interrupted softly. "We're fine."

  Lydia sighed as her girlfriend worked her jeans and panties off. "You promise?"

  "I promise, we're fine." She moved onto her knees at the edge of the bed, kissing and teasing bare sensitive skin.

  Lydia gripped her girlfriend's hair, excited.

  Emma's warm breath rolled across her exposed sex. "You're really turned on… are you sure you're not enjoying using the locket?" She sucked gently on each glistening pink lip, in exactly the way she knew Lydia loved. "I wonder who's licked you here today…"

  Arching in response to the pleasure, Lydia couldn't help herself. "This gorgeous straight woman, and…" She shuddered.

  Emma licked her again, her smile wicked. "And?"

  "These two girls…" Lydia breathed. "They went at each other like wild animals… it was so hot…"

  "See?" She began tonguing more forcefully, eliciting a moan. "The locket's just a safe way to act out our fantasies… give it one more try?"

  Lydia's eyes fluttered. "Fine," she surrendered. "Now get up here…"

  Tearing off her clothes, Emma jumped into bed and kissed her deeply. They traded tongues and desperate caresses for a moment, and then moved around into a passionate sixty-nine.

  Tongue buried in her girlfriend, her hands gripping toned thighs, and an expert mouth filling her with pleasure, Lydia imagined herself as one of those two girls wild for each other's bodies, rolling around on that changing room floor without any thoughts but licking, sucking, and groping.

  Maybe Emma was right, she thought. It had been incredibly hot - all of it - and it did help her explore her fantasies…

  Thighs gripped her head, and juices gushed across her chin. She shuddered, getting off against her girlfriend's expert tongue.

  The next night, memories of passionate lovemaking still lingering at the front of her thoughts, she gripped the locket and scanned the bookstore for prey.

  Her whole body felt like a raw sexual nerve; every female in the store filled her thoughts with wild fantasies and dark urges. Still, something felt a little lacking… she'd already worked the angles that felt right for the bookstore…

  Through the store's glass front, she saw a good target walk by.

  Getting up quickly, she hit the chill winter air behind the girl, watching her with a masked predatory gaze. Contrary to her usual predilection, the girl was a brunette - but, under her heavy winter jacket, she was stick thin and small, in a way that reminded her of Gwen. She was also much younger, likely barely of drinking age, and probably on her way to get ready for a night out. Was it Friday? The days had become a blur lately…

  Hand in her pocket, she approached the girl. "Excuse me -"

  The girl turned around, and her gaze immediately fell neutral as the locket went to work.

  "What's your name?"

  "Aubrey," she answered, staring straight ahead.

  To the left of the sidewalk, a car suddenly crunched into the pickup truck in front of it. Shocked, Lydia jumped away from the parking lot curb. Looking over, she realized that both drivers were staring at her with blank expressions.

  Horrified, she grabbed Aubrey by the arm. "Come with me, quick."

  Leading the girl down a small gap between the strip mall's buildings, she peered back at the accident. Now that she was out of line of sight, both drivers seemed to shake their heads in confusion - and then they both began cursing. They seemed unharmed, and got out to exchange information.

  "Wow… I gotta be more careful with this thing," she said aloud, but the girl gave no reply.

  The small, grassy passage offered an alcove where they couldn't be seen from the road, or from the back parking lots. Next to a large air conditioning unit and a generator of some sort, she considered what to do with the girl.

  "Aubrey, ever been with a woman?"


  She smiled, thinking about the things she particularly enjoyed during her first outing with the locket. "Alright, Aubrey… for the rest of the night, you are going to do everything I say. You will not tell anyone, or even hint, that anything is wrong. If someone asks, I am… your new girlfriend, Lydia, and you'll say you're a lesbian now. Only thing is, you'll really just be yourself. I want you in there experiencing everything the way you normally would, but unable to stop yourself. Is that clear?"


  She let go of the locket.

  Aubrey looked around in confusion for a second, pulled her jacket tight, and then began to walk away in concern.

  "Stop," Lydia said.

  The young brunette froze in place.

  "Turn around." Lydia moved up to her, noting the distress and confusion on her face. "Yeah, that's it," she breathed, running a hand along the girl's cheek. "Of course, don't let anyone else see your torment. Understand?"

  Through a look of resistance and struggle, Aubrey forced out a "Yes."

  "Good. Now come here." She pulled her further back into the alcove. "On your knees."

  The girl fell to her knees in the cold grass.

  "Take off your jacket, shirt, and bra. I want to see what you've got under there."

  Aubrey pulled each article of clothing off without a fuss, despite her obvious attempts at mental resistance. Bare-chested, she shivered in the cold air. "How are you doing this?" she half-sobbed, barely managing to speak.

  "Oh, we can't have that," Lydia realized aloud, surging with dark arousal. "No speaking about your situation at all. As far as anyone will know, you're fine. Got it?"

  She nodded, a tear running down each cheek.

  "No crying, either. Don't want to ruin your makeup. Now move your arms."

  She bared her boyish breasts, perfectly sized for her small frame. Lydia found herself a little disappointed that they weren't like Gwen's perfect firm tits… and she began wondering how much of her harshness was coming from a place of resentment for the gorgeous blonde resisting her. Someone that pretty, being totally straight… it undermined her darker fantasies, somehow.

  She briefly considered calling the whole thing off. It was rather horrible, what she was doing to this poor girl…

  But she could just make Aubrey forget it all later, right?

  She sighed and smiled, a big weight lifting from her shoulders. Yeah, that sounded good. There would be no repercussions, no harm done…

  Aubrey stared up at her, shivering, her eyes full of apprehension.

  Still painfully undecided, Lydia bit her lip and moved back and forth. Finally, the thought of her dark sexual plans for the night became too much to resist. She dropped her pants.

  Aubrey's eyes widened with fear.

  She let the command fall on the girl with a certain sadistic pleasure. "Lick me to orgasm."

  Shivering, arms at her sides, the young brunette leaned in and stuck out her tongue. She repeatedly rubbed her tongue along the skin of her thigh, at a place that might bring a tiny bit of arousal, but take forever to even get near an orgasm.

  "Very clever," Lydia sighed. "Sit back."

  She sat back on her knees.

  "You really don't want to lick me?"

  Aubrey shook her head, glaring.

  "There's no small part of you that's ever fantasized about tasting a woman?"

sp; This time, she gave no reaction - perhaps unable to shake her head, but unwilling to nod.

  Lydia grinned. "This night could be fun for you, you know. Just let it happen, enjoy it. What was your fantasy?"

  "A dream I had a few times," she was forced to admit.

  "Oh really… did it involve anyone you know?"




  "Who's that?"

  "My best friend…"

  Lydia's grin turned into a wide sadistic smirk. "I like that. Now… lick me the way you dreamed. Lick me as if I was Rachel."

  Trembling, Aubrey almost seemed drawn in by some invisible force. Her cold nose made contact with soft shaved skin, eliciting a shiver from them both, and her breath rolled in and out for a moment.

  Lydia curled her toes as the warm air flowed across her chilly exposed sex.

  Arms still pressed against her sides for warmth, Aubrey leaned a little further forward and turned her head up for a better angle - and her tongue slid out, across Lydia's puffy lips, flat against the base of her sex, tip touching the bottom corner where her labia met.

  They stood frozen for a long moment, Lydia eager with anticipation, Aubrey resisting…

  Her tongue slid up, diving deep between folds. Slowly tonguing, she pressed her open lips against wet labia and thrust deep. The firm muscle explored up and down for a few moments, until she pulled back to take long licks up and down.

  "How's it taste?" Lydia asked, shivering from the cold and pleasure.

  "…good," Aubrey whimpered, obviously hating the fact that she couldn't lie.

  Lydia laughed. "How would you describe it?"


  "That'd be the candy… so you like how a woman tastes?"

  Aubrey screwed up her face, trying to resist answering, but she was forced to nod between licks.

  "Very good. Now… suck gently on my clit, bring me to orgasm so we can get out of the cold."

  Doing as ordered, Aubrey pursed her lips, focusing on the top of her mound.

  "That feels incredible… just think, in a few hours, you'll be doing this to Rachel…" It might have been her imagination, but she thought she detected a slight boost in Aubrey's ministrations at that comment.

  She let the orgasm run through her quickly, eager to get out of the cold. Pulling the young brunette's head between her thighs, she came against the girl's face with a strange, mischievous excitement. "Lick me a little more," she ordered. "I want the taste to linger on your tongue."

  Aubrey slid her tongue in a few more times.

  "Good. Now get dressed, you look freezing!"

  "So this is it…" Lydia mused aloud, examining the tiny, cramped space. Filled with feminine décor, messed up sheets, and clothes on the floor, it was every bit the typical college dorm room. The common area outside linked to two other rooms, but the roommates seemed to be out already. She picked up a picture from the dresser. "Who's this?"

  "My boyfriend," Aubrey replied, her tone angry.

  "Oh…" she considered the impact of her actions for a moment, wondering, again, whether she was going too far. Just as she was about to end it all, she thought of a sinister idea that only turned her on even more. "Well then… I'll make you a deal. Your story for tonight is now that you're bi, and I'm just a friend. If, at any time, your boyfriend asks you to stop what I have you doing… I'll let you go."

  Aubrey glared back at her, uncertain. "What's the catch?"

  Lydia sat on the unkempt pink blanket on the bed. "Well… I was going to erase your memory at the end of the night, and replace it with the idea that you had a fun, normal time. With this deal… I won't."

  "I'll take it."

  "Oh," she added. "If you want to remember the night so that you can report me or something, I'll still be erasing my name and appearance. So that won't work. Still want it?"

  The brunette dropped her gaze, uncertain. "… yes."

  Lydia smiled. "We're going to have so much fun… now go get ready. Put on your makeup, look your best. Don't try to escape or hint to anyone that anything is wrong." She watched as the girl went immediately to getting ready.

  As the shivering pleasure of control faded somewhat, she began to feel a little bad. She couldn't quite fathom her own behavior… but she was too horny and too excited to stop.

  They arrived at the bar before any of Aubrey's people. Rather dark and filled with pounding music, the place reminded Lydia of dance bars from her own college years. As it was still a bit early, only a few scattered college kids wandered around, drinking and talking.

  She grabbed a table in the slightly more reserved front area. The corner offered a circular enclosure that was only half-visible to the rest of the bar.

  She got drinks for both of them, and placed a Long Island in front of Aubrey before sliding along the cushion next to her.

  "I don't want it."

  "Oh come on," Lydia said, speaking loudly over the music. "Have some fun. This won't be so bad if you let yourself enjoy it. Did licking me turn you on?"

  "A little," Aubrey said, immediately wincing in anger at the truth being torn out of her. Drawing in a sharp breath, she took a gulp of her drink.

  A girl slid in next to them, drink in hand. "Hey!"

  Long black hair ran along the curves of her shoulders. Dressed in a red plaid top and a short black skirt, the girl fit in very well with the bar's punky atmosphere - although, she had no piercings or tattoos visible.

  "Hey, Rachel," Aubrey greeted her, faking happiness convincingly.

  "Who's this?" Rachel asked, eyeing Lydia's large chest with surprise. "Older sister?"

  "Just a friend."

  "Hi, I'm Lydia." She offered a hand across the table.

  Rachel shook her hand and shrugged. "Nice to meet you."

  They hung out for a bit, waiting for Aubrey's boyfriend to show. While the bar filled up, two hours passed. The three of them grew buzzed - and then a little drunk.

  Frustrated, Lydia wandered to the bar to order another drink. The sadistic plan that had turned her on so much was taking forever to begin… she couldn't do anything until Aubrey's stupid boyfriend showed… and it was getting near midnight.

  The crowd had grown uncomfortably thick. She managed to reach the bar, only to have an overly made-up blonde sorority girl push her over forcefully and steal her spot.

  "Bitch!" the sorority girl muttered.

  Feeling a surge of anger, her inhibitions low, Lydia gripped the locket for a moment. Surrounded by the crowd, nobody noticed her lean in and whisper. "There's a lesbian bar a few blocks down. I want you to go in there, go into the bathroom, and offer to lick the pussy of every woman in there until the bar closes. If they accept, lick them to orgasm. Don't leave until they're all serviced."

  She let go of the locket, and the blonde sorority girl immediately moved off toward the door, a look of confusion on her face.

  Squeezing her legs together from a sudden rush of arousal, Lydia struggled against the urge to fall to her knees and masturbate right there in the crowd. She had no idea where the sadistic idea had come from, but it had felt amazing. The thought of that bitchy girl on her knees for the next two hours, being used by a quickly growing line of women…

  "What did you say to her?" Rachel asked, moving up next to her at the bar. "I know that girl, she's a total bitch…"

  "I noticed," Lydia replied, struggling to keep a straight face against her own horniness. "And it takes forever to get served here…"

  "Are you kidding?" Rachel grinned. "Just use that cleavage of yours!"

  Lydia nodded, wondering how she'd forgotten her old wiles. The average age in the college bar had her feeling older and out of place, even though she was only twenty-seven… leaning over the bar, she was served by the young punk bartender girl almost immediately. "Can't believe I forgot my cleavage power…"

  Rachel ran the tip of her tongue along the base of her upper lip, and smiled. "You should get out more." She glanced back
at their table briefly. "So for real - are you and Aubrey…?"

  Accepting her newly made drink, Lydia took a sip, grinning. She'd immediately liked this girl's energy… she resolved not to use the locket on her at all. Something told her she wouldn't need it. She leaned lightly forward against the bar, forming a little private space among the crowd. "You mean, are we fucking?"

  The girl's sharp eyes lit up, and her smile widened slowly. "…well are you?"

  Lydia glanced up and down her face for a moment, teasing her by drawing out her reply. "No," she said, finally. "But she did go down on in me an alley earlier."

  "Really?" Rachel asked, glancing back again before biting her lip. "How did that happen?"

  "I'm not sure," she replied, blinking as if surprised. "I bumped into her in a bookstore aisle, we got to talking, and suddenly… we went outside, and she got on her knees… she seemed desperate for it, really."

  "That's… incredible," Rachel breathed, her eyes distant for a moment. Her drink arrived, and they both moved back to the table - but now Lydia could recognize a certain predatory hint in the girl's eyes as she looked at her best friend.

  At least that part of her plan was working… it was past midnight, and the bar was full of raucous dancing college kids. It seemed that Aubrey's boyfriend wasn't going to show. There was no point in waiting any longer, and, in any case, she was too drunk to have any more patience.

  "You've got some nice tits," she suddenly said, addressing Rachel. "Aubrey, doesn't she have a nice chest?"

  "Yes," Aubrey was forced to admit with a smile. Her eyes wandered down her best friend's chest.

  Rachel blinked drunkenly. "Well, thanks - why don't you touch them, Aubrey?"

  "I -"

  Lydia interrupted with a command. "Go ahead, do anything she says…"

  Rachel grinned over at her. "I might be crazy, and we might get kicked out for this, but…" She looked around, hoping nobody would notice her deep in the table's corner alcove, and pulled her top down a bit to expose a black bra covering round breasts. "Touch them…"

  Aubrey seemed to want to protest or hesitate, but she was unable to. Her hands went out of their own accord, and she began lightly exploring her best friend's chest.


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