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Meeting Mr Write

Page 7

by Cassandra P Lewis

  He pulls me up so that I am sitting upright with him still kneeling between my legs, “arms up” I glance up innocently and raise my arms, Jackson pulls my vest up and over my head and pushes me back down on the bed, I giggle. He places his hands on my hips and then pushes them slowly up my body, over my breasts and back again, pushing aside the other triangle and pinching my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, I smile and bite my lip and the sensations shoot through me.

  I’m wriggling on the bed, nervous and excited about what’s next. Jackson moves to undo the button on my shorts, he struggles with one hand while he leans forward kissing my breasts and my side, he stops, sits up and sighs, frowning he uses both hands to undo the button and I laugh again

  “Rosetta, you’re killing me here” he does his best to look serious,

  I stop and purse my lips in a smirk, “I’m sorry, I’m good, I’ll stop” he stays up right and pulls at my shorts, they’re quite tight and he struggles to pull them down over my hips, I lift up to help him out and they suddenly give way, Jackson falls backward and off the end of the bed. I cannot control my hysterics. That was the funniest thing that I have ever seen.

  “For fucks sake!” Jackson stands and runs his hands through his hair, he looks up the bed to me, I’m sitting forward crying with laughter and struggling to get my breath and he joins in, he places his hands on the end of the bed and leans over laughing hysterically and shaking his head.

  “Are you ok?” I ask when I have calmed down a little, I am still giggling and Jackson looks up at me.

  “I’m fine” he smiles at me and cocks his head to the side then grabs my ankles and pulls me so that my back is flat on the mattress with my legs hanging off the end of the bed. He stands between my legs and leans over me, his hands on the bed either side of my shoulders. I smile up at him and he straightens up, running his hands all the way down my body. I watch as he kneels on the floor between my legs, my mood has quickly changed and I’m eager.

  Jackson picks up my left leg and rests my foot on his thigh, he runs both hands up my leg and kisses the inside of my thigh, I lean back and I’m on fire as he kisses and nibbles his way upwards. He reaches both hands up and pulls my bikini bottoms down and off in one move. He dips the tip of a finger inside me and I hear his sharp intake of breath, I am obviously wet and he clearly likes it. He runs his finger upwards, I may not approve of all the practice that he has had but he certainly knows what he is doing down there. My body jolts as he finds my clitoris immediately, he massages it in circles while my breathing becomes hitched, my throat is dry. I swallow and he stops, I look down to see him kissing my other thigh and I lie back again, he moves forward and I feel his tongue replace his fingers on my clitoris, I laugh!

  “You’re seriously laughing? Right now?” he is staring at me, shocked,

  “I’m sorry, it tickled! I’m fine, carry on!” he squints at me and returns to what he was doing, I laugh again!

  “Oh come on!” his hands are on my knees and he looks at me defeated

  “I’m sorry, I just, it just tickles!” I bite my lip, embarrassed, disappointed & frustrated.

  “I don’t think we’re destined to do this tonight are we?” Jackson gets back to his feet and looks down at me and tilts his head to the side,

  “I think you’re right” I lay back on the pillows a little disappointed but amused and he climbs up and lies on his side next to me, propped up on his elbow,

  “I have to say James, you’re not the smooth operator I was expecting” I grin up at his face and his mouth falls open,

  “Well, yeah maybe it is time for some new moves” he laughs again “I have to say though Rosie, I’ve never enjoyed not having sex quite so much”


  Jackson gave me one of his t-shirts to wear and we sat on the bed, talking until almost three in the morning, about literature, our favourite writers and books. His impression of Francesca Franklin had me rolling about on the bed in stitches, he has her down perfectly. I can feel my eyelids becoming heavy,

  “I’m tired, should I leave Jackson?”

  “Rosie, it’s three am, no of course you shouldn’t, I’ll take you back in the morning”

  “Ok, thanks for tonight James”

  “Ditto Alvez” he leans and kisses me briefly and then rolls over and turns off the lamp, I’m exhausted, and Jackson’s deep breath next to me indicates he feels the same way. I roll over with my back to him and he pulls me back so that my head is on his chest, I’m glad the light is off so that he can’t see my smile, but hope his expression matches my own.

  ‘It will end in tears Alvez’ I ignore my subconscious and drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  He invites me onto the back of his moped, I look at him unsure,

  “Rosie, trust me. I know what I’m doing” I climb on, my legs on the outside of his, he tells me to wrap my arms around him and I willingly oblige “shuffle closer Rosie, I don’t want you falling off”

  “I can’t get much closer Jackson”

  “Ah Ms Alvez, there’s always closer…” I can actually hear him grinning,

  Pippa and I have booked a trip to go to Tiger Cave Temple today so I’ve had to ask Jackson to get me back to the hotel early; I wish I could spend the day with him. I saw a side of him that I hadn’t imagined could exist last night and it was amazing. We pull up in front of my hotel and I climb off the moped.

  “Thanks, for bringing me back, and for last night” I start to walk into the lobby

  “Hey, forgetting something” Jackson props the bike up and walks toward me, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me close, I put my hand over my mouth and he looks at me, amused and perplexed,

  “Jackson, I haven’t brushed my teeth” I scrunch my eyes up, mortified that I can’t kiss him because I have morning breath, he laughs

  “Oh Rosie, you are all kinds of different” he laughs and kisses my forehead then releases me, “have a great day sweetie”

  “Rosetta Alvez you dirty stop out! Spill!!!” I smile and cover my face as Pippa squeals with excitement “come on then, was he good, oh I bet he was good, details Rosie”

  “Pippa we didn’t have sex” she looks at me completely dumbfounded “long story, I’ll explain in a bit” I need to have a quick shower, change and get back down to the lobby in half an hour for the trip.

  “Oh Rosie, only you, that could only happen to you!” Pippa is in hysterics in the mini bus on the way to the temple

  “Oh Pip, I had a great night. Don’t get me wrong, I’m kind of frustrated” I roll my eyes in an 'I must have sex soon; kind of way “but I had more fun than I have in years. Michael and I never laughed like that in three and a half years of being together”

  “Yes well, that’s because he is a cock!” she smiles, proud of herself for that one. She tried from day one to get me to leave Michael but he convinced me that I’d never meet anyone else.

  “So what now Rosie?” she looks at me, concerned,

  “What do you mean?” I know what she’s asking, but I don’t know how to answer

  “With Jackson, I mean from what you say, he’s pretty adamant he doesn’t want anything serious. I don’t want to see you get hurt” she holds my hand

  “I know Pip. Truth is, I don’t know, and I can’t even think about it right now. I had a great night last night, and we’re going to have a great day today” I smile and her and she smiles back, she knows me too well but decides to leave it at that, for now.

  The temple is unbelievable, I think we both underestimated the one thousand, two hundred and thirty seven steps that Jackson warned us about in the book and had to stop about four times on the way up to catch our breath. At the top I am struck by the huge gold Buddha keeping watch over all of Krabi.

  There are Buddhist nuns praying in one area and I walk to the edge. I am looking down the mountain at the tops of the lush green trees, I can hear the monks chanting from below and at that moment, I am calm, it’s the mo
st serene experience of my life.

  I came to Thailand for exactly this, I am inspired, my mind is whirring with ideas and for the first time in a long time, my eyes are open. Pippa is taking photos and I decide to sit. I find a quiet spot to myself and sit cross legged on the floor, if I’m going to receive some divine guidance; this surely has to be the place.

  I think about my book, I know now what I want to say. It will be different to my others because I am different; the world is bigger to me now. I think about Jackson, I close my eyes for this one. What am I going to do about him? I think my way through a list of pros and cons –


   He doesn’t want to commit (wow that’s a pretty big one Rosie)

   He can be incredibly arrogant

   He is a serial womaniser


   He is gorgeous

   He can be incredibly sweet

   We have so much in common

   There’s a connection between us that is undeniable

   He makes me feel like I’m something special

   He is smart and worldly

  Oh crap, I open my eyes and realise that I have to take a risk, if there is a chance that I can convince Jackson that I am worth a shot, I have to take it. I’m a big girl, I can take whatever he throws at me, I think.

  We make our way down the mountain and I’m determined, I’m calm and I know what I want; now I just have to go get it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Back at the hotel I decide that the best thing to do is spend the remaining five days before we head to Phi Phi convincing Jackson that not all relationships end in tears and that sometimes, the risk is worth taking. I text him,

  ‘Are you busy tonight? I’d like to see you x’

  In only a minute, my phone buzzed with a reply ‘I thought you’d never ask. Where do you want me and when? x’

  Oh the possibilities are endless, but I decide to stick to the plan to wow him, not screw him senseless, not straight away anyway, ‘I’ll meet you on the beach, under the terrace, at 8 x’

  ‘Can’t wait!’

  Pippa has made plans with a Portuguese guy tonight; she said she’s sticking to her roots for the evening. I don’t take too long getting ready; my hair is tame for once and has a smooth wave in it. I put on matching navy blue lace bra and French knickers and a blue dipped hem dress and flip flops. I’m ready.

  “You’re not going to propose to me are you?” Jackson calls from behind me as he makes his way toward me on the beach,

  “You wish” I call as I turn to face him, he’s wearing navy blue chinos and cream linen shirt and I melt, he’s so gorgeous.

  “What do you have in store for me then Alvez?” he asks and he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close, I put my hands on his chest and walk away,

  “You’ll see…”

  Jackson catches up with me and takes my hand, we walk along the beach listening to sound of the sea on one side of us and the town on the other,

  “Can we go back to Presley’s Jackson? Then maybe have some food and a few drinks?” I ask

  “Yeah, sure we can. What are you singing for me tonight then?” he looks carefree and happy, if only it could stay this way,

  “No singing from me tonight sunshine, you can do a little turn though” I giggle and pulls me close with his arm around my shoulder,

  “I enjoy your company Rosie, thanks for giving the chance to prove I’m not all bad”

  “I’m not sure you’ve proved that yet James” I laugh and he kisses me on the head as we continue our walk.

  “Hey you two, nice to see you both” Steve looks genuinely pleased to see us and greets us both with a hug, “What can I get you?”

  “Couple of beers please mate, you good? Annie ok?” Jackson asks, suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable; these two are friends, old friends. I know that I suggested we come here but I can’t help but wonder how many girls Steve has witnessed Jackson conquer and crush. I snap out of my daze when Jackson puts a hand on my back,

  “Hey, you ok?” he seems concerned,

  “Yeah sorry. World of my own” I shake off my concern, I have to try.

  Presley’s is a lot quieter tonight that it was a few nights ago and we sit at the bar to chat with Steve, Annie soon joins us and as the drinks flow, the games come out. Connect four seems to be everywhere in Ao Nang and I haven’t had so much fun playing it since I was a child, then I guess if you added alcohol even chess would be a good laugh.

  As the night wears on, Steve becomes sentimental about his friendship with Jackson, one thing I love about Thailand, the bar staff get as drunk as the customers!

  “Jackson, my old buddy, my pal, we have been through a lot” Steve has really let his hair down and is slurring his words, Jackson is smiling at him the way I do Rafe, they are clearly like brothers, “You Rosie, are the first girl that has ever, and I mean ever put him in his place!”

  “Alright mate, I think you’ve had enough” Jackson shuffles uncomfortably and seems like he is trying to hush Steve up before he says too much,

  “Nope, I’m good. What was I saying, oh yeah, Jackson here, well he’s a man whore, but don’t let that put you off” I laugh loudly and Jackson seems to relax when I don’t run away, “But in all seriousness, you two, you look bloody great together” Jackson stiffens again, “Hang on to this one mate, I can see it working out. Although Rosie my sweet, I imagine this arse to make pretty ugly kids, so bear that it mind!”

  “Steve, mate. Enough!” Jackson’s sharp response makes me sit up, he’s clearly uncomfortable and seems to have sobered up pretty sharpish,

  “It’s ok, I know he’s pissed. It’s fine” I put a hand on Jackson’s thigh to reassure him “Come on, let’s go get some food”

  We leave Presley’s and Jackson is distant, I stop and stand in front of him,

  “Hey, cheer up will you” I look into his eyes and see that he looks confused “Jackson, chill out, Steve was pleased to see you and had too much to drink, it’s no big deal. If you’re going to be like this then I’m going to go”

  “No, I’m sorry. Look I’m just hungry, come on. Let’s go back to my hotel and get room service”

  “Jackson, it’s almost eleven pm, they won’t be serving?” I look at him puzzled,

  “Ok beautiful, let’s get some street food and head back then yeah?” and he’s back,

  “Sounds great”

  Back in Jackson’s suite, we nibble on chicken, squid, pork and all sorts of food that he bought from the street cart, we talk and laugh and relax together. It’s exactly what I wanted and after letting my food settle, I decide it’s time to make my move,

  “Do you know what I’d really like to do now?” I stand in front of Jackson hoping this goes to plan. He looks up at me but before he answers I finish, “Swim” I pull my dress over my head and walk over to the plunge pool, “Coming?” I beckon Jackson to join me.

  Jackson almost appears nervous as he takes off his shirt and trousers to join me in the pool, I’ve never seen him like this and it’s refreshing, standing in his boxers I can see that he is already hard and I can feel the burn between my legs. There will be no mishaps or fits of giggles tonight; I want him inside me, now.

  As he descends the steps into the pool his mood shifts, he is back to the confident ladies’ man, this is what he does best, and he knows it. He glides over toward me in the water and pushes me back against the side of pool, he slides his hand down my arm and moves my hand to feel his erection, he breathes in through his teeth,

  “See what you do to me Rosie” he looks intensely into my eyes and then closes his as I stroke firmly up and down the length of his penis, my other hand moves to the back of his head and I pull his face down to meet mine. I am so turned on that I feel like I can’t kiss him hard or deep enough to satisfy me, I need more. I stop my stroking and use my hands to pull him close to me; Jackson’s hands leave the side of the pool as he lifts my legs around him and presses my
back against the tiles. From underneath me, Jackson’s fingers move over the lace of my knickers, I feel him move them out of the way and push two fingers inside me, I gasp and break our kiss; he moves to kiss my neck. From this angle the penetration is shallow and I want, I need more. I groan and push back against his fingers, letting him know I need him deeper and before I can argue Jackson lifts me onto the edge of the pool.

  “oh Rosie, I am going to have so much fun right now” he looks at me with a hunger that matches my own and pushes two fingers deep into me, I lean back to let him in and when he pulls his fingers out and rips my underwear off, I think I’m going to explode.

  Jackson pushes his fingers back inside me and with the thumb of his other hand, begins to massage my now exposed and swollen clitoris. The sensations are intense, I haven’t been so turned on in years, and I just want to be fucked, any way he wants me.

  “You smell so good, I can’t wait to taste you Rosie” Jackson nibbles at my inner thigh and I want to scream to yell ‘JUST DO IT THEN!’ but my orgasm is building, my breath is becoming fast and I feel myself tightening around Jackson’s expert fingers,

  “You close baby?” he asks in between kissing my inner thighs, all I can manage is a hum in response, “ah ah, not yet!”

  Jackson stops his manipulation of me and I look up in shock, he’s gliding over toward the steps of the pool and I can’t speak. As Jackson walks over to me, I can see his erection and I remembered that this is my night, I’m in charge. I lift myself up and onto my knees and stop him in his tracks.

  “Wait” I put my hands on his thighs and he looks down at me expectantly “these are all wet” I pull at his boxers “you’ll catch your death” I grin upward through my eyelashes as I pull them down to expose all of him. For the first time I can see what I’m dealing with and all I can do to stop myself from pushing him to the floor and jumping on him is to take hold of him.

  He is so hard and I want him so bad, I lick my lips and let him push into my mouth, maintaining eye contact until he closes his eyes and throws his head back. Grabbing the back of my hair, Jackson pushes in and out of my mouth while I stroke my hands up the backs of his thighs and down his abs, with one hand I squeeze the base of his penis while the other hand moved to caress his balls, I am taking back control,


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