Book Read Free

Meeting Mr Write

Page 14

by Cassandra P Lewis

Rosie looks at me like she wants to run for the hills, but she just bites her lip instead “go on” she insists and this is my chance, the only one I’ll get, so I go for it, balls out.

  “Since the second I saw you that day in Gold Square you blew me away. Everything about you was just stunning. Your figure in that blue skirt and top, the way your red curls fell over your shoulders, the intense green of your eyes, I wanted to be with you”

  “You wanted to fuck me you mean Jackson!” she is smiling, I think,

  I laugh, “Well yeah, I didn’t know who you were then. When I met you on the plane you were really rude and I knew you would be a challenge, but I found you so intriguing. The whole time I was in Bangkok you kept popping into my mind. I wondered what you were doing in Krabi and if you were having fun and then when I saw you in the restaurant you were so beautiful and I just felt drawn to you. Every second that I spent with you after that pulled me in even more, you’re funny and caring and just holding your hand made me feel things that I’ve never felt toward anyone Rosie” she shifts in her seat and glances up from her coffee to briefly make eye contact, I smile and continue “we were floating along nicely and I knew I was falling for you, which was fine, until people started to notice. Pippa warned me not to hurt you, Steve kept on and on about it and eventually I just got scared and I had to push you before you jumped, I knew if I slept with someone else I’d fuck it up with you. I didn’t want to lose you, but I was freaking out and not thinking straight. Part of me hoped you wouldn’t find out and that we could carry on as we were, but now I’m glad that you did.” Rosie looks up in shock, I hadn’t planned what I was going to say and I had to just stick with it “not because I wanted to hurt you, if I could change that I would, in a heartbeat, but I’m glad because you left me, and if you hadn’t I may never have realised what I was losing” I take her hands in mine again and she looks deep into my eyes,

  “Since the second you walked away from me that night Rosie I have felt sick. I can’t think of anything but you, I can’t sleep for thinking about you. I can’t concentrate, I couldn’t finish my book and missed my deadline” Rosie looks at me concerned “it’s ok, Frankie has extended it, but if I think of Thailand now Rosie, I think of you, I see the look in your eyes when you saw me that night, and it kills me. I’m in love with you Rosetta. Please trust me that I won’t ever hurt you again, please just give me a chance” I plead and Rosie blows out a deep breath in preparation for her response, there are tears in her eyes but she looks determined that they will not fall

  “Jackson, I fell for you in Thailand. I fell hard, despite your warnings and that was my mistake. But I can’t trust you not to hurt me, I won’t. I’m sorry. I do believe what you say, and I feel deeply for you, but you’re anti-monogamy. I may be ‘the one’ right now but where will I be left when you get bored JJ, heartbroken, again. I have to protect myself now, regardless of the hurt it will cause us both. I have to walk away” Rosie pulls her hands away from me and stands “I’m sorry Jackson but this has to be goodbye”

  She leaves the café and I have to follow her, we step out into the rain and I reach out and grabs Rosie’s arm pulling her back towards me. I hold her close and look into her eyes “something about kissing in the rain” I have to kiss her, it may be the last time that I do, it’s both gentle and deep as the tears escape Rosie’s eyes and I wrap my arms around her waist to hold her close to me.

  “I will prove it to you Rosie, I will” I let go and back away, Rosie looks at me and I see it, the hunger that I saw so many times in Thailand so I take my chance, I hold out my hand to her, if she takes it, all is not lost.

  What feels like an eternity passes, Rosie eyes me anxiously in the pouring rain and my hand is still outstretched towards her, when eventually, she takes it. I smile and begin to walk, leading her away from the café; I need her to myself, now.

  Chapter Thirty Three

  We reach Jackson’s flat without having said a word to each other since we kissed, as he opens the door and shows me inside I turn to face him, I’m shivering, partly from being wet through and freezing, partly from nerves,

  “Come here” Jackson pulls me into his arms and I lift my head to look up at him. Despite my reservations, being alone with him again feels amazing, he kisses me and that flame inside me ignites, “Let’s get you out of these wet clothes” Jackson grins mischievously and winks, I laugh and he leads me to his bedroom.

  Jackson lets go of my hand and walks into an en suite bathroom, he comes back with two towels and starts to dry my hair with one, “I don’t want you getting sick” the gesture breaks my heart and grab his hoody to pull him toward me, we kiss again and the same electricity that has always been present charges between us. Not breaking our kiss, Jackson starts to unbutton my coat, when he is done he moves behind me removes it carefully, he hangs it up over the radiator to dry and I’m touched by his consideration. He removes his hoody and I briefly spy the trail that leads down from his belly button, my tummy flips and throat is dry as he walks back toward me and resumes our kiss. He continues to undress me and I return the favour by relieving him of his wet clothes until we are standing in just our underwear, both eager and slightly nervous to move forward.

  Jackson sits on the edge of his bed and pulls me gently by the hand until I’m standing in front of him, he traces a line down my stomach and then kisses me just below my belly button, I close my eyes as everything clenches and I step forward needing more. Jackson moves his kisses around to each side as he runs his hands up the backs of my thighs and my breath catches in my throat. He looks up at me and smiles softly before pulling me gently forward to guide me to lay next to him.

  I lie on the bed and Jackson lies next to me, tracing the outline of my face as he looks down at me, he bends his left leg over mine and I can feel that he is hard against my hip, I inhale shakily in anticipation and he smiles once more, he knows he’s good at this, it’s what he does best,

  “Let me make love to you Rosie” as he says the words he runs a hand down over my bare next and in-between my breasts and across my ribs to my side, my hips rock in response as his hand moves lower, stroking the side of my hip and across my stomach,

  “Jackson” I am breathless and ready and can only manage to say his name to let him know how much I want him. In this moment all else has disappeared, it’s just Jackson and I and I am lost in him.

  Jackson slides his hands inside my lace French knickers and gasps in my ear at my arousal, “I want you Rosie” he kisses my neck as he begins an excruciatingly slow assault with his fingers. I rock against him, eager to feel the release that he knows he can give to me,

  “Jackson please, I need you” I am breathless as my body starts to climb and he slowly pushes two fingers inside me, I gasp at the sensation and push down desperate for more.

  “Rosie, I love you, I need to show you” Jackson stops what he is doing to remove my French knickers, he pulls me toward him and reaches behind me to undo my bra and then discards my underwear to the floor, standing to remove his own I can do nothing but lick my lips in anticipation as I take in the sight of the man I love, naked and hard for me.

  Jackson climbs onto the bed between my legs and positions himself ready for entry, he pushes the tip of his erection inside me and circles his thumb over my clit, I shake as an orgasm builds in me and as my legs start to stiffen, Jackson pushes deep into me and stops, still circling his thumb as my orgasm clenches around him, the pressure of him inside me as I come is mind blowing, I pull him close and moan into his neck as I shudder back to earth. Jackson looks me in the eyes and smiles, as he kisses me he starts to move long slow thrusts deep inside me and my body is on fire.

  He hooks his left arm under my right knee and pulls my leg up to allow him deeper access, I can’t contain my moans as a second orgasm builds in me and I claw at his back wanting more, Jackson speeds up as he grinds his hips into, he’s aiming for my g-spot and he knows exactly where he is going. Jackson moans loudly as his own body star
ts to build and I can’t stop myself from screaming loudly as he pushes harder and faster deep inside me. He releases my leg and I wrap them both around his waist, he pushes himself up above me as he pounds into me and the sight of his abs contracting as he works is too much, it tips me over the edge and I groan loudly as an intense orgasm rushes over me, as I pulse around him Jackson thrusts his own climax into me as he breathes heavily in my ear before stilling and taking a deep breath.

  He lifts up to look me it the eye and smile, we’re both glistening with sweat and sated from our afternoon quickie, “I missed you Rosie, I missed this” he kisses me on the forehead still breathing heavily and slowly pulls out of me before collapsing onto his back next me.

  After a few moments Jackson heads into the en suite and throws me a t-shirt and some of his boxers I look at him confused and he smiles, “Put them on” he insists and I comply. He comes out of the bathroom wearing just some boxers and smiles at my attire,

  “Is it wrong that you look sexy in men’s underwear?” he bites his lip like he wants to devour me,

  “Probably, I’ll ask my brother?” I wink and he laughs as he jumps back onto the bed.

  We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about our families; Jackson opens up about his Mum and admits that he can’t wait for his Dad to meet me. I tell him all about my crazy parents and that they know nothing about him but will more than likely love him. We order pizza and I continue to talk, I tell him about Rafe and Matthew and about the proposal on the beach,

  “Really, he did it with you and Pip there?” he seems surprised,

  “Rafe and I are very close, it wouldn’t be right if we weren’t there for each other’s big moments. Michael put a ring on my finger while I was asleep, both times, and I just let him get away with it, but Rafe never forgave him for that” Jackson looks horrified,

  “What a freak, Rosie” he looks at me horrified “I can’t think of you with someone like him, it kills me, and I want to kill him” I quickly move to straddle Jackson and holding his face in my hands I kiss his brow bone and his nose and then his mouth,

  “You don’t have to think of me with anyone but you Jackson” I smile and he rolls me onto my back settling above me,

  “Ditto” he kisses me and before I can protest, it’s time for round two.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  It’s almost three weeks since I agreed to give Jackson a chance and I haven’t looked back, I have moments of panic where I think he’ll hurt me again, but then I remember that if he does Rafe will kill him, and I feel ok again.

  It’s Christmas Eve and I’m heading home to Buxton to spend time with my parents, Rafe and Matthew are staying at home and Pip has gone to her parents’ house in Portugal. Jackson is at his Dad’s house in Burnsall, North Yorkshire, I miss him already but am glad for the distance, I need to gather my thoughts, and tell my parents about him.

  The train to Stockport is delayed due to the weather and we get stuck somewhere near Milton Keynes because of snow. I text Mam to let her know and take out my laptop, I’ve decided to try and write my next book, but all I can think about is Jackson, so I start to write down the story of our relationship, I have to clear her mind somehow.

  By the time I reach Stockport to change trains, I have been writing none stop for nearly four hours, and have the makings of a pretty good romance novel. I laugh to myself that this is my actual life.

  It is dark and the train has taken longer than it should have because of the weather. My parents are picking me up from the train station so call them to let them know I’m not far now. My Mam answers and doesn’t seem particularly bothered by my lateness, she just tells me to stay safe and that she’ll see me soon.

  The train pulls into Buxton station and I collect my bags and heads out onto the platform to look for Dad. As I step off the train the cold hits me and I tighten my coat around me, six weeks ago I was in baking sun and now this!

  I can’t see Dad anywhere and presume it’s too cold for his old Spanish bones so head for the inside of the station. As I approach the doors a man speaks from behind me

  “Can I take your bags Ms Alvez?” I momentarily freeze and then turn, its Jackson, I look into his eyes and he smiles “Rosie, I’m freezing my balls off here, give me the bags” I am stunned and pass my bags to him before following him to the car. I’m in shock, more so when I see that Jackson is driving Dad’s Nissan Qashqai, I shake my head in confusion but climb into the passenger seat while he puts my bags in the boot,

  “Jackson, what are you doing here?” I ask through chattering teeth as the heaters start to warm the air in the car,

  “I told you that I would prove it to you Rosie, so here I am. You thought I couldn’t commit, but I already have, more than you know” Jackson smiles and reverses out of the space, I’m so confused but I’m too tired to question any more.

  When we arrive at my parents’ house we are greeted at the door by Mam,

  “Rosetta, my sweet girl, I’ve missed you. Come in, come in” she hugs us both to my surprise and practically pulls us inside.

  The house smells exactly as it should at Christmas, of mulled wine and cinnamon candles, it is warm and the smell of Dad’s cooking hits my senses as I approach the kitchen.

  “Daddy” I say from the door way and smile as Dad turns away from the stove to embrace his little girl, it’s a brief hello though before he directs me toward the living room. I walk into the room and am stunned as I am greeted by Rafe, Matthew and Pippa, none of whom are supposed to be here. I start to cry as I hug my closest friend,

  “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Portugal”

  “Tell me about I’m bloody freezing, but Jackson said its one Christmas I wouldn’t want to miss so here I am baby girl” she smiles and I turns to Jackson,

  “Why? What’s going on Jackson, I’m beyond confused” Dad comes into the living room; he has taken off his apron so I know that this is something serious. Jackson smiles and takes a deep breath,

  “Rosetta, I haven’t known you all that long, but I am so crazy about you that I can’t live another day without you being mine” I shudder with a realisation of that I think is happening, “I came here yesterday to tell your parents how much I love you, and how I hurt you and after your Dad calmed down and stopped trying to kill me” I smile as Jackson looks anxiously towards my Dad “I explained that it is the worst mistake that I have ever made and that I will spend an eternity trying to make it up to you. I finished my book Rosie” Jackson smiles knowingly and takes my hands, I notice my Mam lean close into Dad “It’s a novel, about an idiot who risks losing the love of his life but begs her to forgive him, which of course she does” I flush when everyone laughs around me and Jackson flashes his grin “and then, as you do, he ambushes her at her parents’ house on Christmas eve. He tells her how he feels and that he’d be lost without her, and then he gets down on one knee” as he says the words, Jackson does the same, I exhale sharply and feel heat rising in my cheeks as Pippa squeaks from behind me “Rosie, you’re everything that I never thought I wanted or needed. When I am around you I am useless, you infuriate me and excite me at the same time and you make me want what your parents have, what mine had. I don’t deserve you, but if you give me the chance, I will spend the rest of my life making you feel loved and beautiful every single day. It may be sudden Rosetta but I can’t risk letting you escape, so I have rope in my bag just in case you say no” there’s laughter again and I smile and bite lip nervously toward Jackson, anticipating his next words “after a stiff warning, a threat or two and a few beers, your Dad came to understand that I will do anything for you, and with that in mind, I am honoured to say that he has given me his blessing to ask you this” Jackson reaches into the pocket on his zip up hoody and produces a box, he opens it to reveal a diamond and emerald engagement ring, I gasp and swallow hard as I glance to my brother for his approval he smiles and nods, and tears pool in my eyes,

  “Rosetta, will you please be my wi
fe?” Jackson asks the question with such desperation and love that I am powerless,

  “Yes! Yes Jackson, I will” I smile as Jackson stands and kisses me. I can feel the relief in him as he wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear “I will never let you down Rosie, I promise you”

  As the celebrations begin and the drinks flow, Mam starts to discuss the prospect of planning two weddings and the men in the room laugh and joke as more alcohol is consumed. Everyone is drunk when Pippa stands to make a toast; Jackson comes to sit next to me on the sofa and holds my hand, linking our fingers together in an intimate gesture

  “JJ, you know I love you, if you hurt her you’re dead, but I love you all the same” she smiles in a way that says, I’m jovial, but deadly serious “Thank you for promising to make her feel loved because that’s the least she deserves, and RoRo, it’s a good job he’s asked you, now you can tell him about the baby” the room falls silent and Jackson tightens his grip on my hand as I stare open mouthed at my best friend before she bursts into laughter and the rest of the room follows, relieved Jackson loosens his grip and leans over to me, he kisses me tenderly on the cheek and whispers softly in my ear

  “One step at a time hey?”




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