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Cast the Cards

Page 11

by Shyla Colt

  He was delicious, masculine, minty and hers. They separated for air and he squeezed her hips, bending to lick the trail of water down her neck to her chest. He slipped the triangular bikini top aside and latched onto her breast.

  “Oh!” Her fingers flexed in the wet silk of his hair, pulling him even closer. The suction of his mouth had a direct line to her pussy. Throbbing with nee,d it protested the cool water that covered her to her lower waist.

  He pulled away with a smack and slid his hand under her bottoms and inside her. The water added a resistance that made her eyes roll back in her head. He swirled inside her, exploring her walls with seeking fingers that hit all the right triggers. His movement created ripples in the water that rocked with her body. Rolling her hips, she rode his fingers, squeezing with her inner muscles. Her breath came in pants. He tilted her body, hit a new spot and she broke apart unexpectedly.

  “Clark!” She locked her arms around him, the only thing keeping her from sinking into the water.

  “You’re so beautiful when you come, Vannah. Now I want you to do it again around my dick.”

  “Yes.” Whimpering, she lifted her head, squealing when he gripped her thighs and lifted her. Her legs hooked around his lower hips, and he reached between them to move her bottoms to the side.

  “I’m ready to be inside you, Vannah. It’s my new favorite place.” Lifting her slightly he plunged home. Setting a frenzied pace, he gripped her hips, lifting her and slamming her down over and over. The water around them churned, lapping against their skin. She tightened around his thickness.

  “Shit, you’re so tight, Vannah. G-Gonna make me come before I fuck you properly.”

  “Best part about this get away, we’ll be undisturbed all weekend.” Her breathless response triggered a madness in him. His eyes turned molten and he moved faster. His hips snapping against hers as he drilled inside her. A pleasurable pain hit as she stretched to accommodate the deep strokes. Digging her fingers into his shoulders she leaned back. The angle allowed them even deeper penetration.

  “Oh Jesus!” Clark tensed, his cock jerked, and he exploded. His warmth spread inside her, bringing on her own miniature earthquake.

  “Best time I ever had on this lake.” She managed.

  Clark chuckled.

  “If I don’t drown us first, my legs feel like jelly.”

  “Take your time, I like it here.” She kissed his lips, coaxing him into a mind-binding lip lock. He nipped her bottom lip playfully and pulled away a few moments later.

  “Hold tight.”

  Making his way through the water, he headed for the shore. Carey had opted to hang back at the house and sleep in, allowing them time to relearn each other. She loved his selflessness. It made her feel better about the decision to extend their love out to Clark, even if it was only for a short time. Her heart protested the thought of his departure, and she held him closer.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweetheart.” He paused to kiss her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Better than I’ve been in years.”

  “Same here.” His breath tickled her ear and she giggled.

  “Ready to go back to the cabin?”

  “Sure, we’ve been out here for a few hours. Time to go in and get some lunch.” He continued walking until they were on the shore. After fixing her bottoms he set her down, and she gathered their towels, handing him one and wrapping the other around her waist. They slipped on their flip flops, linked hands, and walked back to the cabin.

  “I never imagined I’d get to do this with you, even before.” Once the truth started she was unable to stop. Confession is good for the soul, right?

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess because we’d been best friends for so long, and you didn’t show any interest in me.”

  “Because I didn’t want to upset you or sour your relationship, How long did you know?”

  “Since the summer we spent here before sophomore year.”

  He whistled. “I got you beat—twelfth grade.”

  She gasped. “No way!”

  “Yes way. I’ve spent a good chunk of my life masturbating with your image in my head.”

  Her cheeks grew hot, but she loved it.

  “I guess we have a lot to live up to.”

  “You holding my hands and looking at me with those come hither eyes fulfills my fantasies.” He lifted their joined hands and kissed them.

  “You’re going to spoil me for all men.”

  “As long as that statement doesn’t include Carey, we’re good.”

  She laughed. When was the last time I was this happy?

  “What should we do today?”

  A knowing smirk lined his lips.

  “Other than that.”

  “I thought we’d take a trip on the lake, have a picnic?”

  “Like we used to?”


  “Let’s go get Carey out of bed and pack a lunch.” Excited, she grabbed his hand and hastened the rest of the way to the cabin. Their shoes slapped on the front porch, and she opened the front door feeling like a small child promised ice cream.

  “Carey.” She called out in a sing-song voice.

  “Oooh that’s the voice of a woman who wants something.” They followed the voice to the couch where he laid watching television. Clark untangled their fingers and she sat on the edge of the couch beside Carey.

  “Just a little something—canoeing and a picnic on the lake?”

  He tilted his head and looked up. “That actually sounds like a lot of fun. Not that I’d tell you no.”

  She grinned.

  Carey looked over her shoulder. “I think we already spoiled her, Clark.”

  “I think that’s a good thing. She’s quite the catch you know.” Clark’s teasing tone warmed her. Nothing could be wrong in the world when she was secluded here with her men.

  “I’m sitting right here.”

  “We know, that’s why this is so fun.” Carey winked. She punched his arm playfully and he laughed.

  “I’ll go get started on lunch,” Clark offered. He spun on his heel and headed to the kitchen, and Carey sat up and grabbed a fistful of hair. Pulling her to him, he devoured her mouth, claiming her with teeth and tongue. She melted into a pile of woman, pressing her chest into his. Her hand wandered down to massage his cock. He moaned and moved against her hand. Sitting up, she unbuttoned his gray cargo shorts.


  “Easy access.”

  “Hmm , I like it.” Leaning over, she circled the head of his cock with her tongue. Their eyes locked and she laved him with her tongue, swallowing him as he grew to his full length. Gripping him firmly, she lowered her head and took all of him inside her mouth.

  “Shit, yeah.” His eyes darkened with lust, and she reached out to cup his balls.

  Rolling them in in her hands, she bobbed her head up and down. His masculine grunts filled her with pride. I’m doing that to him. His hands twined in her hair and he thrust upward, fucking her mouth. Opening her throat, she took him deep.

  “Just like that, Vannah.”

  She hummed and he gasped, pumping faster. His cock twitched and he let loose, filling her mouth with a wave of salty cream. When he’d given her all he had, she opened her mouth to show him the prize and swallowed it down, licking her lips.

  “God, you are so fucking hot.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere. I’m going to hop in the shower, change and go help Clark.”

  “I’m tempted to join you, but then we’d never get on the water. Come here.”

  She leaned in and he took her mouth, re-discovering every inch with his tongue before he pulled away.

  “I like the way I taste on your lips.”

  Damn. “Likewise.”

  “Later I’ll refresh your memory.”

  “I like the sounds of that.”

  She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and moved from the couch before the
y began round two.


  He walked into the kitchen to find Clark had set out the old picnic basket and begun to make sandwiches.

  “How was the lake?”

  “Everything I’ve been dreaming off since I was seventeen.”

  “That good, huh?” Carey chuckled.

  “Better. God, she’s amazing.”

  “We always knew that.” Carey patted his back. “Can I help you with anything?”

  “Sure. Want to pack some sides while I finish up with the sandwiches?”

  “I’m on it.”

  Before they picked up Vannah the previous night, they’d hit up an all-night grocery store and gotten the basics.

  “Remember all the summers we spent here with our parents?” Clark asked.

  “Yeah, I doubt they envisioned this for our future.” Carey laughed. “Then again, Mom’s always wanted us with Vannah.”

  “It’s true.”

  Working in tandem, they relived memories until Savannah came out dressed for comfort in a pair of worn jeans and a navy blue, scooped-neck tank top and tennis shoes.

  “You guys didn’t have to do all the work.”

  “We don’t mind. It’s supposed to be your weekend of pampering, remember? This is us.” Carey gestured between him and his brother with his fingers. “Sweeping you off your feet and making you forget about everything else.”

  “I must say, mission accomplished.”

  “We’re ready to go when you are,” Clark said.

  “What about your swim—” He glanced over to see his brother had changed his clothes. “Never mind… starting to envy that trick.”

  Clark winked. “Had to get something cool with this gig.” He picked the picnic basket up and held it out to her. “You carry this and we’ll get the canoe.”


  She sashayed over and Carey bit his lip. Her ass is hypnotic. She hooked the basket onto her arm.

  “Come on, the canoe’s in the back.”

  They walked outside and he took in the beauty of the forest. Even in mid-summer it was lush and green. It’d be another month or so before the leaves begin to dim and turn in preparation of fall. One thing he loved about living in the Midwest was the changing of seasons.

  The blue tarp covered the canoe set up on a rack. He pulled it away and revealed the green boat.

  “Here she is.”

  “Still water-worthy?”

  “Yeah, Dad and I took her out not too long ago on a father-son fishing trip. Come over here and grab the other end. We’ll lift together.”

  They removed it from the rack, lifted it above their heads and turned it over, and turned to face Vannah.

  “We’ll follow you.”

  Fifteen minutes later they were paddling out onto the river. The green trees kissed the river’s edge, forming a living border. A fish jumped from the water.

  “I forgot how beautiful it was here.” Vannah sighed and let her fingers skim over the water.

  “Me too,” Carey whispered, never taking his eyes off her face. She looked up and smiled.


  “Nothing, just love seeing you happy. The fishing spot should be just up a ways to the left.”

  “I remember,” Clark said.

  They steered the canoe accordingly and brought it to a stop in the inlet where they’d caught a plethora of fish.

  “Ready to eat?” Vannah asked.

  “Yes, I’m starving.”

  “I think I’ll pass.” Clark said, his eyes full of mirth.

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry.” Vannah covered her mouth.

  “It’s okay, you guys enjoy it.”

  Vannah opened the basket, took out the bottles of water and handed Carey a sandwich.

  “You’re corporal, but you don’t have to eat?” Her words were hesitant as she turned to the side to see them both.

  “Basically. I don’t feel the need to do things like eat, sleep, or use the restroom.”

  “You don’t sleep?” Carey asked.

  “No, I choose to, but I could do without it.”

  “Wow,” Vannah whispered.

  “Yeah, it’d come in handy if you’re working on something really important, but otherwise it makes life drag.”“Yeah, I’ll bet.” Carey took the ham and cheese sandwich out of the plastic and took a big bite. Chewing thoughtfully, he allowed himself to simply relax. The sun shone down, warming his skin and the boat rocked in the water. It was bizarre yet perfect. The three of them were exactly where they needed to be, no matter how improbable. It had been a long time since he’d been so sure of anything.

  Chapter Eleven

  “West!” She paused outside the door to her office.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “In my office.”

  She walked inside and shut the door. “You wanted to see me, sir?”

  “Take a seat.”

  She sank into the seat across from him.

  “I want to be kept abreast of what’s going on at all times. This might technically be an F.B.I. case with a federal officer. But you’re in my back yard.” His steely gaze commanded respect.

  “I understand, Ssr.”

  “They want to send your partner down. What are your feelings on that?”

  She pursed her lips. “I’m fine with Officer Carr. But we both know they can go over my head whenever they get good and ready.”

  “How much longer do you think we have until that happens?”

  “Off the record, Ssr?” She angled her body.

  “Of course.”

  She sighed. “After they hear about this new package, Dale will be flooded.”

  “You don’t sound happy about that, West.” His eyebrows rose.

  “I think it could spook the murderers, and my top priority is taking them in to custody before this whole thing escalates any further.”

  “You think it will?”

  “Possibly. It’s hard to profile without more information.”

  “Hmm, funny thing about the mail. It’s unpredictable these days. It’s a shame this package was delivered a few days later then it was supposed to be.”

  Savannah smiled. He’s buying me time. “Yes, sir, it’s awful, the state of the postal service being what it is.”

  “I’m glad we understand each other. You can head out now.”

  She stood, grateful for the bend possible in the smaller station. The steps to her office felt like miles, and as she opened the door her hand shook. Carey looked up from his desk and nodded toward the package that set in the center of his desk.

  “This one’s smaller than the last.” Her gaze drank in the manila envelope as she set her bag on the chair across from him.

  “There was no indication of anything hazardous.”

  “That’d be too impersonal. They want to watch me take my last breath.”

  “The calmness with which you say that disturbs me.”

  She peered up at him and smiled. “Would you feel better if I told you I was crying on the inside?”

  “No, smart ass.”

  “Let’s go to the lab. Suit up and examine it.”

  “Thank God. It’s been killing me staring at the thing.”

  “I bet.” She opened her bag, dug out a pair of blue gloves, and pulled them on. Gingerly she lifted the package. The postal markings were from a small town in Texas, which told them nothing. They were clever. She’d give them that.

  Ten minutes later, in blue suits and gloves, she stood side by side with Carey at an evidence table. Slicing open the top of the envelope with a scalpel, she used a pair of tongs, and pulled out a large swath of tissue held together by a brilliant red ribbon. As she undid the bow, she willed her hand to remain steady. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

  She peeled back the layers of paper. Her heart lurched. A piece of blonde hair was revealed in the second layer. Six-inches long, the curl exuded feminine energy. Logged and placed in a plastic bag it was set to the side.

  “You rea
dy to go back in?” Carey asked once he was finished documenting, sans the date.

  “Yes.” She returned to unwrapping and discovered a faded wreath of purple and blue flowers woven together to make up a mock crown.

  “What the hell?” Carey whispered.

  “I don’t know. I think these are his trophies.” She waited for him to grab a plastic bag that would accommodate the new article of evidence. He returned to the table with an open bag and eased the fragile offering up, lowering it into the protective sheath.

  “Then why is he sending them to you?”

  “That’s the question, isn’t it?” He sealed the bag and she unfolded the last layer to reveal the Empress card sitting on top of a loose sheet of paper. Unlike the first one she’d received, there were no pictures cut out and pasted. At first glance the card appeared to be un-tampered with. But only a thorough examination would say for sure. Removing the paper from beneath the card, she held it up and began to read.

  Dear Agent West,

  I trust you enjoyed the last gift I sent. Here’s another for your growing collection. I hear you’re clever. So I hope you don’t disappoint. Enclosed is a gift, if you’re quick enough to catch it. I am ever one step closer.

  “Son of a bitch is taunting us.”

  Carey rested his hand on her shoulder. “We’ll catch him.”

  She nodded, unable to speak for fear he’d hear how much the simple gesture affected her. “We only have a few days with this, and then the Feds will come down and try to take over.”

  Carey opened his mouth and shut it.

  “Yeah, I know I’m a Fed, but I work well with others. I can’t say that about everyone in my department. I love my partner. Yet it’s not the same as working with you. We’re both close to this one.”

  “Do you think they’ll take you off the case?”

  “No, not when I’m the main point of contact. But they’ll watch me like a hawk.”

  “Then I guess we need to get cracking. What comes next?”


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