Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family) Page 1

by Alisa Anderson

  Fallen Angel: Part 4

  A Mafia Romance (Roman Crime Family)

  Fallen Angel Series

  Alisa Anderson

  Cameron Skye

  Fallen Angel: Part 4

  by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  Copyright © 2015 by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  She was scared. So very scared.

  Scared of what she just witnessed.

  Scared of Nick.

  Scared of what she was feeling.

  Most woman would have ran the hell out of there the minute their boyfriend pulled a gun on someone, killing them in cold blood.

  But not her.

  Terrified? Hell, yeah. Petrified? Obviously.

  But if she was honest, she’d have to admit a horrifying truth to herself.

  It was also…

  Intoxicating. Scandalous. Tantalizing.

  An adrenaline rush like nothing she’d ever experienced in her entire life.

  A hazardous, unsafe drug. One that excited her…turning her on in ways she never imagined.

  Nick Roman was dangerous to know.

  And now…so was she.

  Welcome to the dark side, kid.

  ***Fallen Angel is a mafia romance serial novel released every 2 to 4 weeks, at approximately 10,000 to 14,000 words each. Due to sexual content, implied and actual scenes of abuse, violence, organized crime, language and frequent illegal drug use, we recommend this to mature audiences, ages 18 and over, who are comfortable with this subject matter.***












  Excerpt from Fallen Angel Part 5


  About the Authors

  Special Note from Alisa


  Jess anxiously pushed her way through the crowd looking for Eric, finding him sitting exactly where she’d left him.

  Completely oblivious to what happened.

  It needed to stay that way.

  She took a steadying breath. Forcing a smile as she approached the table.

  “That line in the ladies room was killer. I thought I’d never get through it.”

  Eric slid over in the booth. Pushing a mirror of lines toward her.

  She sat. Still not fathoming what the hell just happened.

  Even questioning her sanity and if it truly did.

  Knowing it was true when Gino, one of Nick’s soldiers, shifted his attention. Looking to her for confirmation. She gave it with a slight nod, before leaning forward, snorting four lines off the mirror. Waiting for the familiar high only the white powder gave her.

  “Think I’ll drain the lizard.” He said matter-of-factly, stretching. “Where’s Angel?”

  “He’s back by the bathroom trying to pick up some puttana.”

  “Figures. He likes em’ like that.” Winking back at her, Gino went off to do whatever he did in situations such as this. She contemplated exactly what that was, deciding it was better she didn’t know.

  “Pour me a drink Eric. Make it a double” Adrenaline filled her body as she watched Nick approach, just as she downed the shot. Whiskey burned its way down her throat. She relished the feel of the burn, almost as much as the one she got from snorting lines. There wasn’t anything like it.

  She exhaled slowly, counting to ten when he reached the table. He was with some guy she’d never met. He resembled Nick, so she was sure they were related somehow. After the gentleman and Carlo embraced, he and Nick sat. Continuing their conversation like she and Eric weren’t there.

  “There’s a ton of broads dying to catch a guy like you, Gabriele.”

  “Oh, I’m so fucking special?” He chortled.

  “You’re good lucking. Not as much as me, but whatcha gonna do, eh? A successful lawyer at your firm? Fuck, you’re even groomed to be a Senator. The next fucking President.”

  “Correction. You mean the family’s firm.”

  Jess cleared her throat, looking at Nick. She arched her brow questioningly.

  “Oh yeah, I’m sorry. How rude of us.”

  “Yeah, it was. But that’s ok.” She knew she sounded snappish.

  She didn’t give a fuck.

  Gabriele’s eyes widened. No one spoke to Nick that way and lived to tell about it.

  “Jess…and Eric.” He sounded reluctant to include him.

  “This is my little brother. Gabriele Michael Roman-Kane. Gabe…Jess and Eric.”

  “Damn, Nick. The middle name and everything, huh?” Gabe laughed easily, extending a hand to Jess. “I apologize for my rudeness. Nick rubs off on me in all the wrong ways.”

  She snorted, not taking it. “Obviously.”

  This time Eric was the one shocked. “Jess.”

  “Sorry. I have a massive headache. It’s making me irritable.”

  She didn’t sound sorry. Her voice sounded tight. And angry.

  “It’s ok. Jess, I hope your head feels better. I know how awful they can be.” Gabe eyed her carefully, taking note of the hostile, accusing glances being thrown Nick’s way.

  Something was obviously up.

  Nick leaned back further against the booth, intently studying Jess. She in turn examined him. Other than a clenched jaw, he showed absolutely no emotion except calmness. She knew he was counting the number of lines she snorted. He’d take the stuff if it became too many.

  “So anyway, G…don’t think you have me fooled. Panties fall off for guys like you. Go on. Find someone to give you a blow job. Live a little. You want me to get you someone?” He raised his hand to snap his fingers, knowing one of his girls would instantly come to his beckoning.

  “That’s ok, Nicky. I can get my own dick sucked.” He scoffed. “I’m not interested in a one night stand or a side piece. You have enough for the both of us.”

  “You’re my baby brother, I have no doubt you can’t get someone to do whatever the fuck your twisted ass wanted. Just be careful, mio fratello. Before you know it, one of them might sneak up, crawl inside your ass and claim your soul. Next thing you know you’re doing stupid fucking shit all in the name of love.”

  “I know you aren’t talking about Constantina.” Gabriele shot Jess an unnerving look, sipping on his drink. “You must be talking about one of your girls.” His gaze shifting back to Nick.

  “But let’s be honest, Nicky. No woman has claimed your soul. You’d never let anyone in that far. But, you’re right about one thing, the right one can. Maria owns mine since our son.”

  “Maria. Yeah, she’s a piece of shit. Oh, yeah. I mean work, Gabe. Piece of work. And she doesn’t own your soul. She just had your baby. There’s a big damn difference.”

  Nick filled his glass with scotch, watching the ice swirl before slamming it back in one gulp.

  Jess was appalled at how he was just sitting there, acting as if nothing happened. Fuck, she was stunned she was keeping any sense of composure.

  She was scared. So very scared.
/>   Scared of what she just witnessed.

  Scared of Nick.

  Scared of what she was feeling.

  Most woman would have ran the hell out of there the minute their boyfriend pulled a gun on someone, killing them in cold blood.

  But not her.

  Terrified? Hell, yeah. Petrified? Obviously. But if she was honest, she’d have to admit a horrifying truth to herself.

  It was also…

  Intoxicating. Scandalous. Tantalizing.

  An adrenaline rush like nothing she’d ever experienced in her entire life.

  A dangerous drug, one that excited her, turning her on in ways she never imagined….

  Welcome to the dark side, kid.

  Damn it.

  She closed her eyes, listening to David Guetta’s Dangerous blare through the speakers, swearing Nick somehow requested the fucking song. Leaning against Eric’s chest, she felt his arm casually wrap around her.

  “You’re trembling, mami.”

  “I’m just cold.”

  “Scoot closer, I’ll warm you.” He drew her into him, wrapping his arms tighter around her. “Hey…you have blood on your shirt.”

  “Oh, yeah…my nose bled in the bathroom. Thought I got it all off.” She looked up, finding three sets of eyes on her from across the table. She closed her eyes, trying to hide from their burning gazes. Only opening them when she heard another voice at the table.

  “How you doing, Nicky?”

  “It’s all great. Welcome. Sit, il mio amico.”

  “No, no. Grazi. However, I need to talk with you.”


  “No. Soon, though. I have information you might wanna hear.”

  “How about we meet in my office. Say an hour?”

  “Perfetto, boss. Carlo, congratulazioni on becoming an underboss.”

  “Thank you, Vincenzo. Don’t you think we should continue this where there aren’t…eyes and ears listening?” Carlo motioned his head back toward a man trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. More than likely a fed.

  “Ah. See you in an hour, Nick.”


  Jess ignored the three men completely, at this point having quite enough of Nick and his business for one day. Leaning forward, she snorted two more lines before Nick took the mirror from her.

  “So, your wife scampered off overseas with mine to get away from you, eh?” Gabriele continued, taking note of the obvious pull between her and Nick.

  “Who the fuck told you?”

  “Mama. When I stopped by to drop off a bottle of wine. She thinks there’s more to the two of you taking separate trips. Connie’s complained to her about your goomara. It’s why she asked me to fly down. To see what you were, I mean who you were doing.”

  “Was the cocksucker home? And, I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “Fuck no. I make sure he’s gone before setting foot into that house. And Nicky, we all know you need a babysitter.”

  “She went to get the fuck away from me and Nick Jr. He’s giving us hell right now. I haven’t told mama. You know how she is about her grandbabies.” He rolled his eyes, “Oh and…Gabriele, you aren’t grown enough to be my babysitter.”

  “I’ve got your grown right here, motherfucker.”

  “You wish you had half of mine.”

  “I’m fine in that department. Nice of you to worry though.”

  “You wouldn’t be a Roman if you didn’t. You just don’t have enough to babysit me is all.”


  Nick downed another drink, never detaching his gaze from Jess.

  He wanted to rip Eric’s throat out right now. Bleed him dry for even having so much as a thought he was worthy to breathe on her. His hands clenched, itching to wrap them around his larynx. She should be in his arms right now.

  Not Eric’s.

  It should scare him how much she meant to him now. How much he was growing to love her. Crave her. Need her desperately.

  She was someone who knew almost everything about him and still loved him. Unconditionally. Still tolerated him. Still accepted him and told him he was ok. That everything would be ok. Other than his mother, sister, niece and brother Gabe, he didn’t know if he had ever experienced that. He was always grateful for them, but they weren’t warming his bed at night.

  There wasn’t one person in his life that knew everything. It had to be that way, otherwise it might be used against him. No, even she couldn’t know all his secrets. It was much too dangerous. For both of them.

  He sighed heavily, leaning to do several lines himself. Catching three women out of the corner of his eye desperately trying to gain his attention. He nodded at them, smiling. Raising his head, he saw Jess’s eyes narrowing at his attention of the three women.

  “So back to what I was saying about Junior. Connie babies his fucking ass. He tells me he’s fucking his girlfriend. I give him condoms. She finds them, and of course she gets pissed. Says I was supposed to tell the boy not to fuck. We both know once you get your stick wet, there’s no going back. She thinks I treat him like a man when he’s a fucking kid. At his age, I was hustlin’ the streets.”

  “Speaking of hustling. Heard about Dino? He’s M.I.A. Heard his wife is contemplating putting in a missing persons report. A lot of people are talking about his wellbeing.”

  “What the fuck would I know about his wellbeing?”

  “You were the last to see him. Do you need a lawyer, Nick? I told your ass to lay low.”

  “Father was the last to see him. You might wanna look at him. Maybe he need’s the lawyer. I’m fine. Let the past be bygones, Gabriele.”

  “Fine by me. Just let me know if you need me.”

  “Wise decision. As always, I’ll let you know.”

  Nick raised his glass toward Gabriele. “Salute.”



  Right on the hour mark as instructed, Jess leaned over, whispering in Eric’s ear.

  “Ready to leave?”

  The hour passed quickly thanks to the conversations. It was an insight into Nick’s life Jess never had the privilege to. He always kept his family and business family separate from her.

  Never the two should meet. Up until tonight it had been that way. If anything came out of this fucked up evening, at least there was an opportunity to get to know him on a deeper level.

  She grabbed Eric by the shirt, saying their goodbyes, and leading him quickly out of the club. As Nick promised, the limo was out front waiting on them.

  Always a man of his word. Fucker.

  “This will all be mine one day.” Eric was awestruck.

  Her breath caught in her throat. She whirled around, giving him a haunting stare.

  “Careful what you wish for, Eric. You just might get it.” Eric looked at her oddly, but remained silent as he got in the car.

  People sell their soul for this shit.

  She had just sold hers.

  On the ride home he kept yammering on and on about that night. She really wished he would shut the fuck up. She needed to process what the hell happened back there.

  She’d witnessed a murder. Was threatened by the man she loved. A man she was sure would never hurt her. Ever. Not to mention the cops all over the fucking place. Cops who might have seen her with that man.

  Who just killed another man in cold blood.

  She felt violently ill.

  All the emotions…sweeping over her all at once.

  She swallowed, feeling nausea hit.

  What had she gotten herself into? Allie tried to warn her to stay away, and she didn’t listen. He was dangerous to be around.

  And now…so was she.

  It began to rain as they arrived in the driveway, almost symbolic.

  She’d prayed for all her sins to be washed away. Right now...there were so many.

  “Jesus, this rain is nuts.”

  “Why don’t we walk the rest of the way, Eric?”

  She needed to be washed clean.

/>   “Serious?”

  “Seems romantic.”

  “Why not, mami?”

  Asking the driver to stop outside the gate they got out, walking the rest of the way to the house. Holding hands. Jess sighed.

  Just for a moment, it was nice to pretend.

  Once inside they went directly upstairs to get out of their clothes.

  As she removed her shirt, she heard a loud clap of thunder. She gave a shrill scream, trying to force the images of Nick’s face pulling the trigger out of her mind. Needing to forget the sound as the cylinder rolling into place, the smell of gun powder and blood filling the air.

  “Don’t have a heart attack.” Eric wrapped his arms around her.

  “That scared the shit out of me.”

  “I see this. Want me to protect you?” He grinned.

  “Don’t make fun of me, dammit. It really did scare me.”

  He laughed, giving her a squeeze. “Sorry, babe.”

  Instead of responding, she took off the rest of her clothing. Thunder continuing as she stood trembling. Vulnerable in her bra and underwear. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him getting an erection. She sighed heavily.

  She knew what that meant.

  There was a bright flash of lightning, before the lights went out. Darkness filled the room like a toxic warning. She found her way to the fireplace, waiting to see if they would come back on. When they didn’t, she lit the candles on the mantle. The room now glowing in a blissful soft haze, Sicilian orange permeating the air.

  “This damn day just keeps getting better and better.”

  “It’s not bad.” Eric lay on the bed, his erection clearly visible against his stomach.

  “Really. How so?”

  “Candlelight, tropical storms…fucking. Can’t think of a more perfect way for it to end.”

  “You’re right. This does seem to be the perfect way for it to end.”

  Jess climbed into bed. He ambushed her the minute she was under the covers. She allowed herself to get lost in the taste of vodka on his lips. The warmness of his hands roaming over her bare skin. She needed something, anything to remove the pictures in her mind.


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