Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family) Page 2

by Alisa Anderson

  Why the fuck not this.


  “Come on in, Vincenzo. Please, sit. Carlo, get him a drink.”

  “I’m good Nicky, thanks.”

  Nick rested back in his chair, watching his longtime friend squirm in front of him. Vincenzo was more than his friend. He was his teacher. The one who took him under his wing when he was young and a solider. He would always say to him, “You never jump without thinking first, Nicky. Always methodically do things with care and love. Trust your gut.”

  He looked to him like a father, and couldn’t help wonder why he now was sitting in front of him acting afraid. Curiosity filled him as he crossed his arms over his chest, smiling fondly at him.

  “You sure you’re good? You seem anxious, my friend. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

  “I take it you talked to your uncle.”

  “On more than one occasion, yes.”

  “Come on. Let's be blunt, Nicky. You know he sides with your wife’s father, not you. If you don’t do something about him, DeMoretti maybe wins. If you do and go with me and my family, maybe we win.”

  “Why would you risk our friendship, asking me to go against my own? We both know you’re not involved in this mess.”

  “Because…I care what happens to you.”

  “I see. And you think my uncle doesn’t.”

  “Nicky. I’ve never lied to you and I’m not gonna start now. The incidents that’s transpired lately in addition to being dangerous have a huge effect on both of our bottom lines.” He scratched his shoulder, nervously running his hands through his salt and pepper hair. “Word on the street is you’re gonna start taking care of shit with DeMoretti by whacking his man Vito.”

  Nick looked to Angel, then to Carlo, who instinctively moved behind him placing their hands on their guns. He shifted in his chair, inclining to the side.

  It was a strange question. Up until now he would have sworn on his life he could trust Vince. Now…he wasn’t so sure. Something didn’t feel right.

  Nick always trusted his instinct no matter what. He wasn’t going to stop now.

  “’Scuse me?”

  “I’m just sayin’ Nicky…no one could say they wouldn’t understand. That’s all.”

  “I have no beef with Vito. I mean yeah, he’s a cocksuckin’ son of a bitch who double crossed me. But that’s between us and has nothing to do with DeMoretti.”

  “Listen, I had to bring it up. You know, my boy…you always have business on your mind. Take the night off. Fuck your girlie, who might I add is one hot piece of ass, no disrespect. I still don’t understand why you allow her a side piece. Mistresses should be loyal.”

  “She’s loyal to me Vince, and you know why I do. Now, back to business. What you’re offering me, seems to give you a lot of power. My family backing yours, taking out DeMoretti. His territory going to you.”

  “DeMoretti is the boss of bosses, Nicky. We all know that. If you do this, you can be free of your wife, and her father. Not to mention your uncle Bobby. You become the boss of bosses. And no one said my family would exclusively take over the territory. We would share it.”

  “I don’t go around killing bosses. Sicilian law, Vince.”

  “It’s been done before Nicky. That’s all I’m sayin’.”

  “Maybe. Doesn’t mean I wanna do it too. Also, let’s not forget that’s family you’re talking about.”

  “Remember he wouldn’t think twice about whackin’ you and yours.”

  “Well, you’ve brought me a handsome offer. One I will have to think about. Talk over with my boys here.”

  “Molto buona, Nicky. I’ve always told you to take your time. Think things through. You’re a good boy, Nicky. Call me when you come to a decision.”

  Both men stood and embraced. Nick showed him out of the office, shutting the door.

  “What do you think, Nick?” Carlo downed his drink.

  “I don't trust him. It breaks my heart to say so.”

  “You don't trust anybody. I doubt you trust me.” Angel chuckled.

  “You’d be one of the very few people I do trust, motherfucker.”

  “He's gonna string us along, Nick.” Carlo interjected.


  “So, when do we wipe out DeMoretti, boss?” Angel yawned, wiping his eyes. “Tomorrow? This week? Next week?”

  “Ah, what’s the fucking hurry? We’ll let Vince and the motherfucker sweat it out a bit. Now, I’d like to get home to Jess. Carlo, grab Gabe. Angel, get the car. I’ll meet you out front.”


  Walking through the French doors, he noticed the house was dark, appearing to be empty. He’d confirmed with the driver he’d brought them directly home from the club.

  Where the fuck was she?


  After trying the light switch, Angel found a candle, lighting it then several others.

  “I think she’s upstairs boss.”

  “So that’s the girl, huh.” Gabriele inquired, giving Nick a knowing glance.

  “She’s the one. Got a problem?”

  “No problems here.” He held his hands up in a no mas gesture. “You on the other hand, seem to have several large ones.”

  “Which are, smartass?”

  “That guy she’s with. And Connie.”

  “Non issues. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to make sure she is okay.”

  “You might not want to disturb them. If you catch my drift, big brother.”

  “I’ll take my chances. Grab any room you want, Gabe.”

  Snatching a candle he went up the stairs, taking two at a time. Reaching the hall he noticed the bedroom door ajar. The glow of candlelight coming through the crack. Walking to the door, he inhaled a steadying breath before pushing it further open.

  They were too lost in the pleasure of Jess riding Eric cock for either to notice him. He stood feeling as if a sledge hammer slammed against his chest. His lungs seized, not being able to breathe.


  Jess turned, feeling his presence.

  She saw him, standing in the door.


  Every emotion from the evening overtook her at once.

  The main one being rage.

  Rage at him for threatening her. Rage at Eric for putting his fucking hands on her. Rage at herself for allowing all this to happen.

  She went back to the business at hand. Tugging the elastic band free from her hair, she let the mass of blonde waves fall over her back. Wrapping her arms around Eric’s back, she dug her nails into his skin, drawing blood.

  He inhaled sharply at the sting, moaning loudly. The sensation was all the prompting he needed to start pounding into her, forcefully and roughly.

  Her moans became more intense, finally turning into piercing shouts as she screamed her release. Screams partially from orgasm, but mostly as relief from the rage still building. Threatening to explode from inside.

  She knew Eric was close to coming, and she leaned close. Whispering in his ear.

  “Come in my mouth, papi.”

  He helped her to her knees, sliding his cock into her mouth. She took it deep, sucking on the head feverishly, before drawing him to the back of her throat. She pulled him out, watching the pre-come form a bead before licking it off and swallowing.

  Shifting her eyes, she caught Nick’s once again. Eyes brimming with unshed tears at the destroyed look on his face.

  She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  He needed to pay for hurting her.

  She should have been pleased. All she felt was empty.

  Why the fuck was he still standing there? He needed to leave. Now.

  She took him back into her mouth. Swallowing all he had to give. Tracing the throbbing veins of Eric’s cock with her tongue. He couldn’t hold back any longer, giving a hoarse shout. Releasing loads of his sticky semen down her throat. She used her tongue to make sure she got every last drop of him, before standing, turning her back to Nick

  Climbing into bed wrapping herself around Eric.

  Letting the tears fall.


  He backed out, shattered. Shutting the door. Walking into Connie’s room, he threw his jacket on the bed. As he unbuttoned his shirt, his cell rang.

  Connie. Of freaking course.

  How apropos.

  He let the phone ring a few more times, contemplating not answering. That wasn’t an option. Her annoying ass would keep calling back until he did.


  “What took you so long?”

  “What difference does it make? What do you want?”

  “I just got off the phone with my mama. She said your mama told her you took a trip. Where the fuck are you?”

  “You’re having your mother watch me now?”

  “No. She came by to make sure Junior was okay and to bring lasagna.”

  “I had business. Junior’s at Paulo’s.”

  “Is your business that whore?”

  He ignored her comment.

  “I heard your uncle is sick?”

  “Alberto? He’s a bit under the weather. Why do you care?”

  “You going to see him?”

  “Maybe. When I get back. Again, why?”

  “You know my friend, Lisa? She told me your uncle is fucking her. Got her an apartment uptown and everything.”

  “You’re shitting me?”

  “World class fucking.” She cleared her throat “Or so I’ve heard.”

  “Don’t you mean or so you know, firsthand?”



  “You just don’t fuckin’ stop with the accusations. I’m not the one fucking around. That would be your department. Remember, you’d kill me if I ever did, Nickolas.”

  “I know, Connie.”

  “You know fucking nothing, Nick.” Her tone was mocking.

  “Why did she tell you about Alberto? She knows wives and whores are never to meet.”

  “Like you and your friends don’t gossip about the tramps you screw on the regular.” She snorted. “She’s my friend. That’s why she told me.”

  “What goes on in my bedroom stays in my bedroom. Apparently, not with you. Or with her, for that matter.”

  “It’s not like I have anything to gossip about where you’re concerned, honey.”

  “I was actually talking about her. And trust, she’s got plenty to gossip about.”

  “You know how to cut someone deep, Nick.”

  “Learned from the best, Connie.”

  “Tell me something. As your wife aren’t I supposed to hate the whores trying to steal my man and lead him astray? Aren’t I suppose to fight them over you? Come on, that’s what you really want to happen. Isn’t it, Nick?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Connie?”

  “Oh, Nickolas.” Connie paused dramatically. “Let’s not forget I’m the one who made sure you sit on that powerful little throne as don. You exist because I made you exist. Because my father made you exist. Keep on fucking around on me and I will bury her. I will bury you.”

  He gripped the phone, his breathing more erratic the more she spoke.

  “We’ve had this discussion Connie. Don’t push my hand. You will fucking lose.”

  “When you get back from your trip, call the landscaper. He did a shitty job on the roses. At least that’s what my mother said.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “I love you, Nickolas.”

  “Goodbye, Connie.”

  He threw the phone onto the bed, watching as it bounced off the mattress to the floor.

  He couldn’t waste time thinking about Connie right now. Not while he was dealing with all this other shit. Including Jess.

  The new feelings he had where she was concerned. Not thinking logically, possibly giving the feds something on him. All because of her fucking ass.

  Just too fucking much to deal with for one night.

  “I need a drink.” He said out loud, to no one in particular.

  He found his way to the kitchen, opening the cabinet and taking out an almost empty bottle of scotch. He planned on drowning whatever the fuck was going on with him in liquor.

  Which wasn’t jealousy, damn it.

  Nickolas Roman was never jealous over anyone. He just didn’t share. What belonged to him was his. Period. No one should ever have nerve enough to step to it. In doing so, they would release his wrath. He had a horrible temper, and wasn’t known for the mercy he showed.

  Most of the time he kept a tight rein on his emotions and his temper.

  He had to. It was best for everyone around him that he did.

  Safer at least.

  But every once in a while…

  The bad boy wanted to play.

  And right now, Nick was too exhausted to tell him to go away.


  Coffee. Where’s the coffee? Jess scowled.


  In the damn kitchen.

  Please, please, please, God…Don’t let Nick be in the kitchen.

  With the coffee.

  She knew he wasn’t going to let her off the hook.

  Especially after what she pulled last night.

  She also knew she wasn’t going to let him off the hook either.

  Especially after what he’d done.

  If he was there, things had the potential to blow up quickly.

  Escalating to likes of drama even she wasn’t prepared for.

  Either way she needed coffee, desperately. Her head felt like someone swung a rather large bat into it repeatedly. Flinging back the covers, she climbed out of bed putting on her robe. No time like the present.

  Still tying her robe, she stumbled into the kitchen. Finding her worst fears to be true. He was sitting at the table, dressed in the clothing he wore from the night before.

  Raising his head, he acknowledged her presence. His nostrils flared slightly as he stared at her with bloodshot eyes, before his face closed down completely.

  She grabbed her cup of coffee without speaking. Sitting to face him at the opposite end of the table. Both found themselves staring at the other.

  Daring the other to speak first. She was the one to give.

  “Carlo. Would you mind giving us a few minutes, please?”


  Nick nodded, giving permission for him to leave the room.

  “Sure thing, Jess.”

  “Guess we have unfinished business.”

  Hesitation filled her voice, as waves of emotions overcame her.

  “You got that right.” Nick’s voice was heated. Taut. Possibly livid.

  “Is that so?” Outwardly, she showed no sign of emotion.

  Inwardly, she was a mess.

  Dealing with a feeling of terror so strong it held her like a vice grip.

  “Have anything you want to say to me, Jess?” Revulsion spewed from his tone as he spun the bottle on the table. His face held a frozen, glassy stare.

  “Fuck no. Don’t you have something you want to say to me? I mean, you did use me as bait to murder someone, correct?” She was seething with rage from him trying to make her the villain in all of this.

  “Shit got out of control. It wasn’t supposed to go down like that.”

  “That’s your explanation?”

  “It’s not an explanation. It’s a statement of fact.”

  “A statement of fact, huh?” She barked out a bitter laugh. “I know exactly what you did and so the fuck do you. You trapped me into your world, binding me to you the only way you knew how. You’ve always said you’d have me, any way possible. Guess you meant it.”

  “Shit got out of control, Jacinta. I strongly advise you to shut the fuck up. About that and other events that took place during the evening.”

  “I know you didn’t just tell me to shut up.” She gave an amused snicker. She was beyond caring whether or not it was wise to provoke him. Her temper was as nasty as his.

  “Who the fuck do you
think you are? Oh that’s right…the great and powerful Wizard of New Jersey, Nickolas Roman.” Sipping from her cup, she refused to remove her eyes from his hostile gaze. “Should I grab my ruby slippers and click my heels to go home, Nick?”

  She knew she was pushing him to a very dangerous place. He was quite unpredictable when angry. Actually witnessing his lower level anger first hand on a few occasions. Heard stories of what he was like when he truly became angry.

  She was just as unpredictable and unstable.

  A match made in heaven.

  She would have laughed if the whole thing wasn’t so twisted and fucked up.

  Today, would be the furthest she had ever gone with him. It was the only way to get to the truth. One way or another it was coming out. Period.

  “Jacinta. I’m begging you, pleading with you not to do this. Especially right now.” He leaned forward, gripping the table so he wouldn’t snatch her throat.

  “You were the one who used me to kill someone. Giving no explanation as to why you felt that was an okay thing to do.” Sitting back she crossed her legs, making sure the robe parted so he could see a hint of her upper thigh.

  Take that, fucker.

  He swallowed.

  “You don’t want this, Jess.”

  “Right. I need to know my place. The whore who sits by, with baited breath for you. Waiting for you to leave your wife, which we both know isn’t going to happen. Another explanation promised and never given.”


  The more she spoke, the hazier his vision became. Anger building inside to a point he felt he was going to explode. Jess had absolutely no time to react. He was on her, a large predatory cat, jumping his prey. Pushing her and her chair against the wall, blocking any access for her to get away.

  “You are not my fucking whore.” He punched the wall beside her head.

  “I’ve told you numerous times to stop saying that. But, you never listen.” He leaned in closer to her face, his voice darkening as he spoke.

  “You want to fucking do this after I specifically told you to stop? Fine by me, baby. We can fucking do this.”

  She took a deep breath. Her body trembling at their closeness.


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