Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 4 (Roman Crime Family) Page 3

by Alisa Anderson

  He’d snapped, preventing him from tempering his tone with her. No longer seeing her as the woman he loved, but as someone that needed to be dealt with.

  “Yes. I deliberately used you to lure that guy. Yes. I planned on killing him once you did. I plotted the whole fucking scenario. Knowing exactly what the outcome would be. Is that what you wanted to hear? Because I’m not exactly sure what the fuck you wanted me to say.”

  Leaning in further still, he grazed his lips against hers. Feeling her body deceive her as her lips trembled in fear.

  “Whatever it was, I bet you it wasn’t this. You’re the only thing in this fucked up world I have. I let you in, closer than I have ever let anyone.”

  He was about to lose total control, and quickly composed himself.

  “I never flaunted Connie in your face. Ever. I never fucked her in front of you. And I never deliberately tried to hurt you, like you just did me. Never.”

  “Nick, I-” He roughly placed a hand over her mouth, effectively hushing her.

  “Do not speak until I give you permission. And, just so we are crystal clear, I did tell your ass to shut the fuck up. What the fuck you gonna do about it, kid?”

  He stepped back further, opening her robe, exposing all of her to him.

  “Speaking of doing something, I’m done playing games with you. And I’m done playing nice with that fuck-wad of a bastard you call a boyfriend.”

  Pulling his gun, he placed it against her bare chest at her heart. The metal felt cold against the heat of her skin. “I should go through with my threat and just kill you. No more problems, no more pain. Right, kid?”

  “Nick, stop.” Carlo’s voice cut through the air. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “Really, Carlo?” Nick rasped. “Maybe you’re wrong this time, Carlo. Maybe this is exactly what I want to do.”


  She wasn’t about to let the bastard know he had the upper hand.

  She scowled at him defiantly.

  “Do it, Nick. What the fuck are you waiting on?”

  He cocked the gun, staring into her eyes. She refused to lower her gaze from his.

  “Pull the fucking trigger.” Her voice calm. Emotionless. Daring him. Mocking him.

  “Go on. Put me out of my fucking misery.”


  He looked at her standing him down. He knew she was terrified, but she wouldn’t back down. He’d seen grown ass men cower before him. This slip of a girl refused to budge.

  Defiant till the end, this little one. His ride or die soldier. Always.

  Jesus, he loved her.

  “Boss. Stop. Think about what you’re about to do. This is Jess. You need to calm down, think before you act. Give me the gun, Nick.”


  She visibly saw him calm, sweat now covering his body. His hand trembling as he lowered the gun.

  “Leave us, Carlo. I’m fine.”

  “Boss, I don’t-”

  “Now, Carlo.”

  Carlo exited quickly.

  Nick dropped to his knees in front of her, placing his head on the gun on her lap. Feeling his tears burn against her bare thighs. She stroked his hair in an effort to sooth him, and to calm herself. This was the first time she had ever seen him like this. Possibly the last.

  “You win, kid. You fucking win. I am on my knees. I give. I fucking give.”

  She raised his head. Softly rubbing his cheek.

  “Jesus, Nick. I never thought it would come to this.” She knelt, softly kissing his cheek. Tasting the saltiness from his tears.

  “You confuse me. To the point I no longer know right from wrong. Somewhere in all of this, I lost my soul to you. I need to know if I’m the only one this far gone.”

  He leaned, placing his head between her breasts. Feeling her erratically beating heart, pound against his forehead. Placing feather light kisses on her breast plate, trying to remove all traces from the gun barrel.

  “Do you even have to ask?” He gave her a bitter smile. “I’m lost, kid.”

  “Last night you asked why I ended up in your club. It’s simple really. I was broke. Fearless and fearful. Nothing to lose. I still having nothing to lose. Which is why I find myself twirling around a pole for money. Being used by you to murder someone. Being Eric’s trophy. His punching bag.”

  “His punching bag?” He finally got the confirmation he was waiting for.

  “Please, Nick.”

  “Shit got out of control last night, kid. It wasn’t supposed to go down like that.”

  He stood, bringing her up with him. Brushing away the tears, now streaming down her cheeks.

  “I am leaving Connie, cuore mio. I’m not lying to you. It’s just very complicated. Extremely complicated. More complicated than you could ever imagine. I have to figure out how to handle all of it.”

  “I get it. I truly do. But there’s a part of me who wants to walk away from all of this. From Eric. New York. But to go back means I failed. Everybody expects me to fail. Plus, going back means not having you.”

  “And it means going back to your father.” He gently caressed her cheek as she stiffened.


  “You heard exactly what I said, kid.”

  “H-How do you know about him?” She whispered, stuttering nervously. Glancing around, like her father was going to appear at any moment.

  “Calm down, baby. We run a thorough background check on everyone who works for me. And I didn’t pressure you to talk about him because I figured you would talk in your own time. When you were ready.”

  “So you know…everything, then?” She looked deeply ashamed.

  “I know enough. Believe me, I understand. More than you know. And hey. One more thing?” He lifted her chin to meet his eyes. “You have nothing, and I do mean nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Especially to me. Do I make myself clear? Not a fucking thing.”

  She nodded. He chuckled softly, shaking his head.

  “You attract about as much trouble as I do, don’t you, kid?”

  She half-smiled. “I guess so.”

  “I should have stayed the fuck away from you. I knew it the day we meet. But my dumb ass likes playing with fire. And for the first time, I got burned.”

  Jess stared into his eyes. She had hurt him. Cut him deep.

  Remorse filled her, as she swallowed back a huge lump trying to form in her throat.

  “I am truly sorry, Nick. I went to a place I shouldn’t have gone and it will never happen again. But you can’t tell me there wasn’t a part of you that knew deep down, what you might walk in on when you opened the door.” She sigh heavily. “Why did you do it?”

  “Maybe I did it to punish myself. I don’t know. I saw your face in that bathroom, Jess. I know I took a part of you I could never give back.”

  “You always take a piece of me. Every time you leave me and go home to Connie. Every time you fuck her. And please don’t say you don’t. I’m not stupid. She’s your wife. Much like Eric, I get you have to go through the motions.”

  She laid her head against his chest, feeling the warmth of his arms surround her.

  “I can only hope you understand to your core, I slept with him to get the images out of my head. I did what I had to do to keep my sanity. I was petrified by what happened. I’m even more terrified now that I could get arrested or killed for helping you.”

  “I’ve got you, Jess. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Do you, Nick? I’m so in over my head. This is all too much for me.”

  “I’m supposed to be your fixer. I should have known you, of all people were capable of fixing certain things for yourself.”

  She laughed.

  “Um, thanks. I think. What exactly is that supposed to mean? And is that truly how you see yourself? As my fixer?”

  “No, that’s not how…ok maybe, I do see myself that way. But you are much like myself. Self-preservation, no matter the cost. It’s one of the things I love about you. And
now, truthfully drives me crazy.”

  He moved her so her back was against his chest, holding her tightly against him. She shut her eyes, getting lost in the rise and fall of his chest. The quickness of his breath. Feeling as if he was breathing for her.

  “Where do we go from here, Nick?”


  He hesitated before answering, not wanting to be another one of her mistakes. Just another bastard in a long line of many. He also didn’t want to keep her tied to him through some fucked up sense of loyalty.

  He rationalized he could be there for her now. He owed her that much. Whatever tomorrow held, he’d find the courage to do what was needed in that moment.

  Even if it meant letting her go.

  “I honestly don’t know. One thing I do know. I’ve lost my mind because this is by far the most fucked up situation I’ve ever got myself into. Trust me, I’ve been in some doozies.”

  “You and me both.” Jess chuckled. “I love you, Nick.”

  He knew she meant it. No one in his life up until this very moment ever meant it.

  Turning her to face him, he laced his fingers around the nape of her neck.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  It humbled him she still trusted him. Especially after everything that just want down. He too was in over his fucking head. Had been since rashly getting into that car with her months ago.

  She needed him to be what no other man had ever been in her life. He truly wondered if he was that man. Or was just too fucking broken to be everything she deserved.

  Tugging her head forward, he found her mouth with a deep searching kiss. His lips bruising hers with a need and desire he’d never felt before. Pulling her body back far enough to furiously rip off his t-shirt and unzip his pants. She found his cock and took him in her hand, stroking it. Feeling the throbbing of the veins, the silkiness of his skin against hers.

  He forced her to release his cock, stepping back and seizing it in his own grip. She watched intently as he stroked himself. Becoming transfixed by his hand gliding over the rigid length. All while his eyes remained locked on her. Watching her as she bit down on the fleshy softness of her lower lip.

  Without speaking, he slowly slid her robe over her arms, removing it and letting it fall to the floor. Spinning her, he pinned her against the wall so she no longer faced him, methodically placing her hands and legs exactly how he wanted them.

  “No matter what I do, you are to keep your hands and legs exactly where I placed them. If you don’t, I will punish you. Do you understand?”

  Jess nodded. Words escaped her. Wetness spilling down her legs in anticipation of what was to come. She felt him pull her hips further back, kicking her legs apart. His free hand slapped her ass, causing it to sting and become warm.

  The force of the smack caused her elbows to give. She fell forward towards the wall. He slapped her harder, snapping for her to get back into position.

  “I told you to stay. No matter what. Now, what’s your safe word?”

  “My what?”

  “Safe word. You say it when it’s too much. When you can’t take anymore and you’ve had all you can take. Alerting me to stop. What’s your safe word, kid?”


  “Straight and to the point.”

  Her breath quickened at the thought of him dominating her like this.

  No man had ever taken her to this place before. It felt so…wicked. And sinful.

  Her pussy walls involuntarily tightened.

  She felt him move behind her, his cock teasing, then slowly penetrating her pussy. He rhythmically thrust into her, causing every cell in her body to throb to the beat of his thrusting.

  “You do not come until I say you do. If you disobey, you will be punished. Do you understand, Jacinta?”

  “I…understand.” She knew he heard the hesitation in her voice. But she did not protest.

  Fire coiled within her belly, as desire unfurled and lit.

  “Good girl. You do trust me, don’t you, little one.” He rubbed her bottom affectionately, leisurely withdrawing his cock from her wetness. His fingers trailed to the opening of her pussy, rubbing his fingers against her. Sliding into the folds of her slick vaginal walls.

  She took in a breath, careful not to cry out. Terrified of him stopping.

  “Very good. I didn’t give you permission to respond. You learn quick, little dove.”

  He used the moisture from his fingers to slide back, liberally moistening the rosebud of her anus. She inhaled, swallowing the gasp in her throat. Her nipples puckered, tightening in response. She did not react otherwise.

  Nick growled his approval.

  “Has anyone ever had your ass, Jacinta?”

  “Never.” She swallowed nervously, shaking her head.

  He bent down, kissing one delectable butt cheek. “You have a beautiful ass, baby. I get hard every time I look at it. It makes me want to sink my cock into it every time I see it. Imagining my come splattering on your thighs. Running down your leg. Can you see it? Can you feel it, Jacinta?”

  She moaned, low in her throat. Horrified she would be punished for the noise.

  He seemed in approval of her obvious pleasure. His hand trailed up the back of her leg. Nibbling on her ass. He ran his tongue up her spine, squeezing her hips as he came back down. She shivered at the sensation as he kissed the small of her back.

  He gently spread her cheeks apart, using his thumb to delve into the wetness of her pussy again. Saturating himself in her juices and trailing back to her anus where he dipped inside. His thumb worked back and forth, back and forth inside her.

  She wanted to cry out but didn’t dare. He hadn’t given her permission to respond.

  “Nick.” She ground out hoarsely.

  “Yes, baby.”


  “You what, Jacinta?” His thumb worked its way deeper inside of her, through the tight ring of muscle at her opening. Squeezing the firm flesh of one cheek. Then the other, as he worked his way in and out.

  “Fuck. Please…May I respond?”

  Nick chuckled softly. “Not yet, little one. Patience.”

  Jess groaned inwardly, resisting the urge to scream. The gun to her chest was kinder.

  “I’m going to fuck you here, Jacinta love. In the sweet tightness of your ass. Because you are mine. To do with as I please. When I please. However I please.”

  He dragged his cock over her backside, dipping forward to kiss her shoulder.

  “I want to warn you though. It will not be easy. It’s going to be a tight fit, and there will be pain. As you know, I am incredibly large. But you can and will take me, Jacinta. Until I have had enough of using your body for my enjoyment.”

  His words.

  The raspy sexiness of his tone.

  His absolute command and authority over her.

  Just his words were making her body ache to release her orgasm right then and there.

  “You’re going to celebrate and welcome the pain. Revel in the dark pleasure yet to come. Unless you tell me it’s enough. At which point it will be all over. So realize this. Even though you have given me this control, it is with you that power ultimately remains.”

  He let his words resonate with her.

  “One simple, insignificant command makes it all stop. And we are back where we started.”

  The visual images in her mind. Her body started trembling and good lord. She was losing control. Her orgasm was coming whether she wanted it or not.

  “Control it, Jess. You do not have permission to climax.” He twisted her nipple painfully as pleasure jolted to her clit. She sucked in a breath through her nose. Exhaling through her mouth. She fought with everything in her, somehow finding and regaining control.

  “Because you are mine and mine alone, I can have you whenever I want you, Jacinta. Your body belongs to me. Your ass, your pussy, your mouth, is mine. To do with what I want. How I want.”

He slid his hand down her arms as he leaned forward. Kissing the back of her neck. He enveloped her waist, moving around again to cup her wet mound in his hand.

  “When I come inside of you, my seed will stay there until I give you permission to wash. When it’s time, I will bathe you. Make you clean again.”

  She felt the massive head of his cock at her opening.

  “I take my job seriously, Jacinta. I will protect you, cherish you, see to your every need and desire. Provided you never disobey. I don’t relish punishing you. But I will. This is your last warning before we go further.”

  She could feel him. Stretching her backside, expanding the tight flesh of her ass, surrounding his cock, as it slid past the sensitive muscle of her anus.

  “Nickolas.” Jess whimpered. “I can’t take it. You’re too big. Fuck.”

  “You will take me. You are taking me, Jacinta. Let it go. You trust me, right?”

  She nodded, engulfed in sensation. Pain, torture…something more.

  She couldn’t escape his cock, no matter where she moved. He had a firm grip on her and would not let her loose. His cock continued to brutally press into her. It was almost cruel. She gasped aloud, unable to help herself.

  “I’m sorry, Nick. It hurts.”

  “Of course it hurts, baby.” Nick chuckled gently. “Push out. Try to relax, Jacinta.”

  He slid in further, deeper. She pushed out, trying to relax. He felt like fire. Burning a brand on her sensitive live wire flesh.

  It was pain. God there was so much fucking pain.

  But through the pain…a dark hunger emerged. The burning edge of pain became…wanton desire. Needed anguish. Exquisite torture. Unbelievably her pussy responded. The mixture of pain and pleasure a cocktail her body could not resist.

  “Here I come, kid.” Nick whispered into her ear, his chest draped over her back, covering her. His hands gripped her ass cheeks, spreading them apart as he ferociously surged into her.

  “Oh…my…God.” White hot pain consumed her as he began thrusting, slapping against her ass. The feeling of being wholly possessed, fucked and consumed overtook her and she lost herself in the moment.


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