Savage Conquest

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Savage Conquest Page 11

by Janelle Taylor

  His desire mounting, he unwillingly pulled away. "Are you brave enough to wash this off in a chilly stream?" he inquired roguishly.

  She laughed and retorted, "Do we have any choice? Any chance there's some soap in that cabin?"

  He chuckled and said, "I doubt it. We'll have to make do with just water. At least we can wash each other's back," he teased.

  Amanda grinned. This was as wild and wonderful as their first meeting. He had a way of relaxing and enchanting her. She was no longer afraid of him, of herself, or events surrounding them. Reis said he was hers, and that was all that mattered now.

  As if reading her thoughts, he chuckled and noted, "We do have a crazy way of bewitching each other, don't we? You make me feel so alive, so carefree, Mandy. It's like being a kid again, having fun and doing silly things. You realize we're perfectly suited to each other?" Reis helped her to sit up near him, yet he didn't extract them from the mud.

  Amanda glanced down at her condition, then giggled as she curled her legs behind her and looked up into his amused expression. "Evidently, Reis Richardson. Maybe I'm just exhausted from fleeing your persistent chase," she jested, wiping off clumps of mud from his chest and arms. She nestled into his embrace, murmuring, "Since you're so handsome and strong, I suppose my defeat isn't that bad. I yield to your superior strength, my dashing Yankee conqueror. How could I possibly reject a suitor who captures me in such an ... unusual manner?"

  Reis hugged her tightly, then scooped her up in his arms and struggled to free his feet from the engulfing mire. She laughed as they swayed precariously. She taunted playfully, "You did threaten to drop me in the mud, but I didn't think you were serious. From now on, Mister Harrison, I shall have to respect your words. "

  Chuckles came from deep within that muscular chest. "Let's get you bathed, dried, and warmed. We still have some matters to discuss, Miss Lawrence."

  "Such as?" she hinted curiously.

  "Such as what will happen with us," he replied, tightening his grip on her as he stepped from the delightful quagmire. He headed for the stream, carrying her effortlessly. He gingerly waded into the rain-swollen stream to an area just above his knees. Suddenly he halted and stiffened, but not from the biting liquid nipping at his bare legs and feet.

  "I think we have a problem," he stated nervously, comically, as his soggy blanket, heavy with mud and water, pulled from his lithe body, leaving him stark naked with Amanda clutched in his arms while the capricious covering was swept away by the strong and impish currents.

  Amanda burst into uncontrollable giggles.

  "It isn't funny, Miss Lawrence. How do you propose I protect our modesty now?"

  She thought but a moment before merrily suggesting, "Of course, it serves you right for being so improper in the first place, but I could close my eyes while you sit down or chase your naughty garment."

  "Then what?" he pressed in rising humor, relieved that she didn't seem overly concerned or embarrassed by their predicament.

  "We can wash off this mud. Then I'll return to the cabin and hide in my blanket," she offered a seemingly simple solution.

  "There's only one dry blanket left. What about me?" he wailed.

  "Since you're responsible for this episode, you can either use my wet blanket or your slicker. Once you build a fire, you'll be warm enough," she blithely mocked his helpless position.

  "How about you use my shirt and I use the blanket?" he hinted.

  "But your shirt is wet; I'll freeze," she shrieked. "Surely a man who vows love for a distressed lady can be unselfish and gallant?"

  "You wouldn't be cold in my arms," he debated, grinning down at her. "I'll tell you what; let's bathe and then decide how to handle this new business."

  Amanda closed her eyes tightly as she suppressed more giggles. He lowered her to the ground and nudged her into the murky water as he sank beneath its protective surface.

  Amanda instantly bolted to her feet and squealed as the biting water nipped at her bare flesh. She whirled and stared down at him. "You lied, Harrison; this water is like icel" Her teeth chattered and she wrapped her hands around her arms and rubbed them frantically, unintentionally shoving her breasts together and causing them to bulge from her low neckline. "Surely you don't expect me to sit down?"

  Reis laughed heartily. "It's not so bad once you get used to it. You certainly can't remain a little piglet. That mud will eventually dry and become most scratchy," he argued, beginning to wash the mud off his body with gentle movements. "You know something? With your hair dark with mud, you almost look like Randy."

  Amanda stood there indecisively. Reis caught her hand and pulled upon it, encouraging, "Get it over with, love. The water won't get any warmer."

  She gritted her teeth and stiffened as she sank into the stream before him, grimacing in discomfort. Before she could begin her own cleansing, Reis tenderly captured an arm and scrubbed it, then the other one. He told her to turn around and he would wash her back, which she did. With a rakish grin, he remarked, "You'd best wash the front, or I might become excited and break my promise."

  Amanda shrieked again as she splashed water on her chest time after time until the mud was gone and then did the same with her face. "This water is almost as dirty as us," she complained, trembling. "What about my hair; it's filthy and full of tangles," she fretted.

  "Duck under the water and swish it around," he replied.

  "That's easy for you to say; this water isn't that cold to you. Let's see if I can make you just as miserable," she threatened, splashing water on his chest and in his face.

  "Two can play at that game, love," he taunted.

  "Not if I escape first. Are you forgetting you can't get up?" She wickedly reminded him of his state of nudity.

  He grinned sensually and huskily murmured, "I can chase you, love; and if you turn around, you've only yourself to scold. Lay your head across my arm and I'll scrub that hair for you," he offered sweetly.

  She eyed him suspiciously. "Another trick, my daring rogue?"

  "Since I'm to blame for getting you dirty, shouldn't I repair the damage?" he deliberated aloud, winking at her. "Surely you don't expect me to get inflamed while sitting in freezing water?"

  "Reis Harrison! You crude brute," she chided his bold remark.

  "If you want help with that golden mane, you'd best hurry; I'm getting numb-everywhere," he added wantonly.

  Amanda gasped in astonishment, then scolded, "You're awful! But if what you say is true, then I should be perfectly safe."

  She moved to sit at his left leg as directed, since he was left-handed. She slowly leaned back over his right arm which was propped on a slightly raised knee to prevent any intimate contact between them. He quickly worked with the cascade of hair which was dangling in the water until it was as mud-free as possible. "That's better. But what about that muck under your gown?" he asked mirthfully.

  Their gazes met in amusement, then became serious as they fused. Unable to stop himself, he pulled her to him and kissed her intensely. One kiss led to another until the chilly water swirling around their locked bodies couldn't cool the heat of fiery passion.

  "Amanda, love, I want you," he whispered against her lips, his hands moving up and down her arms as if to rub away the chill of her flesh. It was a brief, simple statement, but it said everything.

  "I want you too, Reis," she responded feverishly, twisting her lips against his as she pressed closer to his taut frame. "Make love to me," she entreated him, enslaved by unbridled desire. This was the third time he had tempted her to mindless frenzy; this time she yielded.

  He lifted her and carried her to the bank where they sank entwined in the wet grass, unable to wait until they reached the cabin to sate their mutual hungers. He removed her gown without removing his mouth from hers, then trailed a damp hand over the curves and planes he had dreamed about since meeting her. Reis tried to caution himself to teach her about love gently and slowly, but she was too eager and inflamed to be mastered, too impassi
oned to be restrained.

  Amanda had wanted him for so long that she couldn't wait a moment longer. Her body was like an ember near a blazing fire, one which would die slowly if it didn't become a part of that potent blaze. As his lips teased her breasts to firm suspense, their taut peaks burned from the warmth of his mouth. Her hands moved over tanned skin which she hadn't dared to touch until now. When she wasaquiverand breathless, he tenderly moved over her and gently joined his eager flesh to hers. She arched toward him in wild abandon, lost in the ecstasy of their union. There was no pain-only joy.

  His deft hands and lips worked as skillfully and ardently as his throbbing manhood, until he brought her to the pinnacle of exquisite pleasure. Together, they passed through rapture's gates. Blissful serenity engulfed them, their lips still touching as they descended from the heights.

  Here in this private hideaway with her body stained with obstinate mud, lying on the saturated earth beside a rain-swollen stream, Amanda had given herself freely to the man who owned her heart.

  Reis propped himself on an elbow and gazed down at her, such tenderness emblazoned upon his handsome features, such love shining softly in his eyes. "You all right, love?" he inquired apprehensively.

  She smiled, her entire face brightening. "Never better," she vowed, caressing his pleasing jawline. d 'You?"

  "Never better," he happily concurred. "I love you, Amanda Lawrence, more than I could imagine possible. You cast your spell over me one stormy night, and I can never again be whole without you."

  She laughed and teased, "Then I suppose it's only natural to prove it on a stormy morning. I love you, Reis Harrison. I've been so lonely and miserable without you," she confessed, her mood a curious blend of shyness and boldness.

  "I've never been so afraid in my life as when I nearly lost you. I know it was crazy to kidnap you, but I had to do it. The state you were in-I didn't know what you would do next. I don't want you to be angry with Luke and Randy, but-" He hesitated briefly before confessing their daring ploy. "I don't want any more secrets between us, love. I must finish this mission, my beloved angel. We have a decision to make: do we marry later, or do we marry now in secret?"

  She smiled. "I'm greedy and selfish, Reis; I want you as quickly as I can have you. But I'll comply with your orders from Grant."

  "I think it would be best for both of us if we find a way to marry soon. I want to make sure you're mine, and it will be easier to spend time together. You'll be happier as my wife, not a mistress."

  His meaning was clear. She had surrendered to passion today, but marriage would prevent her from feeling guilty over a pre-planned affair. "You know me too well, Mister Harrison," she teased mirthfully.

  "I plan to know you even better. Say, inch by inch?" he murmured, a finger intoxicatingly encircling each nipple in turn. "Your greed is nothing compared to mine, woman," he declared, leaning forward to torment each faint, brown point with his tongue.

  "I must need a lesson or two-I thought you said you were numb?"

  "A fire such as you ignite could thaw any frozen object," he told her, taking her hand and clasping it around the proof of his claim.

  "Then why not share your flames, my dashing Yankee; I'm chilled to the bone," she coaxed, stroking him boldly.

  "All I have and am belongs to you, my love. You have but to ask or take what you will," he stated softly and truthfully.

  "For now, all I need or want is for us to be one again," she told him shamelessly, her eyes never leaving his penetrating gaze.

  His lips covered hers before making torturously slow and sweet love to her. Afterward, they lay together for a time until it began to mist once more. He splashed off in the stream and coaxed her to do the same, then tossed her the gown which he had rinsed for her. Ignoring its iciness, she wiggled into it. Hand in hand, they returned to the cabin.

  Soon Reis had a cheery fire going and coffee warming. The aroma filled the small cabin and teased their noses. Amanda sat on a cured cowhide before the fire, clad in Reis's shirt which was nearly dry. Wrapped in the last blanket, Reis poured two cups of coffee and joined her. They didn't talk for a time, simply enjoying each other's nearness and company.

  Amanda's voice broke the peaceful silence. "Reis, how do you plan to get me home dressed like this?"

  "Like I stole you, in the middle of the night," he teased. When she asked if he had known her housekeeper would be off, he grinned and nodded. "If someone asks why you didn't answer the door, say you were bathing or sleeping, which you were-just somewhere else," he playfully rambled on.

  "You mean Weber, don't you?" she asked gravely. "How do you plan to unmask him?" She wondered how she could pretend with Web.

  "Just leave that to me. No playing the detective to end this matter sooner. Just be patient and cautious. He's dangerous, Mandy. Just carry on as usual," he instructed for her safety.

  "Are you sure? You don't mind if he takes me out, and hugs me or kisses me?" she inquired behind giggles.

  "If he lays a finger on you, I'll break it off," he vowed possessively. "Just as soon as I locate a minister out of town, I'll arrange our wedding. You and I can sneak off, get married, then sneak back. You'll be safe as long as Weber doesn't know you're in cahoots with me. That is, if I can't convince you to leave town for a while?"

  "It sounds so exciting," she murmured dreamily.

  "There's one other thing, Mandy; confide in Miranda. At times, we might need her help to ... get together secretly. She's worried about you," he added at her coy grin.

  "You like Randy, don't you?" she inquired happily.

  "Yep. She's a lot like you; and yet she's very different. I think I've discovered a wonderful family for myself," he sighed contentedly.

  As they consumed the food which Reis had wisely brought along, he expounded on his mission and Weber's treacherous deceptions. They passed the day talking about their lives and families or discussing their future. Once more they made love, this time on the narrow bank in the warm cabin. Around eleven that night, Reis couldn't stall the inevitable any longer; it was time to take Amanda home before Friday's dawn exposed their rendezvous.

  Snuggled in a blanket in his arms, Amanda was quiet on the return trip. Once inside her home, Reis kissed her good night and cautioned her again about Weber before leaving. To keep Weber from getting suspicious about them, Reis promised to contact her through Lucas, and she was to do the same with him. She was surprised to learn he was staying with her calculating cousin. Under such precarious circumstances, she realized it would make things easier for herself and Reis.

  During the day, Amanda managed to avoid Weber by visiting friends. Later, Lucas came over for dinner and a leisurely conversation. When Weber came by around eight, he was vividly displeased to find Lucas there and more displeased when Lucas wouldn't leave them alone. Weber and Lucas exchanged surly jibes, which Amanda pretended not to notice. Soon Weber announced that he had to leave and rose to do so. Lucas smiled and remained seated.

  Amanda felt she must see Weber to the door. When he tried to kiss her good night, she turned away, informing him she had the sniffles and he might catch them. In preparation for such an awkward moment, she had been sneezing and sniffling during his visit. Giving Amanda one final, searing glare, Weber left sullenly.

  She rejoined Lucas in the sitting room. He grinned and stated, "That was quick thinking, Mandy, pretending to have a cold. Reis will be delighted when I tell him," he teased fondly. "Did you see the funny look on Web's face when you mentioned a possible visit to Morning Star? Where did you tell him Randy is?" It was apparent that Lucas was thoroughly enjoying this charade.

  They both laughed. "Web thinks Randy is visiting friends in Boston. Once she returns and we tell her everything, we can all relax. I did find it odd that Web didn't say anything when I mentioned the plantation. I wonder when he's planning to use that little ruse."

  "When I'm not around to make trouble," Lucas declared.

  "How could he keep it a secret from you? Sur
ely he knows I would mention such a shocking matter to you during one of our vists," she reasoned. "Why alter the books, then not use them?"

  "I'm leaving soon, remember?" he responded, not venturing a speculation on her last question. Who could understand Web Richardson)

  "But Reis is staying with you," she replied in bewilderment.

  "I've told him he can use my place as long as he wishes. I have to leave within two weeks. Until then, I can be your messenger."

  "Are you really going to invite Randy to go along?" she fretted.

  "Why not? That would give you and Reis lots of privacy," he hinted roguishly. "He told me you two are getting married soon. Just be careful, Mandy. He's right; Weber is a devil. You leave the investigation to Reis, you hear me?"

  Amanda grinned and jested, "Yes, cuz; I'll be good."

  "I know you, Amanda Lawrence. Don't go sneaking around just to help Reis. You could stumble onto something which might endanger his life as well as your own. I hope he works fast and hard; you can't tell Web you have a cold for very long," he stated between chuckles.

  "I would ask you to come over every night, but that would look suspicious. Besides, he would only start visiting during the day. Oh, Luke, how will I ever carry this off?" she worried aloud. Just the thought of Weber touching or kissing her was repulsive.

  He mockingly lessened her tension. "Do these ears deceive me? Is Amanda Lawrence doubting her feminine wiles? You'll be great. You have Reis, so now I can stop worrying about leaving. I'll be back before winter." With comical animation, he suggested, "There is one thing you can do to roughen the waters with Weber; pick an argument with him. Then while you're pouting and reconsidering his proposal, that will give you and Reis extra time."


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