Savage Conquest

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Savage Conquest Page 12

by Janelle Taylor

  Amanda brightened in elation. "Over what?"

  "How about over Randy?" he proposed astonishingly, then explained himself.

  "You really think he has a fever for her?" she questioned, alarmed and surprised that she hadn't noticed such undercurrents.

  When Lucas expounded on his observations and opinions, Amanda concurred. "Damn, I must be blind! He hasn't bothered her, has he? That explains why she's always so tense and remote when he's around. Why didn't she tell me, Luke?"

  "Because you're always so defensive of him. Like me, she was probably afraid you would think she was only trying to separate you two. Don't forget, she doesn't know why you felt you must marry him. Nothing against you, my lovely cousin, but he merely wants a Lawrence. You fit his plans better than Randy, but he would settle for her. I bet Randy will be delighted to unmask that scum. And after your violent quarrel, it will seem natural for Randy to go away with me. Ah, yes, it's ingenious," he bragged, not realizing the repercussions of such a reckless charade.

  "I must confess, I agree, Luke," she complimented him. "Then by the time you and Randy return, Reis and I will be settled down. You will take good care of her?"

  "If she tags along. I haven't asked her yet. In fact, she doesn't know anything about this trip. I was saving the news as a surprise. I'm not sure how I landed this enviable assignment, but I'm taking it before they change their minds. Fact is, now that I've heard their proposal, I think I would even go at my own expense." Lucas didn't tell Amanda that taking her sister along with him would solve another problem: it would keep Weber from getting rid of Amanda and pursuing Miranda, now that Reis was in the picture.

  "I know her, Luke; she would give anything to go to the Dakota Territory. Why shouldn't she have her dream? I am getting mine," she announced gleefully, dancing around the room.

  "I'll drop around tomorrow afternoon with a note from Reis," he tempted her. "Would you like to send him a message tonight? Your housekeeper won't be off again until Sunday. Can you wait another day?"

  Amanda hastily wrote three words on a page: "I love you." When Lucas accepted the missive and departed, she sighed restlessly as she headed for bed. Last night she had been with Reis; tonight, she must be content to dream of him. Two days ago, she had been utterly miserable; today, her heart sang with ecstasy.

  Fortunately, Weber didn't come by to see her Saturday. Unbeknown to her, he was biding his time until the interfering Lucas Reardon left town, just as he had arranged. It was late in the day before Weber learned that Reis Harrison was not only still around but was living with that sly cousin of Amanda's. He would do some checking around before confronting her on Sunday afternoon ...

  Amanda wanted to send a telegram to her sister, encouraging her to hurry home but she dared not for fear of revealing Miranda's location. If Weber was as crafty and deadly as Lucas and Reis believed-which she no longer doubted-surely Weber was watching each of them. She desperately wanted to help. solve this mystery but obeyed the wishes of Reis and her cousin. Now that she was acquainted with the facts of the situation, she didn't want to hinder her love's work.

  Amanda remained in the house, continuing her illness ruse. She couldn't help but be disappointed, even slightly miffed, when Reis neither sent her a message nor made a stealthy visit on either day. This solitary game was becoming boring.

  The sun came out bright and warm on Sunday morning. Amanda wanted to go outside, to go riding or picnicking with Reis. She warned. herself to be patient and careful until Miranda's presence supplied a good reason to quarrel with Weber.

  Oddly, Lucas didn't visit on Saturday or Sunday; Amanda worried over his absence. She fretted over Reis's behavior when he had made no contact with her since his daring escapade of Thursday. If he were as lonely and anxious as she was, he would have found a way to see her, or at least send word by Lucas! After their intimacy, did he think he could take her for granted? Did he think he owed her no explanation?

  By late afternoon, she was tense and moody. She had spent the night listening for Reis's footsteps. Her hair was mussed, her face pale, and her cheeks flushed when Weber called. Thankfully, her appearance and mood added credence to her charade.

  When she opened the door, Weber verbally assailed her before she could speak. "What in hell's name is going on, Amanda?" he snarled.

  She looked at him in bewilderment. Lines of fury etched his forehead, and his teeth were clenched tightly. His dark eyes were cold, their gaze intimidat ing and accusatory. "I beg your pardon?" she murmured curiously.

  "Why is that Yankee staying with your bloody cousin?" he snapped, his body stiff with rage.

  "What Yankee, Web? Luke lives alone," she argued innocently.

  "Reis Harrison!" he thundered, refusing to calm down and speak politely.

  "Reis Harrison?" she echoed. "But you told me he had left town. Why would he be at Luke's? Did you decide to do business with him?" she asked, hoping her questions sounded logical.

  "You haven't seen Harrison in the last few days?" he demanded.

  "Certainly not!" she threw at him as if insulted by his tone. Actually, she was angry that it was the truth. "As for Luke, he was here the same night you were. I haven't seen him since then. Why are you attacking me like this? You know I haven't been well," she scolded him petulantly.

  "When is Lucas leaving for Dakota?" Web inquired coldly.

  "How did you know he was? He only told me Friday night; that's why he came over. He said it was a secret," she stated beguilingly.

  "Is that Yankee going with him?" Weber went on, ignoring her question.

  Puzzlement filled her eyes. "Why would they travel together? And how would I know such things? Your hateful questions are confusing," she informed him brusquely. "Luke isn't in the habit of explaining himself to me or anyone. If you don't mind, I need to go lie down again; I'm weak and shaky," she stated peevishly.

  "Have you seen a doctor?" He suddenly became solicitous, actually smiling at her. Right before her eyes, he reversed his mood.

  "If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow, I plan to see Doctor Ramsey. What I need is rest and quiet," she stated pointedly.

  He grinned in false remorse. "I'm sorry, my dear. I shouldn't take my anger out on you."

  "No, you shouldn't," she frostily concurred. "You know something? I see new facets to you each week. Sometimes I don't think I know you at all, Weber, and that troubles me. You are far too bossy at times. If you behave in this hateful way with a woman you're wooing, I wonder how you would treat a wife."

  Weber tensed, then forced himself to relax. He chuckled and wheedled, "That's not true, my sweet. Besides, you'll have plenty of time to know me better once we're married. Have you made a decision yet?"

  "How can I make any decisions when I feel terrible and you act so mean?" she replied, leaning against the door.

  "You've had lots of time and privacy," he insisted.

  "Do you realize how much has happened to me these past few months? I need time to adjust, Weber. If that seems selfish to you, then I'm sorry," she purred sarcastically.

  "When is Miranda coming home? You need someone to take care of you," he remarked, tempering his vexation with feigned worry.

  "She planned to be away for a week, but she could stay longer. I've been so irritable lately that I'm awful to be around. And you make it worse with your meanness. Once I feel better and get things settled with the business, I'll be fine."

  "What about the business?" he pressed curiously.

  "You don't mind handling it a while longer, do you? I'm just not ready to deal with it. I can't decide whether to sell it or run it." She sighed dramatically as if utterly fatigued.

  "Don't worry your pretty head, my sweet. I'll take care of everything for you. Just concentrate on getting well, and on me," he added, cuffing her chin, then bid her farewell.

  That night Amanda couldn't get to sleep. It was after midnight when she stood before her bedroom window looking out over the garden. Moonlight filtered through the gauz
y drapes and outlined her body against them. But for stirrings and singing of nocturnal insects and birds, all was quiet and serene.

  Suddenly a mellow voice teased from behind her, "How can you daydream at night, my love? A sick lady should be in bed."

  She whirled, his name escaping her lips as she rushed into his beckoning arms and hugged him tightly. "It's about time you remembered I'm alive," she scolded Reis playfully. "Besides, I dream of you all the time. Where have you been? What's happening out there?"

  "One question at a time, love. We've got to be more careful than I imagined. Richardson's having your house watched and he's having me and Luke followed. I had a time losing my shadow and sneaking in here. I found a minister not far away who can marry us, but getting to him in secret will be difficult. I sent Miranda a telegram; she should be coming home tomorrow. One thing that'll help distract Weber is a trip I need to take."

  "A trip?" she wailed apprehensively. "Where? Why?"

  "I have to follow the shipment that's leaving at dawn Wednesday. I'm staying hidden until then. Hopefully Weber will think I'm gone for good and lower his guard. When I get back, we'll see that minister first thing. You haven't changed your mind?" he asked.

  "Never," she happily responded. "Do you have to leave?"

  "It will speed up solving this case, and we both want that."

  "But I'll be alone here, Reis. Luke is taking Randy with him," she said frantically.

  "But you can refuse to see Weber for a long time after Randy finishes with him. Luke told me your little scheme. What could make a woman more angry than her suitor getting too friendly with her sister? If Luke's right about Weber, it'll work. Perfect timing is the key, love. Just don't make him think you're spurning him for keeps. I don't want him to think you're contriving an excuse to be rid of him. If Randy leaves with Luke, Weber will know she's out of his reach. He'll then work on regaining your trust and earning forgiveness. I've also come up with another scheme to confuse him. In your state of spiteful rage, you can pretend to sell your firm to someone else."

  "Sell the firm?" she questioned, listening intently.

  "I can have a friend of mine, a northern shipper, come down and pretend to purchase your company. You can claim you wanted to be rid of the company and its problems. Say you want to live on the plantation or in Washington. Once Weber thinks all's lost to him, he would be foolish to retaliate against you. He wouldn't be able to carry on any of his deceptions because you'll know the true facts. We'll have to wait to use this ploy until he leaves town and we can work out any tangles. The main thing is to protect the woman I love."

  "Say it again," she coaxed warmly.

  "I love you, Mandy. Soon you'll be mine forever," he vowed confidently, drawing her into the circle of his embrace.

  Amanda's hands flattened against his hard chest, then traveled up his muscled shoulders. She snuggled close to him, wantonly rubbing her body against his without realizing how deeply she was arousing both of them. Her fingers pushed aside his shirt so she could place kisses near his heart, then drifted upward to tease at his collarbone. Her arms went around his waist and she pulled him tightly to her.

  Reis was trapped in a heady conflict of wanting to remain perfectly still to enjoy this blissful torment and of needing to urgently lay siege to her body and make savagely sweet love to her. Her nearness, touch, and smell drove him wild, and her stimulating actions sent him beyond control. Yet, her movements revealed her inexperience. He flamed with passion just imagining how it would be months from now when her skills were honed and her modesty discarded.

  He glanced down at her, eyes dark with desire. "If you have any intention of our honeymoon coming after our wedding, you'd best halt your tempting game, love. I feel like steel in a forging furnace."

  Amanda bravely met his seeking gaze and smiled. "If you planned to deny me anything, then you shouldn't have come tonight when I'm weak from illness and cannot think clearly. Surely love is the best medicine for what ails me?" she hinted vividly.

  She didn't protest when he removed her gown, or when he eased out of his garments. He lifted her and carried her to the bed. They stretched out, their naked bodies touching from head to foot. When she started to roll toward him, he gently caught her shoulder and pressed her to her back. Bending forward, he warmed the cool peaks on her chest with a moist and fiery tongue.

  His lips played upward until they fastened on hers. His kisses tantalized her, sending her soaring above a high mountain of passion. Her head spun madly as his hands danced over her flesh, embracing each breast and enticing each point to readiness. One hand started a titillating journey down her tingling body. It wandered over a flat stomach which tightened with anticipation, then roved over nicely rounded hips to end its thrilling trek in a tawny forest which pleaded for his intrusion. There, he explored gently and leisurely until she was trembling with urgent need.

  Passions soared; hearts and bodies united. The sensations which he inspired were achingly blissful. He slipped between creamy thighs which entreated his invasion. With tenderness and caution, he eased into a moist paradise that was his for the taking. He wanted her so much that he feared his control would be lost if he didn't concentrate fiercely on retaining it.

  They soared together, higher and higher, until Amanda reached ecstasy's summit. The moment Reis was certain of her rapture, he too surrendered to the all-consuming pleasure.

  Rolling to his side, he held her in his arms. Curled against his lithe frame, she lay her cheek against his steadily slowing heart. He cast a possessive leg and arm over her contented body, then trailed his fingers up and down her back. Together they savored this dreamy time so devoid of thoughts or cares.

  Amanda closed her eyes and inhaled softly. Reis smiled into the darkness and briefly tightened his embrace. Whatever lay in their paths, they had each other and a powerful love. He felt so lucky to have found this special woman and to have won her heart. Amanda sighed again, thinking how glad she was that she had found love and passion with this extraordinary man.

  Amanda was relaxing in a steamy bath Monday morning when her sister burst into the private closet in a f lurry of surprise and delight. For the first time in her life, Amanda revealed modesty at being naked before her own sister. Miranda giggled in amusement when Amanda shrieked and tried to cover her ample bosom with delicate hands. Her shyness vanished quickly in the elation of Miranda's return. "You're home!" she declared happily.

  "Whatever are you doing bathing so late, Amanda Lawrence? It's almost noon," she teased. "I could hardly wait to get here. You'll never believe what I've learned," she hinted eagerly. "Hurry and we'll talk. I'll make us some tea and a snack while you get dressed."

  Amanda finally got a word between her sister's commands and queries. "I'm so glad you're back. Just wait until I tell you my news," she further piqued her sister's curiosity. "I'll be down shortly. Send Mrs. Reed on some errand so we can have total privacy," she hastily suggested. "On second thought, give the dear woman the day off."

  Within an hour, Amanda and Miranda Lawrence were sitting side-by-side in the parlor, sipping tea and preparing to exchange facts. Miranda opened the conversation. "Tell me about you and Reis."

  "First, there's something I must explain before I start on Reis, for I doubt I would stop any time soon," she mirthfully confessed, bringing a smile to Miranda's face. "Oh, my, where to begin?" she muttered.

  "What's been going on here, Mandy?" Miranda interrupted. "That telegram from Reis was perplexing. He said I was to hurry home but to tell everyone I had been visiting friends in Boston. What did he mean: 'W. is dangerous. A. is mine now. L. is helping me. All being watched. Can't meet you at train. Be careful'?"

  While Miranda listened with disbelief and horror, Amanda revealed all the events which had taken place. She explained how she had been cunningly deceived by Weber and why she had been acting so terrible lately. She told about Reis's mission for the President and his charges against Weber. Then Miranda told her sister what she
had discovered at Morning Star. They discussed this perilous situation, analyzing and speculating about Weber's motives and actions.

  "What about you and Reis?" Miranda pressed once more.

  Unwilling to keep secrets from her sister, Amanda exposed Reis's kidnapping ploy and its results. Miranda was thrilled by their imminent wedding plans. Clearly they loved each other, and she vowed to do all she could to help and protect them and to thwart Weber's evil plots.

  "Don't be so hasty to make such rash promises," Amanda teased her, then told Miranda of Lucas's daring idea to use jealousy between the sisters to inhibit Weber's amorous demands and to foil his wicked schemes.

  As Miranda pondered the ruse, Amanda warned, "If Weber discovers we're working against him, he'll be dangerous, Randy."

  "More so than he is now?" Miranda debated. "Nothing would please me more than to unmask that vile devil. I think it'll work," she stated smugly, then told her sister how and why ...

  "You're a genius, Randy," she declared, hugging her sister with love and appreciation.

  "There's only one thing more, Mandy. Once I encourage Weber, we'll have to find a way to protect me from him," she ventured, half in jest and half in seriousness.

  "That's simple," Amanda announced. "But I'd rather let Luke give you his surprise. He's coming over this afternoon. After you and I finish with Weber tonight, we'll both be free and safe," she alleged mysteriously, grinning at her sister.

  "What does Luke have to do with this? What surprise?" she eagerly persisted.

  Amanda smiled mischievously and refused to say more. "You think we can pull off this adventure?" she inquired softly.

  "Positively, and it will be fun," Miranda concluded gleefully. "Now, let's get this stimulating charade planned."


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