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Savage Conquest

Page 17

by Janelle Taylor

  Weber felt secure in his schemes and used them. "You have nothing to offer but yourself, Mandy. Your father made some terrible business decisions. Everything you have is mortgaged past keeping. I've been supporting you and your sister for the past two months. If not for me, you and Randy would be in the streets today. I've been slaving to hold things together until we were married. I didn't want you to feel obligated to marry me. You have nothing but me, Mandy."

  Now that he was heading blindly into her trap, she encouraged him to go further. "What nonsense is this?" she scoffed.

  "If I hadn't made the payments on this house for the past two months, the bank would own it right now. As to Morning Star, I couldn't save it. It was losing too much money and too heavily indebted. And your firm has been on the verge of bankruptcy for months. If you doubt me, check your father's books and ask Daniel McVane. Maybe these burdens troubled your father so deeply that he was reckless that day at sea," he speculated maliciously.

  Tears blurred her eyes as she comprehended the extent of Weber's cruelty. How could she have been so wrong about this man? To think she almost married him. What menacing plans he must have had for her ... "Are you saying you own me?" she murmured.

  "Don't be silly, woman. I'm trying to spare you hurt and humiliation. But I can't stall the inevitable much longer. Too many of your clients are demanding payment. I can't allow my company to sink by keeping yours afloat. Think of the embarrassment, Mandy. Do you want people saying you married me for survival? We've got to do something quick. Af ter we're married, I'll hire a detective to locate Miranda, if you wish. I don't want either of you hurt, Mandy. And both of you must be suffering from this misunderstanding."

  "I wish I could believe you, Web," she murmured quietly.

  Weber tensed. "Then go to your office and check the books."

  "I don't mean about my finances. I mean about Randy. I'm sorry, but you'll never convince me nothing happened. Randy was asking too many questions about you and us. She wanted me to break it off with you. She kept telling me she didn't like you or trust you. Then I find her in your arms."

  "I told you, Mandy, we were calling a truce. We were talking and got carried away. We started teasing each other. She's like a child, Mandy," he lied unconvincingly.

  "Then why did she act so funny when I caught you two? And why did she spout scorn and mistrust for you the next day before leaving?"

  Stunned by that revelation, he shrieked helplessly, "What?"

  "I find that your story and hers contradict each other. That makes me skeptical of both tales, Weber. She runs away, then you vanish on business," she stated sarcastically. "Did you go after her, Web? Did she refuse to come home with you? Did you decide to settle for me since you can't have her? Randy isn't for you, Web. She's a wild creature, a creature of the land like my mother was."

  "All right, Mandy," Weber muttered as if to himself. "If you want the truth, then you'll have it. I was hoping to spare you such pain. But I can't remain silent if it's going to destroy us." Weber knew he had to make an irrevocable decision to regain Amanda and punish her sister.

  Amanda sensed what was coming and mentally prepared for it. Weber was exceedingly smart and daring, but he was greedy and desperate. Such traits inspired rashness.

  "I think you should sit down, Mandy. I wish I could avoid delivering so much bad news in one night." Weber took a seat, but Amanda remained standing by the front window.

  Those stubborn lines on her face caused ripples of spite to wash over him. He would fix her-her and her treacherous sister! "I've been a bloody fool, Mandy. I'm sorry. I haven't outright lied to you, but I have misguided you. I thought it would be best for everyone if I forgot about the other night. I've tried to accept it as a misunderstanding. I was so excited and pleased by her change of heart about me that I didn't realize what she was doing. Frankly, I'm still not sure about her motives, but they couldn't be honorable."

  Amanda didn't take her eyes off his face and she didn't debate his allegations. "Continue," she coaxed impassively when he hesitated.

  "I let myself be flattered by Miranda's attention. It's rare to have one beautiful woman after you, but to have two ... She caught me by surprise, Mandy. I've never seen Miranda like she was the other night. Laughing, teasing, smiling, dancing around the room. We were just talking and making peace-at least I thought so. From nowhere she flung herself into my arms and kissed me. At first I didn't think anything about it; I mean, it was just a little kiss. But she didn't move away; she started caressing my chest and sending me a look which was so much more than friendly. Tarnation, Mandy, she's your sister; I was bewildered. Then she rubbed against me and kissed me again. I'm not a saint, Mandy; so I won't deny I had flames nipping at me. There I stood, nailed to the floor, mindless with astonishment, and she was dancing around me. Her hands were tickling me and her mouth was all pouted up, sort of inviting. I didn't know what to do or think."

  Weber paced nervously and lowered his gaze contritely. Still, Amanda didn't move or protest. "I don't know what got into her that night, Mandy, but she was a powerful witch. I can't explain what I was thinking, if anything. Lordy, a man can't control his body under trying times like that! I asked her what she was doing, and she just smiled at me. I patted her on the cheek roughly and asked her if she was drunk. She took my hand and moved it down her chest. When I tried to pull it away, she put it inside that nothing dress she was wearing. Lord's my witness, Mandy, she didn't have anything under it, and she clamped my hand over one of her breasts. By then, I was half crazy with worry. I was trying not to tear her dress but get my hand out of it. It was hard not to be affected by what she was doing."

  Weber did more pacing and hand-wringing. "By then, I was trembling and sweating. Lord, I was afraid you'd walk in before I could control her. I grabbed her hands and pinned them behind her back. I started scolding her something fierce. I don't know if she wanted me, or if she was doing it to split us apart. I think she was hoping you'd find us like that. But I'm still not sure why. She wasn't herself, Mandy; she was like some wild and hungry vixen on the prowl."

  He flopped to the sofa, groaning as if exhausted from the exertion of this confession. "I talked my mouth dry to your sister, Mandy. She seemed to relax. Then when you came downstairs unexpectedly, she went pale and funny. She could have changed her mind about making me look bad. When I didn't respond, maybe she realized she was wrong. Or maybe she thought you wouldn't believe her lies about me. Who knows, Mandy, maybe she was looking for a good reason to leave home. You said yourself she's different; she has a wild and mysterious streak. You can't ever tell what she's thinking or feeling; it's frightening."

  Finally Amanda spoke. "You're telling me that my sister enticed you to seduce her that night? Miranda Lawrence acted like a harlot to the man who belongs to her own sister?"

  "I've been flirted with plenty of times, Mandy, and invited to share passion. Randy wasn't being an innocent flirt, and she wasn't trying to become friends. She was tempting me, trying to bewitch me. If there's one thing I'm positive about, Randy was trying to coax me into her bed. As to why, only Randy knows. Maybe she did think I was bad for you; maybe she hoped to prove it that night."

  "You think she left because she was embarrassed? She was afraid you'd tell me everything? Or do you think she left because her seduction failed and she couldn't bear to watch us together?"

  Something about Amanda's surly undertone piqued Weber. "When I saw her Thursday, I told her we would forget it ever happened. She acted as if she didn't know what I was talking about; she looked at me like I was crazy. When I kept talking, she accused me of being insane. I don't know if it was an act or not, but she behaved as if the whole episode never happened. Has that ever happened to her before?"

  "If you're wondering about her sanity, it was fine until last week. I'm not convinced you're innocent in this matter. Randy wouldn't play the slut to prove a point to me. And if she has secret longings for you, they must be buried deep from the way she talks.
Perhaps you got a bit too friendly and scared her. Randy is very sensitive, very giving. Maybe she left because she didn't want to hurt me with the truththat my future fiance was chasing her. She dislikes you, Weber, and she doesn't want to live with us if we marry. Maybe she thought I was too enchanted by you to believe her version. Right now, I'm confused; I'm hurt and I'm worried. Until I'm convinced it was an innocent mistake I think we should spend time apart. I'm not accusing you of lying; I'm not charging you're wholly to blame. I need time to sort out my feelings. I've been through so much these past months; I can't take more pressure. I hope Randy will write or come home soon; then we can calmly discuss this mysterious misunderstanding."

  "Why are you punishing me, punishing us for Randy's strange behavior? I was afraid you'd react like this if I told you about that night. By damn, I should have lied! What about the firm, Mandy? I can't support two homes and businesses much longer. Marry me tomorrow, and we'll work out everything. We'll find Randy and bring her home with us. Whatever the problem-real or imaginarywe'll help her, I promise."

  When Amanda didn't seem moved or touched by his pleas, he beseeched her, "If we stop seeing each other, you'll brood over this and maybe paint me guilty of something I didn't do. Please, Mandy, you must understand and forgive me. I love you. I need you."

  Amanda felt she was pushing too far, too hard. She sighed wearily and relented to a mild degree. "I want to believe you, Weber, but my whole world is coming apart. My parents vanish and I'm told they're dead. You, my family, and property were all I had left. Now Randy and Luke are gone. You say I'm nearing a penniless state. I just recovered from an illness. It's too much at once. Can't you see how I feel? I'm drained and I'm frightened. If you truly love me, give me some time to adjust."

  When Weber attempted to embrace and comfort her, she moved away. "Please don't. Not now, not today. Come to see me Sunday afternoon; we'll talk then. Bring Papa's books and we'll decide what's to be done. Just allow me breathing space to recover from these setbacks."

  Weber failed to notice his reflection in a mirror on the opposite wall, one which exposed his satanic grin of satisfaction which Amanda was observing intently from the corner of her eye. Her ruse had worked; Weber believed she was utterly confused, vulnerable to his lies. The bastard actually thought he was winning this game!

  "You're right, my sweet. I am being selfish and thoughtless. You've had too much dropped on you lately. Rest and think, Mandy. By Sunday when we talk, you'll know I only want what's best for you and us. Don't worry about anything. I'd never let you be hurt by a scandal. If you need anything, send for me."

  "You're very kind, Weber. I'm sorry about this mess. You probably think I'm the most ungrateful woman alive. Considering all that's happened, you can't blame me for having doubts. I've just never felt so alone, so insecure, so helpless! Maybe I'm not myself yet. Can you imagine Amanda Lawrence without money; the topic of idle gossip; the butt of amusing or cruel jokes?" she murmured as if horrified by such visions, planting the seeds for her next entangling vine.

  "Don't forget you have me and all I own, my sweet. I would never allow anyone to laugh at you," he claimed smugly. Weber relaxed, fooled completely. He might as well purchase a wedding ring, he thought, for we will be wed by next Friday! Amanda Lawrence would never risk poverty and ridicule. She could be his adoring and grateful wife until he found Miranda ...

  After Weber left, Amanda fumed and paced with the tension and bitterness which engulfed her. Did the bastard think her so stupid? Did he think her so dazzled by him that she would believe every word that left his lying lips? Did he think her so desperate that she would obey him without question or protest? Her fury mounted.

  As she returned the dishes and tray to the kitchen, she burst into ecstatic laughter. "I wonder if you'reas dangerous as you are evil and greedy? I shall enjoy my revenge on you, Weber Richardson. No one makes a fool of me. No one uses me. You thief! You liar! You traitor! You've met your match, dear Weber. Now that I have you trapped like the vermin you are, I shall torture you and tease you before you're arrested. I shall come to the jail and laugh in your face when this is over. You'll regret the day you set your sights on me and my sister," she vowed confidently.

  About ten, on Saturday night, Amanda tossed aside the book she had been trying to read. She checked the lights and doors and slowly made her way upstairs to her lonely bedroom. She closed her door and leaned against it, sighing dejectedly. Suddenly her gaze widened with astonishment, then she burst into gleeful laughter.

  Lying upon her bed was her irresistible love. His chest and feet were bare, his lower body clad in snug jeans. His ebony head was resting upon two pillows as his virile frame reclined seductively. His expression said "come here." But he didn't speak or move. He just grinned.

  She ran to her bed squealing. "Reis! You're back. God, how I've missed you. I was so worried," she confessed, spreading kisses over his face between words.

  Reis captured her in his arms and pulled her down atop him. "Not half as much as I missed you, love," he murmured huskily then kissed her with such intensity that it took her breath away. He rolled her over him and covered her body with his as his mouth savored hers.

  She hugged him fiercely as she responded to his lips, her hands gently kneeding the supple flesh upon his back. After several heady kisses, he leaned back and visually devoured her beauty and smoldering gaze. "You have a potent hold over me, woman. I couldn't wait to come home to you," he stated thickly.

  "Is it over, Reis? Did you get the evidence against him? I've been so lonely and miserable without you. Don't ever leave me again. I've been crazy with fear," she told him, snuggling into his arms.

  "I learned plenty, but I need a few more facts. I should be able to wrap up this case in a week or two. First, I need to get inside your warehouse and his. Late at night, if you catch my drift."

  "But that's dangerous!" she protested instantly. "Surely he has both guarded. What if he sees you?"

  "I'm good at my job, love. Did you see or hear anything tonight? Yet, here I am," he jested playfully, tugging on a blond curl.

  "But I'm not surrounded by guards," she refuted his smugness.

  "But you are, love. There's one out front across the street and one out back at the rear gate," he disclosed to her shock.

  "I don't understand. Weber called off his spy last week. Why would he replace him, then add another one?" she fretted nervously.

  "Why don't you tell me what's been happening here while I was gone? Are you all right, love?" he inquired tenderly, possessively.

  dangerous than ever. I'll have to move faster. He'll be working to get you two married quickly. There's a lot at stake here, love. I wouldn't put anything past him to get his wishes. I know him, Mandy; I witnessed his cruelty during the war. He would die or kill before losing again. Why didn't you stall him until I returned?" he asked.

  She lowered her gaze when she replied honestly and remorsefully, "Pride and vengeance. I'm sorry, Reis. It was foolish."

  He smiled and hugged her gently. "I know it's hard to play a simpleton when you're not. But retribution has to wait a while, love."

  "Are you angry with me?" she asked quietly.

  "Yes, and no," he teased, tightening his embrace and kissing her forehead. He sat up on the bed, pulling her along with him. He lifted the chain from beneath her dress and removed the gold band from it, slipping it on her finger. He smiled and whispered, "But right now, I'm too distracted to think about anything but my wife. Can we skip the talking for tonight?" he inquired roguishly, cupping her chin between his hands, then passing his left thumb over her parted lips.

  An enticing smile flickered over her face as she nodded yes. He rolled off the bed to strip off his jeans, leaving himself naked before her intoxicated senses. He reached for her hand, pulling her to her feet. He removed her clothing then rested his quivering hands on her shoulders. She was so soft and sleek. In the dim light, her hair seemed a blaze of golden shades. Her eyes sparkled like ra
re blue diamonds.

  He shifted his dark head to scan her entire body. She lifted her chin to meet the appreciative gaze of those deep blue eyes. His hand deserted her shoulder to trace lightly over her cheeks and parted lips, causing them both to tremble. His finger leisurely trailed over her nose, around her alluring eyes, and poised on her dainty chin. His hand was like an explorer, one who not only mapped out territory, but also claimed it as his.

  Amanda was content to stand mesmerized by him, to allow him free rein over her body and will. She felt like a rose petal floating peacefully on an azure sea. Finally, her hands went upward to caress his chest. As her flattened palms moved over the tanned, muscled flesh, she was aware of the thudding of his heart.

  Reis's head lowered. ever so slowly and his mouth deftly covered hers, their tongues touching and teasing. Amanda was ecstatic that she didn't have to worry about where this unbridled behavior would lead. Never had she felt freer or more confident; she could do or say whatever she pleased. Reis was what she wanted and needed; and he was here with her. She felt so comfortable with him. She felt alive and happy again. She felt wild and wonderful.

  His hands eased to her breasts, each capturing and tantalizing a firm mound. There was no need for embarrassment or shyness or resistance. They were married; they were in love; they could do anything which pleased them.

  Her body accepted his tormentingly sweet invasion and her hand slid down to encircle his erect manhood, which felt so silky and hot. Recalling the wonders this firm flesh could work within her body, she yearned to feel it driving wildly and urgently into her womanhood.

  Reis lifted her and pressed her to the cushiony bed. As if he had forever, he made unhurried love to her. It didn't take long for his lips and hands to have her writhing beside him. He worked skillfully and eagerly, increasing her feverish desire for him. He gently drove his aching shaft into that moist paradise which greeted him ardently.


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