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Savage Conquest

Page 34

by Janelle Taylor

  Their tongues touched and explored the taste of the other. The peaks of her breasts were like two coals burning into his chest. He groaned in achingly sweet desire. He unlaced the ties of his breechclout, allowing it to fall to the earth at his feet. They sank together upon the forest floor, their lips and bodies meshed tightly.

  As his lips worked between her mouth, ears, and breasts, his skilled, aggressive hands stimulated her womanhood to quivering need. Her hand drifted over his shoulders and hips until it made a discovery which enticed him to feverish pleasure. As if by instinct, her hand encircled the swollen, fiery object which could grant such delight. It felt so smooth and sensual. When her hand moved up and down its length several times, he groaned and writhed his hips, his mouth increasing its feasting upon her breasts and his hand working swiftly at a lower point. An urgency to fuse their bodies assailed them.

  They moved together gracefully. Her thighs parted as he slid between them. As his shaft sank into her moist, dark warmth, her legs encased his body. They kissed savagely, greedily as their bodies surged in unison toward a mutual goal. There was no time for leisurely lovemaking; their starving senses were ravenous.

  There was no restraint or caution. Their bodies blended time and time again until they were rewarded with rapturous ecstasy. When every drop of passion's nectar had been released, they lay ex hausted in a serene bed of love and contentment. Both wished they could remain here like this for a long time, but it was getting dark.

  Reluctantly he lifted his head and smiled at her. "We must go, Tamaha," he murmured against her lips, then kissed her thoroughly, wishing he meant they could go to their teepee for more lovemaking.

  She hugged him desperately. "I know, my love."

  She blushed when he suggested they splash off in the stream to remove the musky odors of sated passion. He cuffed her chin and laughed merrily. "There is some shyness left in you," he teased.

  "Perhaps in time you can conquer all of it," she retorted coyly.

  "Change nothing in you, Tamaha. I desire you as you are," he stated honestly, kissing her palm. She quivered. "Do not look at me so, Tamaha," he playfully warned when renewed passion glowed within her golden brown eyes.

  "You have a strange and powerful effect over me, Blazing Star. When I am with you, you are the only person alive. You've cast a magical spell over me, and I am powerless to resist you or to refuse you anything. What will happen to us if there is no truce?" She spoke her inner fears aloud. "How long must we live separate lives? How long must we steal such golden moments?"

  "You will not refuse or resist my wishes; you will stay apart from me and the war which controls my life and destiny."

  "Please don't ask such a sacrifice of me," she begged him.

  "I must, Tamaha. As long as there is war between our people, we cannot share a life or a teepee," he vowed.

  "You want me to return home with Reis?" she asked somberly.

  "Yes," he replied almost tersely, fearing her defiance.

  She sighed heavily, knowing it was foolish to argue. "Let's go," she conceded, feeling she had improved her chances of winning him sooner. Now, she merely had to wait patiently. It would not be wise to reveal she was not as submissive and manageable as Indian women were alleged to be.

  He seemed surprised, even suspicious, at her willingness to obey his commands. He watched her slip away to the stream to wash off and dress. He lay there for a time, thinking of her. When he finally joined her, she was ready and waiting for him. She sat meekly while he tossed water upon his body, then dressed.

  When he extended his hand to help her rise, she smiled and declined it, saying, "Someone might think we're too close if we hold hands. We wouldn't want anyone to imagine I was your woman." She laughed merrily and raced away toward the camp, wondering if a man was more tempted by a seemingly elusive prime.

  Her mood was odd, and he mused on it. Would he ever understand this playful creature? Would he be able to capture her, when she was as carefree and quick as a wild wind? Her mother had left her home during times of war; the conflicts had increased with the passing winters. Tamaha had been born a daughter of two enemy bloods, a daughter who had returned to confront those warring winds.

  In Sun Cloud's teepee, Miranda questioned her brother-in-law about the council meeting. Reis told her it was better if she did not know anything; that way she could not drop any clues by mistake. Miranda did not want to imagine Reis betraying her or her people, but she was alarmed by his refusal to discuss his mission. She persisted in asking what was going on between him and the Oglalas. How else could she judge his honesty and sincerity?

  Sun Cloud recognized her fears and their reasons. He smiled and consoled her, telling her to trust Reis and to follow his orders. Blazing Star added his encouragement and prodding. Only Bloody Arrow remained silent and watchful.

  Miranda's gaze went from one man to the next, sensing all were in total agreement except her cousin. How could she argue against such odds? She relented and kept silent.

  When Blazing Star smiled raffishly at her, no one missed the warmth or power behind it. Nor did they miss the way Miranda's eyes softened and glowed when she returned the smile. Reis had to shake her arm to cach her attention. She blushed and listened as he said it was time to go.

  She hugged and kissed her grandfather, telling him she would come again if possible. The old man's eyes were moist as he smiled. She glanced at her cousin and politely said good-by. When she turned to Blazing Star, thankfully her back was to the others. Her eyes wandered over his arresting form, mutely asking how long it would be until they were together again. She smiled and caught his hand in a sort of genial gesture, needing that final contact. She told him good-by, hoping her voice did not betray her excitement and turmoil as his thumb caressed the back of her hand.

  Outside, Sun Cloud presented her with his "surprise" from the Cheyenne camp. "He's beautiful, Grandfather," she cried, nuzzling the pinto's nose. "But I can't take him with me. How would I explain him?" she fretted in disappointment. "Will you keep him a while longer?"

  Reis solved the dilemma by suggesting that he say he purchased the horse downriver. All agreed. After her saddle was switched to the pinto, Miranda was helped to mount. She bid them all farewell, her gaze lingering on Blazing Star. Just before they were out of sight, she glanced over her shoulder and waved.

  Blazing Star turned to find Bloody Arrow's wintry gaze on him. "Why did you lie to her about Black Buffalo Woman?" he demanded.

  Even amidst the knowledge of Bloody Arrow's envy and spite, no one realized the extent of his hunger for power and revenge. No one could imagine the heights to which he would reach to obtain his wishes, or the depths to which he would sink if denied. He deceitfully said, "Because you trick her. Because you pull her into your arms when she cannot remain there. What of her feelings, Blazing Star? What of the moon when she learns the truth? What of Sun Cloud when he learns of your deed? Who will kill you for taking her body when you will not share her life-circle, Sun Cloud or Miranda Lawrence? Your lust for her blinds you to your cruelty and evil. Do you forget she carries the s..ane blood as Sun Cloud and Bloody Arrow? Do not force us to protect her from you. I wished to end her feelings before she was harmed by them."

  Blazing Star knew he was lying but rashly allowed it to pass. This was not the time or place for a private battle between kin. There was a greater matter at hand. "I will end it when the time is right, Bloody Arrow. I would not harm Tamaha. I have spoken words of truth to her. Do not interfere," he warned ominously.

  Miranda and Reis repeated their arduous journey, arriving home near three in the morning. Reis unsaddled their horses and placed them inside the small corral which he had constructed and attached to the side wall of the cabin. He tossed hay into one corner and carried in two buckets of fresh water from the well. Then they went to the cabin door.

  When Amanda answered their summons, she hugged each one tightly, telling them how relieved she was to have them back. She wanted to he
ar everything, but Reis and Miranda were exhausted. Miranda collapsed upon the cot and fell asleep without undressing. Amanda was nettled when Reis gave her a light peck on the cheek and did the same in the bedroom.

  Amanda struggled to remove his boots and pants. He mumbled his thanks, then rolled to his side and went limp. Amanda was very quiet that morning, not even building a fire for coffee. She knew they needed to sleep as long as possible. She sat in a chair reading or sewing to pass the time. But as noon came and went, she became anxious to hear about the daring trek. And she was getting hungry.

  She went into the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. She watched her husband sleep for a long time, relieved he was home safe. She wondered why his mission had to be kept secret from her. Had he confided in Miranda? A note of discord struck her at that insensitive thought. But how could Miranda help Reis if she did not know what was going on out here? If this case were as dangerous and timeconsuming as the previous one, he would damn well confess matters soon!

  When would Reis realize that ignorance did not provide safety or prevent worry? Why could others know facts or assist Reis, but she could not? It was almost as if being his wife was nothing but a cover for his assignments! After all, she only had Reis's word that he was a government agent! For all she knew, he could be a sly criminal!

  Amanda scolded herself for being so silly and dramatic, but she was tired of secrecy. She wanted to meet her grandfather, too. She wanted to join in the excitement and suspense. She longed to be a part of this mission, and she yearned for Reis to trust her implicitly.

  He stirred and opened his eyes, his keen senses detecting a presence. He smiled faintly as he rubbed his eyes, yawning and stretching. He sat on the side of the bed opposite her. He stretched his body several times and massaged his sore neck. "Any coffee left?"

  "I haven't made any. I was afraid of disturbing you two. Do you think it's all right to awaken Randy?" she inquired hesitantly.

  "What time is it?" Reis asked before replying.

  "A little past one," Amanda responded. "I missed you."

  He flashed her a smile, then stood up to flex once more. "We could both use more sleep. But I think it should come later. Why don't we fix some coffee and food, and talk? Your grandfather's quite a man. And so is Randy's warrior," he added playfully.

  "You met them? You liked them?" she pressed eagerly.

  He stretched and yawned a final time, then splashed his face with tepid water. While drying it, he nodded and grunted affirmatively. "What's Grandfather like Reis?" she probed, coming to stand near him.

  He fluffed her golden hair and remarked, "A real chief. Let's get that coffee, then I'll tell you all about him." As she turned to obey, he reached for her, pulling her into his arms. "Don't I get a welcome kiss and hug first?" he jested, grinning beguilingly.

  As the kiss lengthened and deepened, Reis drew away and murmured, "I think we should close the door for a while."

  His implication was clear, and the feeling shared. But before he could do so, Miranda sat up and caught sight of him, telling him good morning. He responded, then turned to Amanda and stated ruefully, "Randy's awake. We can prepare that coffee and breakfast."

  When Amanda came to his side and embraced him, she teased, "I do believe my husband has acquired modesty from some place. The more I lose, the more you find."

  Arm in arm, they entered the front room. While Miranda freshened up, Reis helped his wife with their meal, and as they consumed it, Miranda and Reis went over their trip. Both women were perturbed when Reis withheld the motive for his visit. Amanda questioned her sister about this secrecy.

  Miranda shrugged and contended, "He wouldn't tell me either, Mandy. Even Grandfather took a vow of silence. I think we're merely decorations for your husband's work. Who would suspect a sinister villain lurking behind two delicate ladies?" she jested mirthfully. "Could it be your love doesn't trust women to have brains and courage?"

  Reis chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll never survive this mission with two females picking at me all the time," he speculated jovially.

  "We wouldn't have to if you didn't keep us under a basket of secrecy," Amanda teased him, and they laughed. Amanda snickered when she asked her sister, "Did you see your handsome warrior?"

  Miranda's expression was a blend of joy and sadness. "For a short time. Too short," she added petulantly. "You should teach your husband about love and romance. From the way he ardently courted you, I believed he was familiar with both. He insisted we leave as soon as the council meeting ended. We were barely given any time alone."

  Reis felt it unwise and insensitive to jest about the length of time it took the warrior to retrieve her before they could depart, or to remark suggestively on the telltale signs of the cause of their delay. In fact, he was worried and concerned about Miranda and her choice of sweethearts. What could come of such an impossible match? With Blazing Star's rank and the continual conflicts, he would be lucky to live out this month! Reis feared he could not change the situation quickly enough to spare two lives so precious and vital to his sister-in-law. There was so much greed, corruption, lust for power, and hatred here; and he was only one man with limited time.

  After their meal, the sisters helped Reis move aside the table and chairs to conceal a packet of papers, unaware of its critical nature. The packet contained the power to alter history and many destinies if it were used properly. But even as Reis thought about the council meeting which Crazy Horse had agreed to schedule among all chiefs off and on the reservations, the forces and powers of evil were plotting rapidly against him ...

  Reis was so ensnared by his mental musings that Amanda had to call his name twice and shake his arm to gain his attention. "Reis! Whatever are you thinking about?" she asked.

  He forced a beguiling smile to his lips and stated unconvincingly, "Nothing to worry that pretty head, love. I think I'll take another look around." With that, he left the two women looking at each other.

  "Randy, did something happen to worry Reis so much?" she inquired anxiously. "That's the same look and mood I saw when things started getting complicated with Weber. This entire matter frightens me."

  "I know what you mean. But he wouldn't tell me. Do you think we should take a look at those papers? What if he's in danger or trouble? We can't help him if we don't know anything."

  Amanda fretted over such a desperate action. She was trapped between concern and loyalty. Reis loved her. How would he deal with such a traitorous act? Would her motives matter to him? She could not understand why this part of his life must remain a black void to her. Yet, he felt it must and was most adamant about it.

  "We can't do such a thing, Randy. Reis would be hurt and angry if he felt I didn't trust him completely," she asserted faintly.

  "And you aren't 'hurt and angry' because he doesn't fully trust you?" Miranda asked bluntly. When she saw her sister's stricken look, she relented. "I'm sorry, Mandy; I shouldn't have said that. I don't know what's gotten into me lately. Why does everything have to be so complex and difficult?"

  "Did you get to see Blazing Star alone?" Amanda inquired carefully. Miranda nodded. "Did he say something io hurt you?"

  "He says we can't think about us until this war is over. What if it's never over, Mandy? What if something happens to him?"

  Amanda slipped her arm around her sister's trembling shoulders and advised, "Don't worry, sis. You did tell me how strong and brave he is. I'm sure he can protect himself."

  "You don't understand, Mandy. There are so many soldiers in this area, so many of them determined to kill him. There's no comparison in their weapons. The Indians don't have someone to provide their ammunition and supplies! They have to make them or hunt them. And while the braves are doing so, the soldiers wipe out villages and tribes! As long as the whites press closer and tighter to Indian lands, the warriors will go forth to battle them. It can't stop unless one side yields. And the Oglalas will never do so as long as they live and breathe. You haven't been to their
camp and listened to them. You haven't seen the terrible things the whites and soldiers do. He'll die, Mandy; he'll die before accepting defeat and dishonor. "

  Miranda locked her gaze with her sister's and explained, "Don't you see? That's why I have to spend every moment I can with him. When the time comes that we're parted forever, I'll have these days and memories. Am I so awful to want all I can have of him before it's too late? Do you see why he keeps pushing me away, back to so-called safety? If he didn't love me, my life and happiness wouldn't be so important to him. He loves me enough to unselfishly sacrifice me. And I love him so much that no danger is sufficient to obey him."

  Suddenly Miranda laughed reproachfully. "He's a lot like your Reis. He thinks ignorance provides safety and prevents worry. Do you realize how lucky we are? We both have loves who will do anything to protect us. I'm glad Reis is working with Blazing Star. If any two men can make a difference in this conflict, they can."

  . Amanda had not comprehended how much suffering and turmoil her sister was enduring until now. Nor had she guessed that her husband was being pulled into a situation which was deadly and uncontrollable, a situation which would alter and destroy many lives. She tried to encourage and comfort her sister. As their destinies overlapped, they were being drawn ever closer.

  Around four that afternoon, Fort Sully was assailed by commotion and excitement as the Seventh Cavalry set up camp in a clearing nearby, under the command of George Armstrong Custer and his favored officer, Major Brody Sheen. Lucas hurried to the cabin to relate this news to Amanda, Reis, and Miranda.


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