Savage Conquest

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Savage Conquest Page 38

by Janelle Taylor

  In the flicker of an eye, a bronze hand closed over Tom's mouth and forced his head backward. A sharp blade slid smoothly and swiftly across his neck. As if to make certain the scout was dead, the intruder forcefully drove the shiny weapon directly into the scout's heart, then twisted it viciously. Before releasing the body to let it sink into the dust of the cell, Bloody Arrow wiped his knife clean upon his victim's clothes and hair. He grinned satanically as he tossed a red and black feather into the brig, then sneaked away. There was one other person to silence tonight .. .

  In the cabin not far away, Lucas was pacing frantically, unable to sleep. When he responded to the light tapping at the door, he was astonished to find a warrior standing there. The man introduced himself as Blazing Star and asked to enter and speak with him. Assuming the warrior had either news of or a message from Amanda and Reis, Lucas stepped aside and motioned for him to enter. Lucas hurriedly locked the door and turned to speak with the Indian who had once saved his life, whose face now exhibited a pattern of color designs, as if he were painted for war ...

  Far away, Miranda pushed herself to her feet, her buttocks aching from her last attempt to reach the hole at the top of the cave. It looked just large enough for her to wiggle through to the outside. But her first attempt had failed, sending her crashing to the hard ground, straining one wrist and bruising her bottom.

  Her hands and arms were scratched, and her dress was muddy. But she did not curse the mud, for it made the surface she was trying to overcome sticky, sticky enough to aid her treacherous climb. She caught her breath and sipped more water. Tears rolled down her grimy face, for her escape might come too late for those she loved.

  She had recalled two occasions at the plantation when a similar situation had existed. Once, a worker had fallen into an abandoned well whose wooden covering had rotted and given way. Another time, a worker had fallen into a well containing several feet of water. Both times, the men had not used ropes or help to climb out; they had eased up the sides by pressing their backs to one side and their feet on the other. Inch by inch, they had wiggled to the top and climbed out. She had heard both tales. But could she do the same?

  Concluding she would have more agility and control if her feet were bare, she removed her stiff boots and cast them aside. She had previously removed her petticoats; now, she twisted her skirt hem and tucked it into her bloomers to free her legs. She pressed her back to one wall and lifted one foot against the opposite side then cautiously placed the other foot just below the first one. Seesawing her shoulder blades, she flattened her palms to the semihard surface near her buttocks. She warned herself not to rush her movements this time.

  She worked upward a short distance, then rested. She held her body stiff, bracing herself between the two surfaces. As she neared the top, she feared she would not succeed this time either. Her injured wrist was throbbing as much as her head. Her thigh and calf muscles were cramping; her knees and ankles were quivering. If she fell from this height, she could be hurt badly. She had to make it! She had to get out before Tom returned, or before he never returned.

  Her feet were growing numb from the damp chill and lack of circulation. Miranda was positive her shoulders were getting raw. Her hands were bleeding from tiny cuts and broken nails. She knew she was weakening. She wanted to sob hysterically from exhaustion, pain, and fear. She fiercely overcame that rash urge.

  The chestnut haired beauty prayed for one final burst of energy as she prepared to seize the edges of the hole above her. As she gripped them, she cautioned herself not to become careless. She struggled frantically to pull her upper torso into the night air. Her vision began to blur precariously, and her arms trembled ominously. She was so dose to victory. But if she passed out now, she could drop back into that entombing chamber. Sobbing, she pushed and shoved desperately to free herself. Gradually everything went black as Miranda went limp.. .

  Near Fort Sully in a quiet cabin filled with rising tension, Lucas questioned the warrior with penetrating eyes. "Where are Mandy and Reis? What happened out there? Why haven't they come home? Why the hell did you kill Major Sheen and kidnap Randy this afternoon? Where'd you take her, and why didn't you bring her back tonight?"

  "You ask many questions; your words make no sense," Blazing Star ventured curiously. "Why do you ask if I killed the bluecoat and took this Randy captive?" His ebony eyes glanced around for his love. He was bewildered when she did not appear. "Where is Tamaha, Miranda?"

  "Miranda is called Randy by her family. What have you done with her? Why'd you kill Major Sheen?" Lucas demanded tersely.

  "I have not seen Tamaha since she came to our camp with the man called Reis. Why do you say I captured her? I have not slain the white-eyes called Sheen. What do your words say?" he probed, an uneasy feeling assailing his keen senses.

  "Where are Reis and Amanda?" Lucas insisted.

  "They are in our camp. They are safe. Tell me what happened this sun," Blazing Star pressed. "How did Yellowhair learn of the parlay? Where is Tamaha?"

  The two men compared tales and facts until a curious picture formed, one which puzzled and alarmed them. Lucas vowed his cousins and Reis were innocent. He related all he knew, and the more they talked, the darker the mystery became.

  Lucas muttered fearfully, "If you didn't kill Sheen and abduct Randy, then who did? And why? Where is she now? They said it was your arrow, one with a black-and-red-tipped feather." Lucas then told the warrior why Custer doubted Blazing Star had killed Brody.

  "Yellowhair has the mind of a fox and the eyes of an eagle, for he sees the truth in my enemy's cunning. We must return to my camp. I must get warriors to help search for Tamaha. I do not like the cold winds which blow over my heart. I must seek the face of my enemy, one who dares to steal my woman, one who slays a foe in my name. I will protect you with my life if you return with me and speak to the council. There is great evil playing in our lands. We must stop it."

  Lucas and Blazing Star headed for the Oglala camp just before the first streaks of dawn tickled the horizon with pink and gray fingers. At that same moment, Bloody Arrow was scouring the countryside, seeking the place where Tom had concealed Miranda .. .

  Dazed and injured, the bloody and dirty Miranda urged herself to keep walking on her sore, bare feet. Often, she staggered and fell to the ground, but stopped only briefly before forcing her body to move forward again. She had no idea where she was, so she followed the angle of the sun, knowing the Oglala camp was in the southwest. But that was from the fort, and that was if she was not already beyond the camp.

  She was so thirsty and groggy, yet she had to goon. Time was of the essence, if it was not too late. She tried to control her tears and sobs, for they pained her throat and chest. She was so tired and her body hurt all over. Soon, she was so exhausted that she dreamily wondered if this mental and physical anguish was worth it. When she knew she could walk no further, she sank to her knees and cursed cruel fate with her fleeting consciousness.

  Three Oglala warriors hovered over the pitiful body lying on the grass. One nudged the other and asked, "She is Tamaha?"

  The second warrior knelt, pushing her tangled hair from her injured face for a closer inspection. "Sha," he replied uneasily.

  The three warriors who had been scouting the area for signs of Custer's return discussed this problem. They wondered how she had gotten here, who had injured her so badly, and what they should do with her. Her family was being held captive, but these warriors were friends of Blazing Star's; they knew of his love and desire for this half-white girl. What if the council voted for her death? Should they try to warn their friend? Should they conceal her until his return? That was wrong, and she was hurt. It was decided to return to camp with her.

  When Miranda was taken to Sun Cloud's teepee, Amanda screamed in disbelief. "My God, Reis, what have they done to her?"

  Both Reis and Amanda battled for freedom to help Miranda. Sun Cloud ordered one of the warriors to fetch the medicine man. Crazy Horse entered
the teepee and ordered Miranda taken to the medicine lodge. Her strange wounds would have to be treated before she could be questioned. There was a disturbing mystery here. Had the whites tried to beat the truth of the parlay from Tamaha? Somehow, the war chief doubted she would talk even under torture. It was no secret to him that Blazing Star and Tamaha were in love. Had she escaped too late to warn the Sioux?

  The warriors and Sun Cloud departed with the limp Miranda. Crazy Horse glanced at the terrified and worried Amanda. He stated clearly, "We have not harmed your sister. She was found injured by the warriors. We will care for her wounds. Then we will have answers."

  Shortly, Blazing Star and Lucas entered the teepee. Reis shouted at them, "They have Mirandal I don't know what they've done to her, but she's hurt badly. Help her, Blazing Star," Reis pleaded urgently.

  When Lucas tried to go with him, Blazing Star ordered him to remain here where he was safe. He promised to send news after he saw her. The moment he left, Lucas seized a knife to cut Reis and Amanda free. Before he could do so, two of the warriors returned to guard them, but they did not bind Lucas or free Reis and Amanda.

  When Blazing Star raced into the medicine lodge, he discovered Crazy Horse and the others staring at Miranda oddly. As his dark eyes moved over her face and body, pain and fury attacked him. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his arms. He held her gently and protectively. "Who did this?" he asked in icy contempt, his temper and control unleashed. "There will be no vote for her life. I will take her and leave. No one will slay her. I will battle any man who steps into my path to stop me. She is my heart."

  Blazing Star lowered her carefully, aware of her numerous injuries. Suddenly he realized some were bandaged. "Why do you treat the wounds you have inflicted? She is as innocent as her sister and the white man."

  Crazy Horse locked his gaze on Miranda's face, recalling the look in her eyes when she had awakened briefly and told her incredible tale. Crazy Horse temporarily ignored Blazing Star to ask Sun Cloud, "Do you think she spoke the truth? Is her mind trapped by dreams or pain?"

  The old man sighed wearily. "She did not lie. But I feel shame at his great evil, for I did not see it with these old eyes and weak heart. How could he hurt my little Tamaha? How could he wish us dead?"

  "What words do you speak?" Blazing Star demanded angrily.

  "Tamaha said Bloody Arrow betrayed us to the scout who betrayed us to Yellowhair," the chief informed him then repeated Miranda's shocking story of treachery.

  Blazing Star revealed all he had learned from Lucas. They realized Bloody Arrow had not been present that awesome afternoon. They also knew he had left camp right after Blazing Star rode away.

  "Where is Bloody Arrow now?" Sun Cloud wondered aloud, his old heart suffering with this dishonor and distress. "Did he do such injury to her? May Wakantanka forgive me for allowing such evil in my teepee."

  Sitting Bull, the medicine chief of great power and wisdom, said, "She is weak, Blazing Star. She used all of her fighting spirit to come here. She is very brave. I will try to save her. But she is in the hands of the Great Spirit; He will decide her fate."

  Shivers ran over the warrior's bronze frame. "Are you saying Tamaha ... could die?" His heart thudded painfully when Sitting Bull nodded, his steely gaze exposing his sympathy and respect for the girl.

  "She is only tired from her journey and her wounds," Blazing Star protested in panic.

  "She has many injuries, Blazing Star. Beneath her garments, there is a blackness here," he explained, touching her left rib area. "Her back bleeds and flames red. She has many bad wounds, my son. We do not know how long she has been without food or water. Look at her feet," he instructed. "Look at her hands. It is as if she dug herself from a grave. The scout did this to her. Bloody Arrow wished to sell her and Sky Eyes to the Apaches, but the scout wanted her for himself. We will prepare for Bloody Arrow's return."

  Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull exchanged meaningful looks. The younger chief told Blazing Star to free the prisoners and bring them to Tamaha's side. When Reis, Amanda, and Lucas were shown into the large teepee, Reis spoke first. He told Sun Cloud and Blazing Star that Miranda must be taken back to Fort Sully where the doctor knew how to treat such injuries and had powerful medicines to use.

  It was noon before Blazing Star and Sun Cloud convinced Crazy Horse that the whites must leave. If they did not leave, Miranda could die, and Custer would surely start a search for them. They decided to use the story that Tom had captured Reis and Amanda when they happened upon him abducting Miranda. Lucas came searching for them early this morning, but they had been rescued by friendly Indians. They would say Miranda had been injured defending herself after Brody was murdered and increased her injuries while trying to escape the vicious scout. They would blame everything on Fletcher.

  It was settled. A travois was constructed to carry Miranda to the fort. Lucas, Reis, and Amanda were given horses. A band of warriors would follow them to the fort, to make certain they arrived safely. But the warriors would also make certain they were not seen escorting the white party home.

  When all was prepared, Blazing Star knelt by the travois to say farewell to his love. Soon, Reis and Lucas would leave this land and take both women home to safety before Reis delivered words to the white leader. This would be the last time his hungry eyes fed upon his Tamaha. She had come so close to death, was still challenging it; he could not allow her to remain where it lived each sun and moon. Death and danger could not be averted, for Yellowhair had been ordered to control this region and the Sioux at all costs.

  Amanda came to Blazing Star's side. "I'll make sure she gets well. Is there anything you want me to tell her when she awakes?"

  Blazing Star did not care who was watching or what they said or thought. He leaned over and lightly kissed Miranda's lips, then her forehead. "There is nothing to say, Sky Eyes. Our lives must take separate paths. You must never let her return to our camp. Take her far away from this death and evil. She must forget Blazing Star and the Oglalas."

  "She will never forget you, no matter how much distance there is between you. I'm sorry, Blazing Star," she murmured sadly, her meaning understood. "She will never love another as she loves you."

  "You are kind, Sky Eyes. For as long as I breathe the air of the Great Spirit, she will live in my heart and mind," he vowed.

  Reis helped Amanda to mount, then clasped wrists with Blazing Star and Sun Cloud. Reis looked at Crazy Horse and stated, "I will tell Chief Grant what I have learned and seen here. Try to avoid as much bloodshed as you can; that will please him. No matter what happens, Crazy Horse, I will do my best to bring peace to your lands."

  Crazy Horse gave the sign of peace and friendship to Reis. But his words were, It is too late for such dreams. You leave in friendship, but do not come again. I do not wish your blood to stain our lands. You have warmed the heart of our old chief Sun Cloud. It was good you came to us before his death: Go in peace," he dismissed them.

  When the dust settled and the small group was gone, Crazy Horse looked at the courageous warrior at his side. "I am sorry you cannot take Tamaha as your mate. You have chosen the right path, Blazing Star, but walking it will be hard for a long time. You will ride as my chosen band leader, at my side. Come, we must decide the fate of Bloody Arrow; he was captured by Gall's band."

  Blazing Star's gaze chilled. He declared, "Let me battle him, Crazy Horse; it is my right."

  "Ki-ci-e-conape?" Crazy Horse inquired knowingly.

  "Yes, I will fight him to the death in challenge."

  "Bloody Arrow is a skilled warrior, Blazing Star. He is strong and cunning. He battles for his life, with the power of evil behind him. If I allow the challenge, the winner goes free," the chief argued.

  "He must die at my hand. If he slays me, then evil is greater than good, then evil is more powerful than the Great Spirit. If such is true, we are all fools to worship Him. He will guide my hand in battle, or I will die as the fool I have been since birth."
  "So be it," Crazy Horse agreed. "But if he goes free, Blazing Star, I will be the next fool to challenge him."

  As they walked toward the teepee where Bloody Arrow was being held captive, Crazy Horse said, "We must move our camp closer to the sacred hills. Soon the bluecoat with yellow hair rides there. We must go and prepare to stop him. We must defend our sacred grounds. Do you wish to send a message telling her of our new location?"

  Blazing Star caught his hint. Shaking his ebony head of hair, he replied sadly, "It is best if she does not know where to find me."

  "What if she returns to this place when she is healed?" Crazy Horse speculated.

  "She will find nothing. She will not know where to seek us, and she will go home. This is best," Blazing Star remarked dejectedly.

  Crazy Horse watched him from the corner of his eye and wondered, Best for whom?

  When the small group arrived at the rented cabin, Lucas went to fetch the doctor while Miranda was taken inside by Reis and her sister. She had not regained consciousness. Unaware the sleep had been induced by Sitting Bull's healing herbs, Amanda was terribly worried. They placed her on the bed and waited for Doctor Starns to come.

  Amanda assisted the doctor with her sister's examination and treatment. Colonel Custer arrived to question Reis about their curious adventure. Reis gave him the colorful story which had been agreed upon by all concerned. Reis was surprised, but not shocked, to hear of Tom Fletcher's gory murder. He shrewdly guessed it was the foul deed of Bloody Arrow to cover his guilt. But naturally Reis could not reveal his accurate conclusion.

  Custer insisted on seeing Miranda and speaking to her sister. When pressed for answers, Amanda corroborated her husband's story. Then Lucas was briefly interrogated. Custer could not be sure they were telling the truth, but they certainly told the same wild tale.


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