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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 1

by Julia Sykes


  Caught between the Billionaires

  Julia Sykes

  © 2014

  For Louise and Claire





  The Choice



  Caught between the Billionaires

  Book 1: Lucas

  Chapter 1

  Pain seared across Shay’s back in a hot, stinging wave. It emanated outward from where the flogger lashed her.

  If this was what being a submissive was like, she wasn’t at all sure she enjoyed it.

  No. I want this. Determined to see out the experience, she gritted her teeth, barely containing the cry of pain that threatened to escape her lips.

  Shay had fantasized for most of her adult life about exploring the world of kink, and at twenty-seven she had finally plucked up the courage to venture into the one BDSM club in Charlotte: Tempest. Here, she had met the Dom who was currently beating the tar out of her.

  She was now beginning to suspect that Bobby was more of a sadist. Surely a flogger wasn’t supposed to hurt this much? She had told him it was her first time. Maybe she just had a low pain tolerance?

  The flogger raked across her ass, leaving lines of fire in its wake. This time she couldn’t hold back her strangled shout. Instinctively, she tugged at the restraints that held her firmly down over the spanking bench. This was getting to be too much. Tears pooled in her sea green eyes, threatening to wash away the promises she had made to herself about sticking it out.

  “Stop,” she protested, struggling to keep her voice even and controlled.

  The flogger’s stinging kiss made contact with her sensitive thigh.

  “Stop!” This time, the command tinged with desperation.

  Another burning blow fell across her ass. Panic began to rise in her throat. Was he really not going to stop? She jerked more wildly at the cuffs that held her in place, locking her in her vulnerable position. She suddenly, starkly, realized her own powerlessness. The loss of control didn’t bring her the pleasurable rush she had sought. Instead, the rush of adrenaline provided by her growing terror was a sickening perversion of what she had longed for.

  Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  “Please!” The word came out on a scream as the lash came down on her thigh again, merciless and unrelenting. Panic engulfed her. Was no one going to help her? Couldn’t they see she was truly in pain? Oh god, when would it stop? Surely he had to stop soon.

  She squeezed her eyes shut in dread as she heard the flogger whooshing through the air once again.

  But somehow, mercifully, there was no answering line of fire on her skin.

  A deep, accented voice came from behind her. “I’m not usually one to interrupt a scene, but I believe the lady wants you to stop.”

  Shay nearly sobbed in relief, the sound almost drowning out Bobby’s irritated snap. “Well, you are interrupting.”

  “No! Please,” she interjected in a rush. “I want to stop.” She tried to crane her head back to look at her tormentor and her savior, but her restraints prevented her from seeing them.

  Please, she thought desperately. Please listen to me. She forced her tone to harden. “I may be a submissive, but I do have rights.”

  “We’re not finished-” Bobby began, his voice holding an agitated cruelty that he had hidden in their initial conversation.

  “Do you want to use your safe word, sub?” The stranger cut across him.

  “Safe word?” Shay asked. She had heard of those, but Bobby hadn’t discussed them with her.

  The man with the accented voice let out a low curse. When he spoke, his voice was tight, the anger in his tone carefully controlled. “You mean to tell me,” he said coldly to Bobby, “that you did not discuss safe words before play? I’m assuming that she’s a new submissive if she doesn’t know about them. Were you aware of this?”

  There was an uncomfortable pause from Bobby before he finally answered. “Yes. But how was I supposed to know that she didn’t know about safe words?” He said defensively.

  Her savior let out a low growl. “You always discuss safe words before a scene. Any idiot knows that.” His voice turned soft, dangerous. “Now, I suggest you leave and never come back to this club. I will be reporting you for this.”

  Bobby’s anger gave way to a petulant whine. “But I-”

  “Now!” He barked, his tone brooking no argument. Shay shivered slightly at the power of it.

  She jumped as gentle hands touched her wrist, the cuff around it tightening momentarily before it was unbuckled. For some reason that she couldn’t quite identify, she glanced away from her savior before she could see him, allowing her curtain of dark red hair to hide her face. A pair of polished black leather boots entered her field of vision as he circled around the spanking bench to release her other wrist.

  She let out the breath that she didn’t know she was holding as relief washed over her. She was free.

  Strong arms were around her shoulders, turning her onto her back.

  “Up you get, sub,” his tone was warm, gentle.

  She let out a squeak of surprise when he hooked an arm under her back and another under her knees, lifting her up until she was pressed against a hard-muscled chest. Her eyes widened in surprise and lifted of their own accord, finally sneaking a glance up at her savior.

  All the wind was knocked out of her as she gazed up at one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen. His midnight-black hair was slightly mussed, and the shorter length accentuated his strong jawline. The planes of his face were masculine and angular, and dark stubble covered his jaw.

  His remarkable eyes made Shay’s heart stutter. They were a bright, mesmerizing bottle-green.

  A small, sexy smile was playing around his full lips. Shay’s mouth watered, and she was gripped by a sudden urge to lightly sink her teeth into that lower lip. She licked her own unconsciously, and something in his eyes darkened in a way that made her stomach flutter.

  The chemistry was instantaneous and sizzling, at least on Shay’s part. She couldn’t dare to hope that the god holding her would feel the same.

  Southern ladies are supposed to be mild-mannered, poised, and thin. Mama told me that often enough. She never had been able to master that last part.

  Years of working on her self-confidence allowed her to think of herself as “pretty,” but she was a far cry from a supermodel. And certainly nowhere near this man’s league.

  She stared up at him stupidly for a moment as he carried her across the room and sank down onto a dark red leather couch in a secluded corner. He surprised her by not letting her go. Instead, he positioned her so that she was sitting on his lap. The way he handled her body so casually, as though he had every right to, made warmth coil low in her belly.

  “Um,” she blushed, “thanks, but I can sit on my own.”

  He speared her with a hard gaze, making her swallow back the sudden dryness in her throat.

  “You’re a sub who’s just been through a traumatic scene. You need someone to help you come back up from that. It’s a Dom’s responsibility. And since there is no way that I’m going to allow that arse to touch you again,” his face twisted as though he had an unpleasant taste in his mouth, “I’ll happily fill in.”

  “Oh. Thanks.” Her gratitude was stilted and awkward. What was she supposed to say to that? She felt distinctly uncomfortable in the beautiful man’s arms, but at the same time she most certainly didn’t want him to let her go.

  “You’re welcome.” He smiled down at her. God, his voice was sexy: a deep rumble that sent tingles up her spine. And that accent! Yummy. He was definitely English. What
American woman didn’t love a guy with an English accent?

  Shay was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that she was almost naked and in the arms of a complete stranger. A sexy stranger whose gorgeous eyes were roving up and down her body appreciatively.

  She squirmed slightly, suddenly self-conscious about her body. It had taken her years to embrace her curves, but now she was rather fond of them. Her tapered waist was cinched in by a red and black striped underbust corset, accentuating her exposed breasts and flaring hips. Her black, faux-leather skirt was still hiked up over her ass where Bobby had pulled it up to give him easier access, so all that protected her modesty now was a skimpy black thong.

  She might have come to terms with her curves, but not all men liked them. She tried to tug her skirt down to cover her generous ass, but large hands suddenly encircled her wrists, stopping her short.

  “Don’t,” he ordered. “I like the view.” His voice was low, with a hint of a sexy growl.

  Shay relaxed instantly, reacting instinctively to the command. But she couldn’t hide her flush of embarrassment and… pleasure? Releasing her wrists, he reached a hand up to lightly stroke her cheek.

  “Now isn’t that a lovely color?” He whispered. She only blushed deeper, unaccustomed to receiving such intimate compliments. She wanted to drop her eyes, but she was caught in his intense gaze.

  He suddenly dropped his hand and his expression closed, his features schooled into a controlled mask. “What’s your name, sub?” He asked, his sudden callousness throwing her off.

  “Shay.” Her reply was softened by uncharacteristic shyness. This man was throwing her for a loop.

  He smiled slightly, as though he couldn’t help it. “It’s lovely to meet you, Shay. My name is Lucas.”

  A sexy body, sexy voice, and a sexy name? Was there anything about this man that wasn’t sinfully hot?

  Yep. Definitely out of my league.

  So why was he still holding her?

  “Now,” he continued, his tone turning a bit brusque, business-like. “Am I right in assuming that this is your first time coming to a fetish club?”

  Her eyes skirted away from his. “Yes.” Her voice was small. She was embarrassed that she had been so naïve about club protocol that it was obvious this was her first foray into the world of kink.

  Lucas hooked his index finger under her chin and applied pressure, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You’ll look at me when I’m talking to you, sub,” he ordered. “Unless I tell you otherwise.”

  A shiver ran through Shay as she met his hard eyes. They seemed to be mercilessly stripping away her defenses, cutting to the core of her. She felt her will bending to his, ceding to his power. Heat flooded her sex, and she could feel herself growing wet. She blushed again but didn’t dare break from his gaze.

  “What is your experience with BDSM?” He asked.

  Shay squirmed uncomfortably in his lap. She didn’t want to admit that she didn’t have much experience with it outside of internet research and her own fantasies. She had always been too self-conscious to voice her wants to her sexual partners, worried that they would be disgusted by her kinky requests. Shy and retiring weren’t words she would use to describe herself, but when it came to sex she had most definitely allowed her embarrassment and fear of rejection keep her from what she wanted.

  But recent success in her professional life and eight months of celibacy had finally driven her to explore her secret desires. Still, openly discussing BDSM with Lucas – a complete stranger – was far more intimidating than researching in the privacy of her home. Especially when speared in place by his shockingly green eyes.

  Those eyes flashed in the wake of her hesitation.

  “You’ve chosen to walk into the lion’s den tonight, sub. There’s no hiding here. Especially not from me.”

  “Um…” Shay stumbled over her admission. “I don’t have much experience, I guess. I used handcuffs once with one of my exes. And…um… I’ve read stuff. Researched.” She was sure that her cheeks were crimson now.

  Lucas’ expression softened and he let out a low chuckle. “And you came to a fet club all on your own? And in this outfit, no less? That was brave of you.” His praise seemed genuine, his no-nonsense Dominant façade dropping for a moment. Warmth filled her chest at his words. He didn’t think her foolish for coming here, then.

  His mention of her racy choice of clothes – or lack thereof – made her acutely aware of her state of undress again. The cool air caressed her exposed breasts, and her nipples hardened. Was it from the cold or from the fact that he held her so tightly against his hard body?

  Lucas’ expression quickly turned reproving, and she was distracted from her arousal as the Dom came back to the fore.

  “You don’t seem to have done your research very thoroughly. Safe, sane, consensual: that’s the BDSM code that everyone in the lifestyle should follow. And to ensure that those parameters are met, safe words are essential.”

  Shay turned a bit defensive. “I do know about safe words,” she said, a hint of steel sharpening her tone as her usual backbone returned. If there was one thing she couldn’t stand, it was a man belittling her intelligence. “But Bobby didn’t bring them up, so I thought maybe they weren’t for club play.”

  Lucas’ face darkened. “Arse,” he muttered. “I’m going to report him to the owner. It’s never acceptable to play with a new partner without discussing her limits, even if the submissive is a seasoned veteran. And I’d wager that the bastard is a sadist, judging by how hard he was being on you. I’m guessing that you’ve now discovered you’re not a masochist?”

  Shay stiffened, remembering her panic, the crippling sense of helplessness at being unable to stop the pain. “No. Definitely not.”

  He stroked a long finger across her face, brushing the line of her cheekbone before drawing down around her jawline. “Stay here with me, Shay.” His deep, accented voice called her back from the memory, and she relaxed instantly under his touch.

  But he wasn’t done touching her. His finger was at the hollow of her throat, tracing its way slowly downward. When he reached the top of her breasts, he opened his hand, gently touching the tips of his fingers to her skin, encircling her nipple.

  Instinctively, she tried to pull back from him. He was a stranger, after all, and he was touching her so intimately.

  His strong arm around her back held her in place, and he slowly drew his fingers inward, moving toward her nipple at an agonizingly slow pace. When he reached the outer edges of her areola, he began to swirl his fingertips around it, gently teasing. Her sensitive flesh pebbled, and her nipples began to ache, almost throbbing in their need to be touched. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, his fingers closed around the sensitive peak, pinching hard.

  In the space of a heartbeat, the shock of pain sent a line of heat shooting straight from her nipple to her clit. Her cry turned to a moan as he lessened the pressure, deftly rolling her nipple between his fingers.

  “So responsive,” his voice was a low, pleased rumble.

  To Shay’s disappointment, he released her breast, leaving her wanting. His eyes twinkled knowingly; he was perfectly aware of what his ministrations were doing to her body. She had never been so turned on in her life, and he had barely touched her.

  “Would you like to submit to me tonight, Shay? I promise I won’t take you further than you’re ready to go.” Earnestness was evident in every line of his handsome face.

  “Yes,” she said hastily, almost before he could finish speaking.

  Hell, yes! In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to have his hands upon her again.

  He chuckled again, cocking his head as he smiled down at her. “You’re an eager little sub, aren’t you?”

  Something shifted in his eyes, and his amused expression returned to that business-like, emotionless mask. “So you say that you know about safe words, then. Are you familiar with the standard ‘yellow’/’red’ system?”

p; Shay nodded. “‘Yellow’ if I need a break, and ‘red’ if I want to stop altogether.”

  “Very good.” Lucas nodded approvingly, as though at a particularly apt pupil. “I’m not going to do anything to you that will cause you pain. Not tonight. I think you’ve had quite enough of that already.” A shadow of anger passed over his face again, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. “But I still want you to use your safe words if you are uncomfortable in any way.”

  Shay nodded her assent, letting him know that she understood his terms. She couldn’t help swallowing nervously, unsure of what he had planned for her. Her muscles stiffened again without her realizing. Lucas stroked a hand up and down her back, reassuring her, grounding her.

  His other hand moved to rest on her knee. “You have all the power here, Shay,” he said, looking at her intently. “You understand that, don’t you? I am in control, but you can stop me at any time if you wish.”

  Shay let out a sigh of relief, the tension fully leaving her as she realized the truth of his words. Safe, sane, consensual. She thought to herself. I’ll be fine.

  But looking up into Lucas’ sensually merciless eyes, she wasn’t so sure. Would she be able to deny him anything? She again felt that sensation of being stripped bare as he stared down at her, robbing her of her defenses that the usually kept so carefully in place.

  “Your only rule is not to come without my permission.”

  It’ll be a miracle if I come at all. Shay couldn’t help the small, defeatist thought. Her orgasms with men had been pitiful, forced tingles of pleasure. They didn’t come close to the waves of bliss that coursed through her when she was alone in the dark with her vibrator and her kinky fantasies.

  But she had a feeling things would be different with Lucas.

  Never allowing her to break from his intense gaze, he slowly began to move his hand up her thigh, brushing over her skin lightly as he progressed steadily from her knee until his fingers were stroking at the edge of her sex. He stopped there, keeping her on the edge as heat flooded her pussy, her clit beginning to throb with need. He traced the line of her skimpy panties, starting at the upper edge before drawing down the side, maintaining his carefully controlled pace. When his fingers reached the point where her thighs met, he gently brushed the pad of his thumb over her clit. The sensation of it through the silky fabric made her gasp in delight.


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