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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 10

by Julia Sykes

  Thank you, Lucas. The thought flitted across her mind, unbidden. The memory of their time together might be a bit painful to recall, but she couldn’t deny that she owed her newfound body-confidence to her experiences with him.

  Shaking off the thought, she stepped out into the dimly-lit club. Jonathan was waiting for her, dressed in fitted black slacks and a tight black t-shirt that showed off his sculpted body. He smiled as he took her in, his blue eyes glowing with lust.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her. She blushed at his praise.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  “Come on,” he said, taking her by the hand. “Let’s see if we can find something interesting to do.” His grin turned a bit menacing, and her heart skipped a beat.

  But they had hardly taken two steps into the main room when Shay stopped short, stunned.

  No. Oh, no.

  Lucas was standing by the bar, talking to a pretty, thin blonde.

  Shay felt a sudden, hot surge of jealousy. But Jonathan barely allowed her to pause, pulling her inexorably along. She tottered on her heels behind him, dread filling her gut. They were headed straight for the bar, straight for Lucas and the obviously-slutty blonde.

  “Hi, Lucas. What a pleasant surprise,” Jonathan interrupted his conversation.

  Lucas’ eyes instantly riveted toward them, moving from Jonathan to Shay in the space of a second. His expression tightened as his gaze fell on their intertwined hands. Shay’s cheeks flooded with heat, and she tried to jerk her hand away. Jonathan held it fast.

  “Hello, Jonathan. Shay.” His tone was clipped as he studiously avoided looking at her exposed body.

  But his green eyes blazed with anger. Was it anger at her? For being a slut?

  Or was it possible that he was jealous? Shay hardly dared to think it. Hadn’t she just convinced herself to let him go, to get over him and be with Jonathan?

  But just the sound of his deep voice, his sexy accent, brought all of her feelings for him, her intense attraction to him, roaring back.

  Lucas turned toward the blonde. “Will you excuse us, please?” His request was courteous, but it was a clear dismissal. The woman let out a small, indignant huff and marched off.

  Shay’s gratified feeling at Lucas’ sending her away was soon deflated.

  “Shay,” Jonathan began, “would you mind giving Lucas and me a few minutes? I’ll get you a drink.”

  A mixture of anger and dread filled Shay. What were they going to talk about? Were they going to discuss her?

  It didn’t seem she had much choice in the matter. She would seem like a petulant child if she told him that he couldn’t have a private moment with his business partner. And besides, the Dom in Jonathan was gazing out at her, telling her that saying “no” wasn’t an option.

  “Okay,” she said, struggling to hide her resentment and slight trepidation.

  Jonathan flagged down the bartender and ordered a cosmopolitan for her. She thanked him and then took a seat at the bar while he and Lucas retreated a few yards away from her. She tried not to be blatant about the fact that she was watching them, but she couldn’t help herself.

  Jonathan was smiling, a playful twinkle in his eye as he spoke to Lucas. Lucas’ back was to her, so she had no idea how he was reacting.

  After a few minutes, Jonathan’s grin widened, and he gave Lucas a light punch on the shoulder, like a football player would do to pump up a teammate before a big game.

  She quickly snapped her head back so that she was facing forward when they began to approach her again.

  “Shay?” Jonathan said from behind her. She swiveled on the barstool, schooling her face to nonchalance. “Have you ever been with two men before?”

  Her attempt at appearing cool and collected dissolved immediately. “What?” She asked faintly.

  “Have you ever had a threesome?”

  Was this really happening? “No,” she squeaked. She had an idea of where this was going, and she wasn’t at all sure she liked it.

  “Well,” Jonathan grinned wolfishly. “How would you like to have one tonight?”

  Shay’s jaw dropped stupidly. She looked from Jonathan’s beaming face to Lucas’ blank expression. “You mean, with the two of you?” She asked, although it was rather obvious.

  “Yes.” Jonathan was looking at her as if she were a little slow on the uptake. Lucas remained silent and impassive.

  “Ummm…” She stalled. Could she do this?

  The pulsing of her pussy told her that her body very much wanted to be taken by these two men, the two Doms who had awoken the submissive within her. And she was extremely gratified by the fact that they both wanted her.

  But she wasn’t sure if she could handle it emotionally. If she was with Lucas again, it would make letting him go that much harder. Could she savor this last time with him, enjoy it before his inevitable painful rejection?

  She studied him carefully. His expression told her that he didn’t share Jonathan’s enthusiasm for the idea.

  “Is this what you want?” She asked Lucas quietly. Lines of strain appeared around his eyes and his mouth thinned, but her heart leapt when he answered.

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  “It’s all settled then,” Jonathan said jovially, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s go find a private room.” He shot Shay a questioning look. “Unless you would rather do this more publically?”

  “No!” The alarmed word popped out without a thought. She was nervous enough as it was without people watching. Many of the things that she had done with these men had been out of her comfort zone, but none so much as this.

  “No,” she said again. “A private room is fine.”

  Lucas flagged down a corseted woman and murmured something in her ear. She nodded and beckoned for them to follow her. They crossed the main playroom and passed through an open doorway leading to a long corridor. The woman knocked on a closed door off the hallway, and when no one answered she opened it for them, gesturing them inside.

  Shooting one last, envious look at Shay, she left, shutting the door firmly behind her.

  Nervous butterflies danced in Shay’s belly. She was alone, locked in a room with the two men who intimidated her more than anyone she had ever known, the two men who pulled on her heartstrings in decidedly different ways. Her breathing turned fast and shallow as panic began to nip at the corners of her mind.

  Then Lucas’ strong hands were gripping her shoulders, shaking her slightly. “Calm down, sub. Breathe.” His tone was commanding rather than gentle, but she acquiesced to his demand immediately, instinctively obeying.

  He stroked a hand through her hair. “Good girl.”

  God, this was so different from how Jonathan treated her. Where she felt the urge to fight him, to struggle, her mind and her body longed to submit to Lucas completely. Had she really forgotten how intensely she reacted to his commanding presence?

  She was distracted from her thoughts by the feeling of Jonathan’s hands brushing up the outside of her thighs, grasping the bottom of her lace dress. As he languorously pushed it up her body, brushing her bared skin, Lucas cupped her breasts, tracing his thumbs over her nipples. His light touch caused the lace of her dress to rub over her hardened peaks, and she moaned at the erotic sensation.

  Lucas released her as Jonathan pulled the dress up over her torso before abruptly yanking it over her head.

  He left the fabric over her arms, trapping them. He pulled them upward so that they were straight over her head before forcing her to bend her elbows back. He pressed her hands together, making her clasp them at the back of her neck. With the dress bunched at her nape, her arms were effectively trapped. The position forced her breasts forward, putting them on display for the men to admire.

  For a moment, Lucas reverently cupped them, kneading her soft flesh. Then his lips were at her throat, gently kissing her, making goose bumps appear on her skin as her nerves there came to life. There were two sudden, sharp p
ains as Lucas pinched her nipples and bit down on her neck, as though to leave his own mark on her to rival Jonathan’s.

  But then Jonathan’s hand fisted in her hair, jerking her away from Lucas. He spun her around and flung her up against the wall. His mouth came down on hers roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth for a deep, passionate kiss. Shay’s eyes widened in shock. This wasn’t what she had expected. She had a moment to take in the look of rage that twisted the lines of Lucas’ face before he acted.

  Jonathan’s weight was lifted from her as Lucas’ hands closed around his shoulders, jerking him away from Shay and throwing him up against the hard wall. Jonathan reacted immediately, throwing a punch that landed squarely on Lucas’ jaw, sending him reeling backward.

  “Stop!” Shay cried. “Stop it!”

  But now the men were grappling with one another as Lucas launched himself at Jonathan, catching him around the waist and throwing him to the floor.

  “Stop!” She yelled. But they paid no attention. “Red!” She screamed her safe word. “Red! Stop it!”

  Both men stilled, automatically reacting to the distress of a submissive. They stared at her for a moment. Finally, Lucas’ eyes softened, the fire leaving them. But Jonathan’s were still twin bright blue flames, his expression a scowl. He shoved away from Lucas angrily and lifted himself to his feet.

  Lucas was at her side instantly, his hands cupping her face. “Are you okay?” He asked gently, his tone apologetic.

  No. No, she wasn’t okay. In fact, tears spilled from her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She had made Lucas angry, enraged him by allowing Jonathan to touch her. She had fucked this up so badly. She had never felt so shitty, so guilty; she had betrayed Lucas and Jonathan. And neither of them deserved that.

  But all of her confusion and her worries were driven from her mind as Lucas bent down and softly, tentatively pressed his lips to hers.

  Chapter 5

  Shay wasn’t even aware of the slamming of the door as Jonathan stormed out of the room.

  Lucas was kissing her.

  After all of the rejections, his coldness towards her, he was finally connecting with her in the most intimate way possible. Sure, there had been times when tenderness had peeked through his serious façade, but this was different. There was real passion in his kiss, a connection that sizzled between them as their lips met.

  At first, he was hesitant with her, his lips lightly caressing hers. She answered him with confidence, coaxing him, reassuring him. His tongue traced the line of her lower lip, and she opened for him. She let him take his time, not challenging his control as she did with Jonathan. He tentatively explored her mouth, as though remembering a skill long out of practice.

  But he soon seemed to remember. The stroke of his tongue became firmer, more confident. He tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her head back so that he could thoroughly take her mouth.

  He didn’t break from her as he began to push her shoulders, forcing her to take a few steps back until her knees came into contact with something hard. Lucas shoved at her, and she fell back onto a padded surface. A small whine escaped her as his lips were torn from hers. She pushed herself up on her elbows, trying to reach back up for him.

  “Stay down,” he ordered. She immediately dropped back down onto what she could tell was a padded, leather-covered table. Lucas crossed to the head of the table and grasped Shay’s wrists. He pulled her up sharply until she was completely stretched out. There was a metallic sound behind her, and she craned her head back to see him holding two cuffs. They were cool against her skin as they encircled her wrists with a snick. She tugged at them, but was met only with the sound of jangling chains and the unyielding bite of the metal.

  “Spread your legs,” he commanded her.

  She complied with alacrity. Sparks danced over her skin, the heat of them contrasting with the coolness of the air on her exposed body. The warmth was pervading her pussy, and it began to throb in wanton need.

  But he was going to make her wait, was going to draw out this coupling. And although her body was burning for him, she wanted it that way. She wanted to savor this time with him.

  Lucas began slowly unbuttoning his black shirt, and she watched with rapt attention as he revealed his sculpted chest and rippled abs. When he pushed down his trousers, his impressive cock sprang free, already semi-hard for her. She took him in in his full naked glory, marveling at the fact that this god-like man desired her.

  He left her field of vision for a moment, and she could hear clattering sounds as he sorted through something. When he returned, he was holding a long black crop. Shay’s breath caught, remembering how he had punished her with a crop, remembering how much it had hurt.

  Lucas’ expression softened. “Don’t worry, Shay. This isn’t a punishment. Do you remember when I told you that a cropping could be pleasurable?”

  Yes, he had told her that. But she wasn’t entirely sure that she believed him. She swallowed hard and gave him a shaky nod. Despite her niggling fear, she trusted him completely.

  His business-like demeanor returned. “Have you forgotten how to address me, sub?” He asked, a dangerous edge to his voice. “Try again.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she gasped out immediately. “I remember, Sir.”

  “That’s better.” But his approval was barely discernible; he expected her to treat him with respect, and there would be consequences if she did not. He touched the cool tip of the crop to the hollow at the base of her throat, and she shivered at the contact, a sweet mixture of anticipation and fear filling her.

  The upper edge of the crop traced slowly down her sternum before Lucas dragged it across the sensitive flesh at the underside of her breast. Shay gasped and her back arched up off of the table, her body straining for more contact.

  The flat of the crop snapped down on the side of her breast. She hissed in a breath at the small sting.

  “Don’t move,” Lucas reprimanded. With effort, Shay lowered herself down so that her back was flat against the padded surface. The crop returned to its light, teasing touch. Lucas traced the underside of her other breast, and Shay bit down on her lower lip as she restrained herself from moving. She was shackled by not only metal cuffs, but by his command. Her nipples pebbled to hard peaks, desperate to be touched.

  Lucas obliged her. The crop suddenly snapped down on her nipple, and she cried out at the sharp pain that assaulted her senses. But it only honed her awareness of her body and the sensations that were dancing through her.

  He began lightly tapping the crop against her skin, making his way slowly down her chest, then her belly, pausing when he reached her sex. Her clit was throbbing so hard now that she would welcome any contact, even if it was painful.

  But Lucas denied her, circling around her pussy, tapping the soft leather on one thigh and then the other.

  Pain bloomed on her skin again as he brought the crop down hard on the sensitive flesh just above her clit. Shay let out a strangled cry of pain and need. She wanted to lift her hips up to him, to silently beg for contact, but she ruthlessly shoved down the urge.

  Lucas paused and speared her with his bright green gaze. She stared back at him, her eyes pleading.

  “Do you want more, sub?” He asked, cocking his head at her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she gasped. “Please.” She didn’t care if it was pleasure or pain that he gave her; she wasn’t even sure if she knew the difference anymore. She just needed him to touch her sex, to give her the release that she so desperately craved.

  “Then come for me, sub.” As he spoke, he brought the crop down hard on her clit. The sharp pain of it ripped through her, the intensity of the sensation triggering her release. There was no slow buildup to this orgasm; it surged through her immediately, overwhelming in its intensity. Her inner walls contracted around nothing, leaving her desperate for Lucas to fill her even as ecstasy rippled through her body.

  She had hardly come down off of her high when he climbed atop her. “Wrap your legs
around my waist.”

  She did as he bade her, positioning her sex so that he could enter her, wanting to press up into him. But she stilled her hips, knowing that he wouldn’t approve of her taking control.

  Slowly, he pushed into her. Her pussy quivered around him as he entered, her nerve endings crackling after her orgasm. She was close to coming again; her body was so alive. But she knew better than to orgasm without permission. So she held it in, pushing back the pleasure mounting within her.

  His hard cock began sliding in and out of her, his dick hitting her g-spot with every thrust and his hips rubbing against her hyper-sensitive clit. Her legs began to tremble with the effort of holding back her orgasm, and she couldn’t help pulling against her restraints in frustration.

  The fact that she was held down, utterly helpless to defy Lucas, only turned her on more. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could hold out.

  Mercifully, his hardness and the strained expression on his face let her know that he was nearing his own completion.

  “You may come,” he ground out before letting out a grunt of pleasure as he achieved his own release. She finally allowed the orgasm that had been simmering within her burst out, washing through her whole body in a blissful wave. She rode it out into exhaustion, until all of her limbs had turned to jelly.

  Lucas lay atop her, still inside her. And he was looking down at her as though he could hardly believe she was real. He planted light kisses on her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, before finally touching his lips to hers softly, sweetly.

  Shay couldn’t recall a more perfect moment in her life.

  Jonathan couldn’t recall a time when he had been more furious. That bitch had chosen Lucas over him. How? Lucas had been an utter douche to her, while Jonathan had been nothing but charming, ingratiating himself to her.

  Nice guys finish last. Only he wasn’t a nice guy. And he simply wasn’t going to accept finishing last.

  It had been a mistake to ask Lucas to have a threesome with him and Shay. Jonathan had wanted to enjoy first-hand the look of anger and frustration on his partner’s face as he watched him touch Shay. That’s why Jonathan had kissed her so possessively: to make him see that he had lost.


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