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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 13

by Julia Sykes

  He stepped back to admit Lucas, gesturing to an empty chair situated in front of a row of television monitors. They showed various public rooms and corridors in the hotel.

  “What can I do for you?” The man asked.

  Lucas struggled to keep the anger from his voice. “I need to see the footage from the ballroom last night, starting around eight o’clock.”

  The guard nodded and went to his computer, typing quickly and pulling up a black and white image of the ballroom with the correct timestamp. Lucas watched as he and Shay stepped out of the elevator.

  “I need to follow this woman,” he explained.

  He sat back, watching Shay’s every move. After half an hour had passed, he watched as she separated herself from the group and walked toward Jonathan. They spoke for a few minutes, and Lucas longed to know what they were saying. Unfortunately there was no audio, so that was impossible.

  Jonathan gestured to a waitress, and she handed Shay a glass of champagne.

  “There,” Lucas said quickly. “Stop the tape.”

  He studied the woman. She was blonde, slender, but otherwise unremarkable. “Who is that?” He gestured at the woman.

  “Her name is Jessie,” the man answered. “She hasn’t worked here very long. A few weeks, maybe. Why?”

  “I need to speak to her,” Lucas said, not wanting to voice his suspicions until he was sure. “Is she here today?”

  “I can call her in. Give me a sec.”

  The man tapped at his keyboard again, pulling up the hotel directory. After a moment, he picked up the phone and dialed. There was a moment’s pause, and then he spoke into the receiver.

  “Jessie?” He said her name questioningly. “This is Larry. I’m going to need you to come in to work right away. Mr. Lucas Cross would like to speak to you.”

  Lucas grimaced, wishing that the man hadn’t mentioned his name. He didn’t want to tip the woman off that he was on to her.

  “That’s great,” Larry continued. “We’ll see you in twenty.”

  Lucas wasn’t pleased that he was going to have to wait. But he would get answers soon, and he would get the truth out of the waitress. Then he would find some way to make things up to Shay, to win her back.

  “Jonathan!” The voice on the other end of the line was panicked.

  “What is it, Jessie? What’s wrong?”

  She was crying, close to hysterics. “They’ve called me in. Mr. Cross wants to talk to me.” She sobbed. “They know! They know it was me!”

  Fear and anger filled Jonathan. He thought he had dodged a bullet when Shay couldn’t remember how he had trapped her. But now if this stupid bitch gave him up, his life would be over.

  “They have no proof,” he told her, trying to keep his tone calm. “Don’t tell them anything. Blame someone in the kitchen. Don’t let me down, Jessie.”

  “But it wasn’t anyone in the kitchen!” She insisted. “They’ll find out. I know they will!”

  Jonathan swallowed back a curse. “Not if you don’t say anything.” His voice turned menacing. “You don’t want to cross me. Lucas can’t touch you without proof. But I know. And I can ruin your life with a word.”

  The girl sobbed. “Please, Jonathan,” she begged. “Help me.”

  He raked a hand through his hair in frustration. If that little bitch talked, he would lose everything. Any affection that Lucas had harbored for him had been destroyed when he had decided to pursue Shay. Now he would take any excuse to push him out of the company. He might even go to jail for this. He felt as though his life was crumbling around him.

  Taking a deep breath, he struggled to speak in a comforting tone. “All right, Jessie,” he soothed. “It’ll be okay. Stay where you are. Don’t go in to work. I’m coming to your apartment now, and we’ll figure something out.”

  “Okay,” she said shakily. “Thank you.”

  Jonathan hung up the phone. “Fuck!” He shouted as he made a U-turn, heading for Jessie’s place. It seemed he was going to have to take care of his loose end.

  Through his fury, excitement coiled in his gut. He had always enjoyed controlling women, inflicting pain. Jessie had enjoyed it, too.

  But this was going to be so much better than sexual play. It was the excuse he had waited for. It had been years since he had truly hurt another living being. And he had never hurt a woman.

  The dark part of him that he had channeled through BDSM for his entire adult life came bubbling up from where he had buried it deep within himself.

  Evil, his mother had called it. The psychologists had a different word for it.


  He had learned a long time ago to curb his urges. He couldn’t acquire the power he desired if he was locked up in a mental institution.

  “A danger to others.”

  Jonathan had learned to pretend to be a good boy. His emotional detachment had actually helped him learn to manipulate people into believing his façade.

  Lucas had fallen for it. So had the board members of Augustan Technologies. So had Shay Greene.

  He wouldn’t need that good guy mask now. He needed the monster.

  The monster’s lips curled into a twisted smile.

  Ten minutes later, he was knocking on Jessie’s door with gloved hands.

  “Jonathan!” She exclaimed as she flung open the door. “Thank god-”

  He cut her off when he backhanded her across the face, forcing her back into her apartment. He slammed the door and advanced on her, murderous excitement boiling in his veins. He had never killed a human before, but there was a first time for everything.

  Not giving her a moment to recover from the hit, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her up against the wall. Her head cracked back against the plaster, stunning her. He enjoyed the way her eyes slid out of focus, the way her features twisted with pain moments later.

  Squeezing, he lifted her up by the neck until her toes left the floor. Her hands were on his, trying to pry him off of her. But her strength was no match for his. Her heels drummed against the wall as she struggled for air.

  Jonathan cocked his head at her, watching her with silent curiosity as the light left her pretty brown eyes. A sense of power more heady than any he had ever experienced rushed through him, rich and intoxicating. It was far more satisfying than fucking her had ever been.

  But his moment of joy was short-lived. The clock was against him, ticking away the time he had left as a free man. Even without Jessie snitching on him, suspicions would be aroused; stopping her from talking had only bought him time.

  If they had found out about Jessie, then they knew that he had ordered the drink for Shay. If only he had managed to get her to his suite before she had collapsed. Then no one would have ever known what he had done, and she would have awoken the next morning thinking she had given in to her own lusts.

  Now he was going to have to run before they could find him out. He wasn’t going to give Lucas the chance to rip his life away from him. This was all her fault. And she wasn’t going to get away from him without facing the consequences.

  She had cost Jonathan his position of power as the CEO of Augustan Technologies. He would have to embrace this new sense of power now. And he would harvest more from Shay Greene.

  He was flush with the high of the kill, his skin almost feverish. This new life would have its own pleasures.

  And he would still have enough money to buy anything and anyone he wanted.

  Dropping Jessie’s lifeless body, he dialed the number for Ponderosa Designs.

  “This is Jonathan Manning,” he said after the secretary had greeted him. “I understand that Miss Greene has been in the hospital. I was wondering if I might have her home address so I can send some flowers.”

  The trusting woman gave him the information he needed.

  Moments later, he was tearing back onto the interstate, speeding towards Shay’s house.

  It was all Lucas could do to hold in his simmering anger. Jessie was supposed to have
been here half an hour ago, and now she wasn’t answering her phone. She must have run for it, and that fact confirmed her guilt in Lucas’ eyes. But now he wouldn’t have the chance to question her, to find out who had put her up to it. Surely the waitress didn’t have a personal motivation for drugging Shay.

  Lucas drummed his fingers on the desk in the security office where he was still waiting. Maybe there was more evidence from the surveillance records.

  “Can we go through more of the evening?” He asked Larry.

  “Of course, Mr. Cross,” he deferred. A few more taps on the keyboard started the footage back up. He watched as Shay and Jonathan rejoined the group. Lucas knew this part of the evening.

  “Fast forward,” he ordered, and he watched the rapidly moving figures on the screen until Shay began to walk towards the doors that lead out onto the balcony. “There,” he said. “Do you have a camera out there?”

  “Yes. Let me pull it up.”

  The picture was more difficult to make out given the dimness of the balcony, but Lucas could see Shay leaning against the wall for support. Then Jonathan joined her, pressing himself up against her

  Lucas’ gut twisted; he didn’t want to watch this part. He forced his eyes to remain on the screen. Was Shay pushing against Jonathan’s chest? Was it possible that she hadn’t wanted him to kiss her?

  Shame flooded Lucas when he saw himself join them. He was suddenly glad of the lack of audio. Hearing his harsh words to Shay replaying in his own head was bad enough. He watched as his figure retreated back into the ballroom. Jonathan remained with Shay.

  What Lucas saw then made his jaw drop. Shay nailed Jonathan in the balls. She was stumbling away from him, her expression panicked.

  What the fuck? Jonathan had forced himself on her? So he must have known she didn’t want him. Had he known she was drugged?

  Lucas’ blood ran cold as realization dawned on him. Jonathan had ordered the champagne for Shay. He had been the first to follow her outside. And she had been pressing her hands against his chest, trying to push him away.

  And the bastard had come to her hospital room to see if she remembered.

  Holy shit. Lucas could hardly believe it. He knew Jonathan had wanted to take Shay from him, but to resort to rape? Lucas never would have imagined he would go to such lengths.

  He had to tell Shay, to warn her about Jonathan. Pulling out his cell, he dialed her number, praying that she would answer his call.

  Shay was stretched out on her couch, unmoving. The hospital had released her hours ago, declaring her fit to leave now that the drugs had cleared her system. But she would almost welcome the oblivion of them now; consciousness hurt too much.

  Dumb slut. The two words that cut so deeply played through her mind over and over again, slicing at her heart. Was it really only yesterday that Lucas had held her under the warmth of the sun, finally beginning to open up to her? He had said he forgave her for sleeping with Jonathan, had even taken responsibility for pushing her into his partner’s waiting arms.

  But that had clearly been a lie. He was incapable of forgiving her. He would never trust her or respect her.

  And how could he after what she had done? She had destroyed his partnership, his friendship with Jonathan. And she had hurt Jonathan deeply by leading him on, only to reject him a second time. Just as Lucas had done to her. How could she do that to him after he had shown her nothing but kindness?

  She was torn from her black thoughts by a knock at her door. Who could that be? She wasn’t expecting anyone, and she didn’t want to see anyone. Maybe it was just the mailman. She chose to ignore it, not moving from the couch.

  The knock came again, sharper and more insistent this time.


  Oh no. Why was he here? Hadn’t she made it clear that she wanted them both to leave her alone?

  But how could she shut him out after how she had hurt him? She at least owed him an apology. Sighing, she forced herself to her feet. She suddenly wished she wasn’t wearing only her nightgown and bathrobe, but the insistent knocking told her she didn’t have time to change. Bracing herself, she threw back the lock and opened the door.

  “Shay,” he said her name softly, flashing her a small smile.

  “Hello, Jonathan.” She stepped back to admit him. “Come on in.”

  Chapter 5

  “Jonathan…” Shay began hesitantly. “I’m sorry.”

  He stepped toward her, his blue eyes glowing as he entered her personal space. She tried to step back, but his hands closed around her waist, stopping her short.

  “I’m not,” he said, his voice heated. “You don’t have to apologize to me, Shay. I can’t say that I understand why you chose Lucas,” pain flashed across his face, “but we can be together now that he’s shown you his true nature.” Lines of anxiety appeared around his eyes. “Can’t we?”

  Shay was shocked. This was the last thing she had expected. He still wanted to be with her? After everything she had done? He really was too good to be true.

  “Jonathan,” she said his name weakly, “I don’t deserve this. Not after how I’ve treated you.”

  “Don’t say that, Shay,” he ordered, cupping his hand around the nape of her neck. “I want you. And I know that at least a part of you wants me. Give us a chance?”

  His face was inches from hers, and the warmth of his breath played across her lips. Despite herself, a tremor went through her at his proximity.

  He lowered his mouth towards hers.

  “Don’t,” she whispered, but her protest lacked conviction.

  She couldn’t deny the sway he still held over her. And he could tell.

  His lips touched hers. The kiss was soft and sweet at first, but Jonathan soon increased the intensity, forcing his tongue into her mouth, stoking her desire. After a few heated minutes, he tore away from her and abruptly spun her around, pressing her front up against the wall. Her pussy clenched at his rough treatment.

  Then his arm wrapped around her throat, catching it between his forearm and bicep. He applied pressure. Too much pressure.

  “Jonathan!” She gasped out, alarmed. “Stop.” But he didn’t. He just squeezed harder. He was hurting her. “Red!”

  He laughed softly in her ear. “There are no safe words for you, Shay. Not today.”

  Panic flooded her mind. She began to feel light-headed. Her fingers curled around his strong arm, her nails digging into his skin as she tried to loosen his grip.

  “What are you doing?” She forced out. She could still breathe, but pressure was building in her head as he cut off the blood flow. They had played a game like this before, but this was rougher; it was too much.

  “I’m putting pressure on your carotid artery,” he explained coldly, clinically. “You’ll lose consciousness in about ten seconds.”

  “Please,” she whispered. Why was he doing this? She didn’t understand. Blackness was gathering at the edges of her mind, engulfing her senses. She could feel her body going limp as she fell into it, down, down, until she couldn’t fight it any more.

  Lucas paced in his hotel room. He had tried to call Shay five times now, but she wasn’t answering. It was imperative that he talk to her. Not only did he desperately want to apologize, but he had to tell her what Jonathan had done, what he had planned to do to her.

  Lucas was relieved to know that she would be keeping her distance from him as well – she had kicked both of them out of her hospital room, after all – but he still had to warn her about Jonathan.

  But would she believe him?

  He could still hardly believe it himself. He had been friends with Jonathan for more than ten years now. Sure, they had always had a bit of a rivalry going on between them, especially when it came to women, but for Jonathan to go to these lengths…

  It was as though Lucas was seeing his partner clearly for the first time, and the man he was seeing was a complete stranger. Now Lucas had no choice but to push Jonathan out of the company. The thought would h
ave made him sad if he wasn’t so livid.

  He grimaced. He was going to press charges. Or at least, he was going to convince Shay to press charges. Jonathan couldn’t be allowed to get away with attempted rape.

  Lucas angrily dialed Shay’s number again.

  No answer. Fine. He was going to have to go to her. He didn’t care if she never wanted to see him again; she had to know what Jonathan was. This time, he dialed Ponderosa Designs.

  He cut the secretary off before she could even finish saying “Hello.”

  “This is Lucas Cross. I need Shay’s home address.”

  “Oh!” The woman said brightly. “Are you sending flowers, too? Mr. Manning just called asking the same thing. That’s so sweet of you.”

  Lucas’ blood ran cold. “You gave him her address?” His voice was strained with barely-concealed anger.

  “Y-yes,” the woman answered hesitantly. “Should I not have?”

  “I need to know where she lives. Now.”

  The secretary was clearly shocked by his harsh demand. “I don’t know-”

  “Now!” He barked.

  “Um… Yes. Okay.”

  Lucas was already sprinting down the stairs by the time she answered, unwilling to wait for the elevator. He had to get to Shay before Jonathan did.

  Shay groaned. Her head pounded as she swam back to consciousness.

  “Oh good. You’re awake.”

  Her eyes snapped open at the sound of his voice. Jonathan was crouched over her where she lay on the floor. Startled by his proximity, she tried to scramble backwards. But unyielding metal bit into her wrists when she moved. Her arms were trapped beneath her, her wrists secured together behind her back by handcuffs. She could feel cool air on her skin, and she realized that Jonathan had removed her robe, leaving her in nothing but her thin silky nightgown.

  Her breathing grew fast and shallow as her last memories came flooding back to her: Jonathan shoving her against the wall, his strong arm around her neck, his soft laughter in her ear. They had never played a game like this before, and she definitely didn’t like it. She struggled to keep her voice even as she spoke.


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