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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 16

by Julia Sykes

  “Look at me, sub,” he commanded. She peeked up at him through her lashes. “I asked you a question,” he prompted her.

  “Yes,” she said softly. “I did, Sir.”

  He tenderly touched her cheek, cocking his head at her. “Then why the blushes, little one?”

  “I…” She hesitated.

  He raised an imperious eyebrow, letting her know that not answering wasn’t an option.

  “I don’t understand what happened,” she finally admitted. “Did I… faint or something?”

  Lucas’ smile widened in amusement. “Something like that,” he said, masculine satisfaction obvious in his tone. “Unless I’m mistaken, I finally got you deep into subspace.”

  Subspace. Shay had heard about it before, had read accounts about it on the internet. But nothing she read had experienced her for what she had felt: complete abandon, her conscious mind disappearing into oblivion until only the delicious sensations in her body remained. There had been no thought, no worries; only sweetest bliss.

  “Oh,” she said simply, her voice small.

  Lucas frowned. “Did you not enjoy it, then?” He asked, puzzled by her reaction.

  “No!” She said quickly. “I mean, yes. I did. Immensely. I just… I didn’t realize it would be so… intense.”

  Lucas chuckled, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes, as though he had been deeply concerned about her answer.

  “Well that’s one word for it.” He suddenly looked smug. “And I believe that I kept my promise. You didn’t have any nightmares last night, did you?”

  She smiled at him gratefully. “No. None.”

  “Excellent,” he grinned. “Now get dressed. We have a plane to catch.”

  “What?” Shay asked, taken aback. They had only just gotten to London the day before, and he had told her to take a week off. “Are we going home already?”

  “Nope.” He smiled at her broadly. “I’m taking you to Prague.”

  Shay was buzzing with excitement as they took off on Lucas’ private jet, leaving Heathrow Airport to head towards the Czech Republic. She had always wanted to go to Prague, to admire the gorgeous and unique architecture there, especially Prague Castle and the fascinating astronomical clock in Old Town Square.

  But more than that, based on the wicked gleam in Lucas’ eye, he had something devious planned for their stay in the historic city. And that excited her more than anything.

  Under his intense gaze, she found herself babbling about her interest in the city and its architecture. He listened with an air of amusement, clearly pleased at her enthusiasm but also detecting her hint of nervousness about his plans for her.

  When the plane had reached its optimum altitude, he cut her off.

  “Shay,” he said her name in that business-like tone that let her know that the Dom was taking over.

  But there were also small lines around his eyes, betraying a hint of anxiety. He took both of her hands in his, and she shivered at the contact, marveling at the visceral reaction that his touch still brought out in her.

  Spearing her with an intense look, he continued, almost hesitantly. “I…” He began.

  Shay’s eyes went wide. She had never seen him so nervous.

  After a moment, he plowed on. “I want to ask you to be my submissive. Officially. Permanently.”

  Shay let out a small gasp, dumbstruck for a moment.

  Then joy soared through her as his words truly sank in.

  “Yes!” She cried, instantly wrapping her arms around his neck as elation took over. She hugged him to her tightly, silently praying that he wouldn’t take it back.

  “Yes,” she said more soberly, tears of joy welling in her eyes.

  He wanted to be with her, to claim her as his. Forever?

  Maybe. But this certainly meant that they were taking a serious step in their relationship. He was committing to her in a way that was more binding than calling her his girlfriend could ever be.

  He chuckled low in her ear, evidently pleased by her enthusiasm. He stroked her hair softly for a moment, holding her to him sweetly. Eventually, he grasped her shoulders gently, pulling her away from him so he could look her in the eye.

  “Then I believe a new contract is in order, don’t you, sub?” He asked softly.

  Shay quickly nodded her assent. She had been following his rules for the past month, but reaffirming them through a contract made their bond more official. And she wanted that more than anything.

  Unlike the apprehension that had filled her the first time he had presented her with such a document, she felt nothing but eagerness to take the plunge, to sign herself over to him. Deep down, she knew her body and soul were already his, but knowing he wanted to officially make it so made her happier than she could ever recall.

  He released her shoulders and pulled a clipboard out of the seat pocket, giving her a wry smile. “I’m glad you agree, because I’ve already taken the liberty of drawing up the document.”

  Shay couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him. Of course he had. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him taking her assent for granted, but then she recalled his evident anxiety when he had asked her. She knew then that he had cared deeply about her answer.

  She took the clipboard from him and read it over. It was almost identical to the contract she had signed before their first weekend together, only this time there was no time limit on it. She smiled in satisfaction as she read it:

  The submissive - Shay Greene - agrees to the following principal terms:

  To obey all commands given by her Master – Lucas Cross - unless they breach the limits agreed upon.

  To use her safe words if at all uncomfortable.

  To address her Master with respect at all times, using either “Sir” or “Master.”

  Not to speak without the express permission of her Master.

  Not to orgasm without the express permission of her Master.

  The submissive will not lie to her Master.

  Any violation of these terms will result in punishment until her Master deems that the transgression has been corrected adequately.

  Play will be within the parameters of the following limits:

  No blood play

  No scat

  No tickling

  No knife play

  She shot him a heated look, letting him know that she needed no further convincing.

  “Do you have a pen, Sir?” She asked, her voice low and throaty.

  Lucas’ pleased smile had a predatory edge as he pulled a fountain pen out of his pocket and proffered it to her.

  Her hand was sure and steady as she signed her name with a flourish. She was ready for this. Seeing her signature on the document filled her with joy. And lust.

  Throwing caution to the wind, she brazenly pressed her hand to Lucas’ crotch and felt his impressive cock. It was already hard for her.

  He growled, but despite his obvious arousal, he caught her wrist in his large hand, pulling her back.

  “Already misbehaving, are we?” He asked, his tone low and dangerous.

  Shay swallowed against the sudden dryness in her throat. He trapped her in his hard gaze. Despite her niggling fear – or perhaps because of it – her nipples hardened and her pussy pulsed in need.

  “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, sub,” Lucas continued coldly. “You’re trying to top from the bottom, to goad me into playing with you, even if it is a punishment.”

  He suddenly grabbed her sex roughly, pressing his hand between her thighs and grinding his palm against her clit. Shay gasped in pleasure at the contact, arching her hips up into him.

  But almost as soon as he had touched her, he pulled his hand away, depriving her of his touch. She let out a small, frustrated whine at the loss of contact. His hand slapped down on her thigh.

  “Quiet,” he ordered. “This is your punishment. I had planned to fuck you, but you don’t deserve that. Now sit there quietly like a good girl and I might consider giving you a
reprieve later.”

  Shay’s mouth dropped open. This wasn’t what she had expected, wasn’t at all what she had wanted.

  But he was right; she had been trying to get a reaction out of him. Looking up into his hard, displeased eyes, she suddenly felt guilty for what she had done. She dropped her gaze and tried to push back the burning need that he had ignited when he had touched her.

  It was to no avail. The longer the silence stretched between them, the hornier she became. She didn’t dare voice her discomfort; she couldn’t bear it if he decided to extend her period of deprivation. So she squirmed in her seat for the duration of the flight, desperately waiting out the hours until they landed in Prague. Maybe when they got to the hotel he would grant her release?

  Shay arrived to disappointment.

  “Take a shower and get ready for dinner,” Lucas said, speaking to her for the first time since her punishment had begun.

  Shay had to suppress a whine as she realized that she was going to have to make it through dinner without release. She couldn’t hold back a sigh as she resigned herself to the fact, gathering up her resolve and walking into the bathroom with her head held high.

  As soon as the deliciously hot water hit her sensitized skin, that resolve crumbled. The urge for release was overwhelming, and she found herself giving in to it.

  Defying Lucas’ control over her body, her hand slipped down her belly to her warm, wet sex. She tried to hold back her small gasp of pleasure at the contact with her clit.

  She wasn’t quiet enough. The shower curtain was suddenly ripped back, and Lucas’ gaze locked on her hand that was stroking her pussy.

  Shay immediately jerked her hand away, but the damage was done. Lucas’ expression was thunderous, with a hint of disappointment mingled with the anger.

  “Face the wall and brace your hands against it,” he ordered softly.

  Her stomach quivered in fear, but she complied immediately, knowing that any hesitation would only make this worse for her. He let her wait there for a few moments, making her apprehension build to a near-unbearable degree.

  A rustling sound met her ears as he removed his clothes before stepping into the shower behind her. She trembled as various punishments flashed through her mind. Would he further deny her? She didn’t think she could stand it. Her skin was so alive, all of her nerve endings pulsating with the need to be touched.

  But the contact she received was painful, and it was made all the more so by her over-sensitized skin.

  She cried out in shock when his large hand came down hard on her ass with near-bruising force. There would be no gentle warm-up for her this time, no preparation for the pain.

  But even this torturous contact fulfilled the need within her for Lucas’ touch, and her core started to throb. Her clit hardened and her nipples pebbled to tight peaks. He reached around her and pinched one viciously at the same time as his hand came down on her ass again. The twin pains nearly overwhelmed her, and she wasn’t sure if it was the pain or the mounting pleasure within her that made her eyes roll back in her head.

  Then, to her surprise, he touched her clit.

  No. He didn’t just touch; he pinched. Bright lights popped behind her closed eyelids as she heard his low command: “Come, sub.”

  Even without his permission, she wouldn’t have been able to hold back. Her head dropped back and her sharp cry echoed around the small room. Her pussy convulsed as he wrung the pleasure from her, rubbing her clit in a circular motion as the last aftershocks ran through her.

  For a moment, she didn’t understand why he had rewarded her with an orgasm. But then his fingers remained on her clit, pinching and swirling around it. It was over-sensitive now, but he wouldn’t break contact. What had been pleasurable turned to discomfort, a stinging pain. She whimpered in distress, but he did not allow her a reprieve.

  “You wanted to be touched,” he growled in her ear. “So I’m touching you.”

  Through the pain, the eroticism of his words penetrated her consciousness. Her clit began to harden again, lessening the sting as her arousal returned.

  Lucas was aroused as well. She only had a moment to register his hard cock against her, swirling in her juices, before he slipped inside her ass, driving into her in one powerful stroke. She grunted in surprise as he stretched her, the sensation of him filling her delicious after his cruel denial.

  He began to thrust into her roughly, not giving her time to adjust to him. She struggled to relax around him, and his continuing touch on her clit helped her to do so.

  Soon, the little twinges of pain in her ass gave way to nothing but pleasure. She moaned and had to restrain herself from rocking back against him, delighting in the feel of him dominating her body so thoroughly. He grew harder inside her, letting her know he was close to finishing.

  “Come when I come,” he ordered.

  His fingers tangled in her hair, wrenching her head to one side. He pinched her clit mercilessly, and at the same time his teeth closed on the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder.

  His bite was savage, primal, and he staked his claim over her. His cock pulsed, spilling his hot seed deep inside her.

  Finally allowed her release, the sweet mixture of pain and pleasure that filled her brought her to orgasm immediately. She reveled in the bliss that pervaded her body as Lucas came inside her, her pleasure heightened by the knowledge that he craved to mark her as his. His cock within her and the cool tiles beneath her hands were the only solid things in the world. She pressed her palms against the wall, struggling to stand on her suddenly weak knees as Lucas pulled out of her.

  He grasped her shoulders and spun her around, pressing her back against the wall. The coolness of it against her heated skin made her shiver as his lips came down on hers, ravaging her mouth thoroughly. When he released her, he left her panting, and she leaned against him for support.

  “Now let’s get you ready for dinner,” he said softly.

  He grabbed the bar of soap and began to gently wash her body, tenderly touching his soapy fingers to her hyper-sensitized areas.

  When he was finished, she returned the favor, relishing the contact as she ran her fingers over his hard body. Lucas was acting sweet, tender, contrasting sharply with his relentlessly rough treatment only minutes before.

  But in their own ways, both experiences had been equally intimate. Although he was thoroughly clean, Shay couldn’t seem to stop touching Lucas, and he had to gently grasp her wrists and pull her away.

  “I think that’s enough,” he said, smiling down at her softly. Abruptly, he turned her around and gave her a sharp smack on the ass. “Now get going. We’re already late for dinner.”

  Shay couldn’t help the pang of sadness that ran through her as they parted, but she thought of her contract, smiling to herself as she realized that this would happen again. He had committed to her, and she basked in the certainty that they had a future together.

  Chapter 3

  All morning, Shay couldn’t suppress the small smile that played around her lips. Everything was perfect: she was in Prague, she had enjoyed fabulous sex the night before, and best of all – she shared all of this with Lucas.

  Worries about Jonathan didn’t even cross her mind.

  They had spent the morning exploring Prague Castle, and now Lucas told her he had a surprise for her. Shay wanted to pepper him with questions, but she knew it would be to no avail, so she stayed silent.

  She found that anticipating the surprise was more fun than getting the secret out of him. His domineering attitude might have grated on another woman, but Shay found that it was exactly what she wanted.

  They passed over Charles Bridge and then wandered through the market before winding onto a pedestrian street. Despite how narrow it was, it was packed with people. Tourists and locals bumped shoulders as they bustled along.

  So it was to Shay’s surprise when they broke through the press of people and entered one of the stores that lined either side of the road.
Only, it wasn’t a shop. A ticket desk was situated just inside the door, and Lucas was buying tickets for them. When he handed Shay’s to her, her jaw dropped when she read the words emblazoned upon it: The Sex Machines Museum.

  She looked up at Lucas to find him grinning down at her.

  “Are you serious?” Was the first thing that popped out of her mouth.

  “Very,” he replied, his smile taking on that rapacious edge that she loved.

  He held out his arm, and she wrapped hers around his, her grip on him perhaps a bit tighter than absolutely necessary. She was no shrinking violet, but it was odd seeing people in plain clothes ogling dildos from days gone by.

  She giggled at herself.

  “Something funny?” Lucas asked.

  “It’s just…” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I’m used to seeing people in fetish gear when there’s stuff like this around in a public space.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Vanilla people are just as fascinated by sex as we are, little one. They just don’t prefer it in all the same flavors.”

  They began exploring the museum. Shay found some of it fascinating, and other parts a bit disconcerting. One of the earliest Spanish pornos was playing in a darkened room, and Shay found that to be more amusing than titillating. But then there was a dildo shaped like a banana with a smiling face carved into it. She guessed it was funny, but the face creeped her out a bit. One of her favorite artifacts was a pair of ancient prostitute’s sandals that had “Follow Me” etched into the soles in Greek.

  Then they stepped into the fetish room. It was full of different apparatuses for restraining someone. Shay couldn’t deny the arousal that stirred in her belly at the sight of the St. Andrew’s Cross, recalling her time in the London fetish club with Lucas. He must have noticed her slight flush because he was suddenly in front of her, stroking a finger down her cheek.

  “A little excited, are we?” He asked with a knowing smile. Shay blushed deeper and ducked her head, worried that the people around them would hear. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” He said with satisfaction. “Good, because we’re going to be seeing more of these tonight.”


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