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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 19

by Julia Sykes

  It was too late for that now. Taking a deep breath, Lucas struggled to tamp his panic and fury down. The sooner he got all of this over with, the sooner Shay would be free.

  In the long hours since Jonathan had left her, Shay had time to take in her surroundings. She was in some sort of holding cell, almost like an antiquated dungeon. It was dim and dank. Stone walls surrounded her, and a heavy wooden door with bars in a keyhole opening at the top was the only means of coming or going.

  And Shay definitely wasn’t going anywhere. She had tried to pull out of her ropes first, but all she had managed to do was rub her wrists raw. After realizing that trying to free herself from her bonds was futile, she had tried to stand, to move the metal chair that she was bound to. But it didn’t budge; it seemed to have been bolted to the floor. Finally, she gave up, exhausted.

  Despite her terror, she drifted in and out of fitful sleep, waking from nightmares again and again, gasping for breath.

  Jonathan hadn’t returned since he had ended the call to Lucas. A part of her took it as a mercy that he hadn’t tried to assault her. It seemed he really was going to give Lucas the twenty-four hours that he had demanded.

  It was a small relief, though. She found herself wondering desperately if Lucas would come for her, but then the next moment she would feel sick for even hoping it. She knew Jonathan would kill him if he came here. Wherever here was.

  Dread filled her when she was roused by the sound of light footsteps echoing down the hall outside her cell. A heavy clunk resounded throughout the small room as a metal bar slid back to unlock the door. She braced herself, knowing that Jonathan had returned to torment her.

  To her utter surprise, a tall, lithe brunette woman stepped through the door. She stopped in the threshold, hesitating.

  “Hello,” she said softly. Some part of Shay’s mind registered that she spoke with a French accent, but most of her thoughts were whirring out of control.

  Who the fuck is she?

  Shay didn’t return the greeting. If the woman was here, then she was complicit with what Jonathan was doing. Shay gave her a hard stare, saying nothing.

  “Um…” The woman continued. “Sorry about this.”

  Shay heard a hollow laugh echoing around the small chamber, and she realized it was her own. “You’re sorry? Who the fuck are you, anyway?”

  The woman took a step back, her eyes widening. “I’m… My name is Cecelia. And I am sorry. But I wanted to reassure you that you’ll be all right. Jonathan won’t hurt you.”

  Shay snorted derisively. “Oh, like he hasn’t hurt me already?”

  Cecelia’s eyes narrowed, studying her for a moment. She seemed to notice the bruises on Shay’s cheeks for the first time.

  “But… He promised me he wouldn’t hurt you,” she whispered, her shock blatant. “He… He loved you.”

  “Loved me?” Shay practically screeched. “He used me. He tried to rape and kill me. Just to get to Lucas.”

  The woman shook her head. “No,” she said staunchly. “That’s not true. Jonathan wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “Listen to me,” Shay said desperately. If she could convince Cecelia of what Jonathan really was, maybe she would help her. “He isn’t what you think. He made me believe that he cared for me too. But he’s completely insane, a sociopath. Whatever he’s told you is a lie. He’s using you, just like he used me.”

  Cecelia’s face hardened, her expression suddenly fierce. “You’re lying,” she hissed. “He loves me. You’re just repeating Lucas’ lies.”

  Lucas. “Please,” Shay begged. “Jonathan is going to kill him. Please, help me.”

  Cecelia hesitated for a brief moment, but the doubt that flashed in her eyes was quickly gone.

  “He deserves it,” she said coldly. “And it’s the only way that Jonathan can be free. Otherwise Lucas will never stop trying to ruin his life.” Her eyes glowed with a feverish light. “And then we can be together; he won’t have to hide any longer.”

  “You’re just as crazy as he is,” Shay snapped, furious. “He doesn’t love you!”

  Cecelia glared at her. “I won’t stay here and listen to your lies. You will be free soon. Be grateful for that.”

  “What are you doing down here?” Shay’s stomach turned to ice as Jonathan appeared in the doorway behind Cecelia.

  “I…” She hesitated, cowering under his disapproving stare. “I just wanted to talk to her.”

  Jonathan’s face was quickly schooled to a gentle smile, and he snaked his arm around the brunette’s waist. “That’s sweet of you, but I would like a word alone with her now. Run along upstairs.” His eyes flashed with lust. “I’ll meet you up there soon.”

  Shay’s stomach turned as Cecelia shivered visibly. The woman was completely wrapped around his finger. The hope that had filled Shay’s heart moments before died as Cecelia looked slavishly up at Jonathan.

  “All right, my love,” she whispered.

  “Good girl,” he praised, his voice rough with feigned longing.

  Cecelia pulled herself from him reluctantly, but she complied with his order, leaving Shay alone with him. He turned his cold stare on her, and she couldn’t help shuddering.

  But she forced herself to hold his gaze, trying to keep the fear that was rising within her from showing in her eyes.

  “Hello again,” he said softly, politely.

  He pulled something from his pocket, and Shay’s heart stopped. He flicked the switchblade open, and the sharp point glinted in the dim light. She began to tremble as he approached her slowly, holding the knife by his side casually. Her breathing turned fast and shallow as he circled around behind her, out of sight.

  “Now don’t fight me,” he ordered.

  Oh, god. He was going to kill her. He was going to kill her, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  I’m sorry Lucas, she thought, tears running down her face as she closed her eyes.

  But the next moment, they snapped open. There was a tug at her wrists just before the rope gave way. Jonathan had cut her free. She didn’t understand. Was he letting her go?

  “Stand up,” he commanded coldly.

  She struggled to move her stiff limbs, but she didn’t get up quickly enough for his liking. Grabbing her shoulders, he wrenched her up and flung her from the chair. She grunted as she landed hard on the floor, her already aching shoulder exploding in pain as it collided with the stone.

  Jonathan stared down at her, a cold smile tugging up the corners of his lips. “Someone else needs that chair.”

  He crouched beside her and lifted her into a sitting position, pulling her back against his chest. The cold blade touched her throat. She hardly dared to breathe.

  Heavy footsteps approached, and dread filled Shay. Three figures appeared in the open doorway, hidden in the shadows for a moment.

  When they stepped into the cell, all her worst fears were realized.

  “Lucas,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

  “Let her go,” he ordered sharply, struggling to break free of the grip of the two burly, black-clad men on either side of him.

  Jonathan only pressed the length of the blade into her throat, lightly cutting her delicate skin. She hissed in pain but kept completely still.

  Jonathan ignored his demand. “Lucas,” he said brightly. “I recommend you take a seat.”

  Seeing the knife at her throat, Lucas stopped struggling and let the men lead him to the chair. He sat down heavily, but he compliantly allowed them to bind his hands behind it, just as Shay’s had been.

  The blade left her throat, but she didn’t have a moment to breathe a sigh of relief. Jonathan tangled his fingers in her hair and wrenched her upwards, forcing her to stand with him. His strong arm wrapped around her stomach, holding her securely against him.

  Through her fear – or perhaps because of it – Shay’s body betrayed her again. At the feel of his powerful arms, his hard body behind her, she felt her sex pulse. It appeared her body had become
conditioned to crave roughly domineering treatment. It was completely disconnected from the horror in her mind.

  She struggled to hide her flush. The last thing she wanted was for either man to know what she was feeling.

  She didn’t even want to be aware of what she was feeling. She hated her body in that moment. She hated herself.

  Lucas’ eyes were like green fire as he glared at Jonathan. “I’ve come to you. I’ve done everything you asked. Now let her go.” The last was a growl, and his muscles corded as he pulled against his restraints, as though he couldn’t help himself.

  The knife clattered to the floor as Jonathan tossed it away. His hand now free, he stroked a long finger down Shay’s face. She shuddered. Was it from pleasure or disgust? She shied away from the thought, unwilling to contemplate it.

  “You know I can’t do that, Lucas,” he said softly. “Both of you have to die. I can’t risk her talking.”

  Lucas roared in rage. “No! You can kill me. Do whatever you want. Just free her. You won’t say anything, will you, Shay?” He looked at her desperately, silently begging her to agree.

  But she couldn’t’ focus on his last words. You can kill me.

  No. She couldn’t let that happen. “Please,” she spoke to Jonathan, gasping out the words. “Please don’t hurt him.”

  “There’s nothing you can say to stop me, Shay,” Jonathan whispered in her ear. “Lucas has restored my place in the world, but I can’t let either of you survive; I can’t let you undo it. I’ll make it look like an accident. Tragically, your plane will crash into the Atlantic, and your bodies will never be found.”

  Shay sobbed. This couldn’t be happening. It was all her fault. If only she hadn’t slept with Jonathan. He never would have thought he could hurt Lucas by stealing her away, and he never would have tried to resort to rape in order to accomplish his ends. She had forced his hand by making him run, and now it had come to this.

  “But I can make it quick, painless,” Jonathan continued, his breath warm on her neck as he spoke. “Or I can draw it out, make him suffer. It’s up to you, Shay.”

  “Don’t listen to him-” Lucas was cut off when one of the men who had brought him in punched him squarely across the jaw. Giving him no time to recover, he dealt him another blow to the gut. Lucas grunted in pain and doubled over, as far as his restraints would allow. He gasped, trying to draw in air and failing.

  “Please!” Shay cried, writhing in Jonathan’s arms. “Please, stop!” But the man continued, catching Lucas under the jaw, making his head snap back. He could do nothing to defend himself. “Please, Jonathan! What do you want? I’ll do anything!”

  Mercifully, the man stopped, and Shay sobbed in relief.

  “I want you to come with me quietly, Shay,” Jonathan said, his voice low in her ear, the evident lust barely contained. “I want to have you one last time.”

  His hand was at her breast, squeezing roughly. She hated herself as her nipples hardened of their own accord. How could any part of her possibly enjoy this?

  Jonathan laughed behind her. “You want it, don’t you, slut?” Shay shook her head vigorously, denying it. “Don’t lie to me, Shay,” he said. “I can feel your arousal.”

  Lucas’ pained eyes lifted to hers. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered brokenly.

  “Don’t, Shay,” he ground out. “Don’t go with him. I can handle it.”

  Tears streamed down her face. “I can’t let him hurt you,” she said, her voice ragged. She squared her shoulders, resolute. “I’ll come with you, Jonathan.” She struggled to speak levelly, but her voice wavered.

  Chapter 6

  Shay could almost feel him grinning behind her. “Excellent,” he said, even as Lucas started shouting.

  “No! Don’t do this, Shay!” Lucas yelled angrily.

  She turned her face away from him, unable to meet his anguished eyes any longer. “Goodbye, Lucas,” she whispered.

  Jonathan shoved her forward, forcing her to walk ahead of him through the open door. His hired muscle flanked them, as though to guard her.

  As if she could do anything to escape them, to escape him.

  She wouldn’t try, anyway. She couldn’t allow them to hurt Lucas.

  He was still roaring curses at Jonathan as they locked the door to the cell behind her. His shouts, begging her to renege on her promise, followed her as she made her way down the long corridor. His desperate pleas mercifully faded away as she began to climb a flight a spiral stairs.

  Terror filled her as she walked ahead of Jonathan.

  I’m going to die. The sudden, stark realization of what was about to happen to her made her stomach twist. She was going to be sick. She swallowed back the bile that was rising in her throat. At least she had spared Lucas pain. She could get through this, could allow Jonathan to take her one last time.

  So he won’t hurt Lucas. He’ll kill him quickly.

  She gagged audibly, and only just managed to keep herself from vomiting. Lucas couldn’t die. He couldn’t.

  They arrived at a plush bedroom, and the dread that had been pooling in her stomach flooded through her entire body.

  I have to do this.

  Maybe Lucas would be able to escape somehow if she just distracted Jonathan for long enough. Lucas was strong. He could have taken on the guards if it hadn’t been for his determination to keep her from harm. His cooperation in order to save her was going to get both of them killed.

  Shay shuddered violently.

  I’ll play my part. I’ll distract Jonathan.

  It was all she had to hold on to.

  She steeled herself for the coming torment. Jonathan shut the door behind them, leaving the guards outside. He stepped in front of her, and she began to shake in earnest when she met his lust-filled eyes.

  “Why are you doing this?” She asked, her voice trembling.

  “Because I want to,” he said simply. “I can’t help what I am, Shay.”

  Did he regret what he was doing? A flicker of hope bloomed to life in her chest. If there was doubt there, maybe she could stop him…

  “Please, Jonathan,” she begged. “You don’t have to do this. We won’t say anything, I swear. We’ll go into hiding. We’ll leave you alone. You can have the company. You don’t have to be this person.”

  His face lit up with a twisted grin, and she immediately knew she had said the wrong thing.

  “But this is who I am, Shay. I’m a monster. And I like it.”

  Jonathan spun her around quickly, disorienting her. He shoved at her injured shoulder, and she cried out in pain as she fell forward onto the bed. He flipped her skirt up, and her cheeks burned crimson as she felt her clit harden. She gritted her teeth, shoving back the ping of pleasure and bracing for pain.

  he couldn’t hold back her shocked scream as Jonathan’s hand came down on her, harder than anyone had ever struck her before. Stars exploded behind her eyes, but not the good kind.

  “I’m going to enjoy this,” his voice was husky with desire. “One last time.”

  Shay squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the pain, but she could hear Jonathan laughing as her strangled cry filled the room.

  Jealousy had flooded Cecelia as she watched Jonathan take Shay into their bedroom. He did still love the redhead; he still wanted her.

  Then she heard a sharp cry of pain. It was muffled as it came through the door, but it was loud enough for her to hear from her hiding place around the corner. Was Jonathan playing with her? Some women liked pain. Maybe he was just giving her what she wanted.

  But there was no hint of pleasure in the scream.

  Jonathan was hurting her. Had Shay been telling the truth? Did he truly want to kill her as well as Lucas?

  If she was gone, then Cecelia would be free to be with Jonathan. But Shay’s cries twisted her gut. The man she had grown to love couldn’t be capable of such cruelty. He couldn’t.

  But the seed of doubt had been planted in her mind. She had to know, had to find out
the truth that her mind was desperate to deny.

  She headed for the ancient dungeons in the basement of her château, walking softly so as not to be detected by the mercenaries that Jonathan had hired. She hesitated when she reached the heavy door that separated her from Lucas Cross.

  Jonathan had said he was dangerous. What if he hurt her?

  Shaking her head sharply, she gathered her courage. She had to know.

  She threw back the iron bolt and peeked around the door. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Lucas was restrained. That relief soon turned to horror when she saw the rapidly darkening bruises marring his handsome face. Jonathan had told her he planned to kill him, but to torture him? He had hit Shay as well; Cecelia had seen that, as much as she wanted to deny it.

  Lucas looked up at her, and she gasped at the anguish that she saw in his bright green eyes.

  “Who are you?” He demanded.

  “I’m…” She swallowed. “I’m Cecelia.” She took a deep breath. “I need you to tell me the truth. Did you lie about what Jonathan did? Did he… Did he really attack Shay?”

  “Yes,” Lucas growled. “Please,” his voice was low and rough. “Please, help her. He’s going to kill her.”

  Cecelia gasped, her mind going momentarily blank.

  He lied to me. She knew that Lucas spoke the truth; she had heard Shay’s screams.

  Had he killed her already? She suddenly felt sick. If Shay died, it would be all her fault. She had given Jonathan the money he needed to do this.

  She felt her heart breaking as she full weight of what she had done came down on her. She had to set this right. But what could she do?

  Her eyes fell on something that was glinting dully in the light. A knife lay on the floor in the corner of the room. Making her decision, she scooped it up and walked toward Lucas. She eyed him warily.

  “Promise you won’t hurt me?” It came out as a question.

  He eyed her levelly. “I swear. Just help her.”

  Cecelia nodded, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. There was a depth of emotion there that she had never seen in Jonathan.

  This is what love looks like.


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