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Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)

Page 11

by Saperstein, M. D.

  “I think he might have lied,” Melina murmurs then digs out a spoonful of ice cream and eats it.

  Melina can see Vance's mind digesting what she just said. They eat a few more spoonsful in silence while he mulls it over. “You might be right,” he says quietly, “He's never talked about women with me, and I never really thought it was weird…until now. When I was twenty-one, that’s all I ever talked about with the guys.”

  “And you had said at your parents’ that he has never brought a girl home,” Melina adds.

  Vance groans. “Shhhiiiiittt,” he mutters and lays his head back on the couch.

  “What are you thinking?” Melina asks softly.

  “I can't believe it. I don't know how I didn't see it before. It seems so obvious now.” Vance sighs. “I hope he doesn't think that I won't support him.”

  “I'm sure he knows that you will. Maybe he's just not ready to tell you,” Melina assures, laying a hand on his thigh.

  As if their ears are burning, Xander and Bryan walk in the front door, huge smiles on their faces. As soon as they notice Melina and Vance watching them, they both turn bright red, most likely still embarrassed about what they saw earlier.

  “Hey,” Xander says and gives them a little wave.

  “Yo! Did you have a good dinner?” Vance asks.

  “Aw, yeah. We went over to that sushi place down the street. It’s amazing,” Bryan brags and rubs his stomach.

  Xander and Bryan slink into the living room and sit down on the other couch next to each other. Melina watches as they sit close but do not touch. Both of them are trying to keep their hands occupied, and she has a feeling that they are resisting the urge to touch each other. Vance is eyeing them up, too.

  Xander and Bryan start talking quietly to each other. Vance glances back at Melina with a frown. She knows him well enough to know that he’s fighting the urge to say something to the two boys. They all startle when Vance's cell phone rings. Melina watches the grim expression take over his features as he walks out of the room to answer it. It’s not good news. That much is obvious.

  Chapter 10

  Vance drives to the newest crime scene in a foul mood. He’s confused about his brother, pissed off that he has to leave Melina - even though she promises that she'll be there when he gets back - and devastated that another family has been slain. He just doesn’t know how much more of this he can take. His blood pressure has to be through the roof.

  He buttons up his suit jacket as he crosses the street to meet up with Shawn, who is standing on the sidewalk in front of the house, his hands in his pockets. “Hey, Van,” Shawn greets him.

  Vance just looks at him. Shawn actually winces under his cold stare. “Not in a good mood I see,” Shawn murmurs.

  Vance just grinds his teeth together. He doesn't want to lash out at Shawn, this isn't his fault, but he’s on the verge of losing his shit. He isn't even sure if he can go into that house without freaking the fuck out.

  “Let's get this over with so we can get the hell out of here,” Shawn says dryly and starts up the walkway to the house.

  Vance follows. With each step, he feels closer and closer to breaking down. He rolls his head on his shoulders to try to loosen up a bit, but it does little to ease the tension. Shawn enters the house first and Vance hears him curse something foul. He has no doubt that this is going to be the worst one yet.

  The stench of blood and other bodily fluids is unbearable and Vance hasn't even made it through the door yet. He covers his nose and mouth with the sleeve of his suit jacket. Shawn sidesteps a hunk of something - looks like it used to be a torso. Vance can't understand how whoever did this had the time to do the shit they did. And how did no one notice anything out of the ordinary? Were there no screams?

  The scene is similar to the rest but also different in some ways. The family’s heads are sitting on the mantle like all of the others, and the way the blood and guts are all over the place, one would think that a bomb exploded in there. Vance takes another glance at the heads on the mantle: father, mother, and three girls that are maybe about twelve or so. Triplets.

  Vance is so focused on the three girls’ heads that he doesn't notice the pool of blood in front of him. As soon as he takes a step forward, his feet slip out from under him, and he lands hard on his back with a grunt. He can feel the semi-coagulated blood soaking through his pants and suit jacket.

  “Jesus Christ...Vance!” Shawn exclaims and carefully makes his way over to him.

  “Get me the fuck up,” Vance bites out in a low and deceivingly calm voice.

  Shawn grabs both of Vance's wrists and helps him to his feet. Once he’s steady on his feet, he tears off his jacket, letting it land on the floor. He storms toward the front door, loosening his tie on the way. Out on the porch, he rips his tie off and yanks his shirt out of his pants then starts to work the buttons on the cuffs.

  “Someone get me a pair of fucking pants!” he yells to the multiple officers milling around the front yard.

  Shawn comes out of the house and onto the porch. “Vance, you alright, man?”

  Vance glares at Shawn as he unbuttons his shirt. “Do I look fuckin’ alright to you?” Vance barks, his voice on edge. “I need some motherfucking pants!” he screams then rips off his bloodstained shirt while tearing his undershirt away from his chest.

  Shawn puts his hands out in front of him to try to calm Vance. “Alright, dude, relax. I have a pair of jeans in my car,” he says calmly.

  “Don't tell me to relax, Shawn! I'm way beyond fuckin’ relax!” Vance snarls, tugging his belt free.

  “What are you doing? Stripping down to your underwear right here on the porch?” Shawn asks and reaches for Vance's shoulders.

  “I have a little girl’s blood on my pan...DON'T FUCKIN’ TOUCH ME!” Vance bellows, knocking away Shawn's hands.

  “Van, chill, my man...” Shawn tries again, but Vance shoves him away then kicks off his shoes.

  Luckily, another officer runs up with a pair of gray sweatpants and a t-shirt, handing them to Vance. He pulls the t-shirt over his head and tosses the sweatpants over his shoulder while he takes his keys and wallet out of his pockets as he removes his suit pants. Shawn takes Vance's keys and wallet as he steps in front of him to obscure everyone's view of him in his underwear. Another officer brings over a large evidence bag and gathers up Vance's soiled clothes.

  “What the hell is going on?” barks the Chief as he storms toward the house.

  “Sir, Van slipped...” Shawn starts calmly, but Van pushes him aside and stomps down the porch steps in his socks.

  “What the hell is going on? I'll tell you what's going on!” Vance rages and stops right in the Chief's face. “Take me off this case before I lose my goddamn mind! I just fell, flat on my back, in a pool of blood from three little girls! If you don't take me off this case, I'm gonna quit this job altogether!” Vance shouts, his fists clenched at his sides.

  The Chief stares at Vance with a stunned expression on his face. He eventually gives Vance a nod and says, “Okay.” Shawn comes down the porch steps and hands Vance his keys, wallet, and shoes. He snatches them out of Shawn's hands then storms off toward his Charger. As Vance speeds off, he sees the Chief and Shawn arguing, but he cannot care less. All he wants to do right now is get home and into Melina's arms.

  Vance gets home in under fifteen minutes because he drives like a bat out of hell to get there. He flies through the garage door that leads into the kitchen, startling Tripp and Ryder, who are talking at the table.

  “Jesus, Van. Are you alright?” Tripp asks and stands up.

  Vance holds his hand up to tell Tripp not to come to him. “Where’s Melina?” he rasps, on the verge of breaking down.

  “She said she was gonna hop in the shower before going to bed,” Tripp says quickly.

  Vance ignores their worried glances and starts toward his room. When he opens the door, he hears the shower running. He strips, tossing the loaned clothes onto the floor, then head
s into the bathroom. Melina's head spins toward the door as he opens it.

  “Vance? What are you doing here?” Melina asks, confused.

  He opens the shower door and gets in. Melina frowns when she sees the look on his face, moving out of the way so that he can duck under the spray of hot water. He braces his hands on the tiles in front of him and hangs his head, water pouring down his back and around his head. Her delicate hands skim up and down his back a couple of times before she wraps her arms around his waist and presses her body against his, her hands splaying out over his chest and stomach.

  “What happened, Van?” she asks softly.

  “I...I'm off the case,” he whispers so low that he isn't even sure Melina hears him.

  “Okay,” she says, waiting for him to continue because she knows that there’s more to it.

  Vance opens his mouth to tell her how he slipped and fell but instead of words, a tortured groan comes out. He covers his mouth with one hand, the silence deafening, as his whole body begins shaking. When his knees finally give out, he drops to the shower floor, sitting back on his heels and covering his face with his hands.

  “Vance!” Melina cries and quickly shuts off the water then puts her hands on his shoulder. “Baby, what happened to make you this upset?” she asks, gently stroking the back of his head.

  “Their all over me...” Vance chokes out.

  “Whose blood?” Melina asks cautiously.

  “The little girls!”

  Melina is silent behind him as she tries to figure out what he is talking about. “How did their blood get on you?”

  “I slip...I slipped in it...landed on my back...oh god...” Vance moans then starts rubbing his eyes, trying to erase the memories. He is so mentally fucked up right now.

  “Shit...Van, honey, tell me how to help you. What do you want me to do?” Melina asks.

  “Stay the night with me, please,” Vance answers softly. He’s trying not to act like a complete pussy, but he can't deal with this anymore on his own. He needs comfort from the woman he loves.

  “Vance?” Melina's voice cut through his thoughts.

  He looks over his shoulder at her, her face etched with worry. “How about we dry off and get into bed?” she suggests.

  Vance nods, brushes the water from his face, then gets to his feet. They both dry off and head into the bedroom. Melina brushes out her hair while Vance gets under the covers. She turns the lamp off before she crawls into bed next to him. As soon as she lays down, he snuggles up against her, putting half of his naked body over hers with his head resting on her chest, and his arm wrapped around her waist. Melina has one arm behind his head, which she uses to stroke his hair lightly. Her other arm is resting over the one he has around her. Vance puts one leg over hers, trying to get as close as possible without being completely on top of her.

  “Thank you,” Vance's whispers into the darkness.

  “You're welcome, honey. You know I'm always here for you,” Melina says softly and kisses his forehead. Vance lets out a huge sigh, relieved that she is here, holding him.

  It doesn't take Vance long to fall asleep, and it doesn't take long for the nightmare to start. It’s just like the other one where his nieces get their heads cut off, but this time, at the end, he is able to move. He runs after the killer, who ran out of the house. Vance runs faster than he ever has in his whole life. When he catches up with the killer, he tackles him to the ground. They struggle for a moment before Vance gets the advantage. He straddles the guy’s chest and wraps his hands around his neck. He wants to kill this asshole nice and slow. The killer struggles under him, clawing at his wrists and hands. Vance feels nothing - no rage, no sorrow, nothing - he’s just numb.

  “Vance!” he hears his name being frantically called from behind him; it’s another male's voice that is very familiar. Vance glances over his shoulder but doesn't see anyone. Now he’s completely confused.

  When Vance turns back, he’s looking into Melina's bright purple face. Her nails are digging into his wrists and her mouth is gaping as she struggles to breathe. The next second, two pairs of hands are grabbing at his shoulders and arms, tearing him away from Melina. As Vance hits the floor, he hears Melina trying to pull ragged breaths into her lungs then coughing and gagging. Frantic male voices are coming from all directions, confusing the shit out of him. Two strong male bodies are holding him down to the floor.

  “Vance! Wake up!” he hears a raspy voice yell right before he gets slapped hard across the face.

  He meets the scared blue eyes of the man who just slapped him. Tripp...Tripp just slapped him. Tripp is sitting on him. Vance frowns. What the fuck is happening? Tripp then holds Vance’s eyelids open and peers into his eyes.

  “His pupils are responsive...Vance, can you hear me?” Tripp asks, his voice raspy like it always is when he wakes up.

  “Yeah,” Vance answers and looks around.

  Ryder is at the top of his head, holding his arms down. Bryan is standing in his bedroom doorway with a shocked expression on his face. Vance can't see Dayne, but he can hear him talking quietly. Tripp nods at Ryder, who lets go of his arms. Tripp also gets off him. Vance just lies there trying to go over in his mind what just happened.

  “Van, buddy, are you okay?” Tripp asks, an edge of fear in his voice.

  Vance looks over at where Tripp is now sitting down next to him. “What happened?” he asks, confused.

  “Dude, you almost choked Melina to death,” Ryder says warily.

  “What?” Vance sits up hastily and looks toward the bed.

  There is Melina, clutching a sheet to her naked chest with one hand, while the other is covering the front of her throat. Dayne is sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders. He’s rubbing her bare arm with his other hand while speaking softly to her.

  He almost killed his girlfriend? The woman he is in love with. Vance covers his mouth as he gags. He then scrambles into the bathroom and pukes his guts up. Yeah, that is definitely something that makes him sick - accidently killing his girlfriend in his sleep. Oh god, how could he ever forgive himself for this? How could she ever forgive him for this? He won't be surprised if she leaves him right now.

  When he finishes throwing up, he flushes the toilet, does a quick brush of his teeth, and sits back against the cold tile wall. He closes his eyes and leans his head back against it. Vance's life has officially turned into a nightmare. He feels the depression sucking him down. How did he get here? His life is such a mess. He's been on a downward spiral ever since he became a detective, but it took something so catastrophic to make him realize this.

  “Here, we're tired of looking at your dick,” Dayne says from the doorway and tosses a pair of boxer-briefs at him.

  Vance doesn't bother replying. He just puts the underwear on and sits back down. Dayne walks into the bathroom, closes the lid to the toilet, and sits on it. “She's okay, Van. She wants you to come back into the bedroom,” Dayne says, clasping his hands together as he rests his elbows on his knees.

  Vance shakes his head. “I can't, Dayne,” he chokes out. “I almost killed her. How can I face her?” he cries, dropping his head down. Tears fall from his eyes and land onto his stomach as he cries silently.

  “Shit, man. She knows that you didn't mean it, that it was a nightmare. She cares about you more than you know, and she's worried about you. She wants to make sure that you're all right.”

  “Just tell her that I'm fine and that she can go home if she wants,” Vance whispers.

  “Van, she doesn't want to go home. She wants you back in the bedroom so you two can talk,” Dayne says, his voice hardening.

  “She probably just wants to tell me that it's over. Just tell her she can leave like I'm sure she wants to.”

  “Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” Dayne breathes to himself. “Listen, asshole. She’s not breaking up with you,” Dayne grounds out as he starts to get pissed with Vance's attitude.

  Vance just shakes his head. He finds it hard
to believe that Melina wants to stay with him. Not after what he did.

  “Ya know what? If you don't get your ass in there right now, I'm gonna go rip the sheet off Melina so I can see her naked, cause lord knows I've been dying to,” Dayne threatens. He waits for Vance to reply, but when he doesn't, Dayne gets up and stomps back into the bedroom.

  Vance hears Melina telling Dayne to stop messing around. Then she becomes a little more serious and tells him to knock it off. Even Tripp and Ryder are telling him to stop. Vance feels his anger rise; he doesn’t want his friends to see his girlfriend naked. Vance finally gets up and storms back into the bedroom. He sees Dayne and Melina tugging at different ends of the sheet. Vance is on Dayne in a flash, pushing him back hard enough that he crashes into the wall.

  “Knock it off!” Vance shouts at him.

  Dayne smiles knowingly. “You got it, let's go guys,” he says and heads for the door.

  The door shuts with a click leaving Vance and Melina alone. The lamp next to her is the only light in the room. Vance has his back to Melina, afraid to turn around. He doesn't realize how close he is to the bed until he feels her hand slide into his. Vance startles and spins around. Melina has crawled to the end of the bed where he’s standing. She’s on her knees completely naked, the sheet left behind. With her hand still in his, she tugs him toward her. When she looks up at him, he gets a good look at her neck. It’s a deep red and is starting to bruise where his fingers had been. Vance brings his free hand up and trails a couple of fingers lightly over the bruises.

  “God, Melina, I'm so sorry,” Vance whispers, his bottom lip quivering with the threat of breaking down again.

  “It's okay, you were having a nightmare; you didn't know what you were doing,” Melina says, her voice hoarse from being strangled.

  “I can't believe I hurt you like this. How can you even stand to look me?” Vance utters, shaking his head as tears rolls down his face.

  Melina reaches up and brushes the tears away. “Because, Vance, I'm so in love with you. I can't imagine ever being without you,” she says quietly.


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