Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)
Page 14
“Dayne,” Vance snaps, making him jerk his head up to look at him. Harper stands slightly behind Vance, her face turned away from him.
Dayne clears his throat and stands up. “I...uh...Harper, I'm sorry for acting like a dick upstairs,” he says, hating that she avoids looking at him.
Vance looks utterly shocked. Dayne has never apologized to a woman when it comes to what’s going on in the bedroom. Vance knows that Dayne never ever feels badly about telling a woman to hit the road. So for him to be here, telling Harper that he’s sorry, is a real shock to both of them.
Harper turns a watery gaze his way. Ouch, why does his heart clench so hard? “Yeah, I'm sure you are,” Harper mutters and opens the front door.
Dayne can’t believe what happens next, he fucking follows her out as she leaves. This is not him. It’s like he has no control over his own body. Vance even grabs his arm. Dayne yanks free of him and storms after Harper as she quickly walks to her car.
“Harper, wait. Can I at least explain myself?” Dayne asks and takes her by the elbow. He spins her around to look at him.
“You humiliated me enough, Dayne. Just let me go home!” Harper snaps angrily and tries to pull her arm free, but he holds on.
“Dammit, I'm sorry Harper, I...I never wanted to hurt you, I'm just...I'm...” Dayne stutters. He lets out a frustrated noise and rakes his free hand through his hair. “Fuck! I don't do relationships and I don't get attached...”
“Oh, spare me the bullshit. You’re a fuckin’ player and I got played. I was just another girl for you to fuck. I just wish you would’ve told me that from the beginning so I could’ve kept that in mind,” Harper barks and tries to pull her arm free again. “Let me go, Dayne!”
“No, Harper, listen...”
“I DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!!!” Harper screams at him.
Dayne blinks at her. Holy shit! Was this how all of the women who he made leave in the middle of the night felt? Were they all this hurt? He really is the biggest asshole in the world. Dayne lets Harper go and she immediately reaches for her car door.
“Did Vance tell you that I’ve been married before?” Dayne asks quietly.
“Huh? What does that have to do with anything?” Harper asks, confused and angry.
“Everything, it has everything to do with what I did to you tonight.” Dayne sighs. Harper turns back around to look at him. “I refuse to let another woman hurt me the way she did. I can't let myself feel things for any other woman. I was doing fine until you came along.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Harper snaps, her hands on her hips.
“I fucking like you, Harper. A lot. More than I should for just meeting you. You wanna know how many women I've kissed since my wife? One. You. You’re the only one in six years that I’ve actually kissed!” Dayne exclaims, astonished, because he still can't believe it.
Harper's breathing hitches and her features soften. “Really?” she breathes.
“Swear to god. And honestly, I'm fucking scared. I'm afraid to like you. That’s what happened upstairs. I need to stay detached. I need to put distance between us.”
“And that’s something you still want? Detachment and distance?” Harper asks softly.
“I don't fucking know,” Dayne groans, raking his hand down his face. “The thought of not seeing you again makes me sick, but I know if I keep seeing you, then I'm going to end up right where I don't want to be.”
“And where is that?” Harper asks.
“In love,” Dayne murmurs, his sad gaze meeting hers.
She looks sad, too. “Well, I accept your apology, Dayne, but I'm not going to sit around and wait for you. You obviously have some shit to work through. I'm also not going to be jerked around, so don't call me until you know what you want,” Harper says quietly then gets into her car.
Dayne grinds his teeth as he watches her back out of the driveway. He wants to stop her, pull her out of her car, and kiss her until she melts against him. But then what? He isn't ready for a relationship. He isn't ready to fall in love. But if he keeps seeing her, that’s exactly what would happen. He knows it deep down; she is definitely someone that he would fall in love with. He can't do it. He can't make himself vulnerable like that again. Dayne curses and heads back into the house.
Chapter 12
Vance has finally gone a full week without any nightmares. He's been seeing a therapist for three weeks now, every other day. He wants to ask Melina to move in with him, but he needs these nightmares under control first. It’s already bad enough that he sleeps on the couch whenever she spends the night.
Vance has been put on desk duty until the shrink clears him to return to the field. The phone on Vance's work desk rings. It comes up as “unknown” on his caller ID. He frowns. Usually unknown calls coming into the station get disconnected. Vance hesitantly picks the receiver up and puts it to his ear.
“Are you just going to give up on me so quickly, Detective? Things are just starting to get good,” a deep voice made by a voice changer says into the phone.
Vance pales. He swallows hard. “Who the fuck is this?” he snarls.
“Wouldn't you like to know?” The eerily deep voice chuckles. “Actually, I'm your worst nightmare, Vance, and I'm just getting started.”
“How do you know my name?” Vance snaps.
“Oh, please. Ask me a harder question, like who am I going after next? I'm thinking that pretty little girlfriend of yours, Melina,” the voice says nonchalantly.
Vance's whole body starts to shake with fury. “You touch one hair on her head and I will hunt you down and FUCKING KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!” Vance screams the last part into the phone, causing everyone in the office to look over at him.
The voice laughs creepily. “You crack me up, Vance. Oh, by the way, how's your faggot brother and his little butt buddy doing?”
Vance clutches the phone, his stomach turning. “You better not have touched my brother you sick fuck!” Vance grinds out through clenched teeth.
“I think it's too late for that threat,” the voice says cold and deadly, then hangs up.
Vance drops the phone, grabs his keys, and runs out of the station to his car. He hears Shawn yell to him, but he’s too harried to stop to tell him what’s going on.
“Come on! I’ll explain in the car!” he barks at Shawn.
As they race to his house, Vance fills Shawn in on the phone call. He has Shawn call in for back up, while he calls Melina at work.
“Hey, baby,” she answers.
“Melina! Oh thank fuckin’ god! Listen, I don’t want you going anywhere alone, understand?” Vance says, his tone frantic.
“Okay, what's going on?” she asks, fear creating an edge in her voice.
“I just got a phone call from the killer. He threatened you and my brother. I'm on my way home. I think he might have done something to Xander and Bryan,” Vance chokes out.
“Oh my god,” she breathes.
“Just don't go anywhere until I call you, okay?” Vance says.
“Okay, be careful, I love you,” Melina squeaks.
“I love you, too,” Vance says and hangs up.
He then calls Mia and tells her and Landon to gather up the girls and go straight to their parents’ house. He promises to explain everything later, but just asks her to trust him, and of course, she complies.
Frantically, he calls Xander’s cell phone, no answer. Bryan is also a no answer. Along with Dayne, Ryder, and Tripp. Vance is flying through traffic to get to his house. Oh god, if he comes home to his friends and brother dead, he will go fucking crazy. Melina will have to put him into a mental institution.
As Vance pulls onto his street, he knows immediately that something is wrong. Everything looks normal, but he can just feel it, like a weight pressing on his chest. He pulls into the driveway, parks, and they both quickly hop out of the car. They shut their doors as quietly as possible and draw their weapons. They’ve be
en partners long enough to do things without having to speak. Vance slowly makes his way through the open garage, while Shawn heads to the back of the house. Vance gets to the door that leads to the kitchen and listens for a moment. It is quiet. Too quiet. Dread washes over him as he opens the door, gun raised.
Vance lets out an anguished cry at the sight before him. On the floor at his feet is Ryder, beaten and bloodied. His face is a mess, and he is just covered in blood. Vance crouches down next to him and checks his pulse. He’s still alive and breathing. He can see his chest moving up and down. Thank fucking god.
Vance slowly stands, gun at the ready, as he moves forward into the kitchen. The next person he sees is Dayne. He’s on the floor, slumped over against the fridge, also beaten badly. Vance checks his pulse. It’s a little faint, and he will need help soon. Vance's heart is pounding so hard, so afraid of what else he will find. He moves through the rest of the kitchen and living room, which are empty.
The foyer is also clear, so he starts up the stairs. When he reaches the top, Tripp is lying face down, a small pool of blood forming under his head. Vance swallows back bile as he reaches for Tripp's wrist. He exhales in relief when he feels a pulse. He has no idea where the blood is coming from, but he doesn't want to move him in fear of making it worse. Vance pulls out his cell phone and texts Shawn, telling him that the first floor is clear. He doesn't want to call and be heard in case whoever did this is still in the house.
Vance steps over Tripp and moves down the hallway, checking each room to make sure they’re clear. So far, they are all empty. Vance now stands in front of Bryan's bedroom door. He opens it slowly, gun up. Bryan is lying in the fetal position on the floor at the foot of the bed. Vance moves in farther. It isn't until he gets up close that he sees Bryan's intestines are pouring out of a slash that extends from hip to hip. His skin is white as paper, and the pool of blood around him is confirmation that he’s dead. There is no way that he could have survived being disemboweled like that.
Vance looks on the bed to find his brother. He rushes over to Xander, whose arms are tied to the headboard. He’s naked and has some deep gashes all over his body. He’s unconscious, but he’s definitely alive. His chest moves up and down as he breathes. Vance's knees almost give out, he’s so relieved that his brother is alive. He quickly unties Xander's hands then strokes his hair. Xander is going to be devastated that Bryan is dead.
Just then, Shawn comes into the room. “Aw, shit,” he bites out as he sees Bryan.
“Shawn, check the third floor, I haven’t had a chance,” Vance says.
“On it,” Shawn replies and heads out of the room.
Within minutes, the house is swarming with police and EMTs. Ryder, Dayne, Tripp, and Xander are all taken to the hospital. Vance rides with Xander in the ambulance. He calls Melina on the way, tells her what’s happening, and then lets her know that a marked unit is going to pick her up and bring her to the hospital so he can keep an eye on her. There’s no way he’s going to let her drive alone with a murderer still on the loose. He then calls his parents and Mia to fill them in on everything. He also sends a uniformed officer to either pick them up, or stay with them as added protection. Their choice.
Vance is pacing back and forth in the waiting room when Melina walks in. He didn’t tell her about Bryan over the phone because he knows that she’ll be upset and he wants to be able to comfort her.
“Van! Honey, are you okay?” Melina frowns as she hugs him.
“Yeah, babe, I'm okay,” Vance murmurs into her hair.
“Are the guys okay?” Melina asks as she pulls back to look up at him.
“Ah, so far Tripp is the worst. He has a fractured skull, which they are worried about because his brain could swell, so he’s in intensive care. He also has a broken knee. Dayne has a bad concussion, broken cheekbone and jaw, and some bruising on his right kidney. Ryder has a broken eye socket and left clavicle. He also has a slight concussion. And Xander has to get multiple gashes stitched up. His right wrist is broken, and he has a dislocated left shoulder.”
“Jesus Christ, how about Bryan? Is he okay?” Melina asks.
Vance shakes his head. “Baby, Bryan didn't make it,” he says softly and brushes her hair back from her face.
Melina's bottom lip starts to quiver and her eyes well up. “What? What do you mean he didn't make it?”
“He was beaten to death, and Xander was forced to watch,” Vance replies gently, not wanting to tell Melina that Bryan was actually disemboweled.
“Oh god,” Melina breathes and buries her face in Vance's chest.
Vance holds her, rubs her back with one hand as she cries, and rests his cheek on the top of her head. After a couple of minutes, Vance's parents and sister walk into the waiting room. Melina quickly pulls herself together as they all trade hugs and kisses.
Vance is talking to his mom when Tripp's dad and stepmom walk in. Vance excuses himself and walks over to meet them. Tripp’s dad shakes his hand as they stop in front of each other. “Vance, how are ya, son?” he asks.
“Could be better,” Vance replies.
Vance then gives Tripp’s stepmom a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Vance, darling.”
“How's my son?” he asks grimly.
“Alive,” Vance grunts.
Tripp’s dad shakes his head. “Jesus,” he breathes. “What the hell happened?”
“It's my fault. There’s some lunatic serial killer on the loose and he's decided to target my family because I stopped working his case,” Vance replies.
“Van, don't do that. Don’t blame yourself, it's not your fault,” he says sternly, grabbing Vance's shoulders and giving him a little shake.
Vance shakes his head, his eyes welling up with tears. If Tripp doesn't make it, Vance will never forgive himself. Tripp’s dad sighs and pulls Vance into a hug. Vance refuses to break down, though. He'll do that later when he’s alone with Melina.
Dayne's dad is next to arrive. Dayne's mother passed away from breast cancer four years ago. Vance lets Tripp’s father go and meets Dayne’s as he walks up. Anyone who sees Dayne’s dad would never think that Dayne is his son. Where Dayne is rough and badass looking, his father is prim and business like, including his haircut and glasses. He almost always wears a shirt, tie, and dress pants.
“Van, buddy, you alright?” he asks as he pulls Vance into a hug.
Vance hugs him back. “I'm fine,” Vance chokes out.
“Good, how's Dayne?” he asks next as they separate.
“He's okay; although, he's gonna be pissed that they’re wiring his jaw shut. But that’s the only way to ensure that it heals properly,” Vance says.
Dayne’s father agrees. “Great.”
Vance then hears a female voice call Tripp’s father’s name. Vance glances toward the door to see Tripp's mother walking quickly over to Tripp’s father and stepmother. His mom and dad divorced back when Tripp was ten. They’ve remained amicable, though, because the split was mutual. Vance watches as Tripp’s dad hugs his mom and speaks softly to her. When Tripp’s dad lets her go, she and his stepmom hug. Tripp really is lucky that his parents still get along and that they are both okay with the other's wife/husband. So really, Tripp has four parents who love him to death. Plus, he has two more brothers from his dad, and a little sister from his mom and her husband.
Next to walk in are Ryder's parents. Vance excuses himself from Dayne’s father then walks over to meet them. He talks with them for a while until the doctor overseeing all of the guys comes in to talk to everyone. He explains each guy's condition to his parents and assures them all that they will all recover. Even Tripp is expected to be okay.
It’s another hour before they can see the guys. Vance and Melina go with his parents and Mia to see Xander. When they walk into his room, Xander turns a drugged gaze toward them. As soon as he sees Vance, he lets out a sob and reaches for him. Vance rushes over and hugs him.
“He's dead! Bryan's dead! Oh god, Va
n, I watched him die!” Xander sobs against Vance's chest.
Vance holds him tightly and strokes his hair. “I know, Xan. I'm so sorry,” Vance whispers in a shaky voice. “I need you to think, baby brother. I know it’s hard, but is there anything you can remember? You’re the only witness, and could be the key to catching this sicko,” Vance pleads.
Xander nods in understanding, tears streaming down his face. “He was wearing a ski mask, so I couldn’t see his face. But, he had a tattoo on his forearm. Some kind of anchor or something. Maybe an eagle? And his voice…it almost sounded familiar. I know I’ve heard it before,” he tells Vance.
Vance smiles proudly at his brother. “Very good, bud. Anything else? Did he say anything in particular?” Vance prompts.
Xander nods emphatically this time. “Yeah. Something like, ‘I always knew you were a fag.’ What does that mean, V? That he’s known me for a while?”
“I don’t know, man. But I’m gonna find out. I’m officially back on this case.”
Xander cries and Vance just holds him. He doesn't even know how long they are like that, but when Xander finally stops, he practically passes out from exhaustion. Vance lays him back on the bed and turns to look at his parents and Melina. His mom is tucked under his dad's right arm and Melina is tucked under his left. Both women are crying quietly.
Vance stands and holds his hand out for Melina. She takes his hand and lets him pull her up against him. “I wanna go check on the guys,” Vance murmurs.
His parents nod as they move to Xander's bedside. Vance leads Melina out of the room and down the hall to where Dayne is. When they walk into his room, his dad is pulling Dayne’s hair into a ponytail on top of his head. Dayne is pinching the bridge of his nose. His face is one big bruise. His right cheek is swollen and black and blue, and so is his jaw.
“Oh, hey, Vance,” Dayne’s dad says, glancing over as he finishes Dayne's hair.
“Hey,” Vance says quietly and walks over to the bed with Melina.
“Who is this lovely lady?” his dad asks and comes around the bed to shake Melina's hand.