On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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On Jason's Watch [Paladin Protection Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 7

by Hayes, Susan

  She was still trying to form a good retort when his mouth closed over her lace-covered breast and she lost the ability to think. There was nothing but the heat of his touch and the gentle pinch of his teeth as he teased the fast-hardening bud of her nipple. She felt herself arching her back, pressing herself against his lips. His fingers stroked along her flank before moving beneath her, and she felt him release the clasp of her bra just as his teeth raked over her again. She cried out at the exquisite torment and arched higher this time, using the leverage of her bonds to lift herself. The silk ties were too soft and the fabric too wide to bite into her skin with any discomfort, so she wrapped her fingers around each silken length and hung on.

  Jase bared her breasts and then cursed as he realized he’d tied her hands, making it impossible to remove her bra completely.

  “Rookie mistake,” she heard him mutter as he slid the straps up her arms and over her head, leaving it to dangle over her forearms.

  “Technical difficulties?” she asked, amazed she had found the wit to tease him.

  “You just hush.” He sealed her mouth with a kiss that drove her newly returned wits back into hiding and made her pussy throb until she had to squeeze her thighs together to ease the ache. His tongue danced with hers and she forgot to breathe until her lungs burned and she had to break their kiss to gasp for air. His hands were on her breasts, stroking and teasing. She felt like she was vibrating, trembling on the edge of something new and wonderful.

  He moved, and she wanted to protest the loss of his kisses, but then his mouth was feasting at her nipple again and she was moaning his name. Again he took her to the edge, and this time her wolf rose up to join them. She heard the changes in her voice, the way her words carried a low rumble that threatened to turn to a full-throated growl. She was about to stop him, to use the safe word he’d teasingly given her when she realized that nothing else had changed. She was still in control. The beast was present, but that was all.

  As if he realized what had happened Jase moved again and kissed her, and this time she threw herself into her response. She let go, and nothing happened. The wolf didn’t take control. When his kiss ended, she grinned up at him. “Untie me, Jase.”

  “Not just yet. I’m not done enjoying this,” he told her and rolled onto his back, making quick work of his clothing. Before she could see more than a tantalizing glimpse of his naked body and fully erect cock, he was back at her side, her bonds making it impossible for her to get a good look.

  He started kissing his way down her body again, pausing to give each pert nipple a moment’s attention before moving lower. His mouth brushed over the soft mound of her stomach, and she twisted to one side, painfully aware of every imperfection and extra pound.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered against her skin. “So incredibly beautiful.” He ran his tongue around her navel and then continued lower, blazing a trail of scorching kisses as he went. She felt his teeth close on the lace of her panties. She wanted to pull away, but the wolf pushed in her mind and she found herself arching her hips instead. His hands and mouth tugged at the lace, and she had to bite back a howl of frustration as every touch came so close to where she needed him but never quite made contact. He slid her panties down her legs, and then she was naked, laid bare to his gaze.

  Jase groaned softly and nuzzled at her thigh, his hands gently parting her legs. She lifted her head to watch, and he smiled at her before licking his lips and lowering his head to her aching pussy. He drew his tongue across the seam of her labia, and the sensation was like nothing she’d ever known. Still gasping from that initial contact, her senses went into overdrive when he pressed his mouth into her pussy and swirled his tongue around her clit. She couldn’t fight back the howl of pleasure that exploded from her chest, and she bucked her hips against his mouth, craving more. Both woman and wolf wanted the same thing, and the needs of one blended into the demands of the other. As he began a slow and sensuous assault, she let her fear go and surrendered to the moment.

  His every touch made her shiver, and she knew she was wetter and hotter than she had ever been in her life. She’d never dared to let herself go this far when she masturbated. She wasn’t even sure she could have made herself feel like this if she’d tried. His tongue toyed with her clit and his hands spread her pussy wide, letting his breath flow over her slick flesh.

  She heard herself moan and she tilted her hips, trying to increase the pressure of his mouth on her clit. He groaned in encouragement and redoubled his efforts, sucking her clit hard and teasing it with just the tip of his tongue. She started to shudder as the pleasure became too much. As her orgasm bloomed, he slid a finger deep inside her cunt and pushed her even further over the edge of control. She growled and then cried out as the world fractured into a place of pure sensation, and she was lost.

  When she came back to herself, she felt the telltale burn that told her she’d partially transformed, but she quickly realized it was only her claws and fangs that had shifted, nothing more. She hadn’t lost control. Panting, she opened her eyes and found Jase staring down at her.

  “Show me.” He brushed a finger over her lips, leaving a trace of her own juices behind. She licked her lips and tasted herself and she saw his eyes flare with lust as the tip of her tongue traced the path of his finger.

  She opened her mouth and let him see the fangs, part of her already bracing herself for the moment he recoiled. He had to see it now. She was a monster.

  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he kissed her, his tongue stroking down the length of each fang in an erotic exploration.

  Wonder filled her and she returned his kiss, realizing her senses were even more heightened now. His scent was rich and warm, and she could smell his desire for her clearly. The musky tang of pheromones filled her nose, and it triggered another flood of honey to her pussy, making her even more ready for him.

  “Jase.” She whispered his name, not sure how to ask for what she needed.

  He untied her and smoothed his hands up her arms, releasing them from both silk and lace. “Tell me you want this.”


  “Then hang onto me, sweetheart. I really need to be inside you now.” It was his turn to growl as he tore open a condom wrapper and sheathed himself in it before moving between her legs. He reached for her ankles and lifted them, coaxing her to wrap her legs around his hips. Her hands clutched around his powerful shoulders, and she held her breath as she felt the thick head of his cock press into her. He moved with painful slowness, and she knew it was because he didn’t want to hurt her. She wriggled her hips, and he groaned loudly in response. Suddenly out of patience, Jazz tightened her legs and brought them together with just enough supernatural strength to make sure he couldn’t resist. As he filled her, she let out a growl of triumph. The pleasure of it all far outweighing the slight pinch of pain as her body yielded to his.

  “That’s cheating,” he told her, his words a breathless chuckle by her ear.

  “If it works, use it.” She threw his words of earlier back at him. She couldn’t stop smiling, even though it was hard to breathe and even harder to think. Every movement caused a delicious shift in their bodies, and she wanted him to move. Her wolf wanted him to claim her, and she was in total agreement. They both needed him, right now.

  She shifted her hips again, and a ripple of pure pleasure washed over her. “Jase, please!”

  His mouth crashed down onto hers, his kiss almost brutal as he rocked his hips back and then thrust himself deep. She felt him groan into her mouth, and then he was moving in earnest, his body teaching hers the moves to the most ancient of dances. At first he was careful, his movements controlled. He moved over her in a slow rhythm that she quickly learned to match. His cock stretched and filled her, making her gasp with pleasure at every stroke.

  She felt her eyes sting, and she realized she was crying. Joy and wonder at finally being able to experience this moment filled her heart and made the moment into something she’
d cherish forever. Her lips parted, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him with complete abandon.

  Her passionate response ignited something in Jase, and he groaned deep in his chest. His every move grew more forceful, and the heat between them climbed until she felt like she was burning up from the inside out. He whispered her name as he pumped his cock into her over and over, the single word becoming a chant as his control slipped, and then slipped again. His thrusts came harder, the pace faster. Soon they were racing each other for the finish line, instinct overtaking every semblance of control. Her entire body was ablaze by the time she came, and if her screams of passion were more animal than human, she truly didn’t care.

  Jase finished soon after she did, and she watched him come with fascination, loving the way he looked as he lost himself in the moment of orgasm. Only after, when they were tangled in each other’s arms and struggling to catch their breath, did she realize that there were traces of blood on her fingertips.

  “Did I hurt you?” she asked, suddenly terrified of what she might have done.

  “No.” Jase lifted his head from her chest and shot her an intent look. “You did not hurt me. You scratched me, that’s all. I didn’t even feel it until a minute ago.” He grinned. “I’m going to need to change in my office instead of the locker room until it heals. I can’t brag about where I got them until you’re not our client anymore. Remington would kill me.”

  “You’d brag?” She blinked up at him, stunned.

  “Hell yes. And the moment I can, I’m going to tell everyone exactly how I got them.”

  “I don’t think they’ll believe you banged a virgin werewolf.” She hadn’t meant to say it like that, but the idea of him bragging about what they’d just shared made her feel ashamed and angry.

  His green eyes widened, and then she felt his hand on her cheek. “Jazz, it’s not like that. That was the most incredible, hottest sex I’ve ever had, and I want to do it again. I want you tonight, tomorrow, and every day next week. I want every man I know to be jealous that I’m the one you picked to be with. You being a werewolf is not the point. You being a smoking hot babe, that’s the part I want to brag about. Got it?”

  The hurt faded, and with it went her anger. “Got it.”

  His expression turned smug as he looked down at her. “I would like to point out that you are not a slavering werewolf at the moment either. I was right. You don’t have to be afraid of what you are. You need to embrace it.”

  “I’d argue, but I’ve just learned that it’s very hard to argue with someone when you’re naked and tangled up with them.”

  “Then we’re going to get tangled up a lot, sweetheart. At least until you stop fighting me on this. I know I’m right. You just need to accept it.”

  She burst into a fit of giggles. “Does that line of logic ever work?”

  “Not so far, but to be honest, I’ve never tried it before. Let’s call it an experiment in progress.”

  He moved, and the moment their bodies parted, she sighed, feeling as though she’d lost something.

  “I’m not going far, sweetheart. But I do think we’d be more comfortable under the covers.”

  He folded back his side of the bed and patted the sheets. “You come over here, and I’ll join you in a second.”

  She scooted over, tugging the blankets up as she watched him disappear through yet another doorway. She heard the sound of water running and realized he’d gone into an en suite bathroom.

  When he came back out, she was waiting. She wanted to know what he looked like. She’d barely gotten a glimpse before, and she was curious to know if his body looked as good as it had felt under her hands. As the light fell on his lean, muscled form, she caught herself licking her lips in approval. He looked even better than she’d imagined.

  Aware of her eyes on him, Jase just gave her a wicked little grin, as he turned off the overhead light. He flipped on a bedside lamp before joining her in the bed, his big body curving around hers as he drew her back into his arms.

  “You were so busy worrying about me I never got to ask you. Are you all right? Do you need anything?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Better than fine. That’s the first time I’ve ever transformed and it didn’t hurt like hell. I barely noticed when I changed back.”

  “It hurts?” She could hear the concern in his voice, and his arms tightened a little more, holding her close.

  “Yes. The transformation to the wolf is not nearly as painful as the hybrid. I don’t know why. Both transformations are draining, though. I always need to rest afterward.”

  “Are you tired now?”

  “Not right now, no. I’m too happy to be tired,” she answered him honestly and was rewarded with a soft kiss to her bare shoulder.

  “You have the most beautiful skin.” His lips grazed over her shoulder again.

  “You can thank my mother for that. She was Egyptian. My father used to tease me that we looked like sisters, and there was nothing of him in my looks at all.”

  “Have you ever been there?”

  “They took me there once when I was a little girl. I don’t remember very much. Just lots of smiling relatives and days that were so hot I could hardly bear it.”

  “One day, maybe I’ll take you to see it. I’ve been a few times. I liked it there.”

  “And how are we getting there? I can’t fly.”

  “You can’t fly yet,” he corrected her and then added, “and you can’t argue with me. We’re naked and tangled up again.”

  “I think you’re abusing that rule already.”

  “Remington’s rule number one. If it works, use it. Remember?” He was silent for a minute and then asked her something that surprised her. “Would you show me what you look like as a wolf sometime? I don’t like knowing it will hurt you, but I’d like to see you in that form. I want to know everything about you.”

  “You really want to see me like that?”

  “I really do. You don’t scare me, Jazz. Nothing about you does.”

  All her insecurities screamed in protest, but she knew what her answer would be. He was going to see the others eventually. There was no point in hiding anything anymore. “All right, if you let me up, I’ll show you right now.”

  “Now? Are you sure?”

  She laughed and wriggled out from under his arm. “I said yes, didn’t I? You’re not so charming I couldn’t manage to tell you no if I didn’t want to. But if I do this, you have to promise me you’ll answer a question when it’s done.”

  He lifted his arm, freeing her completely. “That sounds fair. If you show me your wolf, I’ll answer your question.”

  “Okay.” She moved away and then pointed to the bathroom door. “I’m not ready to let you see me transform. It’s not pretty. No woman wants to suddenly sprout hair and claws in front of a hot guy. I’ll go into the bathroom, and come out when it’s done.”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with. But just for the record? I’m not going to be weirded out by fur and fangs. I promise.”

  “We’ll see.” She pressed a kiss to his lips and walked to the bathroom, trying to ignore the fact she was naked. What the hell was she doing? she asked herself as she stepped out of his line of sight. But she knew she needed to do this. He deserved to know. He had to see what she was, a monster in human guise.

  Chapter 7

  She walked into his bathroom, and he couldn’t help but admire her lush curves as she went. As she flipped on the light, her body was cast into silhouette, and he felt a hit of pure lust arrow through him. I’ve got it bad.

  He heard the sound of water running, and when it stopped, he had to fight back the urge to sneak a peek, despite agreeing to let her transform in privacy. Shadows moved in the other room, and then he heard her voice. It started as a soft sound that rolled into a long, drawn out mewl of pain. The hairs on his neck and arms stood up, and he was halfway out of the bed and heading for the bathroom door when the sound cut off. If anythi
ng, the silence was worse.

  “Jazz?” he called out to her as he sat back down on the edge of the bed. “Tell me you’re okay, sweetheart.”

  Something moved in the bathroom, and he heard a strange clicking noise. It took him a moment to realize it was the sound of nails hitting the tiled floor. Then she was standing in the doorway, and Jase had to fight the instinct to retreat. There was a wolf in his house. She took a tentative step into the bedroom, watching him intently. The wolf had her eyes, golden and full of doubts. Once he recognized her within the wolf, he knew what he had to do.

  He moved off the bed and crouched down beside it, never taking his eyes off of her. “Come here. I want to see you.”

  Her ears flicked forward, and she took a few more steps toward him, her eyes still wary.

  “You can still understand me?” he asked, feeling foolish for not clarifying that detail before she’d changed. The wolf nodded her head slightly in affirmation. “Well, good, I’d feel pretty dumb if I were here talking to myself.”

  Jazz chuffed softly, and for a moment, he could have sworn she was laughing.

  “You’re the prettiest wolf I’ve ever seen.” Her coat was a gleaming sable with traces of gray and white on her ears and muzzle. He estimated she weighed more than she did as a human. Her wolf form was large and well muscled beneath her fur. He held out a hand to her, and she moved closer, ducking her head under his hand.

  Without thinking, he scratched her ear as though she were a dog and then froze when he’d realized what he’d done. “Okay, I’ll admit this is a little strange.”

  She made the same soft chuffing noise as before, and this time he was certain it was the wolf-version of laughter. She nudged his hand with her muzzle and then licked his fingers, and he knew she was teasing him. “Now you’re just messing with me.”

  He caught a warning gleam of mischief in her eyes, and the next thing he knew, he was on his back, staring up at her. She was standing on his shoulders, mouth open in what was an undeniable grin. Before he could move, she lowered her muzzle and licked his face, leaving him laughing and sputtering as he went to wipe his cheek.


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