Book Read Free

The House of Islam

Page 32

by Ed Husain

  Harfiyya (literalism) here, here

  Hasafi Benevolent Society here

  Hasafiyyah Sufi order here

  Hasan, Imam here, here, here, here

  Hasan II, King, of Morocco here

  Hasanain, Sheikh here

  Hazleton, Lesley here

  Hebrew Bible here

  Henry VIII, King here

  Hezbollah here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here protect shrine of Sayyida here

  hijab here, here, here

  Hind here

  Hindus here, here, here Aurangzeb’s lover here, here

  and Indian uprising here

  Hishmet (modesty) here

  Hizb ut-Tahrir here

  Hobbes, Thomas here

  Holbach, Baron d’ here

  Holocaust here, here, here

  homosexuality here, here, here, here

  honeymoons here

  hospitality here, here

  hospitals and orphanages here

  Humayun, Emperor here

  Hurr Al-Riyahi here

  Husain, Imam here, here, here

  Husain, Sharif here, here

  al-Husri, Sati here

  Hussein, Saddam here, here, here, here, here, here

  Hussein, Taha here

  hygiene (washing) here, here

  ibn al-Aas, Amr here

  Ibn Abbas, Abdullah here, here

  Ibn Abi Sarh, Abdullah here

  Ibn Arabi, Muhyiddin here, here, here

  Ibn Battuta, Muhammad here

  Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Imam here, here, here

  Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, Imam here, here, here

  Ibn Katheer here

  Ibn Khaldun here, here

  Ibn Rushd (Averroes) here, here

  ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz here

  ibn Saud, Mohamed here, here

  Ibn Taymiyya Imam here, here, here

  Ijma (Muslim consensus) here

  ijtihad (reasoning) here, here, here, here, here

  Ikhwan here, here

  India division of here

  Indian uprising here

  practice of Jharokha Darshan here

  Indonesia abortion rate here

  education system here

  and spread of Islam here

  and women’s rights here

  infanticide, abolition of here

  Institut d’Egypte here

  Intiqal (transport to afterlife) here

  Iqbal, Allama here

  Iranian ‘Green Movement’ here

  Iran–Iraq War here

  Ishmael here, here, here

  ISIS here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here capital at Raqqa here

  descent from Kharijites here, here, here

  and jihadism here, here

  and sexual slavery here, here

  and sharia here, here

  target shrine of Sayyida here

  Islam birth of here

  five pillars of here

  global spread of here

  and leadership here

  nature of here

  perceived relationship to terror here

  and religion here

  and religious leadership here

  Shahadah (declaration of faith) here, here

  and social ascendance here

  ‘spread by the sword’ here

  Islamic Jihad here

  Islamism (Islamists) here see also jihadism

  Ismailis here

  Israel here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here boycott movement here, here, here

  registration of patents here, here

  security wall here, here

  settlements here

  see also Palestinian conflict

  Ithna Asharis (‘Twelvers’) here

  al-Jabarti, Abd al-Rahman here

  Jahanara, Princess here, here, here, here

  Jahangir, Emperor here, here

  Jamaat-e Islami here

  Janissaries here

  al-Jawzi, Ibn al-Qayyum here

  Jerusalem here, here Al-Aqsa Mosque here, here, here

  Dome of the Rock here, here

  fall of here

  Jesus Christ here, here, here, here betrayed by Judas here

  Ibn Arabi and here

  Jews here, here, here, here, here, here, here and belief in afterlife here

  global population here

  Orthodox here

  sharia and here

  al-Jifri, Habib ali here

  jihad justified here, here

  Muslim Brotherhood and here

  and slavery here

  see alsojihadism

  al-Jihad al-Islami here

  jihadism (jihadis) here, here and afterlife here

  countering here

  Muslim victims of here

  and pornography here

  and scientific education here

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali here

  jizya poll tax here

  John of Damascus here, here

  Justinian II, Emperor here

  al-Juwayni, Imam here, here

  Jyllands-Posten here

  Ka’bah here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  kafir (non-believer) here, here, here

  al-Kalbani, Sheikh Adel here

  Kama Sutra here

  Kant, Immanuel here

  karama (dignity) here

  Karbala here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Kassir, Samir here, here, here

  al-Kawakibi, Abd al-Rahman here

  Kerry, John here

  Khadija, Lady here, here, here

  Khaibar, battle of here

  Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa, Prince here

  Khameini, Ali here, here

  Khan, Mohamed Sidique here

  Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali here, here

  khanqahs (hospices) here, here

  Kharijites here, here, here, here, here

  Khawaisira, Dhil here

  Khayyam, Omar here, here, here, here

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah here, here, here

  khums (fifths) here

  al-Kindi here

  Kissinger, Henry here, here

  Kugle, Scott Siraj al-Haqq here

  Kuleli incident here

  Kuwait, Iraqi occupation of here

  laïcité here, here, here

  Lasselves, Antoine here

  Lawrence, D. H., here

  Lawrence, T. E., here

  Lenin, Vladimir here

  Leo the Great, Pope here

  Logan, Lara here

  London bombings here, here

  Luther, Martin here

  Luxor massacre here

  madrasas here, here

  Mahdi, the here, here

  Mahmut II, Sultan here

  Maimonides, Rabbi here, here

  Malik, Imam here, here

  Malik Shah, King here

  Maliki school here, here

  al-Mansur, Caliph here

  Manucci, Niccolao here

  Manzikert, battle of here

  marriage here, here

  Marshall Plan for Middle East here

  martyrdom here

  Marx, Karl here, here, here, here

  Marxism here

  masjid here

  Maududi, Abul-Ala here

  Mecca, schoolgirls burned to death here, here

  Mehmet, Sultan here

  Mevlevi Sufi order here, here

  Mian Mir, Baba here

  Middle East Union, proposed here

  Mill, James here

  Mill, John Stuart here

  al-Misri, Aziz Ali here

  Mohamed, Prophet here, here and afterlife here, here

  and Arab pride here

  attitude to Jews here

  his birthday here, here

  caricatures of here

  designated al-ameen here

  and education here

  entry into Yathrib here

  and five pillars of Islam here

n Abbas and here

  Ibn Arabi and here

  and Jerusalem here

  and jihad here, here

  last sermon here, here, here

  and legal decisions here

  and male dress and grooming here

  and martyrdom here

  mocked in French theatre here, here

  outlaws Harb as name here

  peaceful return to Mecca here

  private life here

  and respect for mothers here

  response to insults here, here

  Shifa (biography) here

  and status of women here, here

  and ‘strangers’ here

  and succession here, here, here

  warns against secessionists here, here

  Mohamed V, King, of Morocco here

  Mohamed bin Qasim, General here

  Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, Shah here

  Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, Sheikh here

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh here

  Mongol invasions here, here

  Morsi, Mohamed here, here, here, here

  Moses here, here, here, here, here

  Mosque of Omar here

  Mount Arafat here

  Mount Hira here

  Mouride Sufi order here

  Mu‘awiya, Caliph here, here, here

  Mu’arrikh (historians) here

  Muadh bin Jabal here, here, here

  Mubarak, Hosni here, here, here, here, here

  muezzin, first here

  Mufassir (Quranic scholars) here

  Mughals end of empire here, here

  and Sufi influence here

  Muhaddith (hadith scholars) here

  Mujiri children here

  Mumtaz Mahal here

  music and singing here, here Qawwali music here, here, here

  Muslim Brotherhood here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and assassinations here

  and centre-right politics here

  growth in numbers here

  influence of Sufism here

  and pluralism here

  suppression of here

  ‘Muslim Rastas’ here

  Muslims global population here, here

  importance of traditions and customs here

  intolerance of dissent here

  and political leadership here

  victims of jihadism here

  and war here

  Mustafa IV, Sultan here

  Mustafa Reshid Pasha here

  Mutaib bin Abdullah al-Saud, Prince here

  Mutazilites here

  Muwahhidun (monotheists) here, here

  Nahrawan, battle of here

  Naila, Lady here

  Naím, Moisés here

  Naimi, Abdullah here

  Najranis here

  Nakba (catastrophe) here

  names, Muslim here

  Napoleon Bonaparte here, here, here, here, here, here

  Naqshbandi Sufi order here, here

  Nasrallah, Hasan here

  Nasser, Gamal Abdul here, here, here, here

  nation-states, and European order here

  Nazism here, here

  N’Dour, Youssou here

  Nelson, Admiral Lord here

  Newton, Isaac here

  Nicholas I, Tsar here

  Nietzsche, Friedrich here, here, here

  Nimr al-Nimr, Sheikh here

  niqab here

  North Korea here, here

  Nukrashi Pasha here

  Omar, Caliph here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC) here, here

  Orthodox Christians here, here

  Ottoman Empire and Balkan revolt here, here, here

  bans Salafis here

  ‘Charter of Alliance’ here

  collapse of here, here

  foundation of here

  ‘millet’ system here

  Tanzimat reforms here

  welcomes Jews here, here

  Pakistan and alcohol here

  and Arab–Israeli conflict here

  anti-Semitism here

  blasphemy laws here

  education system here, here, here

  hatred for Christians here

  international distrust of here

  status of clerics here

  and Sufism here

  and women’s rights here, here, here

  Palestinian conflict here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Palmerston, Lord here

  Palmyra here, here

  parents, respect for here

  Peace of Westphalia here

  pirs (Sufi teachers) here

  Plassey, battle of here

  Plato here, here

  poetry here, here love poetry here, here

  polytheism here, here see also Shirk

  pornography here, here

  prayers and praying here, here Salafi here

  Sunni and Shi‘a here

  printing here, here

  punishments here, here, here, here, here, here

  Puritans here, here, here

  Pushkin, Alexander here

  Qabbani, Nizar here

  Qadir al-Jalani, Abdul here

  Qadiri Sufi order here, here, here, here

  Qadisiya, battle of here

  al-Qadri, Shaikh Muhammad Tahir here, here

  al-Qaradawi, Sheikh Yusuf here, here

  al-Qarawiyyin University here

  Qasim (son of Imam Hasan) here

  Qiblah (direction of Mecca) here

  Quilliam, Abdullah here

  Quran ambiguity and metaphor here

  and afterlife here

  Asbab al-Nuzul (reasons for revelation) here

  broadcast recitations here

  and education here, here

  al-Fatiha (opening) here

  honours Jews here

  and jihad here, here

  and kosher food here

  memorisation of here, here

  Napoleonic manuscripts here

  nature of here

  prohibition on suicide here

  revelation to Mohamed here, here

  and rivers of Paradise here

  and sex here

  and violence here

  Quraysh tribe here

  al-Qurtubi, Imam here

  Qutb, Sayyed here

  Rabia Adawiyya (Rabia of Basra) here

  Al-Rahman (attribute of God) here

  raki, national drink of Turkey here

  Ramadan here, here, here

  Rania, Queen, of Jordan here

  Al Rashid tribe here

  Rawafid (‘rejectors’), here

  al-Raziq, Ali Abd here

  Regent’s Park Mosque here

  Richard I (the Lionheart), King here, here

  Rida, Muhammad Rashid here

  risalah (prophethood of Mohamed) here

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques here, here, here

  Rumi, Jalaluddin here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here love poetry here

  Rushdie, Salman here, here, here

  Russell, Bertrand here

  Russian Empire, collapse of here, here

  Russian Muslims here

  sadaqah jariah (continuous charity) here

  Sadat, Anwar here, here, here, here, here

  al-Sadiq, Ja’far here

  al-Sadr, Moqtada here

  Safiyya, Lady here

  Safwan (companion of the Prophet) here

  Said, Khaled here, here

  St John’s Gospel here

  St Paul here, here

  St Paul’s Cathedral here

  St Sephronius here

  Sakina bint al-Husain here

  Saladin here, here, here, here, here

  Salafism (Salafists) (also Wahhabism, Wahhabis) here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here countering here

  and education here, here

  opposition to culture here

  opposition to Sufism here, here, here, herer />
  and prayer here

  and scientific education here

  and sex tourism here

  and sharia here, here, here, here

  and women’s rights here

  see also jihadism

  Salman, King, of Saudi Arabia here, here

  Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa, Prince here

  Saltut, Sheikh Mahmud here

  samurai, Japanese here

  Sardar, Ziauddin here

  Sarkozy, Nicolas here

  Sarmad the Jew here

  al-Saud, Abdul Aziz here

  Saudi Arabia and alcohol here

  and al-Qaeda here

  and Arab–Israeli conflict here

  attitudes to sex here, here

  ban on Bibles here

  ban on birthday celebrations here

  banned books here, here

  care of the elderly here

  Christians in here

  constitution here

  destruction of historic sites here

  education system here, here

  hatred for Shi‘a here

  intolerance of dissent here

  promotion of Wahhabism here, here

  religious police here, here

  and Sunni–Shi‘a schism here

  universities here, here, here

  and women’s rights here, here

  Sayyida Zeinab, shrine of here

  Selim III, Sultan here

  Senegal here

  September 11 attacks here, here, here, here

  sex and sexuality here ritual bathing after sex here

  sex tourism here

  Sha‘arawi, Huda here

  al-Shabab here

  Shadhili Sufi order here, here

  Shafak, Elif here, here

  al-Shaf’i, Imam Idris here

  Shaf’i school here, here

  Shah Jahan, Emperor here, here, here, here, here

  Shah, Idries here

  Shahzad, Faisal here

  Shams of Tabriz here, here, here

  sharia here and abortion here

  five principles of here

  four schools of here, here

  and ikhtilaf (difference of opinion) here, here

  and jihad here

  Maqasid (Higher Objectives) here, here, here, here, here

  Wahhabi interpretation of here

  al-Shater, Khairat here

  al-Shatibi, Imam here, here

  Shi‘a customs and beliefs here

  dogma of Taqiyya (secrecy) here, here

  and Salafis here, here

  Saudi hatred for here

  Sunni–Shi‘a schism here

  and temporary marriages here

  Shimr here

  Shirk (idolatry or polytheism) here, here


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