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Nikoli (Full Novel)

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by K. J. Dahlen

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About K.J Dahlen


  Book Nine

  Bratva Blood Brothers


  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  K.J. Dahlen


  Book Nine

  Bratva Blood Brothers Series

  Copyright © 2019

  Editor: Leanore Elliott

  Book Design & Cover: Wicked Muse


  Now that K.J Dahlen is out on her own, she will be releasing new books at her WEBSITE

  Books for 2019/2020

  Sin's Bastards MC Next Generation

  Book 6: Byron 2/15

  Book 7: Hound

  Book 8: Dante

  Book 9: Iceman-

  Book 10: The Kids

  Whiskey Bend Series

  Book Five- Under his protection- Jinx

  Book Six- Shadow

  Book Seven- Cooper

  Book Eight- Bender

  Bratva Blood Brothers

  Kosta Book Eight 1/15

  Nikoli Nine 2/3

  Nicky Book Ten

  Sergi Book Eleven

  Misha Twelve

  Timor Felix Book Thirteen

  Kirill Fourteen

  Book Fifteen Leads Into A New Series Shadow Demons

  The Advocates

  Book One --Jackel

  Book Two--Hades

  Book Three--- Aries

  Book Four

  Book Five

  VIM- Payback Series

  Book One

  Book Two

  Book Three

  Book Four

  Book Five

  Book Six

  Lost Sons Series

  Creed’s Return A Full Novel 1-11-19

  Jack 2/30/19








  Bratva Enforcers- The Nomands

  Book One Viktor(Chapters Are Free At My Website)

  Book Two Ivan

  Book Three Adrik

  Book Four Andrey

  Book Five- Grisha

  Book Six- Matvey

  To get KJ’s unique Book Bling & all her latest books visit>>>


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  Daily Suspense In MC & Mafia Romance

  Chapter One

  Nikoli poured himself a healthy amount of vodka into a glass of ice and walked over to the window overlooking the city below. Lights twinkled from houses and offices near his own penthouse and blurred from a distance. The sounds of traffic went unheard as he watched the red tail lights disappear from sight, going on and off in every direction.

  New York City was one town that never slept. It was always constantly moving as the inhabitants went about their daily or nightly business. He’d watched over the city now for twenty-three years. Nikoli frowned Had it really been twenty-three years since that first flight from Moscow?’

  His mind slipped back in time and he watched as the six of them boarded the plane that would bring them here. All six of them were young and virile men, Himself, Yuri, Barshan, Sazon, Roman and Mikial.

  He saw his own reflection in the glass and noted that twenty-three years had changed him very little. He still had mostly dark hair although there was silver at his temples now and his beard was graying too. His silvery blue eyes now had crows’ feet at the corners but he was still as fit as he ever was. His shoulders were broader now than they had been back then. His shoulders were more muscled and his arms were huge. He was still a good six feet three inches tall but was more refined now than before. He was no longer the young man he was back then, now he was older and so much wiser.

  Gazing off into the distance, he remembered the very significant day he had found the five brothers… one very cold night in Russia. A night, he would probably never forget.

  ~* * * *~

  When the door opened and Nikoli had walked in, all five boys were hidden in the shadows watching him as he’d moved further into the room. He had come in alone but he wasn’t all that concerned about his own wellbeing.

  Nikoli stopped in the middle of the room. He looked around the shabby run down gym and simply cocked an eyebrow. He searched the shadows and finally found the boys lurking there. He nodded at each one but didn’t say a word to any of them until he found all five.

  Then he straightened his shoulders and addressed them, “Zdravstvuj,” he greeted hello. “My name is Nikoli Silvanic. Recently, I’ve heard of you five and I want to know more about you.”

  “Just what have you heard?” Yuri called out without revealing himself.

  Nikoli smiled. “I’ve heard that you have taken on the leadership of the Silver Fish, Igor Gustave, and that you’re willing to do battle against him. Voyna, war…” He paused then asked, “May I ask why you’ve targeted him and his gang?”

  Yuri smiled as he answered Nikoli’s question, “He disrespected a friend of ours. We’re teaching the man how to respect his betters.”

  Nikoli snorted. “The man has no respect for anyone but himself. Udači! Good luck with that.”

  “What can we do for you, Mr. Bogach?” Roman finally asked.

  Nikoli chuckled. “Mr. Money Bags?” He snorted. “Not hardly.”

  “What can we do for you, Mr. Silvanic?” Yuri finally asked.

  “I don’t know if you know who I am, but your struggle with the Silver Fish has not gone unnoticed,” Nikoli replied.

  “Not gone unnoticed by whom?” Sazon wanted to know.

  “I’m Bratva,” Nikoli admitted.

  “Nyet! I think you should turn around and leave this place.” Yuri growled. “Menja v pokoe! You aren’t wanted here. Noka… just say goodbye.”

  Nikoli exhaled a deep breath. “All I ask is that you hear me out.”

  “There is nothing you can say that will ever change our minds about the Bratva,” Yuri informed him. “They are nothing but bullies pushing other people around and taking what they want.”

  Nikoli shook his head. “You don’t know that. Maybe that’s the way they ran things years ago, but the Bratva is changing. It just all takes time.”

  “So what the hell do you want with us?” Roman asked.

  “The five of you are a force that’s been recognized as something that could be big.” Nikoli gazed at each of them as he spoke, “Apart, you are only one person but together, you are a wall that no one can crush. I want to train you on how the world works. I want you to work for me.”

  “Don’t you need someone’s permission for that?” Barshan sneered.

  Nikoli growled. “We are not animals, despite what you seem to have heard. The old days are gone, hopefully for good but the Bratva isn’t the
dirty word it used to be anymore. Yes, we are an organization to be reckoned with but we aren’t like we used to be. We have become civilized much to our older generations discord.”

  “We still do not want anything to do with you or your organization,” Yuri told him. “We do just fine on our own.”

  “Did you know that Igor Gustave is planning on burning this building down to the ground? And that before he does that, he’s going to trap the five on you inside?” Nikoli asked softly. “He really wants all of you gone. He’s afraid that you are giving the people in this area hope again and that’s the last thing he wants. He wants everyone afraid of him, afraid to stand up to him, afraid to do something to piss off his tiny minded plans. ”

  “How did you know that?” Roman asked.

  “The Bratva is everywhere and we hear rumors too,” Nikoli assured him. “Igor is really getting mad at the five of you and he wants his pound of flesh, meaning he wants you all dead.” He shrugged. “He’s not exactly making that a secret. He’s also willing to pay for any information on any of you. He’s trying to find someone to betray you. He thinks he can become bigger than the Bratva. In fact, he wants to take over the entire city and challenge us for the power.”

  Yuri snorted. “There is no one any of us can call family if that’s what’s your wondering about. The five of us are alone. Except for the man who once lived here. And Igor beat him to death about three weeks ago.”

  Nikoli nodded. “Da…I know. The Bratva doesn’t usually step in to situations like this one but I want you five to work for me. I want you on my team and I will help you destroy Igor and the Silver Fish to get that.”

  Yuri cocked his head and stared at the man for a moment. “Zachem? Why? Why us? What do you think we can do for the Bratva that no one else can do?”

  Nikoli stared at him for a moment then said, “I think you can bring a sense of what’s right and wrong to the Bratva. I’ll admit I looked into your backgrounds and I couldn’t find much there. In fact, I couldn’t find anything written on paper about any of you. But I’ve been watching you for a while now and I like the way the people around here protect you. There has to be a reason for that. A reason for that kind of loyalty. They won’t talk about it, not to me and not to the Silver Fish. Especially not to the Silver Fish. I’ve seen you guys helping everyone you come into contact with, even if it’s only a smile you give them. You make them feel better. Ty sil'nyy… you are strong. They know someone out there is watching over them and they return the favor. That type of thing is very important to me. It tells me what kind of people you guys are.”

  “And what kind of people are we?” Mikial asked.

  Nikoli hesitated for a moment then answered the question put to him, “You are the kind of people that despite having nothing of their own, you give the little bit of extra to people around you. You make them feel safe. You stand up for the little person on the streets, yet you’re tough when you need to be.”

  “So what?” Sazon shrugged. “Ja ne ponimaju. I don’t understand why you care.”

  “I want that for my team,” Nikoli admitted. “Sergi Constantine the leader of the Bratva for most of Russia has given me permission to build my own team and I want the five of you on it. I think we could really go places together.”

  “You’re still a crime syndicate,” Mikial reminded him.

  Nikoli nodded. “Da, we are, but like I said, the Bratva is changing. You can be a part of that change, if you dare to take that step.”

  “Nyet. We have to take care of Igor first,” Yuri said. “Then give us time to talk this over between ourselves and we’ll get back to you.”

  Nikoli nodded. “Alright, I can live with that but if you like, I can help with Igor. In fact, it would be my pleasure to stick it to him. He’s been a plague on this city long enough.”

  “And what could you do?” Roman asked.

  Nikoli turned his head slowly to glare at him. “I could wipe him and his fucking Silver Fish off the map. Even if you take out Igor, there is always another one to take his place. The next one might not be the right one to lead the gang either. In fact, he might just make it tougher to live here. Right now, the Silver Fish only rule the streets in this part of the city. But they are like a plague to this city. They are spreading out slowly but steady and soon, they will be everywhere. You not only have to kill the big snake you have to take out the whole nest of snakes, if you really want to clean up this city.”

  “And this man Sergi Constantine, he’s really okay with you taking us on?” Yuri asked. “I mean if we chose to come on board with you? I know you said he was but what will he think of you taking on five unknown boys for this job?”

  Nikoli nodded. “Da. He is. He told me it was my team and that I could get whoever I wished.”

  “And if you ask us to do something we don’t want to do?” Mikial asked.

  Nikoli shrugged. “If you can tell me why you won’t do it and make your argument a good one, I can and will be reasonable. But you have to tell me why and come up with another plan to convince me.”

  “There are certain things we cannot let go,” Roman stated. “We will not kill and we will not entertain crimes against the innocent, especially children and women. I know some women sell their bodies and if that’s what they chose as a way to make a living that’s their chose isn’t it? But I cannot be part of something that would force a woman to do that.”

  “God forbid,” Nikoli agreed. “Children have a hard enough time simply growing up in this day and age. I know there are those out there that would exploit them for their own gain. I am not one of those people. And like you said, some women choose to sell themselves to men for money. I cannot force a woman to do that either.” He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a card. He held it out.

  After a moment, Yuri came out of the shadows to confront him. He stared into Nikoli’s eyes and took the card from his fingers. “Can I ask what you would do to wipe out the Fish? That may be exactly what we need to do.”

  “Da, I really think it is,” Nikoli agreed. “Because I can tell you one thing, if you don’t, they will keep coming after you until they end up killing all of you. They will take you out one at a time or all together but they will not allow you to live. Smert'…death. Of this, Sergi and I are sure.”

  Yuri nodded. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Roman and Barshan stepped out of the shadows as well as Sazon and Mikial. “We all were thinking the same thing.”

  Nikoli stared at them. “It’s not something that I like but sometimes it is necessary. I don’t like to ever think about ending another person’s life but when it’s you or them and them happens to be a man like Igor Gustave.” He shrugged. “The choice is a simple one. Igor is a slimy little snake. He has outlived his usefulness and the only ones that will miss him are those that will die with him. To tell you the truth, I’m not ever sure they would miss a man like him.”

  “And will your boss, this Sergi guy be okay with this?” Sazon asked.

  Nikoli chuckled. “Da. Sergi is the one who suggested it actually. He said that would accomplish two things at the same time. It would break up the discontent in the city and help to convince you to join us. He’s noticed you as well.”

  Yuri looked at his brothers and frowned. “I’m not sure I like that idea. It’s more than a little creepy to think people are watching you and judging you by your actions.”

  Nikoli grinned. “It’s not a bad thing in any way. The Bratva has noticed you because you give people hope when they had none. Times in this country are changing, some of them are good changes and some are not. Everyone can feel these changes and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. The Bratva must change as well and we are trying but we need men like you to help us bring these changes around. Please consider this idea. Požalujsta?”

  The boys were surprised that a man like this had said please.

  Yuri held his hand up. “Let us deal with Igor first, then we can let you know what we want to

  Nikoli nodded. “Fair enough. Now, let’s talk about how to deal with the Silver Fish.”

  ~* * * *~

  Nikoli had never forgotten the night he met all five of them. They were rag tag, young and fierce. He’d known they would all be the strongest addition yet to the Bratva and they had been. After 6 years of training and having them work inside the Bratva, he brought them to America and here they were…all a success in their own right, with mates and children. Time had been kind to them all. They had made him and Sergi proud over the years as well.

  All of them had done extremely well for themselves. He was here in New York and the others were in New Orleans. They were their homelands representatives in all matters Bratva.

  The people here respected them as such. New York was a hotbed of organized crime syndicates, you had the Russian, such as Nikoli, The Ukraines, the Italians, the Chinese, the Japanese, ect., ect. ect. He snorted as he thought about it.

  New York could claim two UN’s one public and one not so public, but there all the same and each one fighting for its own place in the hierarchy of the city and the world.

  Nikoli swirled the drink in his hand and took a healthy swallow. He thought he was ready to be on his own back then. He shook his head remembering his first few months here. Alone, he never would have made it, but he had the others, and he had his good friend Kosta. Kosta had watched his back while he got his feet firmly planted. Kosta and his brother Kirill. Kirill was still part of his staff and that man would have a home with Nikoli for the rest of his life. They had another brother Felix but Felix had stayed behind as a small piece of Sergi’s staff.

  Nikoli didn’t know if he could live without Kirill around. All three Grigori brothers were loyal to their jobs and Bratva bosses. Kosta had gone willingly with Yuri and the others. He took his job as security very personal. Nikoli never doubted that for a moment. Which was why he insisted on both men coming over with him. Now that all his brothers were settled with wives and children of their own Nikoli felt really alone. His wife had been murdered so long ago and while he had his son back after a lifetime of being missing, he still felt alone.


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