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Bad Boy Boxed Set

Page 8

by Whiskey, D. G.

  “Interesting. The bank would never even consider putting a room like this in. It doesn’t occur to the corporate types that placing a haven of distraction in the middle of a work environment might improve employee morale and encourage harder work when not on break.”

  Kat nodded. “Mmhm. It’s a different world, that’s for sure. Now this room here is the server room, and that’s where the algorithms and everything are held and all the magic happens.”

  I stepped up to the door and looked through the window. Rows of computers sat in metal racks, wires bundled neatly and running in thick cables through the walls. The handle was locked, but it didn’t look like it had any special security on it.

  “Bathrooms are here, just your standard office affairs. There are other ones in the building’s gym that have showers and everything.”

  “Makes sense. If you come in before work, you wouldn’t want to be sweaty all day.”

  “Exactly,” Kat nodded. “And for some people who ride their bikes in every day, they want to take a shower after. Finally, here are the offices for the management, and this one is mine.”

  She held the door open for me. Instead of stepping through, I dropped the duffel bag and put my hands on her hips. I pressed her back against the door, pinning her there.

  Kat lifted her face to mine, bringing her lips within striking distance. They were soft as ever, waiting for me to capture them. We’d kissed enough times that the chemistry was automatic—there was no awkward bumping of teeth or mismatched timing of mouths. The joining of our lips was a Broadway play, the best of the best, an all-star event.

  I loosed a low, animalistic groan and Kat responded with her own moan in return. My hand found her neck and the other her thigh, pulling her leg up until it wrapped around me. We pressed into each other as if we could force our bodies together and join into one.

  I broke the kiss, hand still on Kat’s neck and controlling her head. I waited until she opened her eyes.

  “Do you trust me?”

  It took only a shadow of a moment before she nodded. “Of course.”


  I recaptured her mouth and turned her around, guiding her backward until her ass bumped into the wide meeting table that dominated a third of the room. Then I bent over to pick something out of the duffel bag on the ground.

  A fluttering piece of black silk streamed out of the side pocket, a bare wisp of fabric.

  “What is that?” Kat asked, her voice low with the sultry rasp it got when she was turned on.

  I didn’t answer, but instead brought the silk to her face, wrapping it around and tying it at the back.

  “Can you see?”

  Kat shook her head. “Can’t see a damn thing. Pitch black in here.”


  I traced my fingers along her arms until they arrived at her neck. Goosebumps pebbled her skin in response, the sensations heightened by not being able to see where I would go next. Kat wore a dress that exposed a healthy amount of cleavage, so I drew my fingertips over the erotic skin next, barely grazing her.

  She let me caress her, biting her lip as I kept her guessing. When my hands went to the zip of her dress next, she spoke.

  “Wait, James, this isn’t a good idea. This is my office. We shouldn’t do this here.”

  I leaned in and hovered my lips next to her ear. “Do you trust me?”

  Then I took her earlobe delicately between my teeth and pulled slightly.

  Kat moaned and whispered, “Yes.”

  With a slow, smooth motion, I drew down the zipper that held her dress up, and assisted gravity’s gentle pull until it puddled on the ground. Kat had to stand up from where she leaned against the table to let the garment slide past her voluptuous ass.

  Stripping the dress from her lithe body revealed the bra and panty set she wore underneath. The satiny blue underwear accentuated the curves of her body. They could stay for now.

  “Lean back,” I said as I pushed Kat gently on the chest with one hand and supported her back with the other.

  She lay back until horizontal on the tabletop, allowing me to do with her what I wished.

  Next from the bag were coils of rope. I pulled Kat’s arms straight overhead and used the rope to tie them loosely in that direction. Her legs received the same treatment, tied so that she couldn’t move too much but had some freedom to shift around.

  “James, you’re driving me crazy,” she said. Her heart beat against her chest so hard that I could count her pulse. Her legs and arms constantly shifted, testing the bonds, moving around as if she couldn’t contain the way her body felt.

  The way she lay there, like a puzzle waiting to be solved, was impossible to resist. I ran my fingers up her thighs, along her inner arm, skimming along the skin of her jaw. Never long enough to track, always so light that she could barely tell the difference between my touch and her imagination. If I did it right, she would feel dozens of phantom fingers stroking her body, unable to tell the difference between reality and her own mind.

  My mouth joined the fray, planting light kisses, small licks, tiny nibbles. Always in different locations, never in an identifiable pattern. Kat thrashed as I teased her, moaning loudly at each small stimulus, her senses heightened beyond belief.

  “Oh, God,” she said. “What’s happening?”

  I didn’t respond, unwilling to break the spell for her. When I’d been at work for over twenty minutes, I escalated the situation.

  Her bra was in the way of my goal of bringing her ever closer to her peak, and it would be next to impossible to remove it properly with her tied to the table the way she was. Instead, I grabbed it in my fist and gave it a sudden, sharp yank with all my strength.

  Stitches popped and fabric tore as the bra ripped asunder, breaking into multiple pieces and revealing her breasts in a dramatic fashion.

  “Oh!” Kat moaned, pulling tight against the rope. “Fuck, James…”

  I returned to teasing her body, this time able to bring her breasts and nipples into play. Like a master pianist, I built the tension and the volume, playing Kat’s body like an instrument and bringing it to a crescendo.

  Fucking Kat wasn’t my only goal, however. There were still other matters to attend to.

  Two more things came out of the duffel bag. The first was a set of earphones hooked up to a music player. I set them around Kat’s ears.

  “Wha… what’s going on?” she asked. I flicked the music on so she couldn't hear anything other than the sensual sounds of slow R&B. “Oh.”

  The next and final item would make sure that she barely missed my absence. It was a small bullet of satiny silicone that came with a remote. Since Kat’s panties were still on, I pulled them open long enough to place the bullet inside, nestled next to her clit.

  When I pressed a button on the remote, a low buzzing sound sprang to life in Kat’s panties, and she gasped and sat up as much as her bonds allowed.

  “Holy fuck!” Kat tried to speak more, but the words came out in an unintelligible garble. She lay back onto the table, squirming as the vibe in her panties stole all her attention.

  She looked so sexy on the table, blindfolded and tied down, pleasure thrumming through her body.

  Stay right there.

  I picked up a small pouch from the duffel bag and left the room.


  ~ Kat ~

  Oh… Holy… Fuck…

  The vibrator worked in different patterns, alternating a series of low and quick vibrations with a long, hard buzz. It felt incredible, but that was only part of what turned me on more than I’d ever been in my life.

  A slow jam from The Weeknd played in my ears and I couldn’t see. That didn’t even mention the ropes that held my arms and legs captive. And the biggest turn on that made me unspeakably horny—James standing there, watching me hover on the edge of madness.

  I was on display, and never could have imagined how sexy that was. I arched my back a little more, moaned a little louder, bit
my lip a little harder for the benefit of my audience of one, trying to force him to take things further, lose control the way I’d given up mine.

  James’ fingers hadn’t touched me since the vibrator started its work, so when they returned to stroke my skin, it pushed me higher. My skin was flush with electricity, and sparks flew every time he touched me. I’d never felt such pleasure from a simple touch, but after such a long period of teasing and denial, every shift of the air felt like a warm caress.

  “Yes, like that,” I said, coaxing James along even though I couldn’t hear anything except the music that built me up along with it.

  A mouth joined the hands, licking my inner thigh, making my leg kick involuntarily in response. I’d lost control of my body and its reactions, unable to predict how a simple kiss could blow my mind.

  When his mouth locked onto a nipple just as the vibrator spiraled into a new, high-intensity burst of speed, I shivered and trembled on the brink of climax. It was huge, I could feel it there, waiting—it would be the hardest I’ve ever come in my life. I’d never been teased like this, and it was paying off for James—and me.

  “Almost there,” I whispered. Or did I think it? It didn’t matter, all that mattered was holding on for just one… more…

  The vibrator stopped.

  I groaned. It had been so close.

  After just long enough for my body to cool down from the bright, hot edge of insanity, the vibrator started again on a low setting, gentle pulses that didn’t come close to matching the intensity of before.

  It wasn’t fair. I growled.

  Just then, something warm and heavy filled my hand. It was hard but covered with silky smooth skin.

  Oh, my God!

  I closed my hand around it and stroked to check if it was what I thought it was—it couldn’t be anything else.

  Even having felt it through his pants and having seen the bulge, it felt so much larger than I had imagined.

  Fuck, that’s sexy.

  James had finally let me touch him, and I wouldn’t let go. The soft skin moved easily over the hard core of his cock—something about the feeling so primal and satisfying. There was only one problem, and that was how it wasn’t yet inside of me.

  “Why won’t you fuck me?” I still didn’t know if it was a good idea, but I was so far past the point of being able to make a rational decision about it that I didn’t care.

  If James replied, I couldn’t hear it through the music. I thought about hitting him instead of holding him, but that would have the opposite effect of what I wanted.

  You’ll be begging for it by the time I fuck you.

  James’ words from the other night. They’d stuck in my mind, and for good reason. He kept his promises.

  I knew what I had to do.

  “Please fuck me, James. I need to feel you inside of me. Please, give me your cock. Slide into me and let me have you.”

  I hadn’t talked dirty in a long time, but I just had to open my mouth and the words came out. There was something about asking for him to fuck me that made me feel like such a bad girl—although having sex in my office at work added a whole layer on top of that, not to mention being tied to the table.

  The vibrator turned off and the smooth silicone disappeared from my panties. I lifted my hips, eager to help James slide them off.

  He didn’t bother. The tiny slip of fabric went the same way as the bra earlier, although the panties were so much flimsier that they offered barely any resistance. I hardly even felt them as they snapped off.

  My pussy convulsed at the action. He was so strong, so dominant. In that moment, it felt like he could take whatever he wanted.

  What he wanted was me.

  “Fuck me,” I said, egging him on. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was right there. “Do it, James. I need to feel you. Please, fill me.”

  My pussy was on fire, super sensitive from the teasing and the vibrator. When James rubbed his cock along my lips, it was almost enough to make me scream out loud. My hips raised involuntarily, and I pushed myself toward him.

  “Please, I need it. Fuck me now, James.”

  I could feel the stretch in my lips as he pushed into my entrance, spreading me open. He eased his way in, creeping inside. It was slow, but it felt incredibly intense and breath was scarce as I struggled to allow my internal muscles to relax. James was big, and I felt every inch of him as he sank all the way inside of me.

  “Oh, fuck.” I spread my legs as far as the ropes would allow to let him settle in between my hips.

  When his thighs finally pressed against my own, I could barely believe how intense the sensation was. The tremendous climax from earlier built again, this time even higher and more intense.

  James slid back out, his shaft feeling almost as good leaving as it did entering, pushing me to the edge of orgasm. As he reversed direction to sink in once more, the familiar buzz of the vibrator started once more on my clit, the final piece that brought me over the edge and crystallized all the sensations flooding my body into a massive, interconnected series of shocks.

  “I’m coming!” I announced it, but the words so drastically undersold the extent of the drama unfolding within my body. Seas parted, mountains moved, lightning struck, and volcanos erupted all within my skin and behind the blindfold.

  If I could have wrapped my limbs around James and held him tight, I would have. Instead I settled for straining at the ropes as hard as I could, muscles clenching as relentless waves of pleasure washed over me, a tsunami sweeping away all resistance to the inevitable.

  I rode it out as best I could, and all the while James continued to move inside of me, his hard thickness forcing my muscles apart and stretching me, adding to the explosive pleasure.

  Finally, I settled into a state of post-orgasmic bliss the likes of which I’d never felt. Like a rag that had been wrung dry, I collapsed back onto the table. James had removed the vibe just before the point it would have been too painfully sensitive to feel good, but his cock continued to stroke inside of me, and without even a break to catch my breath, his thrusts sparked a series of smaller but still intense climaxes.

  As a result of the blindfold around my eyes and the earphones in my ears, the world had shrunk to what I could smell, what I could taste, and what I could feel. James climbed over top of me and kissed me as he slowed his hips to a leisurely pace. His nearness was overwhelming, making it clear that he was the man who had reduced me to such a base version of myself—a woman in need of a man.

  James caressed my body, his hands never quitting in their quest to make me feel like a queen being attended to. His mouth latched onto my neck, and his thrusts became more urgent, more passionate. This differed from the deep and steady pace that had sent me over the edge. This was more human, intimate. The forging of an acute connection between us.

  We worked together, as I shifted my hips up into his, bringing us closer as we each rode that sweet friction to our end. The pace picked up and became frenetic. Even though I couldn’t hear it past the music, I knew the office must have echoed with the primal sound of skin slapping on skin as we neared the peak and I crested it once more.

  James drove me through my orgasm and then pulled out. Hot splashes of liquid landed on the skin of my taut stomach and full breasts, and one blast even caught me in the chin as the lust pent up within James over the past hour of teasing spent itself on my body.

  The earphone lifted from my right ear. “I’ll run to the bathroom and get some paper towels.”

  I just nodded, unable to do anything more. I was exhausted. The teasing felt like it had gone on for hours, and the sex itself had lasted so much longer than any of my previous encounters that it wasn’t even a comparison.

  Allowed to lay back and escape stimulation, with slow, sensual music on and a blindfold blocking the harsh fluorescent lights, I nodded off into a dreamless state—floating in an endless sea of relaxation. Muscles that had been tensed for so long were now limp, and happy chemicals flooded my
brain in the aftermath of a few life-changing orgasms.

  All too soon, James was back and wiped me down, removing the evidence of his climax. The ropes around my ankles and wrists loosened one after the other.

  “Wow." I stretched my arms as far as they could and curled up, reaching to remove the blindfold. “That was so much more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  James wore a satisfied smirk along with a pair of jeans. I couldn’t begrudge him the expression—he’d dominated me and owned my body. It had done things for him that I hadn’t even known it could do.

  “I’m glad to hear you had a good time. You are a sexy woman, Kat, and I appreciate that you trusted me enough to let me do that with you.”

  My stomach grumbled, and I looked down, shocked. It did it again, more insistent.

  “I swear I’m just hungry, it’s not asking for more sex!”

  James laughed. “We did forget the burritos, didn’t we?”

  “Kind of.” I smiled. “We could eat them now, if you were okay with sticking around?”

  I checked the time. Eleven o’clock. It was so much later than I wanted it to be.

  And I still have so much work to do on those numbers to present to Nick tomorrow.

  James looked at his watch. “I actually should get going, I have some work I need to attend to. I’m glad you let me come by and see you, though.”

  “I had little choice in the matter, did I?”

  He took me in his arms and kissed me again. It wasn’t the inferno that had characterized every kiss to this point—more of a banked flame, still warm and ready to build again when needed.

  “You chose to trust me.”


  ~ James ~

  The walk back to the condo from ARCANE’s headquarters was short—too short. It was impossible to process what had just happened by the time I walked through the front doors of the building.


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