Twisted Intentions

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Twisted Intentions Page 20

by Danielle James

  I kept lapping at her nectar and she kept flowing onto my face and fingers. I was worried that I wouldn’t know when she came but she was very vocal. “Oh my god. Laurel! I’m coming!” She grabbed my hair so hard I let out a moan of my own. I could feel her walls grip my fingers in a powerful orgasm and I couldn’t help but smile at my handy work.

  I gave Chris an orgasm.

  From the sounds and the looks of it, I gave her a good one too. “Oh my god!” She let out a pent up breath and started laughing happily. “What the hell got into you, Laurel?”

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to make you feel as good as you make me feel all the time.”

  “I make you feel that good?” She giggled. I just nodded in response. She made me feel so good, so good I would miss her horribly when I went away to school. I would miss her chocolate skin and bright smile. I would miss her laugh and how fiery she was.

  Thinking about it all made tears well up in my eyes. Chris looked at me and frowned. “Why are you crying?” She asked me.

  “I’m going to miss you so much this fall.” I sniffled. “I really care a lot about you, Christina.”

  “Laurel you’re gonna make me mess up my makeup!” She squealed and fanned her face with her hands. Now she was crying too. We embraced in a long hug. “Why do you have to go away to school?” She pouted.

  “I’ll be back to visit so much it’ll be like I never left,” I assured her.

  “You better.”

  “Just don’t forget about me,” I warned with an outstretched finger.

  “Um, after what you just did? I don’t think I’ll be forgetting about you.” She snorted. I just loved the way her nose crinkled when she got really into a laugh.

  We shared a long kiss and she made sure to return the favor before we went to New Grace to meet up with Camilla and Xavier.

  Camilla told me to meet them in the main church. She was trying her best to keep Xavier and Emmanuel separated but Xavier insisted on coming to pick her up at New Grace. I was expecting the ultimate face off and I was worried the entire time we drove. I couldn’t tell Chris why though.

  There certainly was what seemed like commotion in the main church when we walked in. A crowd of staff was standing around like moths to a flame, but there was no drama thank God. Instead, I heard a very familiar voice. A voice that used to give me butterflies. It was Xavier.

  I had forgotten how fluent he was with the Bible. He stood, commanding everyone’s attention the same way he did in Biblical Philosophy. “Now let’s look at the two Mary’s in Jesus’ life: Mary his mother and his alleged partner Mary Magdalene.” The crowd murmured at his theory, but they wouldn’t dare challenge him. He looked everyone in the eye and they all stopped murmuring. “If we’re looking at this from a purely philosophical point then what archetype do we see represented?” He scanned the growing crowd. More people poured in from the side door and I wondered when the hell so many people started working here. I saw Camilla standing off to the side looking less interested in what Xavier was saying and more interested in him. Christina had moved away from me and gravitated closer to Xavier. “Anybody?” Xavier asked again. “The duality found in all women: Mother and Wife. The struggle for that balance to be right and walk the right line. You with me? Jesus represents the perfect and whole path as he always does. Perfect for mother Mary to tend to and dote on, perfect for wife Mary to submit to and thus explaining the role of women in an allegorical tale as well as literal. Women don’t have to wonder or contest their role if they’re true Christians. It’s all spelled out in the Bible.”

  I clapped and clapped until my hands were sore, but it was drowned out by everyone cheering, especially the women. I couldn’t blame them.

  Mr. Lomax made a stupid decision firing him. He was an amazing philosopher.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  From the media engineering room I watched on the screens as Xavier commanded the entire working staff of New Grace on my stage like he owned the shit. I folded my arms across my chest and leaned back in a chair with a smile.

  He reminded Camilla of me.

  I didn’t know if she knew that, but that’s definitely what the attraction was.

  As I watched him work the stage like a seasoned pro, he reminded me of when I was younger. When he was done, the cheers that came from the church were so loud I could clearly hear them without the equipment.

  His theory was brilliant and it was just trying enough to piss some people off, but it would make them think at the same time. I stopped recording and rubbed my hand over my chin. I knew Camilla wanted me nowhere near him but I would have to ignore her wishes this time. I waited until the staff cleared out and only Laurel, Chris and Camilla were left. I ignored the territorial feelings rising in my chest when I saw Camilla hugging him. There was work to do. When she saw me, her green eyes grew wide.

  “Son, I’m Pastor Scott. We’ve met before at Trinity Prep, right?” I saw the anger in his eyes but he hid it well as he shook my hand with an extra firm grip.

  “Yes, sir. Xavier Sanders.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you.” I glanced at Camilla and she looked like she wanted to pop. “Camilla, go sit with your sister while I talk to this young man.” She turned on her heel without a word and sat down in a pew. Xavier’s jaw flexed but he followed me into my office. “Xavier, what did you teach at Trinity before you got fired?” I couldn’t help pushing his buttons. It was highly entertaining.

  “Biblical Philosophy. Why?”

  “Just watch this.” I played him back the recording of his impromptu speech and he watched, intrigued. I paused it and looked back to him. “I’m gonna be honest with you, the last time a crowd gathered that quick to hear someone speak the word was when I was younger. You’ve got the gift.” I pulled out papers from my drawers and set them on my desk. “So you got fired for…” I let my words hang in the air and he smirked arrogantly at me.

  “Fucking a student.” I didn’t expect him to be so blunt, but it made things more interesting for me. He was young and cocky and easy to piss off. I nodded my head and smiled at him.

  “Not just any student. You were fucking Camilla. Right? Still fucking her?” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His hands gripped the armrests like he was ready to pounce. “Look, let’s cut the bullshit. She’s with you. I know that, okay son? I’m not out to take her from you. Calm down.”

  “Then what the fuck do you have me in here for?”

  “I want to offer you a job.”

  “No.” He blurted. I knew he would say that. So hot headed and predictable. I pushed the papers over to him and he read the figure I’d written down. He tried to hide his shock, but you couldn’t deny the pull of money. I knew that better than anyone.

  “Son, a fresh new preacher like you, with your views? You could command a crowd almost as big as I do with some work. This one million dollar annual salary is just entry level and it doesn’t include endorsements. It’s also tax free.” He looked impressed.

  “I can’t work with you, man. I just can’t. Even if it wasn’t for Camilla…I’m an atheist.” That one caught me by surprise. I leaned back in my chair and a slow smile crept across my face. I liked Xavier.

  “So am I, son.” Now it was his turn to lean back.

  “You’re bullshitting.”


  “How did you build all of this if you don’t believe?”

  “How did you pull every damn staff member in this building to listen to you when you don’t believe?” I asked. He rubbed his hands over his face and sighed heavily.

  “I feel like I’m making a deal with the devil. No. I can’t. You’re fucking Camilla.”

  “So are you.”

  “Exactly! Her father just signed a deal to preach didn’t he?”

  “Yes. I need one more person to fill out my roster. You’re that person.”

  “I’m not.” He kept looking at the figure on the paper though. I placed a pen i
n front of him and clasped my hands together.

  “I don’t want Camilla. I like you two together.”

  “Will you stop fucking her?” He asked with a raised brow.

  “Will you preach here?” He shifted around again and groaned in frustration. “You’ll barely see me. Don’t let your emotions make you lose out an opportunity you’ll never see again.” His fingers held the pen and I watched, wondering if he would decide with his heart or his head. An entry salary of 1 million dollars was hard for anyone to pass up. Even a love struck, hot head that was fucking the same woman I was.

  He decided with his head. When the ink dried, I shook his hand and slapped him on the back. “Welcome to the New Grace family, Xavier.”

  I walked the young man back out to the main church where I’d called the staff to gather for an announcement. Xavier looked fairly confident in his decision and I knew he thought he had a leg up on me because I was so enthralled by his orating skills. He didn’t know the half of it though. With him working at New Grace I could control and see everything. I could see his blossoming relationship with Camilla; I could control his money, his fame, his time, and his pussy. I’m sure Xavier thought he could keep me close as an enemy but the game was so much deeper than that.

  I saw him as an ally if he played his cards right. He would bring in millions to my church and in turn I wouldn’t keep Camilla on that short of a leash. I’d be generous. Her pussy was still under my control though.

  Camilla looked sick to her stomach when she saw Xavier stand beside me on stage. I took a mic down and turned it on, when it crackled to life, so did I. “What’s going on, New Grace family?” Everyone’s faces brightened and smiled at me. “So, how many of y’all were out here listening to this young man preach such a thought provoking word?”

  Everyone raised their hands enthusiastically. It fueled Xavier and he smiled and nodded at them. He was just like me when I was his age. “Good! I’m glad you were. I know y’all didn’t see me; I was probably the only one that wasn’t out here. I see everything though.” I looked directly at Camilla who looked like an episode was looming on the horizon.

  I would gladly fuck her in the same office her boyfriend signed his deal in.

  “Yes Lord, you see it all Pastor!” Janine, a cute chubby assistant praised me from the pews. I nodded in her direction.

  “I can see a lot of souls that need to hear Assistant Pastor Sanders speak that good word. Amen?”




  Camilla shot to her feet. Xavier and I noticed her at the same time. Both our eyes trained on her. I made a motion with my hand and she sat. He glanced at me and clenched his fists tight. So I clapped my hand down on his shoulder more firmly than what was called for. “Then I need for y’all to welcome our new Assistant pastor into our family with open arms. Show him the same love you showed Assistant Pastor White. We are really blessed in this family today!” Xavier clapped his hands and smiled at everyone. I’m sure he’d have no shortage of females on the staff throwing pussy at him. He was a light skin pretty boy with dimples. In knowing that I knew Camilla would always have a reason to run back to my dick.

  Once everyone died down, I spoke again. “Now, y’all know just because we have a new pastor doesn’t mean I’m leaving y’all high and dry. No matter who blesses our New Grace family I’m always here.” I looked at Camilla. “I will always be here.”

  “Yes Pastor Scott! We love you!” They shouted gleefully.

  “And you know I love you back.” I chuckled. “Let’s get ready to make some amazing changes but still keep the same flavor.”

  “Yes! New Grace flavor!” They laughed.

  “Y’all know I love me some flavor.” I eyed Camilla, who followed my every move. The statement made her blush against her will, and I winked at her. She shifted in her seat and ran her fingers through her hair.

  Without warning, Xavier grabbed a mic and clicked it on. “Thank you Pastor Scott, for this awesome opportunity. Thank you, New Grace for having me. I plan to not only preach but open minds.”

  “Speak Pastor Sanders!”

  “Thank you, what’s your name beautiful?” He knelt down.

  “Mary,” she blushed like a damn schoolgirl.

  “Thank you, Mary.” He stood again and looked at Camilla. “I know it seems sudden but trust me, I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m where God wants me.”



  I smiled at everyone as we made our exit from the main stage. “Xavier, watch yourself,” I warned. “You have a lot to learn. Don’t be headstrong.”

  “Says the man who was speaking directly to the step-daughter he’s fucking while preaching to his staff.” He said through gritted teeth. I showed him a smile and shoved my hands in my pockets.

  “Don’t make this a pissing contest. I will win. I don’t want to fight with you. I’m trying to make money with you but if you push me I will make it very fucking uncomfortable for you.”

  “I won’t make it a pissing contest as long as you know your place with Camilla. A consummation fuck.” I slapped his back hard and laughed. People were walking by and I didn’t need anyone sensing tensions.

  “I’m not trying to be anything but a consummation fuck. That’s why you need to stop acting like I want your girl. I don’t.” I stressed. “She knows that. You need to realize it too before you let it get in the way of your money.” He simmered down a bit, but still puffed his chest out at me.

  Camilla steered herself over and grabbed us both by our arms as if we didn’t resemble two towering pillars on either side of her small body. She took us into an empty office and slammed the door with a thud. “What the fuck! What the entire, actual, living and breathing fuck is going on!”

  “Camilla, you need to calm down.” Xavier boomed. She ignored him and paced furiously.

  “Fuck that! You signed a deal with him? You really signed a deal to preach here? Knowing that we’re sleeping with each other!” When she yelled and lashed out like this, she really looked like Dana. Xavier tried to calm her down but failed time and time again. I leaned against the wall and watched the spectacle. It reminded me of when Dana would fight with Trevor.

  Finally, she turned her green gaze to me. “And you…” she leered, “You are the fucking devil, Emmanuel! I don’t know what kind of power play you’re on but I don’t like it.” I saw her steering straight towards head pressure and a massive episode. So I pushed more buttons.

  “I’m helping your boyfriend get money. At least you know you’ll always be taken care of.” I’m absolutely sure I pushed too many buttons because she started pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to focus. Xavier saw it too. Perfect. Maybe he could feel like he was in control of Camilla so he’d calm down his peacocking.

  “Look at me.” He said, cupping her face.

  “This is so fucked up,” She muttered. He wanted to kiss her tears away and I would let him. The more he felt he controlled, the quicker he would bring in money. A part of having power over others is knowing when to hand them their own reigns. I helped him out a little before I left though. “Cami, you need to calm down, okay?”

  She looked at me and nodded. I could see my words sink in and I knew she would be okay.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I hated the pull Emmanuel had on Camilla. If I didn’t think it would be against my best interest I would try to knock him on his ass. Once the door closed I poured all of my attention into Camilla, fuck him. “How do you feel?” I asked her.

  “My head…it hurts so bad. It’s lessening but, Jesus.”

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked her.

  “Will you do it?”

  “Just tell me.” I huffed impatiently. Seeing her in pain was tearing a hole in my chest.

  “Fuck me, Xavier.” She almost whispered. My dick stiffened at her words but how could I fuck her with everything that happened just now? Even sti
ll, my dick was hard and wanted to be inside of her. I locked the door and threw our hiatus out of the window.

  Camilla looked amazing, as she’d promised she would. Her hair was hanging down and her dress hugged every dangerous curve on her body. I shoved it up around her waist and pushed my fingers into her wet pussy. She really did get turned on when she was angry. She kissed me and I made sure to bite her lip. She moaned in pleasure and I quickened my finger strokes. I bit a trail down to her shoulder and she threw her head back giving herself to me. The more she moaned in my ear the more I became okay with fucking her here in New Grace. Camilla was mine no matter how much rank Emmanuel thought he had. He didn’t have her heart.

  I took my dick out and teased her with it before pushing it deep inside of her cunt. Shit. She felt so good. “Xavier!” She screamed. I wanted her to scream it louder though. I wanted him to hear. I rammed into her soft pussy and she let out another cry of ecstasy.

  “You’re mine,” I told her possessively. She nodded her head and held on to me as I continued to beat her pussy up.

  “Yes! I’m yours. I love you, Xavier.” Hearing her say that almost made me cum inside of her, but I held it together. I threw her against the wall and buried my face in her neck. I could hear sniffles, which told me she was crying. Good. I wanted her to remember how it felt to have a man that loved her. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so I could see those pretty green eyes. They were full of tears but they were so perfect. The way her pussy was gripping my dick let me know she was close.

  “I love you,” I whispered into her ear.

  “Mmm, I love you too.” She moaned. Feeling the vice grip her pussy put on me sent me over the edge. I came with her, my dick throbbing and pulsing inside of her hot little pussy. I slid out of her and she stood shakily. “So much for building up tension.” I mused. She cracked a smile as she pulled herself together. “I still can’t believe you’re gonna be a fucking assistant pastor. “

  “You can’t believe you’re gonna be fucking an assistant pastor?” I asked. She slapped my chest and laughed.


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