Twisted Intentions

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Twisted Intentions Page 21

by Danielle James

  “Stop being stupid, Xavier. Why did you sign the deal?” I circled my arms around her waist and shrugged.

  “Because my starting salary is one million dollars tax-free.” The corners of her lips turned down.

  “That much?”

  “Yeah. Plus any endorsements.”

  “But still. You two are gonna be fighting at every turn.” She wasn’t lying. I hadn’t even been assistant pastor for an hour and already we were throwing shots at each other. I had my reasons for signing on though, and it wasn’t just the money. I knew Emmanuel was making a power play but I also knew it would continue to make Camilla uncomfortable until she hopefully left his ass alone.

  No matter how much she wanted both of us, the pressure of her real father working here alongside Emmanuel and I would be too much for her to continue holding on. Then the real power play would be made.

  Camilla was busy looking in a gold-framed mirror that hung on a wall, trying to make herself look presentable. I would have fucked her again, right there but I knew we had things to do. That damn double date being at the top of the list.

  Outside of the office down the hall, I heard low talking. When we rounded the corner holding hands, I saw Emmanuel with Chris and Laurel. I smiled at everyone.

  “Hey, guys sorry about that,” Camilla said softly.

  “You kids get ready to go on your date.” Emmanuel smiled with charm. “Xavier, let me talk to you for a moment. He’ll catch up.” He told the others. Camilla’s eyes stayed focused on me, but I waved her along.

  “What is it, Pastor?” I snapped once we were standing alone. His cheerful expression melted away to a stern one.

  “Be here tomorrow so we can go over your terms. I’ll have you work with Mary for your schedule and we both will sit with Trevor to figure out the logistics for the month. Then we’ll have a press conference.” He was really about his money. There were no shots thrown about what had just happened with Camilla. I nodded my head in response to him. “You’ll have your own assistant, office and parking space, and I expect for you to work your magic just like you did tonight whenever you perform.”

  “Perform?” I quizzed.

  “Well, what else do you call it when you entertain throngs of people with what they want to hear?” The smile was back on his face. “You need to brush up on your bible too son. There will be congregation members that push your knowledge and question you at every corner.”

  “Can’t be worse than working at Trinity.” I scoffed.

  “Well, I don’t think you had millions of people questioning you at Trinity.” Did he say millions? “See, you need to remember that this church is broadcast globally. I don’t just have members here in Florida. I reach people everywhere. If you play your cards right, your face and words will be everywhere too.” He paused and gave me a serious look. “Xavier, I can see a lot of potential in you. Now that I know you’re not some devout holy roller…I see even more potential. If you can get past this very big, awkward situation we have here then there is a huge opportunity for us to take over nationally.”

  “Sir, with all due respect; getting over this situation isn’t easy.”

  “We’re going to be spending a lot of time together, Xavier. Along with Trev, we’re going to be each other’s left and right hands. You need to put it past you.” I eyed him curiously and decided to probe him for any information I could hold over his head.

  “Does Trevor know you’re fucking Camilla?” I watched him shift from foot to foot like a giant.

  “No. He doesn’t. Neither does Christina, and neither does Dana. They’re my family and sometimes you have to protect your family from things they can’t readily handle.” I lowered my eyebrows and fixed my stare at him.

  “Who are you to say what they can and can’t handle?” I asked.

  “I am the man that’s in control.”

  “But you can’t control everything all the time, pastor.”

  “I know. I had evidence of that earlier this evening. Right?” I knew he meant with Camilla having an episode earlier. But for some reason, I felt like I’d only won a battle.

  Not the war. I gave a short nod. “Don’t do anything stupid that will crash the entire empire just to prove a point. We can be men about this.” I understood what he was saying, but a part of me was still furious at his fucking gall.

  “Be men about fucking the same woman?” I questioned, frustrated.

  “Yes.” He replied. Emmanuel Scott was a fucking lunatic. I’d made that up in my mind. “You love Camilla, right?” I deflated a bit and nodded my head. “If you love her then you know her spirit is wild and free. Neither one of us can contain her and that’s why I don’t want to. I don’t love Camilla like you do.”

  “Do you even love her at all?” He laughed and focused on something I couldn’t see.

  “Xavier, I love her more than even you can imagine. It’s different though. It’s more protective than anything else. I was her guardian for her entire life up to this point. I know what’s going on isn’t right, but I’m not a straight and narrow person. Neither is Cami. She needs you though. She needs you to love her.”

  I loved Camilla more than any other relationship I’d been in. She fit me. I just wished I fit all of her. Even the dark and twisted parts. Standing here in front of Emmanuel, I could see why he called to those sides of her though. Even though he put up a front as a man of God, he was calculating and manipulative. He was all about a bottom line no matter who was involved. I would be lying if I said I didn’t admire it though. You don’t climb to the ranks he’s at without being a twisted, controlling motherfucker.

  If I was going to focus on making money so that I could build a better life for Camilla, and hopefully myself then Emmanuel was right. I had to put my emotions behind me. Besides, she was mine. We had our relationship parameters and I would still do as I pleased, I just had to brace myself against her doing the same.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  The pier was beautiful at night. The waters were dark and glittering under the moonlight, and the air was balmy but breezy. Laurel and Christina sat across from Xavier and me; they looked so cute and happy. My fingers were intertwined with Xavier’s and I was looking into his brown eyes.

  My mind flashed back to New Grace. I couldn’t believe he sided with Emmanuel. It infuriated me but I knew they both were trying to make power moves. Emmanuel’s was easy to spot and Xavier wanted to be able to monitor how much time I spent with Emmanuel I’m sure. I wish I could explain to Xavier that I didn’t want to spend my free time with Emmanuel, I didn’t want to go out on dates with him or lay up under him in bed. I only wanted that with Xavier.

  “So Xavier, are you and Camilla in like…a real relationship?” Christina asked. Her nose crinkled up as she leaned forward. Xavier put his long arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. He smelled so good.

  “Yeah.” He grinned.

  “We are?” I smirked.

  “After all of this shit? Yes, Camilla. It’s not traditional but we’re together.” He said.

  “Wait, what does not traditional mean?” Laurel frowned.

  “It means he fucks who he wants to.” I blurted. I was so damn tired from everything that I had a very thin filter on my words. Both Christina and Laurel raised their brows.

  “Do the same rules apply to you?” Chris asked protectively.

  “Of course.” I laughed. “You know damn well how I am. I just happened to find somebody that matches me perfectly.” I sensed Xavier being uncomfortable with the topic, so I moved on. I forgot he used to teach at our school. It must’ve been strange talking to former students about the intimate status of your relationship.

  “Okay so now to you two.” I pointed my finger from my sister to my best friend. “When did this even start?” I quizzed. Both of them blushed heavily. It was very cute.

  “The night you left me at your house…” Laurel shrugged her slender shoulders.

  “She was so cu
te and innocent.” Chris mused.

  “Stop with the innocent shit,” Laurel warned.

  “You are pretty innocent, Laurel.” Xavier chimed in.

  “I am not!” A look was shared between Chris and Laurel and I didn’t even wanna know why.

  Even though Xavier didn’t want to be on the double date, he was being a good sport. Honestly, I was so sleepy and annoyed by Emmanuel and Xavier’s pissing contest that I was ready to go home myself. We stayed and ate dinner, and laughed and talked for a while though. In between conversations and jokes, my mind kept wandering to Emmanuel tying up the men in my life to his new church. Placing contracts on them and using them for his personal gain. He just had to control every fucking thing.


  Speaking of the fucking devil. Emmanuel was texting my phone.

  Emmanuel: Come home.

  Me: I’m on a date.

  Emmanuel: Are you disobeying me?

  I chewed on my bottom lip and excused myself to the bathroom. I called Emmanuel and he answered on the first ring. “Can you not do this while I’m out?” I hissed into the phone.

  “I can do it whenever I need to.”

  “Not now, Emmanuel I’m tired. I wanna go home and go to sleep.”

  “You can sleep when you get here.” The thought was nice. I just wanted to rest. Being beside Xavier was what I really wanted though. Even still I felt that pull in the pit of my stomach to obey Emmanuel.

  “Okay.” I caved. “I’ll be there.” I ended the call and sucked in a deep breath.

  When I got back to the table Laurel and Xavier were talking casually and Chris was on her phone. “Hey guys,” I yawned.

  “Are you sleepy baby?” Xavier asked, putting his arm around me. I nodded and stifled another yawn.

  “You’re such a lightweight.” Chris joked.

  “I’m sorry. Too much excitement for me.” I smiled.

  “Okay, let’s wrap this up,” Xavier said and signaled for the check.

  “Oh, Mr. Baller is gonna pay for it all since he’s the newest Assistant Pastor at New Grace, huh?” Christina poked.

  “Ah, something like that.” He smiled and those dimples deepened, making me so horny.

  “Well, well. What do we have here?” An annoyingly familiar voice pierced our conversation. I turned in my seat to see Brian with some woman hanging on his arm. His newest sidepiece no doubt. She was tall and curvy with olive skin and hazel eyes. Brian’s grin was smug and he looked like he wanted blood from Xavier. His full lips curled into more of a sneer the longer he stood there.

  “Oh, um…hi Mr. Lomax,” Chris stuttered, snapping right back into student mode. “Hey guys, we’ll see you two tomorrow.” She flashed a smile and tugged Laurel off to the car. Xavier stood from the table, just to show he was taller, and folded his muscular arms across his body defensively.

  “What the fuck do you want, Lomax?” Xavier sighed. Brian dropped the girl’s arm and glared at Xavier. I just wanted to go the fuck home. Why was every man on a hunt for superiority tonight? I looked at the moon and noted that it was very full. Made sense.

  “Mr. Sanders,” Brian began but got cut off by Xavier.

  “Cut the bullshit. I don’t work for you anymore. Call me by my first name.”

  “Fine. Xavier. I see you’re getting bolder with your indiscretions. Not a smart move on your part. I think I’ll have to let Florida PD know that you should be on the registered sex offenders list.” Brian had been drinking. He was never one to hold his liquor well. It pissed him off, even more, when Xavier laughed in his face.

  “Really? You’re still mad that you were fucking a student and she realized you weren’t shit and went for a real man?” Xavier looked at Brian’s date that seemed more interested in her phone. She clearly was young. Maybe only a year older than me at the most. His eyes slid up and down her body and I felt a flare of jealousy. She was gorgeous though. “Excuse me, what’s your name?” He asked the date.

  “Huh? Oh…I’m Michaela.” She held out her hand for a shake but Xavier kissed it causing Michaela to giggle all over herself.

  “I’m Xavier. Can I see your phone for a minute?” She handed it over without contest or even a glance at Brian who looked like he’d shoot steam from his ears any moment. I was trying to remain unbothered but I wanted to slap the shit out of Xavier for making such a show right in front of me. Fucking and flirting with other women when I wasn’t around was one thing, but this shit? He was on thin fucking ice. I knew what he was doing, but still! I fought the urge to fold my arms in distaste. I could feel a headache creeping in, the more my chest tightened and my heart pumped.

  Xavier put his number in Michaela’s phone just as Brian tried to snatch it away. Michaela looked at him like he grew two heads. “Brian, don’t ever try to take my phone.” She snapped angrily. She slipped her phone into her purse and grinned up at Xavier.

  “I’m calling the police first thing in the morning and showing them the footage I have of you with a minor at the time.” Brian was fuming.

  I had to cut in.

  “Brian, please stop this. We’re done fucking okay? Deal with it. Trying to get Xavier locked up is fucking stupid.”

  “Wait, you two were fucking?” Michaela hissed.

  “Michaela, is it? Please mind your business.” I smiled but it dripped with bitchiness. “I was 18 the entire time I was in my senior year thanks to my fucked up mother. So your case is null and void. Now leave me alone.” I could feel every drop of blood surging through my veins and if anyone made one wrong move, I was sure I’d lose my shit.

  “Brian let’s go.” Michaela barked. She looked over her shoulder at Xavier and waved goodbye. I just rolled my eyes and headed to the car.

  “Camilla!” Xavier called after me. If he wasn’t so busy eye-fucking Brian’s side bitch he would have been walking beside me.

  “Take me to my car, please,” I said quietly. I’d rode over with him from New Grace, with intentions on staying the night at his place; now I wanted to do something I knew would spite him.

  “You’re not coming home with me?” He frowned.

  “No.” I put my seatbelt on and tossed my purse in the back.

  “Are you mad about what happened back there? I was just doing that to piss Lomax off. I wasn’t really going for his girl.” I turned to him and raised my eyebrow.

  “Did you put your real number in her phone?” I asked, pushing words through the pressure in my head.

  “Yeah.” He admitted coyly.

  “Of course you did because you can’t resist the urge to put on a show! You can’t resist the urge to show who’s in control. You’re just like Emmanuel. Jesus.” Xavier’s grip tightened on the steering wheel.

  We didn’t speak the rest of the drive to the church and I was fine with that. I climbed out without saying goodbye and drove off. I knew in my heart that when he got home, he’d receive a call from the side bitch and since I wasn’t there he would fuck her.

  The thought had me speeding to Emmanuel.

  I thought I’d dealt with all the twisted intentions my family had to throw at me but clearly, a whole new crop of twisted shit was growing in its place. Were Xavier and I really going to do this tit for tat shit when we got mad at each other? It seemed juvenile but I wasn’t letting go of the way Emmanuel made me feel and clearly Xavier wasn’t going to settle down and stop being him.

  I pulled into the circular driveway and walked up to the door. I don’t even know how I punched the code in to open the door because the colors started to swirl. Emmanuel was sitting in the den when I walked in and he greeted me with a concerned look once he saw me. As soon as he reached for me, I fell into his arms.

  Then all I saw was black.

  When I woke up, the room was covered in shadows. It was still dark outside. I was in Emmanuel’s bed but he wasn’t there. I sat up and the room spun around a little. I needed to slow the hell down because I felt dizzy. I sat on the edge of the bed for five minutes trying to gather
myself then I searched for Emmanuel.

  I found him in his office working on papers. The window was open and a balmy breeze blew through bringing the night air with it. He looked up when he saw me. “Hey, you feeling okay? You need some water?” He stood up and walked over to me. Then I started remembering I still wasn’t happy with him. Everything came melting back into reality. Emmanuel had convinced Xavier to be an assistant pastor at his church and Xavier took the fucking deal. My head started to pound all over again. I narrowed my eyes at Emmanuel and jabbed him in his hard chest with my finger.

  “You!” I creaked. “You are so fucking twisted! Why did you offer Xavier that deal?”

  “Because I saw a great money making opportunity. Everything isn’t always about you.”

  “You could have found another charismatic speaker. Why him?”

  “Because he reminds me of myself.” He smirked. I couldn’t deny that. I don’t think I’d ever realized how much Xavier was like Emmanuel. It was unnerving and it explained why I needed both of them. They were so alike but still so very different.

  “Don’t try to act like your intentions weren’t crooked, Emmanuel. I know you!” I was raging. I pushed him and shoved him and he let me. I know he could have stopped me with one grab, but he let me get it out. “You’re trying to control everything!”

  “I do control everything.” He growled. He restrained me from hitting him anymore by sitting me in a chair. He didn’t think I would spring back up, but I did. I was fueled by anger.

  “No, you don’t! You can’t keep doing shit like this! You’re just as bad as Dana!” I was shoving him again, though he didn’t budge. He looked more annoyed than angry.

  “Why do you think we got married? Why do you think we fit so well together for so long? Of course she’s just like me. Her only issue is she doesn’t own her shit. I do.” Hearing him say that lit a fire of jealousy inside of me and I tried with everything I had to punch him. It was like fighting a fucking brick wall though. Emmanuel wrapped both arms around me so that I couldn’t fight anymore. I still struggled against his body in spite of it. I put up more of a fight than he anticipated because I heard him getting winded from trying to hold on to me. My back pressed against his chest and my legs flew out in front of me like a tantrum-having toddler.


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