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Bimbo TV: The Complete Series

Page 7

by Sasha Scott

  “Alright Becky you know how to play this one. Are you ready to go clothes shopping?”

  “I’m ready Bill!”

  “Then let’s reveal item one. Here we are, a pair of black, sheer, thigh-high stockings. We have them priced down at five dollars twenty. Is that true or false?”

  “I think it’s true Bill!”

  “And let’s check the tag. It is true. Well done Becky that’s one thousand dollars. Now onto item two. They are these cream, open toe, high heels and we’ve got them priced at eighteen dollars. Is that true or false?”

  “I’m going to go with… false.”

  “You’re saying false. It’s false. That’s two thousand dollars. Now our next item. It’s this casual denim skirt. The price we have listed is fifteen dollars forty. True or false?”

  “T… false.”

  “You say false. Boom, eighteen ninety. You just won four thousand dollars. Up next is this fancy, golden, ruffle trim blouse. We have it listed down for fifteen dollars. True or false?”


  “You say true. It’s true, it’s true, and that means you’re up to ten thousand dollars. One more right and you’ll win a grand prize. All you need to do is look at this matching, pink and white, lace set and tell me, sixteen ninety. True or false?”

  The audience cheered on as she was so close to getting the big prize. She was fired up.

  “True,” she said, pumped full of emotions.

  “You say true. It’s actually false,” the studio giving her their commiserations despite being very excited for what was about to come, “that means you win ten thousand dollars but sadly have to face a forfeit. Please step into the booth.”

  There was no choice, Becky entered the booth being dressed rather respectfully in her little red dress. It was the last time she was ever going to be dressing that way. The forfeit for Clothes Shopping was one which hit the mind and compelled the contestants to dress in a certain way, a way they would quickly be made accustomed to.

  When Becky stepped back into the open studio she was no longer wearing a dress. Instead she was dressed like a slut.

  Forfeit one was stockings. She’d came on to the show wearing nothing to cover her legs but a visit to the booth had changed that. Instead of going bare she was wearing black fishnet stockings which somehow managed to seem more revealing that nothing at all.

  Up second was the footwear and that meant heels. She’d already been wearing some small, red, heels but they were gone, even if her new ones did keep the same color. Rather than a small lift her new heels pushed her all the way up onto a pair of thick platforms that looked like the definition of trashy.

  Number three was her lower half and that meant a skirt. She actually did manage to get a denim skirt, just like she’d been guessing at for the show. However the one she was wearing couldn’t even compare when it came to length. The one she had managed to correctly guess looked to be reaching down towards the knees. Her new skirt barely managed to cover her panties, or what excuse she had left for panties.

  Under that denim skirt she was wearing a tiny, undersized, red thong that barely covered her pussy and peeked up over her hips, looking deviously slutty.

  Things didn’t get much classier up top as below a black, fishnet, mesh top the only thing covering up her modesty was a pair of heart shaped, red colored, paste on stickers that only hid her nipples and left the rest of her breasts exposed.

  Becky didn’t look best pleased with her new, whorish, look but she had to get used to it. Her brain wouldn’t allow her to buy or wear clothes not in that style anymore.

  “I know this isn’t the way you wanted to leave this round dressed,” Bill said as he hooked an arm around her shoulder, “but that doesn’t change the fact you’re heading back to that podium ten thousand dollars richer. How does that make you feel.”

  “Well obviously I’d rather not be dressed up like this but I’m ecstatic, absolutely ecstatic, that I just won so much money.”

  “And we’re not done playing yet, there may be more prizes for you to win. Alright back to the booth with you because I need to bring up our next item. It’s this fifty five inch, 4K, ultra HD flat screen TV. Becky back to you.”

  “I think it costs one thousand, six hundred.”

  Next up was Maggie, “One thousand, one hundred.”

  Then last it was the fire haired Mercedes, “Two thousand!”

  There was a ding sound which made the contestants very excited, and the audience as well while Bill was grinning from ear to ear.

  “You know what that means. One of you nailed the price exactly right which means you win a bonus five thousand dollars and that person… is Maggie!”

  The oldest contestant jumped for joy, her soft breasts bouncing around, forcing streaks of milk to spray over the podium as she forgot to keep her front closed off, letting the white droplets land everywhere.

  Maggie was going to play one of the show’s most iconic games, The Bimbo Balloon.

  On the stage there was a cardboard meter and at the top a model of a pink hot air balloon. Maggie would have to guess the price of three items. The further out she was the lower the balloon would sink. The lower it went the more her mind would suffer. She had to try and keep the bimbo on the board to win more prizes.

  “Alright Maggie, we all know how to play this game. Remember you need to get as close to the actual price as possible. Starting up with this lamp.”

  “Twelve dollars.”

  The ideal would be for the balloon not to move at all but it began to dip and that meant that Maggie’s head began to tingle as she felt her IQ being gobbled up. Luckily the damage wasn’t too bad though, she only dropped six points. She still had nineteen points before she lost.

  “Not the best start but it could be worse. Next up our second item, this inflatable, family, pool.”

  “Thirty dollars!”

  Again the bimbo balloon began to sink down, and it was going down even further than last time. Maggie moaned out as she felt more of her mind being melted away. Her head was starting to feel so light but that was only because information she needed was being discarded.

  In the end it dropped ten points. She only had nine points left and it was an added forfeit if she hit the bottom and crashed the balloon.

  “Not much left. Final item Maggie, you need to be within nine dollars to stay on the board. How much for this twelve inch, antique, globe?”

  “Fifty dollars?”

  Down the bimbo balloon began to drop again. It just had to stay on the board. It just had to! It did not.

  The audience gasped out in sympathy for Maggie as her balloon crash landed down at the floor and Bill shared their emotions.

  “So unlucky Maggie. Your balloon has crash landed which means your brain is going to do the same.”

  She’d already had her IQ sapped for twenty five points but a crash meant more was in store. Her brain was given an extra dose of bimbofication as the gaps in her thought which had been created were filled in by the nanobots with some new thoughts and fantasies for her.

  In her mind the desire for sex was strengthened, and a preference for pink and dressing up pretty too. Doing chores, looking good, working out, wearing heels, watching reality TV and other points were also loaded in; Maggie’s mind was filled with stereotypical bimbo thoughts.

  “Woah,” she gasped out as suddenly she felt all fuzzy, “like my head feels all weird now.”

  “Yeah that’ll happen but still you win the lamp and the pool, as well as that five thousand from earlier, plus there is still a chance to win more so head back over to the podium.”

  She did need a little more help to realize where he had been talking about as her mind went wandering but she did manage to get there eventually, even if she was forgetting to keep her nipples covered and was freely leaking milk; that pool was going to come in handy.

  “Okay ladies sadly we’re running short on time which means this is your last chance to play for a prize,” t
he audience sighing, never wanting the show to end. “All you need to do to get there is give me the price of this eighteen piece, china, dinnerware set. Up first it’s Maggie.”

  “Erm… like, one hundred dollars?” Maggie said, her thought process not as strong as it had been.

  “Erm… two hundred and fifty?” Mercedes guessed.

  “I’ll say two hundred,” Becky finished with.

  “And the answer is… a huge three fifty five. Mercedes come join me back up here.”

  Mercedes had already been up twice but she hadn’t managed to bag as much as the other contestants. This was her chance to really walk away as a winner and not just a bimbo.

  She was in luck as well because the game she was being brought on to play didn’t actually have any sort of bimbofication forfeit. Instead it offered up the transformations for an advantage. She was stepping up to play Massive Golf.

  The game was simple. Putt the ball and win a prize. The contestant got one shot and if they made it they won.

  While the default position the game started in was quite far away, and meant quite a hard shot, the contestant could actually move themselves closer by offering their breasts as a forfeit. For every cup size they agreed to grow bigger they would be allowed to move another step forward, closer to the hole. That was why it was Massive Golf. Like mini golf except for those with massive busts.

  Contestant's could either have a risk free but unlikely shot from far away or sacrifice their body for a better chance.

  Of course nobody would offer up their chest size without a cause though which was why the show brought out their big guns for the game.

  “Alright Mercedes, I know what you’re thinking. Why should you offer up those lovely breasts of yours just for a chance at winning? Well it’s simple. If you manage to putt that ball you will win this.”

  The reveal got a large cheer from the audience and a gasp from Mercedes. It was a car, a whole car. She was in shock that she had the chance to win such an amazing prize.

  “Is this real?” she asked, her brain not fully processing the information.

  “Real as real can be. It’s all yours as long as you can make the putt. However you’re a long way away. Would you like to offer up some entertainment for a few steps closer?”

  “I would!” that news getting an even larger cheer from the audience.

  “How many cup sizes are you willing to rise?”

  She’d already played two games and only had $2500 to show for it in cash. In the process she’d developed plump lips, a fat ass and crazy hair. She was absolutely determined to win the big one to make up for it all.

  “All eight.”

  The audience went up to another level of noise. Eight was the maximum amount a contestant could move up. She would pretty much be right on top of the hole but in the process she was offering her tits up for a huge growing session.

  “Are you sure Mercedes? This is your last chance to backout.”

  “I’m dead sure. Let’s do this!”

  The audience’s response was crazy as she agreed to the changes and the show didn’t waste any time in making them happen. Her breasts began to tingle all over as her transformation began.

  Mercedes had C cup breasts, which were already quite big for her slender frame, but they were nothing compared to what she was about to be receive.

  Quickly she began to gain the mass up top, her breasts swelling into her blouse, her growing softness sinking into the fabric, making the buttons pop.

  Going up eight sizes from a C cup meant her final destination was a K cup and her tits weren’t wasting time getting to the size as they grew bigger and bigger, like hot air was being pumped into them from off screen. They were getting so big they made her slender body look like a stick figure in comparison.

  Her blouse rode up over her stomach as it was dragged up by the mass of those doughy jugs, the softness trying to break free but without any luck. Suddenly she was wearing a crop top that wrapped her melons tightly.

  With her upper half heavy and her tits bulging from her figure the growth finally started to slow, just after her blouse popped open, thanks to her bra finally giving way. She was panting heavily as she flashed her nipples to the whole nation but she was being offered some relief as the expansion had reached its target; she’d hit the K cup. She’d reached sizes most people would never see in the flesh.

  “Wow look at those,” Bill cheered, “I hope you can still putt with mammaries like those.”

  “I’m sure I can,” she panted heavily as she was getting lined up at the starting point closest to the hole.

  “Well I hope so too, for your sake. Remember Mercedes, one chance, one putt.”

  This was it. If she missed the putt she’d just given herself huge, inconvenient, tits for no reason. She had to nail the shot. However from so close it was hard to miss, even with her gravity all thrown off. She nailed it right on.

  The audience cheered, alarms sounded and Mercedes jiggled for joy, finding it far too hard to jump with that obscene bust. She had won!

  “Congratulations Mercedes! You just won yourself a brand new car!”

  “I can’t believe it,” she squealed, “it’s a dream come true!”

  “Alright folks that’s all the time we have for you today but what a way to end the show, right? I’ve been Bill Manning, you’ve all been terrific, these contestants have been terrific,” Bill hooking his arm around an extremely busty Mercedes, “and we’ll see you again next week for more action! Until then, look after yourselves.”

  What is a Bimbo?

  News just in, Bimbo TV’s ratings were through the roof. It seemed that the entire nation just couldn’t get enough of watching women being transformed into bimbos and their struggles to try and make that not happen.

  The Bimbo TV executives knew they couldn’t just rest on their laurels. The only way to capitalize on their popularity and to maintain it was to produce even more new game shows and that was why plans were put in place for a whole new show, What is a Bimbo?

  It was a show drawing some more inspiration from well known games while returning to the channel’s roots of one contestant fighting for money while trying to steer away from bimbofication changes.

  One thing that never changed on Bimbo TV however was the host and that was the ever present Bill Manning.

  The TV veteran strolled onto the stage to the applause and cheers of a waiting audience. As always the stage was nice and tacky in a hot pink color, the kind that bimbo’s loved, with a board on one side and a pedestal on the other. Standing behind the pedestal was the day’s contestant, Leslie.

  Leslie was just the kind of girl that the nation loved to see playing the games. She was a twenty one year old cutie with a beaming smile and flowing brunette locks. Her curvaceous body was squeezed into a tight pair of jeans and a glamorous grey top which flowed down her front while leaving her shoulders exposed. If she was lucky that was the only part of her which would remain exposed across the show.

  What is a Bimbo? was a simple question and answer game. On the board there would be six categories, each split into five questions. Each question would be hidden behind a cash sum, starting from £200 and going up to £1000 at the bottom in those intervals of two hundred. The contestant picked which one they wanted to try and answer next and if they answered correctly they won the money, simple.

  Of course seeing as What is a Bimbo? was a bimbofication gameshow that meant that there were obviously going to be forfeits too. While a correct answer meant money a wrong answer meant bimbofication and exactly what that would be would only be revealed when it was forfeit time.

  Contestants who did well were guaranteed to walk away with a lot of money. Contestants who did poorly were guaranteed to walk away as a bimbo.

  Obviously the fans wanted to see the latter more than anything and the audience were roaring with excitement waiting for the show to begin. Luckily the host with the most was ready to start things off.

  “Hello ladi
es and gentlemen and welcome to yet another exciting addition of What is a Bimbo!? This is the show where greed and brains need to come together unless you’re planning on leaving those brains in the studio. Our contestant for the evening has a board ripe for the picking, overflowing with easy money. However there are also a lot of nasty surprises in there too. Well then let’s meet her. Contestant, what is your name?”

  “Hi everyone. I’m Leslie and I’m from Kingman, Arizona.”

  “Welcome to the show Leslie. So tell me, what do you do over there in Kingman?”

  “I currently work in a small clothing store.”


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