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His to Command (Alien Masters Book 1)

Page 4

by Kallista Dane

  “So Seraphs are virgins and Harlots are women who have some sexual experience?”

  Dianna looked confused. “Those words are unfamiliar.” She struggled to explain. “Occasionally men who have a Seraph will still come to the Lyceum for pleasure. And sometimes Masters who have no Seraph to warm them at night are allowed to dwell with a Harlot. But it is still required that if the Harlot is in need of discipline, it is performed in public, before all the men. And when a man wants to bear offspring, he can do so only with a Seraph that is chosen for him by the general. If he has a Harlot dwelling with him, the Harlot must be sent back to the Lyceum. From then on, he may only see the Harlot there, for a few hours at a time. And only at night.”

  AJ listened, horrified. Apparently this society still practiced arcane customs, with males having complete ownership of females. General Tok, like a feudal lord, held the ultimate power, bestowing the gift of a virginal bride on whoever he deemed worthy of the honor. Here, chaste Seraphs bore a man’s children, while Harlots filled his crude sexual needs. She vowed that she wouldn’t leave Petra until she found a way to liberate the females here, despite her directive to gather intelligence and immediately report back about the general’s illegal trade in rare elements.

  Dianna fell silent then, as though fearful that she’d said too much. Try as she might, AJ couldn’t get her to utter another word, except for softly uttered instructions as she prepared AJ for the ritual to come.

  Dianna told her to stand up and remove her dusty, torn robe. By now, nudity had become the least of her concerns. AJ wearily complied. Then the young Harlot began washing AJ from head to toe with a cloth dipped in water from the bowl. When the water became dirty, the young woman knocked at the door and handed the bowl and pitcher out to be rinsed and refilled by one of the guards.

  No part of her body went untouched. AJ felt herself blushing again when she looked down and saw her nipples pucker as the young woman gently stroked the cloth over them. But she finally protested when Dianna got down on her knees and tried to make her spread her thighs apart, so she could swipe the soft cloth between her legs.

  “Please,” the young girl whispered, terrified. “You must allow it. If this Harlot does not do her duty properly, she will be punished along with you tonight.”

  Cringing, AJ spread her legs. Dianna reached down and pushed her feet wider apart. Then she dipped the sponge into a fresh bowl of water and began slowly cleansing AJ’s most private parts, running the wet sponge back and forth along the folds of her vaginal opening, paying special attention to the clitoral hood.

  When she bade AJ lean forward and grasp the edge of the table so she could wash the area around her nether orifice, AJ forced herself to comply. By that time, she was trembling again, physically aroused once more by such indecent liberties being taken with her private parts. She gasped once, as the young woman’s fingers brushed against her tight rear opening, still tender from the vigorous intrusion of the High Priest’s large finger. Her eyes widened when she felt Dianna’s hand slide between her legs, deliberately teasing her core of pleasure into hardness.

  “Do this. Later. Right before they lead you away. What is to come will be easier to bear,” she whispered. “Empty your mind and set your body free. Find the pleasure beyond the pain. This Harlot risks stern discipline for sharing the secret. But it is a way to help you endure the punishment to come on this night.”

  The door flew open. One of Tok’s soldiers took in the scene. AJ naked, bent over the table, Dianna on her knees behind her.

  “Enough. You know such behavior between Harlots is forbidden except under the orders of your teachers or a Master…and then only with them observing.”

  The soldier stepped into the room, shut the door and leaned against it. “I am required to report your crime to the High Priest…unless for some reason, my mind becomes occupied with other things and I forget.”

  He reached down, stroking a prominent bulge in his tunic. Dianna immediately crawled toward him, eyes downcast. She raised his tunic and AJ saw that he too was naked under his outer garment. Dianna reached for his already stiff phallus and cupped his testes in one hand, then wrapped the other around his girth and stroked up and down. The soldier let out a groan and grabbed her head with both hands. Dianna complied instantly, taking him in her mouth.

  She continued moving her hand up and down, following it with her mouth, each time going farther down the shaft. AJ wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. She tried to tell herself it was necessary to watch, so she could be prepared if she had to perform a similar act on one of the men here. Her holographic lover never concerned himself with his own gratification, only hers.

  Although she had never witnessed this form of sexual behavior, she’d heard of it. He began pumping his hips back and forth. Her brain registered the fact that, though the soldier seemed to be in control, grasping Dianna’s head firmly and holding her in place, his attention was fully absorbed by the act.

  Tentatively, she sent out a mental probe. His mind lay open, devoid of all rational thought. Only feelings remained. She allowed herself to receive them. An obscene wave of lust poured through her and she bit off a startled cry. Hunger such as she’d never known—raw, virile, potent— unlike anything in her modern world. She stared openly, both fascinated and appalled. The hunger grew, raging inside him, frantic now in its need to be satisfied. The soldier threw his head back, closed his eyes and thrust his hips forward one more time. His body convulsed.

  He sagged against the wall for a moment, empty. Then his eyes popped open. Her connection to his mind snapped.

  He shoved Dianna roughly away and pulled the tunic down over his shrunken member.

  “No more stalling. Get her dressed. Now. Or I’ll send in my partner and you’ll have to deal with him.” The soldier never looked at Dianna again, storming out without another word.

  AJ held out a hand, helping Dianna to her feet. The young woman wouldn’t meet her eyes. She reached for the basket and took out the black cloth. It was a shapeless gown, like the ones worn by the women in town that Dianna called Seraphs.

  She drew it over AJ’s head. The garment was meant to cover her from neck to toe, but with AJ’s height it stopped mid-calf. Dianna stared at her, horrified.

  “The High Priest will not be pleased.”

  Still stunned by the ferocity of the soldier’s mental and physical response to the act she’d witnessed, AJ couldn’t be concerned over something so trivial as the length of her gown. “It doesn’t matter,” she replied. “My punishment has already been determined.”

  Dianna reached into her basket again, drawing out a hairbrush and comb. “Please, sit. We must finish.”

  Gently, she ran the brush through AJ’s hair, pulling it back and arranging it into an intricate braid that she interwove with fine strands of gold. Dianna left long strips of gold protruding out of the braid. These she twisted into two narrow bands, wrapping one securely around AJ’s forehead and the other around her neck. AJ realized the intricate headdress also functioned as a restraint. One yank on the long braid and the bands would tighten around her forehead and neck, making resistance both painful and dangerous.

  Dianna reached into the basket one more time, coming out with a pair of sandals. But these were sandals such as AJ had never worn before. The leather soles sat atop thick wooden platforms, trimmed back to narrow poles at the heel. AJ had seen similar attire in pictures of Earth women from past centuries. She’d always wondered why females would choose to hamper their freedom of movement by wearing such objects.

  Dianna knelt to fasten them on AJ’s feet. Thin bronze chains threaded through loops woven into the edges of the leather soles. Dianna twined them back and forth, lacing the sandals up her legs before fastening the ends together just above her calves.

  AJ looked down and noticed for the first time that Dianna wore similar sandals. But the sandals chosen for AJ had platforms easily twice as high.

  Dianna gave her a fierce hug, then
turned to knock on the door once again. The soldier who’d been in the room earlier opened it. Dianna gathered up the bowl and cloth, packing them into the basket along with the hairbrush. Then she slipped away.

  The soldiers marched into the room. They tied her wrists together again but this time there was no long leather strap tethering her to one of them. As soon as AJ took her first few steps, she realized why they deemed it unnecessary. The height of the sandals made walking extremely difficult and running away impossible. She teetered unsteadily, finally settling for small, mincing steps.

  Another series of long hallways, another empty room at the end. This one had a narrow window fitted with iron bars. The soldiers ushered her in and disappeared. She heard the thud of a wooden bar falling across the outside of the door.

  The room contained another wooden table and a single chair. Once again, nothing she could use as a weapon. A clay pitcher full of water sat in the middle of the table. AJ sniffed it and then took a tiny sip. A hint of lemon. Nothing else. She gulped the water, balm for her parched throat. Amazing how delicious something as simple as a cup of water tasted when it was infused with fresh fruit.

  Thirst slaked, AJ headed for the window. The last dying rays of Phalys and Zalix, Neodyma’s twin suns, poured into the room, sliced by a row of shadows from the iron bars. The room overlooked the public square below, with the city spread out in a half circle around it like an open fan.

  Petra lay in a lush green valley hidden in the mountains. She spied a lake in the distance on the far end of the valley. The water deep blue, standing high above the level of the city, held back by a massive stone dam.

  AJ stared out, surprised. She had no idea Petra was so large. From the entrance between the tall cliffs, the streets rose gradually toward her, so that the Citadel stood at the highest point of the city.

  Phalys disappeared over the horizon, followed seconds later by Zalix. Shadows deepened as twilight fell. The torches in her room remained unlit, but it didn’t matter. Her attention was riveted on the square and the preparations taking place there. The large raised platform in the center now held a wooden bench about three feet high and equally as wide. AJ saw ropes coiled at each of the four legs. This must be the spot where she’d be tied down.

  Shuddering, she tried to put the coming ordeal out of her mind and called on the military discipline that had been drilled into her. She surveyed the area, searching for weaknesses she could exploit when she completed her mission and planned her escape route.

  Soldiers already ringed the perimeter of the square. Two men in civilian clothing carrying torches began lighting others all around the area. One drew close to the wall outside her room as he touched his flame to a metal brazier at the edge of the walkway. He was careful to keep his head averted from the window. She sent out a command. But it was as if the man’s mind had no receptors. Try as she might, she couldn’t get him to obey even the simplest order, like looking at her through the window.

  Gradually the square began filling up, all the men of Petra gathering to witness her punishment. From the noise of the crowd, the raucous shouts, she thought they’d all have come even if their attendance wasn’t mandatory. Apparently a Correction provided great entertainment.

  A long screen made up of ornate carved wooden slats stood on one side of the square. She guessed it had been set up for the Harlots to witness her punishment. Although able to see and hear everything through the openings in the screen, they’d be hidden from the men in the square, keeping everyone’s attention focused on her.

  She heard the solemn beat long before she saw them. A double row of drummers marched into the square. The crowd parted automatically to make way for them. The drummers kept up the cadence as they headed toward the platform. Two by two they peeled away, arranging themselves in a row with their backs to the crowd. They created a narrow path from the base of the Citadel to the wooden steps leading up to the platform.

  AJ heard the door open behind her. She took one last look at the scene below, then turned. Two new soldiers stood by the door, waiting. She took a deep breath, straightened to her full height plus the extra six inches added by the sandals, and walked with as much dignity as she could muster out the door to meet her fate.

  Chapter Three

  Kaden swore under his breath. He had been summoned to the square as General Tok’s honored guest. There would be no opportunity after all to explore the city alone while everyone’s attention was on the Correction.

  The general had a private viewing area set up on the wide stone walkway at the top of the steps to the Citadel, with a row of chairs on either side of his enormous carved wooden seat. Although Petra purported to be a free zone where men could dwell as equals, Tok’s chair looked suspiciously like a throne to Kaden.

  Crowds of rowdy spectators packed the square by the time he arrived. He climbed the long flight of steps and presented himself to the general, inclining his head as he’d seen the other civilians do. He was grateful that he held no military rank here. He’d be damned if he’d salute the man.

  “Please, sit here beside me. You have not had the experience of witnessing a Correction since you arrived in Petra. It is a custom unique to our country, one that allows our society to function without the annoying discord between the sexes found in other nations. Perhaps the people of New Atlantis will embrace it as well someday.”

  Kaden made no response, merely nodding to acknowledge the general’s statement. If Tok had any idea why he was really here, he’d never have been invited to sit by his side.

  “As you can see, attendance is compulsory for all the men, and the Harlots as well. The spectacle is considered far too arousing for our Seraphs. They are forbidden to witness the proceedings. I’m sure you’ll understand why after seeing the ceremony. But I’m sure many have heard tales of what goes on here from their masters.”

  The general went on. “Is Petra all you had hoped it would be?”

  “It is certainly unique.”

  Tok beamed. “Men live as gods here, worshipped and adored by females. As it should be. But I am concerned. I have heard you do not visit the Lyceum. My advisors tell me you haven’t been there since your first night in Petra. Are none of the Harlots to your liking?”

  Kaden worded his response carefully. “Truth be told, I prefer my women to have a bit more… fire.”

  Tok laughed. “You want to be the one teaching her what it means to be mastered, eh? I like you, Kaden. And I’ve heard favorable reports of your conduct since you joined us. You are a man of action, but you have a way with words. Although you are new to us, the other men respect you already. I have plans for you. Our mining operation in Petra is expanding. We need a spokesman to travel around Neodyma and recruit new workers from among the other societies here.”

  The General leaned closer, lowering his voice. “I have a surprise for you. The female being punished tonight needs plenty of instruction on being properly submissive. She had the nerve to invade our city. Alone. Dressed as a man!” Tok shook his head. “Can you believe it? Anyway, as is our custom, she will undergo Correction by the High Priest. Then she’ll be taken to a private wing here in the Citadel before being sent to the Lyceum to join the other Harlots. I am giving her to you for the night. As my gift. You will have the privilege of being the first to master her.”

  The general paused, as though waiting for thanks.

  Kaden lowered his eyes so Tok wouldn’t see the loathing there and inclined his head again. “You honor me.”

  A murmur went up front the crowd, halting their conversation. Kaden saw the small procession making its way to the platform in time with the steady beat of the drums.

  First came the High Priest, Thelo. Kaden had only seen him once before, briefly, in the street. That day he’d worn a loose white robe that covered him from head to toe, leaving only his powerful arms bare. Tonight he was dressed like an Egyptian Pharaoh, with an ornate headdress. A short pleated tunic over the lower half of his body showed off his broad c
hest. Kaden was impressed. He himself stood six foot seven, with muscles built up from years of serious training in all forms of hand to hand combat. But standing next to the High Priest’s impressive physique, he’d look like a lad not yet fully grown.

  Two soldiers followed, with a tall robed figure between them. A long shapeless garment like the ones worn by the Seraphs covered her body and a dark veil had been thrown over her head. She walked slowly, carefully, with an odd mincing gait. As they drew closer to the platform, Kaden saw that it was because of the sandals she wore. Resting on high wooden platforms, the sandals added at least half a foot to her already imposing height. This morning when he’d seen her in the street, she walked hunched over, her bearing timid and deferential. But now, even with robes and veils covering her entire body, he could see that her head was held high. She carried herself like a queen—or a soldier. He watched her, suddenly interested.

  They mounted the steps to the platform. Thelo raised his hands and the drums quickened. The woman was brought to stand before him, her back to the crowd. Thelo untied her wrists. Then he reached out and in one sharp move, tore her robe in front from neck to waist. The garment fell to her feet, exposing her naked body. Strong shoulders for a woman. Her body narrowed at the waist and then flared out again at the hips. A firm, nicely rounded ass. Long shapely legs. Too skinny, perhaps, by Petran standards. But not for Kaden. He preferred a supple, slender body like hers, one that could bend and twist into all manner of erotic poses.

  The crowd roared.

  His cock stirred.

  He’d told Tok he preferred a woman with a bit of fire. This one certainly seemed to have it. Even knowing what lay in store for her, she refused to be cowed. He saw her straighten her shoulders and raise her chin. Now his mind was engaged as well as his groin. Tok said she would be his tonight. At last, perhaps he’d have a woman who presented a challenge. There was no thrill in mastering one of Tok’s Harlots. They did as they were told, pretending ardor in fear of being subjected to a ceremony like the one playing itself out in front of him. This woman was different. He could feel it.


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