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His to Command (Alien Masters Book 1)

Page 6

by Kallista Dane

  He stopped talking, obviously waiting for Kaden to comply. Kaden slid the thick leather straps between their bodies. He felt her tense as his fingers brushed against the tiny nub Atlanteans referred to as a woman’s pearl. He couldn’t help lingering there a little, brushing against it again as he took his time arranging the strap along the channel where the tops of her thighs met.

  Tok came over and ran his hand down between her legs as well. Kaden felt the woman shudder. Tok laughed.

  “You will see how effective the device can be. Now, you may need to restrain her, even spank her, to assure her compliance during the next part.”

  Tok handed him a smooth metal probe about four inches long. Narrow at the tip, it gradually flared out before narrowing again right above the base. It had a flat oval base, with slits on either end for the leather strap to be threaded through it.

  “It will be easier to insert the first time if you lubricate the surface.” Tok handed him a small jar filled with white coconut oil. Kaden dipped his fingers into the jar, then spread it liberally over the narrow end of the metal tool. He didn’t need to be told what to do next. With one arm across the woman’s back, holding her firmly in place, he rubbed the oil that remained on his hand around the puckered entrance to her rear passage, then penetrated her with the tip of one finger.

  * * *

  AJ couldn’t stop herself. She tightened convulsively.

  Kaden never said a word. He simply withdrew his fingertip and delivered two firm swats to her already sore bottom. Pain returned, pouring through her. She couldn’t hold back a sharp cry.

  Kaden swatted her once more before inserting his finger again, deeper this time. She jerked and felt his cock swell beneath her. He waited, letting her get used to the feeling of his finger inside her, then slid it farther in.

  Her backside burned again. Her core of pleasure throbbed from his shocking touch. And now he invaded her bottom hole, just as Thelo had done. This time, though, the sensation was not so shocking, so foreign to her. She wiggled a little on his lap and felt his member stir. He tightened his arm around her waist and slid his finger into her another inch.

  Hot. Tight and hot and… and… oooh! A sudden jolt of pleasure rocketed through her body. Juices flowed deep inside her vagina. She ground her core of pleasure against his hard bulge, desperate for the touch of his hand there again.

  AJ froze when she realized what she’d just done. She breathed a tiny sigh of relief, remembering she’d have to obey the Harlot rule to keep her eyes downcast before a Master. She’d never be able to look this man in the face after such shameful, wanton behavior.

  She was horrified when Kaden responded by probing deeper with his finger while thrusting his hips up against hers. He slowly withdrew his finger, teasing her a little by moving it in and out a few times along the way. Her pulse quickened.

  His finger was replaced immediately with something hard and cold pressing against her tight bottom hole. AJ squirmed as the pressure continued. At first, the object slid in easily. But as Kaden continued, it stretched her opening wider and wider, until she swore she could take no more. Frightened, she cried out and clenched her muscles tight.

  Kaden rested the heel of his hand on the object, holding it in place, while his fingers found her throbbing bud again and began stroking. Her cries of distress became low moans. She rocked back and forth against his fingers, causing her mound to rub against the stiff bulge beneath her. The pressure from his hand increased. AJ felt the cold hard device easing in farther. As it entered her, the object kept getting bigger and wider. She screamed, writhing on his lap. It was stretching her back opening so far, she didn’t know how she could bear any more. And yet he continued to push it in.

  Suddenly, her bottom hole tightened around the narrow base, holding the probe firmly in place with the widest part lodged inside her. The pain disappeared, replaced by an odd feeling, one she had no name for. Strange, but not unpleasant. Kaden’s fingers kept up their movement, massaging her nub until it hardened and pulsed rhythmically under his touch. With the palm of his hand resting against the probe, the stroking motion of his fingers made the device rock back and forth inside her back passage. Trapped there on his lap, AJ ground herself against the rigid bulge under his robe, lost in the erotic sensations surging through her.

  Tok’s voice snapped her back to the present.

  “Take the strap and thread it up through the slit on one end of the base. The tail has a slit all the way through it as well—right above the end. Slide the strap through that too, then pull it through the other end of the metal base. You can buckle the end of the strap to her waist in back, fastening everything securely.”

  She felt another pair of hands on her, pulling the strap up between the cheeks of her bottom.

  “You can fasten it tight, keeping it in place as she moves around the room—or falls to her knees to do your bidding.” The general laughed wickedly. “Or you can loosen it, allowing you to slide the device in and out a little. Once she is accustomed to the device, manipulating it will increase her ardor, encouraging her efforts to bring you pleasure.”

  AJ moaned as Kaden withdrew his hand. She felt the narrow strap pulled tight between the cheeks of her bottom. Suddenly her head was jerked back as Tok’s fist fastened around the end of her braid.

  “On your knees, Harlot,” he roared. Awkwardly, AJ slid off Kaden’s lap to kneel, head down. She bit off a sharp cry. Even the tiniest movements made the leather strap rub against her core of pleasure and caused the device lodged in her backside to shift, stimulating the nerves there and sending a strange thrill through her.

  Tok stood behind her.

  “Get out your Master’s royal rod and worship it.”

  Kaden broke in. “I thank you for this gift, General Tok… and for your instructions. I will take great pleasure in spending time with this Harlot tonight.”

  “It is a token of my esteem for you.” Tok brushed off the remark, as though he disliked being interrupted when he was engaged in a display of mastery. “You can reach down and grab her by the tail… so.” AJ gasped as Tok jerked the tail. The hard metal device pressed against her tight opening from inside, threatening to stretch her rear passage wide again, while the leather flap was pulled tight up against the tip of her clitoris, already throbbing with need from Kaden’s manipulation. Her head swam from the volley of sensations bombarding her body all at once.

  “Harlot, I have spoken. Do as you are commanded!”

  AJ whimpered as Tok kept up the steady pressure on her tail.

  “As I said, you have my gratitude, General.” Kaden interrupted again. “However I must decline your further assistance, no matter how valuable it might prove to be. It is customary among the men of New Atlantis to take pleasure from their females in private.” His tone remained level but this time there was no mistaking the steel beneath. General Tok had been dismissed.

  “Excellent. You are truly ready to make this your new home, even bringing your unique customs here and melding them with ours.” Tok was nearly babbling in an attempt to save face as he hustled toward the door. It was clear he had no intention of facing Kaden down one-on-one.

  AJ took a deep breath. The pressure on the device let up as soon as Tok released his hold on the tail. Her bottom closed around its narrow base again. She kept her head lowered as she heard footsteps receding, then the thud of the door. Kaden never moved but she could feel his eyes on her. Her heart was pounding so hard she was certain he must hear it. The silence went on for what seemed like hours.

  He finally spoke, the hunger in his voice raw.

  “Now we can begin.”

  Chapter Four

  AJ shivered. This man had already violated her bottom hole with his finger, spanked her, aroused her center of pleasure until she acted like a brazen… well, a brazen harlot. What other ravishment would he commit?

  She didn’t dare to speak, simply knelt before him with her head bowed. He lifted her chin. “You are quite beautiful
.” His voice was gentle. “What is your name?”

  She refused to meet his eyes. “Harlots have no name.” There was no guarantee that he wasn’t simply laying a trap for her, one that would earn her additional punishment if she fell for it.

  “You do not look like the other women here. Where are you from?”

  “I came here from Alexandria, by caravan.”

  “I have seen the women of Alexandria. You do not resemble them either.”

  He hadn’t asked a question so she remained silent. He sighed.

  “Look, I’m not interested in spending time with one of those mindless creatures Tok likes to surround himself with. I saw you on that platform. You held your head high, even though you knew what was to come. I like that. I intend to take a great deal of pleasure in your company tonight and bring you pleasure as well. But I will not force myself on you. If you have never met one of us, you do not know that the men of New Atlantis pride ourselves on our powers of seduction… and our women happily attest to them. I would never punish a woman for having a mind of her own, much less a name.”

  To her amazement, he slid down off the chair and curled up on the floor beside her.

  “Now. I will ask you again.” His voice lowered, holding a hint of amusement. “And if you do not answer, I’ll have to give you another spanking. What is your name?”

  She swallowed, suddenly nervous at his closeness. “I am called AJ.”

  “AJ? More proof that you are not from any kingdom I know. No father would allow such a hard-sounding name to be bestowed on such a beautiful female. Still, perhaps it’s fitting. Even from the other end of the plaza I saw the look on your face when you stood in front of Thelo. Most of the men here would have been intimidated by it.” He reached out, running the back of his hand over her cheek. “You remind me of a sleek but deceptively powerful cat. Soft and smooth on the outside, making me yearn to stroke its fur. Yet I must be on my guard, knowing it will unsheathe its claws at the slightest threat.”

  He leaned back against the chair. “I cannot call a female AJ. And I refuse to lump you in with the others and simply call you Harlot. You wear the tail of a rare creature, one that is legendary for its beauty as well as its skill at hunting. When you are with me, you will be Tajina.”

  He reached out and closed his hand around her tail. “One thing you must know about me, Tajina. I told you I will never punish a woman for having a mind of her own. But I do require obedience, especially when I’m focused on bringing pleasure to both of us. Now lie back and spread your legs for me so I can examine the charms I’ll be enjoying tonight.”

  AJ automatically backed away, shaking her head wildly. This stranger kept her off balance. She’d had no time to calm herself, no time to mount any sort of mental defense, let alone attempting to control him. Now he wanted her to part her legs willingly and allow him to engage in some bizarre act of physical intimacy.

  Kaden’s eyes narrowed. His hold on her tail tightened, stopping her from backing away any farther.

  “As I said, I do require obedience. And I believe in spanking if I don’t get it.”

  AJ cringed. Kaden saw it and immediately reacted, letting go of her tail and wrapping his arms around her to pull her close.

  “Not the kind of public torment Thelo put you through. If I have to spank you, it will be while you’re lying face down across my lap. We’ll both be naked… and by the time I’m through, you’ll be eager to do whatever I say.”

  All the while, his hands roamed over her. Stroking her back, her shoulders, caressing her hot, aching bottom. She tried to calm her breathing, focus her mind. But he was so close. The scent of him filled her lungs. Potent. Virile. Her mind reeled, obscene images pouring into it. She had a wild desire to run her tongue over his skin and see if his taste was as intoxicating as his smell.

  She shook her head. What was happening to her? Where were these savage impulses coming from?

  Kaden tightened his hold, keeping her locked in his arms as he lowered them both to the floor. AJ winced as her sore bottom came in contact with the hard stone. The tail pressed between her bottom cheeks, driving the hard implement attached to it farther into her rear passage. She bit off a whimper.

  His response shocked her more than anything he’d done up till then. He got to his knees, slid his arms under her, and in one powerful move, stood up. Cradled in his arms, AJ felt small and dainty for the first time in her life. Feminine. Her heart pounded. She gave in to a sudden urge and rested her head against his chest.

  A few long strides had them at the doorway to the bedroom. Kaden laid her on her side on the edge of the bed. Then he piled two large pillows in the center and picked her up again effortlessly, lying her down so that her hips rested on the soft surface and the tail dangled down along one side.

  He knelt between her legs, lifting her knees up to rest on his shoulders. AJ blushed again and closed her eyes. She couldn’t bear the shame of being totally exposed and having a man look upon her private parts. Would he do that unspeakable thing Thelo had done? Put his mouth on her… there? Instead of being repulsed, AJ felt another unaccustomed thrill of arousal.

  She suffered a sharp pang of disappointment when his hands busied themselves with the leather straps. He unbuckled them from around her waist and eased the leather through the slits in the hard metal probe, leaving it lodged deep inside her bottom but casting the tail aside. Then he uncovered her in the front and dropped the leather harness on the floor.

  “Tok’s little device will be useful later. We’ll leave it where it is.” He ran a hand casually between her legs, making it shift inside her, touching her everywhere now that nothing impeded him. AJ shivered and tried to close her legs. But his arms were between her thighs and when he sat back on his heels, his shoulders carried her legs higher into the air. He was stronger than she was, far stronger than she first thought. The ease by which he’d lifted and carried her proved that. For the first time in her life, AJ knew the feeling of helplessness. But with a delicious little shiver of fear, she realized that being helpless in the arms of a powerful, virile male carried its own wild thrill.

  When she felt his hand parting her vaginal folds, AJ let out a tiny cry.

  “You’ll be screaming much louder before the night is over.” He slid a finger inside her, then two.

  “Please… no.” Her voice was a whisper.

  “Too soon? I can take care of that.”

  He slid his hands under her bottom cheeks, raising her hips. She hissed at the sudden stab of pain from his fingers on her aching backside. Before she realized what was happening, his tongue swirled across her core of pleasure. AJ grabbed his head with both hands, burying her fists in his long hair, trying to pull his head away. But he mistook her panic for passion and began licking and sucking her, even darting his tongue into her vaginal opening.

  She screamed then. Shock and sudden, savage need warred inside her. Need won. Her fingers tightened convulsively in his hair as she felt the wave beginning to build. It surged over her, raw and harsh, while his tongue continued to ravage her. So relentless. So slick. So very hot. AJ screamed again, the sound torn from deep inside her as she came.

  Kaden growled. Her legs slid off his shoulders as he rose over her. Ripping away his tunic, he lunged forward, covering her body with his. She felt his breath, hot and fast against her neck. His mouth traveled up, descending on hers.

  She panicked. She couldn’t breathe. His lips were covering hers, his wet, hard tongue seeking to invade her mouth now. She’d heard of this ancient form of affection—kissing—but it was too intimate. Too close. She couldn’t bear it. His cheek pressed against her nose, his hard body pinned her down. She was afraid she’d suffocate. His stiff rod, now unsheathed, poked and probed between her spread legs. Terrified, AJ struggled, bucking against him, writhing and twisting. She started beating on him with her fists, kicking her legs.

  Kaden stopped. He rolled off her, crouching on the edge of the bed.

  “What i
n all the gods is wrong with you, woman?” he roared. “One minute you’re screaming in ecstasy, the next you’re fighting me off like you’ve never been fucked before.”

  “Well, I haven’t,” she yelled back, then stopped, appalled at what she’d just revealed.

  He turned his head slowly. “What do you mean—you haven’t?”

  “I mean I… I haven’t ever done that before.”

  “By all the gods on Mount Olympus, are you telling me I just ravaged a virgin?”

  Her voice was tiny. “Yes and no. But technically…yes.”

  His tone grew hard. “Explain.”

  AJ swallowed. She’d divulged too much to begin lying now. She sat up on the bed, gasping as the hard Device shifted in her bottom, making her muscles clench inside and sending another wave of wild sensations through her core. “I have, well, I’ve had what I guess you’d call virtual intercourse,” she stammered, “using various electronic devices, including one that simulated penetration in what I was told was a realistic fashion. But I haven’t actually been this close to another human being since I was too young to remember. And I’ve never been kissed.”

  “From what strange realm do you hail?” His eyes widened. “That’s it! I knew there was something different about you. I’ve heard tales of your kind. You are not from Neodyma.”

  She nodded slowly. “I’m from Earth. I arrived here on Neodyma three weeks ago. Please, I beg you.” She leaned forward, shifting onto her stomach to take the pressure off her inflamed bottom. “Do not divulge my secret. I… I will do anything you want. I swear it.”

  “So it’s true? The Portal still exists? The island of New Atlantis is isolated, even by Neodyman standards. But we heard rumors that Earth had begun using the Portal again, sending aliens here to plunder our planet.”

  “We’re not aliens. We are all descended from the same human ancestors. Your people left Earth long ago, while mine stayed behind.”


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