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Dangerous Grounds

Page 18

by Shelli Stevens

  As if her thoughts had summoned them sooner, she heard the electric gate to their house closing. Madison took another sip of coffee and waited for them to find her.

  Five minutes later, she nearly dropped her mug when Gabe walked out onto the balcony.

  She stood quickly, setting the mug down with shaking hands.

  “How did you get in here?”

  Gabe lifted a brow and gave her a sardonic look. “Through the front gate. Your folks haven’t changed the code recently.”

  Madison wondered briefly what was in the large envelope he carried, and glanced down at the table.

  Oh God, it’s too soon. I can’t face him yet.

  She took a deep breath and counted to ten. Get some control, Maddie. Don’t look like a terrified, weak woman.

  Lifting her head, she felt the calm descend upon her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Gabe knew the moment she put up the wall. The raw reaction in her eyes had disappeared, being replaced by something less vulnerable.

  He let his gaze travel over her, noting that once again she was dressed in clothes that likely cost more than his paycheck. The only exception was her lack of designer heels. The cast was a deterrent, and instead she wore a sequined flip-flop on the uninjured foot.

  “What brings you by, Gabe?” She gave him a polite smile as she gestured to the empty seat next to hers. “And why don’t you sit down?”

  What brought him by? Was she kidding? Gabe sat, never taking his gaze off her.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” She started to hobble toward the door. “Some water? Soda?”

  “Sit down, Maddie,” Gabe said, more sharply than he’d intended. “I’m not here for a beverage.”

  She sank back down in her seat and picked up her own coffee. “Okay, I’ll ask again. What are you here for, Gabe?”

  “We need to talk about things. The most important thing being our relationship.”

  Something flickered in her gaze, before she lowered her lashes. “Do we have a relationship? Last I understood, we weren’t putting any labels on it.”

  “You know damn well we did, whether we put a fucking label on it or not.”

  “Actually.” Madison crossed her legs and her skirt rose up an inch, exposing her smooth thigh. “I’m not so sure. I’ve been going over a few things in my head…and I’m wondering if maybe I mistook what we had for something else.”

  Not liking her tone, Gabe jerked his gaze from her thighs and met her uncertain gaze.

  “I have a theory. One that came to me after I had to save myself on Tuesday.” She took a deep breath. “You see, in the short time that we were together, I came to see you as my protector. Someone who would always be there for me.”

  “I wanted to be, Maddie. You know I would have given anything—”

  “I know, Gabe. But let me finish. Things just got crazy that day, and suddenly I had to save myself.”

  She might has well have been throwing knives, for her words couldn’t have hurt more. He swallowed against the rawness in his throat. “I made a mistake, Maddie. I tried to get back to you in time. I brought half the damn force—”

  “I know you did, Gabe.” She held up a hand to stop him. “And I’m not blaming you. Really, I’m not.”

  “Aren’t you? It sure as hell sounds like it. But, please, go on.” His jaw worked with frustration. Morbid curiosity was the only thing that made him want to hear what she had to say next.

  “I’m just not sure that what we had was more than…was more than a little hero worship combined with good old-fashioned lust.”

  He blinked, his stomach clenching. She couldn’t believe that. Not anymore than he did.

  His voice was harsh. “Bullshit. You’re just afraid.”

  “I’m afraid?” Panic and doubt flared in her gaze. Then anger darkened her eyes, and her mouth grew tight. “Afraid is what I was the day someone tried to kill me. I’ve already experienced the most terrifying thing a person can go through. Why would I be afraid of sex?”

  “It’s not about sex, Maddie.”

  “Isn’t it? And look, you don’t need to worry about me being pregnant. I took a test and I’m not.” She stood and he could see the way her hands trembled. “I don’t think we should talk about this anymore. Maybe you should just see yourself out.”

  Gabe stood and grasped her elbow and swung her around into his arms.

  “Stop. This won’t solve anything.” She attempted to push him away, but he’d already lowered his mouth to hers.

  She struggled for only a second before her body yielded to his. Her soft moan was all it took to undo him. He placed his hands around her waist and lifted her easily onto the table, not even breaking the kiss for a moment. Madison unfastened his shirt and had her fingers inside it, stroking over his chest.

  He groaned, unable to suppress the quiver that ran through him. God, it felt so good to have her back in his arms. To have her not fight him. And even if for only a moment, to have her not hate him.

  He spread her thighs and stepped between them, pulling her shirt off and dragging her bra down off her breasts.

  “Someone might see us,” she protested weakly, covering herself.

  Gabe gently grasped her wrists and pulled them away from her breasts. “Nobody can see onto your porch—the angle’s not right.”

  He closed his mouth around one of her nipples, loving the choked sound she made. Her fingers jerked in his hair, holding his head to her breast. He suckled on her gently and moved one hand under her skirt. Reaching the thin cotton barrier of her panties, he massaged one finger against the fabric and into her wet warmth.

  Madison groaned and grabbed at his shoulder.

  “I’ve got to taste you again,” Gabe muttered, dropping to his knees. “Remind myself you’re alive.”

  He pulled her forward to the edge of the table and lowered his mouth to the cotton of her panties. He licked and sucked through the fabric, teased by the musky scent and hint of moisture. His tongue stroked over her cleft, causing her panties to sink further in, and they immediately became soaked.

  He needed more. Gabe hooked his fingers under the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs and off.

  The sight of her plump, wet folds was so erotic his cock went rock hard.

  Placing a thumb on each side of her lips, he parted her and blew gently on the moisture inside. He pushed a finger into her tight channel and then retreated, using the slippery moisture to stroke over her clitoris.

  “Gabe…” She moaned and her legs fell open even further.

  He toyed with her clit, watching as it swelled under his touch. He leaned forward, pressing his face into her again and licked up and into her cleft.

  Madison jerked against him, but he held her still, dipping his tongue again and again into her slippery channel. He dragged it back to her clit to circle and flick against it before finally sucking the swollen bud into his mouth.

  Gabe heard her guttural groan and answered by pushing two fingers inside her, penetrating her while he brought her to a climax in his mouth.

  With her thighs still shaking from the orgasm, he stood and kissed the side of her neck. He let his gaze meet her passion-clouded eyes.

  “Maddie,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “I’ve missed you, mi vida. Don’t you see how wrong it is to try to fight this?”

  The tiny smile on Madison’s face slipped and she closed her eyes. “Oh, Gabe…I want you in my bed, obviously I do. But as for more than that? I’m just not sure.”

  Her words were like a bucket of cold water on his desire for her. He released her so abruptly she had to grab the table to keep from falling.

  “Fine, Madison. Have it your way. But I won’t be just some guy you fuck when you’re horny.”

  She winced, already pulling her clothes back on. “Gabe, wait. That came out wrong. I just need more time to think about things.”

  “At least have the decency to be straight with me,” he ground out. “
This goes beyond the relationship label. You aren’t ready to forgive me for what happened Tuesday. I broke your trust and now you’re afraid. I’m sorry I let you down, Maddie. But I’m human.”


  “I wish I could’ve been the knight in shining armor you wanted me to be. But I wasn’t. And now, unfortunately, I’ll never measure up to the kind of perfection you expect.”

  He turned and strode back into the house, leaving her alone on the balcony, so blinded by his emotions that he almost rammed into Eric, who walked down the hallway.

  “Gabe,” Eric put a hand out to steady him. “Did you come to see Madison?”

  “Yeah, and now I’m leaving.”

  Eric held fast to Gabe’s arm, refusing to let him walk away.

  “I told you to give her a week.” Eric’s gaze softened with sympathy.

  Gabe issued a harsh laugh. “Somehow, I doubt two more days would’ve made much of a difference. Let me pass, Eric. I don’t want to stick around where I’m not wanted.”

  “All right,” Eric released him with obvious reluctance. “I still think she just needs time.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “She cares about you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Hey, hold on a second.” Eric again stopped him as he went to move past. “Don’t forget the rehearsal dinner on Friday night.”

  “I’m leaving town for the week, and I’m turning off my phone. But I’ll be there Friday,” Gabe promised, and walked out of the house.

  Madison hadn’t stopped shaking when her brother came out on the porch a few minutes later.

  “So, that’s it then?” Eric pulled out a chair and sat across from her. “You’re just going to write him off?”

  Her stomach clenched and she averted her gaze to the view. “I don’t know, Eric. I’m so screwed up emotionally right now.”

  “It wasn’t his fault.”

  “I know it wasn’t.”

  “Do you? Deny it all you want, but it sure seems like you’re blaming him.”

  “Fine. You know what? Maybe I am.” She squeezed her eyes shut, frustration making her voice louder. “I’m tired of it all. My entire life you guys have shielded me, protected me to the point where I felt smothered. But when it came down to it, no one could keep me safe. I still had to save my own ass in the end.” She threw her hands up in the air. “And you know? I’m done. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone, anymore.”


  Her eyes snapped open. The tone in his voice had changed, and he’d called her by the nickname she’d dropped years ago.

  “There are reasons why we were overprotective.” His voice gentled. “I’m sure you don’t remember it, but something happened when you were just a little kid. Something bad.”

  Her gut clenched as she stared at him for a moment. “What do you mean something bad?”

  “Do you have any memories, scary memories from your childhood?”

  “What? Not that I remember…” Her eyebrows drew together and she shook her head. Something tickled the back of her mind.

  Nightmares. She’d been plagued with them as a kid for the longest time before they grew less frequent and then finally stopped all together. For the life of her, she couldn’t remember what they were about. She’d forgotten all about them until now.

  Madison swallowed hard. “What happened to me, Eric? And why don’t I know about it?”

  Eric sighed and looked away. “You were abducted when you were three years old.”

  A vision flashed through her head so fast she could barely hold onto it. Being tied up and thrown in the trunk of a car. Then thick darkness and absolute terror.

  Sweat broke out over her body, even as a chill moved down her spine. “I was…abducted?”

  “Some guy who worked for Dad decided he and his wife would kidnap you and hold you for ransom. You were missing for almost a week.”

  Shock rendered her speechless.

  “Honestly, I don’t remember much. I was only eight, and Mom and Dad made me promise to never talk about it once you came home.”

  “So they paid the ransom?”

  “I don’t think so. I think the police went in and found you during a raid. They figured out who’d taken you.”

  She finally closed her jaw, which seemed to have lost all gravity. The nightmares, the seemingly ridiculous fear of car trunks…they must have originated from the kidnapping. Kidnapping. Her head spun and she pressed her palm against her forehead.

  “I don’t know what to say. I wish you had told me. It would have made more sense, and I wouldn’t have resented the protectiveness as much.”

  “Come on. This is Maddie Phillips we’re talking about. You would have gotten frustrated whether you knew or not. You’re the most independent woman I know.”

  She nodded, a weak smile playing around her lips. “You’re right. I would have still been frustrated.”

  “I shouldn’t have told you. The parents would rip me a new one if they knew I’d told you. But I know you can handle it now.” He paused. “And I want you to stop coming down so hard on Gabe.”

  The mention of Gabe had her stomach in knots and regret piercing her.

  “He kept you safe, what, ninety-nine percent of the time?” He raised an eyebrow skeptically. “The Espresso Bandit was slick, Madison. You can’t blame Gabe for the one time he didn’t protect you.”

  “Eric…” she protested, not wanting to hear this right now. Not with trying to digest what had happened to her when she was a toddler.

  “No, you need to hear this, Madison. Besides the kidnapping, nothing bad has ever happened to you. We made sure of it. But there was bound to be a time where one of us couldn’t protect you. And it just happened to fall on Gabe’s watch.”

  She closed her eyes, gnawing on her lip. He was right. Eric was totally right. But then he always had a habit of seeing the bottom line. Even when I’m too stubborn to.

  “So what do I do?” Her voice grew hoarse. “He hates me now. He has to. I treated him like…”

  “Shit? Yeah, Madison, you did.” Eric grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “But I’d wager my next paycheck that he loves you. And if you make things right, you guys can move past this.”

  Her pulse doubled. He thought Gabe might be in love with her? Could it be true? Warmth spread through her body, and she grew dizzy with the possibility.

  “I will. I’ll make things right.” And she wanted to. Now. Not tomorrow. Not in ten minutes when her brother left. But now.

  She grabbed her purse, fumbling for her cell phone.

  Eric laughed softly. “You’ll have to wait, Madison.”

  She jerked her gaze up, almost desperate to fix things. “Why? Why do I have to wait? I need to make this right. I need to do it now.”

  “Gabe’s leaving town for a while. And he’s turned off his phone.”

  “What? How do you know?”

  “He told me when I ran into him in the house.” Eric gave her a gentle smile. “Take some time. Think about this and make sure it’s what you really want. You’ll see him on Friday night at the rehearsal dinner.”

  Friday night. God, it was like five days away. She closed her eyes and nodded. Once again, he was right, though. She did need time to think this through.

  “Thank you, Eric.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get yourself together, the parents will be home soon.”

  Madison held her second grand opening for Ooo La Latté on Thursday morning. She unlocked the door with shaking hands and went inside, locking it again behind her.

  She leaned against the glass with a shaky sigh. A part of her was still terrified by the idea of being back. Running a hand through her hair, she let her gaze move over her shop.

  This is my future. Whether or not Gabe decided to take her back, she would always have her shop.

  Gabe…her heart twisted at the thought of him and that moment on the balcony. This week had
been hell on her nerves. And the more she thought about it, the more she realized she was in love with him. And tomorrow night she’d find out if he felt the same.

  Madison pushed away from the door and hit the light switch. Walking past all the tables and couches, she went straight behind the counter.

  She ignored the acidic feeling in her stomach as her fingers traced over the groove in the wall where a bullet had recently been imbedded. The bullet that had been intended for her. That would have hit her, had it not been for Gabe.

  Someone knocked on the glass door, and she jumped in surprise, her heart thudding like crazy in her chest.

  Madison glanced toward the entrance, but since it was still early in the morning, darkness still lingered outside. Wiping her damp palms on her pants, she moved slowly to the door.

  It was Sarah, her arms folded across her chest as she shivered in the drizzle.

  Madison twisted the lock and pulled open the door. “Hey, you. I can’t tell you how glad I am that you came back.”

  “What can I say? The pay’s great,” Sarah replied with a grin and slid past her. “And you’re famous now, so that makes me famous by association.”

  Madison laughed, letting some of the tension drain away. “Infamous is more like it. But I think it’ll do wonders for business. And we’ll need to do some serious catch-up.”

  “No kidding.” Sarah sat on one of the leather chairs and pulled off her jacket. “So, really…are you doing all right, Madison?”

  Madison sat across from her and shrugged. “As well as can be expected, I guess. But I’m ready to be back. And I’ll just take it a day at a time.”

  “That’s all you can do. And I have to warn you that there’s a media van out front.”

  “I know.” Madison ran a hand through her hair and smiled. “I told the reporter hello and promised to bring him out a cappuccino.”

  Sarah stood with a laugh. “You’re going to be just fine, Madison. We’d better get ready if we’re going to open soon.”

  “Yeah, good call.”


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