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The Legacy of the Assassin

Page 11

by Tony Bertot

  "I meant you," Carlos said to Denise.

  "See if you score anytime soon," Dianna shouted back at him with a big smile on her face.

  The place erupted with laughter.


  As Tyler and Nick were getting situated in the store, Sheila and Sam were stepping out of a rented car across the street, just a quarter of a block away.

  "The building can't be too far," Sheila said as they walked up the block.

  "There it is," Sam said pointing to the building number.

  As Denise and Dianna headed back, they noticed the woman and man now beginning to ascend the steps to their building.

  "Hi, can I help you?" Dianna asked as she and Denise reached the bottom of the steps.

  "Do you live here?" Sheila asked.

  "Yeah, my uncle owns the building," Denise said.

  "I'm Agent Cooper and this is Agent Williams, and we were wondering if you could help us?" Sheila said.

  "Is this about the shooting that occurred a month ago over on 11th Street?" Dianna asked.

  "Uh... No, we are looking for a man and I was wondering if you've seen him," Sheila said.

  "Can we go inside? It’s kind of cold out here," Sam said.

  "Um... sure," Denise said racing up the stairs and opening the door.

  The four made their way to the lobby where Sheila pulled out the picture of Theo Gresco and asked them if they had seen the man.

  "No. I've never seen that man," Dianna said shaking her head as Denise did the same.

  "How about this man?" Sam said, catching them by surprise with a picture of Tyler. Both girls hesitated, then quickly nodded no. Sheila then pulled out the picture of Joey Escalla (aka Nick Costello) and asked if by any chance they had seen that man. Again, both girls nodded quickly that they had not.

  "Are you sure? All three men are wanted fugitives," Sheila lied.

  "No, ma’am," Denise said looking them right in the eye.

  "Well, then, there is nothing more for us to say," Sheila said. And with that, both Sheila and Sam turned and bid them a good day and walked out.

  Back in their car, they sat there staring back at the building. "They were lying," Sheila said.

  "Yeah, I picked that up too. It was obvious that they did not recognize Theo Gresco, but they definitely recognized Santiago, and I think Nick Costello as well," Sam said. "Why would they lie to us?"

  "I don't know and I don't care," Sheila said.

  Just as Sam was going to suggest they call the captain, they spotted Denise rushing out of the apartment heading up the block. "Where the hell is she going in such a hurry?" Sheila asked.

  They quickly got out of the car and raced across the street. Maintaining cover, they made their way up the block as they followed Denise. Just as they passed the Randazzo apartment building, a flowerpot came crashing down on the stoop causing them to jump and Denise to turn around. Caught by surprise, Sheila, by instinct, pulled her weapon and ducked, while Sam reached for his but did not draw it. Denise immediately turned around and continued up the block, not stopping at the store. Not noticing that Denise had seen them, they ignored the flowerpot and continued to follow.

  Carmine answered the call to the store. "Someone is following Denise and they are headed your way," Ana told him. He immediately got out from behind the counter and headed toward the front of the store. He was in time to see Denise had already walked by. Following Denise, he saw a well-dressed man and woman go by.

  "Feds," Carmine said to himself, then went to the back where Nick and Tyler were in the freezer-taking inventory.

  "Hey, I think we got company looking for one of you two," he told them as he urged them to follow him. They quickly got up and followed Carmine to the front of the store. They peered from the store window, but the two agents had disappeared from view as they continued up the block following Denise. Tyler and Nick grabbed their coats and cautiously walked outside looking both ways as they crossed the street. As they quickly made their way up the block, Tyler recognized the duo.

  "It's Sheila and Sam. They’re FBI," Tyler said, grabbing Nick by the back of his coat and gently pulling him back.

  Now retracing their steps, they managed to get back to the store without being seen by the agents.

  "What the hell are they doing here?" Tyler said aloud.

  "Are they looking for you," Nick asked Tyler.

  "Yeah, I just don't know why. They wanted to question me and I refused to come in. Whatever it is, I'm willing to bet it's not in my favor," Tyler said.

  After collecting his thoughts, Tyler decided to return to the apartment and pack his things. Nick advised him against it.

  "Look man, as long as we stay under cover they won't find us. I know this neighborhood like the back of my hand. Let me show you something your father taught me," Nick said as he went out the back of the store.

  A few minutes later Nick was stacking piles of wooden boxes against one of the wood fences that separated the properties. "Now follow me," he told Tyler.

  The apartment building was only three properties away and they were there in a matter of seconds. Nick easily opened the back entrance to the building.

  "We can do this all the way to the end of the block, both ways," Nick said.

  "My father taught you this?" Tyler asked somewhat amused.

  Once in the building both men decided they needed to keep their belongings packed just in case they needed to make a quick getaway.

  Sam and Sheila saw Denise duck into a restaurant and quickly stepped up their movements. When they got there, they saw her standing at the bar as if waiting for someone. Sheila and Sam were anxiously anticipating that they would see either Tyler or Nick. They were disappointed when they saw someone hand Denise a package. Denise waved at the person that handed her the bag, turned around and headed back down the street in the direction of Sam and Sheila.

  Sam and Sheila quickly turned and stepped into an entryway of one of the apartment buildings that lined the street. A few seconds later they watched as Denise made her way back down the street toward her apartment building. When Denise arrived, Dianna had just finished cleaning the pot that accidentally fell from her uncle's window. Sam and Sheila crossed to the other side of the street and made their way back to the car.

  "Shit, they made us," Sheila said.

  "No. You don't really think that, do you? I'm sure pots fall out of closed windows in the middle of winter all the time," Sam said sarcastically.

  Sheila looked at him and laughed. Sam looked back at her and smiled, understanding the frustration of this ridiculous situation.

  "So where do you think she was originally headed?" Sam asked.

  They both scanned the area and spotted a number of people going in and out of the butcher shop.

  "Um... That's a pretty popular place," Sheila remarked.

  "Should we check it out?" Sam asked.

  "Let's call the captain. It'll be there when we get back," Sheila suggested instead.

  Benito watched as the rental pulled out, as did Tyler and Nick.

  "Looks like their gone for now, but they will be back," Benito said to Denise and Dianna. "Question is, when?" he added.


  Finding a phone some three blocks away, Sam called Captain Connolly with a progress report. "Yeah, we're in Chicago tracking Tyler, and get this: we think Nick Costello is here too," Sam reported.

  "Man, when it rains it pours," the captain said.

  "What do you mean, Captain?" Sam asked.

  "I think Theo Gresco is in town. There was an incident in Manhattan yesterday. Three would-be robbers made the mistake of taking on a hostage in broad daylight. In the span of five seconds, a sniper systematically took them out, splattering their brains all over the pavement. Sound familiar?" the captain asked.

  "Holy shit," Sam muttered.

  "Sam, believe me when I tell you, I want both of these guys. However, I want you and Sheila on the next plane back. I don't want you guys spending your Thanksgivi
ng up there in Chicago. Things should be quiet over the holiday. We can regroup while taking some well earned time to be with our families," the captain said.

  "Captain, your ass is on the line here," Sam said.

  "Yeah, I know. It's always on the line. These two are not up there in Chicago to cause any mishaps. Tyler is there tracking his family. Who knows why Costello is there? Maybe he has family he ain’t seen in twenty plus years. I don't know, but right now I'd rather have you two back here. You know, just in case Theo decides to come out of the woodwork again," the captain said.

  "Sure, captain," Sam said.

  "You two have a great Thanksgiving," the captain told him.

  "You too, sir," Sam said.

  When Sam returned to the car where Sheila waited, he told her what the captain had said.

  "Are you shitting me?" Sheila said, not believing what Sam was telling her. "Man, I can smell them close by," Sheila said.

  Sam stared at her and waited until she was finished with her ranting. "You're welcome to spend Thanksgiving with me if you're going to be alone," Sam said.

  Sheila looked at him and nodded. "Guess I'll be eating turkey at my favorite turkey's house," Sheila said.

  Sam smiled at her, started the car, and pulled out heading to the airport. Sheila turned around looking back up Wabash Street and nodded saying, "We'll be back."

  The Call

  Thanksgiving Week/New York City

  Nikki Gaweli was putting clothes in the dryer when she heard the commotion in the hallway. "You son-a-bitch, give me back my purse!" she heard someone scream.

  Rushing into the hallway, Nikki was never one to stand on the sidelines and watch. It was her nature to get involved. This was no different. She stepped into the hallway and ran smack into the mugger who was trying to get past her while carrying the purse in one hand and a five-inch blade in the other. Seeing the knife, Nikki instantly moved to the side, raising her knee and placing it squarely in the guy's stomach, as she pushed the hand with the knife out of the away. This sent the mugger sprawling to the floor causing him to drop the purse but not the knife.

  He quickly moved forward away from Nikki and got up, knife in hand. "You bitch. You just screwed with the wrong guy," he said as he now moved in a threatening manner toward her.

  Nikki moved back nervously, preparing herself for his attack. Three years of training in Tae-Kwon-Do came down to this moment. The attacker slowly advanced as the other woman began to scream, trying to summon other people to Nikki's aid. "Help, he's trying to kill her! Oh God, please help!"

  Suddenly, a stranger stepped out of an apartment behind Nikki. He moved forward past Nikki and stepped between her and the assailant.

  "You are disturbing my sleep," the stranger told the mugger.

  The mugger was not amused, but quickly realized he now faced an imminent threat. "You mind your fucking business mister, or I'll cut you up and make you wish you were dead," he growled menacingly.

  The stranger stared at the intruder and started to laugh. "You've got to be shitting me?" he said. With his back to Nikki and the other woman, the mystery man opened his long black coat to reveal a gun tucked in his belt."You feel like living another day?" he asked as he moved toward the other man.

  Theo did not want to show his weapon, nor splatter the punk's brains all over the hallway. Not because he cared for the attacker, but rather he could not afford to bring unwanted attention to himself and where he was staying. If he had let things be, the place would be crawling with cops who would want to question everyone on the floor, another option that was not favorable. In the interest of his well-being, he decided it would be best if he defused the situation as quietly and quickly as possible. Theo, now seeing the fear in the man's eyes, already knew the outcome as the man began to step back. Theo advanced forcing him to run out of the building.

  "Yeah, you better run!" Nikki, screamed.

  Buttoning his coat Theo turned and looked at Nikki.

  "What did you tell him?" Nikki asked Theo. He looked at Nikki, smiled, picked up the purse, and handed it to the other woman. Next, he nodded to both women and went back into his apartment.

  Both women stared at the closed door and then at each other. "Who was that masked man?" Nikki commented.

  The woman walked over to Nikki, gave her a big hug, and thanked her for her involvement. Nikki watched as she went back down the hallway into her own apartment. As for Nikki, she stopped in front of the stranger's door and stared at it. Mesmerized by the tall dark stranger who came to the aid of a damsel in distress, she could not help but want to know more about him. It was in her blood; after all, she was a reporter for the Metro, a local community newspaper.


  Almost two hours had passed since Theo's confrontation when there was a knock on the door. Theo quickly picked up his revolver, walked over to the door and glanced through the peephole. "Oh, great," Theo thought. The young woman who confronted the mugger was now knocking on his door.

  "Yes, can I help you?" Theo asked through the door.

  "Um... Yes I just wanted to thank you for coming to my aid earlier," Theo heard the young woman say.

  "You're welcome. Goodbye," Theo responded.

  "No, wait. I have something for you," Nikki said.

  "What is it?" Theo asked.

  "Well, if you don't open the door, you'll never know," Nikki responded.

  Theo thought about it for a few seconds. "OK. Hold on," Theo said as he quickly hid the gun in his coat, which was hanging from a hook on the door. He then scanned the room to ensure it was in order before walking over to the door, and once again looked through the peephole before unbolting it. Opening it halfway, he greeted the young woman who was holding a package in both her hands. Theo immediately got suspicious.

  "How were you able to knock?" Theo asked her.

  "With my elbow," Nikki answered, thinking it a strange question.

  "What is it?" Theo asked.

  "May I come in?" Nikki asked. Theo stared at her for a second and nodded no.

  "Can't you give me the package and go away?" Theo asked her.

  "That's not polite," Nikki responded, now feeling a little uncomfortable.

  "Oh. Sorry, I don't mean to be impolite," Theo said.

  Nikki thought to herself, "Man, where was this guy born?" Then out loud she asked, "Well are you going to invite me in?"

  "I guess so. I don't want to be impolite," Theo responded as he showed his distaste for her insistence.

  Nikki stepped in and was surprise to see a well-kept apartment. To the left was a small hallway that led to a bathroom on the right and a bedroom at the end. Nikki stepped into a living room with a kitchen located against the wall on the far left.

  "This is nice," Nikki, told him.

  "What's nice?" Theo asked.

  "The way you keep the apartment," Nikki responded. Theo looked around, shrugged his shoulders, and made no comment.

  Nikki walked the package over to the kitchen and placed it on the table. She turned and looked at Theo and found him staring at her. "Well aren't you going to open it?" she asked him.

  Theo walked over to the package, opened it, and was surprised to find an apple pie with a card attached to it. He looked at her, smiled, and proceeded to open the pie instead of the card. Nikki found this strange, as most people learn to always open the card first and thank the giver, but she said nothing and just watched. A good reporter is a good observer was her motto.

  Theo walked over to the sink, opened one of the cabinets and pulled out two plates, then reached into the utensil drawer and grabbed two spoons. Placing them all on the table, he invited her to join him.

  "Sure, why not," Nikki nodded.

  They sat there for a few seconds enjoying the pie before Theo said, "It tastes good. I like it."

  Nikki now suspected that if he did not like it he would tell her.

  "Aren't you going to open the card?" Nikki asked, now anxious to see his reaction. Theo took the card and tore
open the envelope. It was an invitation to have Thanksgiving dinner with her and her family. Theo stared at it for almost a whole minute before looking up at her and asking, "Why didn't you just ask me?"

  Thinking fast she responded with, "Because if I put it in a card it would be impolite to refuse," Nikki answered.

  Theo stared at her for a second. "I suspect that you are lying to me. But since I am not one hundred percent sure, I will come," Theo told her.

  Nikki, now caught off guard, simply nodded with a big smile on her face. "By the way, I'm Nikki Gaweli," Nikki said extending her hand.

  "Pleased to meet you," Theo said.

  Nikki sat there staring at Theo waiting for an additional response. Theo saw her staring at him and smiled back at her. Though he found her rather attractive, she made him feel awkward, somewhat like Sylvia used to make him feel.

  "Well?" she asked him. "Is your name Bugs Bunny?"

  "No, it's not. What made you ask that," Theo asked, honestly curious.

  "Cause you didn't introduce yourself to me like I did to you," Nikki said.

  "Is this another polite thing to do thing," he asked her.

  "Duh... Yes," she responded.

  "I don't want to introduce myself to you, but you can call me Bugs Bunny if you like," he said smiling. He continued, "I don't stay in one place very long and privacy is very important to me."

  "What? Are you kidding me? Are you some sort of criminal being sought after by the Gestapo?" Nikki asked, kidding.

  "No, they're not after me," Theo responded.

  Nikki suddenly became pensive, wondering what she had gotten herself into. Either this guy is the most naïve person she has ever met, was from another planet, or has been out of touch with reality for a very long time.

  "I was only kidding about the Gestapo," Nikki said.

  "Oh, OK. You kid a lot, don't you?" Theo said.

  "I'm sorry. Let's start again. I'm Nikki Gaweli and you are?" Nikki said once again extending her hand.

  "I'm the man who saved your life, is not willing to share his name with you and is asking that you stop asking. Pleased to meet you," Theo responded.

  Nikki stared at Theo as he stared back at her, with a captivating smile. She was starting to like this man's mannerism. He was not pretentious, or forceful like most men she had met. He had an innocence about him that was genuine.


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