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The Legacy of the Assassin

Page 19

by Tony Bertot

  "In other news, a holiday celebration turned tragic in a small town just ten miles outside of Buffalo, New York. An explosion leveled a house in the small town of Cheektowaga killing everyone inside. The cause of the explosion is unknown as firefighters and marshals sift through the rubble. Also on the scene are government officials who believe the explosion was due to a gas leak," the anchorman concluded.

  Felicia stood up and stretched her arms.

  "Leo!" she called out before realizing her error. A guard opened the door and responded, "Miss Giordano, is there anything wrong?" he asked her.

  "What is the status on the whereabouts of Nick Costello?" she inquired.

  "I'll find out," he quickly responded as he retreated back into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

  A few seconds later, John De Luca and Jimmy (Slick) Debonti came into the study. "Miss Giordano, I understand you are trying to track this Nick Costello," John said. Felicia stared at him and nodded. "Well we haven't had any more communication on his whereabouts, but we have stepped up the search and are continuing to monitor any news," John reported.

  Felicia was not used to hearing negative news and was somewhat taken aback by it. She now realized the importance of Leo Russo, though she did not regret her course of action.

  "Fine! Fine. Do the best you can in finding him. How about Tyler Santiago? I asked that you discreetly continue searching for him and not use the radio to broadcast to the whole damn world what we are doing. How is that going?" she asked.

  "We are also looking for him, and I promise that as soon as I get any news, I will let you know," John reported to her now a little nervous.

  "Slick, when will you be returning to Chicago?"

  "I figure next week. Celebrate New Year's Eve in Time Square. Always wanted to do that," he told her.

  She smiled at him and nodded responding with, "Sounds like a plan. Will you be taking over the Ruiziano business?" she asked him.

  "Wasn't planning on it, but would love to. Don't have the manpower I would need," Slick told her.

  "Not a problem. I am sure I can convince some of our mutual friends to lend you some men until you are up and running," she told him.

  "Thank you, Miss Giordano. I would really appreciate your help."

  As they left her alone, Felicia walked over to the window and stared out, wondering if Theo Gresco would keep his promise and show up on Monday. It was now Saturday, the 29th of December, and her excitement on finally confronting the assassin was putting her on edge.

  The Plan

  New York/New Jersey

  Confined to a motel room in Newark, Nick and Tyler discussed their future plans. Being wanted by the FBI did not leave Nick too many options. He had no illusions about disguising his appearance, knowing it would simply be a matter of time before he would be picked up. As for Tyler, they couldn't hold him on anything, and if he simply used another name to get around, they wouldn't be able to track him so easily. Finally, Nick decided he was going south to some quiet island with white sandy beaches and warm sun.

  “And a few hot women wouldn't hurt!" he said smiling. "I'm too old for this life any longer." What he really wanted to do was find Jay Messina and just hang out.

  Tyler's thoughts turned to his father. He needed to find him though he didn't know how, or what to do when he did.

  It was around 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 30th, when there was an unexpected knock on the door. Tyler quickly got up and nodded for Nick to step behind the door.

  "Who is it?" Tyler asked.

  "Mr. Santiago, you have a phone call," someone outside said.

  Tyler walked to the door, took a deep breath and opened it.

  "Hello, Tyler."

  Tyler stared at the man at the door and didn't recognize him.

  "Do I know you?" Tyler asked as the man pushed himself into the room followed by another man.

  "I'm your father," Theo said.

  Tyler stared at him, and finally recognized him from the photos.

  "Uh... Yes, you are. Aren't you?" Tyler said not knowing what to do or say.

  "Where's that asshole, Nick Costello?" the other man asked.

  Nick came out of the closet not knowing what to expect.

  "Holy shit! Theo! Jay! What the hell are you two doing here?" Nick asked laughing as he walked over to Theo and gave him a hug followed by one for Jay.

  "As usual, we are here to save your asses," Jay said, smiling.

  Jay walked over to Tyler and introduced himself.

  "But how? How did you find us?" Tyler asked.

  "Oh, that was easy. We simply went down the list of contacts Theo had left for you. After we convinced them we were on your side, they were happy to give us your aliases. Then we started tracking your banking transactions. Thank God you registered with your credit card, or we wouldn't have been able to track you here," Jay said.

  "Oh, by the way, Tyler, the Giordano family is looking for you. I think they want to introduce you to one of their bullets," Jay said.

  "Why? I didn't do anything to them," Tyler responded.

  "It's my fault. I am sorry, Tyler, to bring this on you. It was never my intention," Theo said.

  Tyler turned and looked at his father and smiled.

  "It's ok, Dad. I know you tried everything to keep me and Mom safe," Tyler said.

  While the others continued the conversation, Theo was caught up in the fact that Tyler referred to him as Dad. "This is my son," he thought to himself.

  "Hey, Earth to Theo. Snap out of it," Jay said.

  "Sorry. What's happening?" he asked.

  "It is obvious the Giordanos won't stop till they get both of you, so we need to come up with a plan to halt them in their tracks. Anybody got any suggestions?" Jay asked.

  "In exchange for sparing Tyler's life, I promised Miss Giordano that I would come knocking on her door tomorrow, and since this is all my fault, I plan to keep that promise," Theo told everyone.

  "Are you crazy? She'll blow your head off the minute she sets eyes on you. She isn't going to keep her promise. Man, you killed her brother and they don't forgive. It's their code," Tyler said.

  "Well then, I guess we don't have much of a choice," Nick said.

  "I'll make some calls and get us some weapons. In the meantime, Nick, they are also looking for you, but we don't know why. So you know what you need to do," Jay said.

  Tyler listened intently to their plan and finally interrupted with, "You are all out of your mind. You don't stand a chance. That place is heavily guarded. No one gets in without a thorough search."

  "Yeah, that is a problem," Jay said as he continued to lay out the plan, completely ignoring what Tyler had just said. They chatted well into the morning hours discussing various options. Back and forth the conversations went until around 3:45 a.m. when they had all decided there was no more to discuss. It was now time for action and time was of the essence.

  Theo turned to his son and smiled.

  "Tyler, again I am sorry it had to come to this. I'd give my life freely knowing that you would be safe. But Jay is right, Felicia Giordano cannot be trusted to keep her word, and so the choices are clear," Theo said to his son.

  "Good luck, Dad," Tyler said as the two men hugged tightly.

  Next, Theo walked over to Nick. "You asshole. I actually cried when I thought you died," Theo said.

  "Aw. You say the sweetest things. You want to kiss me?" Nick said with a big grin on his face.

  Theo stared at him as if he had two heads. "What?" Theo said backing away from Nick. They all burst out laughing.

  "Prison does strange things to men," Jay said now laughing hysterically.

  "Goodbye, my friend," Nick said to Theo as the two men hugged.

  "Better not get yourself killed, or I swear I'll kick your ass," Theo told Nick.

  "You sure you don't want to kiss me?" Nick said, laughing as he made his way to the door. Turning around he looked at the three men, nodded and walked out into the night.

  Theo watched as Nick departed, and then turned to the other men and said, "That man is crazy."

  Both Tyler and Jay smiled.

  Next it was Jay's turn to say goodbye. "You two stay safe. Tyler, I'll see you later tonight. Theo, good luck and if our paths never cross again, know that it was a pleasure to have known you," Jay said as he opened the door, looked out, turned to Theo and said, "It looks like a good day to die," then closed the door behind himself.

  Tyler was taken aback by Jay's last words. "What did he mean by that?" Tyler asked Theo.

  "It's what we use to say every time we went into battle. ‘It looks like a good day to die,’" Theo responded. "But I didn't know what it meant, ‘cause I sure as hell wasn't planning to die any one of those times."

  Instead of getting some sleep, father and son spent the next few hours getting to know each other. Theo told Tyler about Nikki and that he wanted to take her to South America with him.

  "But you just met her," Tyler said.

  "Yeah, but we kissed," was Theo's response.

  "I see," Tyler responded. Tyler realized that his father was who he was: a man who was honest to a fault.

  The rest of the morning was spent on idle chatter before they left to get some breakfast.

  "We won't be coming back here again," Theo said as Tyler watched him wipe down every item they had touched. An hour later they left the motel for the last time.

  The Final Curtain

  December 31, 1984/New York

  Early New Year’s Eve, Felicia Giordano assembled the kitchen staff. She began, "I have called you all before me to say thank you for your services over the years. Many of you have been here since my father. You have traveled to my home in New Jersey when we needed you, and back here again when I decided to return. After today, I will no longer require your services as I am closing up both homes and stepping down. As a token of my appreciation, each and every one of you will receive a handsome bonus," she said as she started to turn away and dismiss them.

  "Wait,” she continued. “Before you leave, I need to add one more thing. As we have advised you in the past, what you have seen here over the years is to be kept to yourselves. You are not to talk to reporters or anyone else about your business here, or at my home in New Jersey. If this is not clear to you, then let me say it in a manner that you will understand. I know each and every one of you as well as your families. Should you break your vow of secrecy, my associates will visit your home and eliminate you and your loved ones. I hope I have now made it clear to you," she finished as she waved her hand in a final dismissal.

  The two bodyguards that walked with her said nothing, but gave a glance to one another as it was news to them as well that she had decided to step down.

  She then called in John De Luca. "John, I want you to assemble a conference with the various bosses. I am announcing my decision to step down."

  "Miss Giordano! I... I don't know what to say. Who will take over?" he asked, taken aback by the news.

  "I don't care who takes over, and I suggest you start thinking about what you want to do with your life. You can take over if you want, or make a suggestion. I don't really give a shit. I am tired and I want to get out and enjoy what little time I have left," she replied without so much as a hint of concern.

  "But what about the assassin and Tyler Santiago? Plus we have contacted the real Nick Costello, and he said he is coming in to talk to you," John told her.

  She stared at him for a second before answering. "I'll see Mr. Costello and Theo Gresco when they come, and as for Tyler Santiago, forget about him. I don't care anymore. It's over."

  With that said, Felicia left John and went back upstairs and into her room. She walked over to the window and stared out, lost in her thoughts.

  She was interrupted by a knock at the door. Wiping her tears away she responded with, "Yes?"

  "Miss Giordano, Nick Costello is at the front gate," she heard a guard say.

  "Ok. Escort him to the conference room and I'll be right down," she replied.

  Ten minutes later, after she had composed herself, she went down to meet Nick Costello. As she stepped into the conference room, Nick stood up to greet her.

  "Miss Giordano. I understand you wanted to meet with me."

  "Yes, Mr. Costello. Can you tell me where you have been in, say, the last five years?" Felicia asked him.

  "Sure, in a Wisconsin prison for almost twenty two years, including the last five. What's this all about?" Nick responded.

  "It seems that someone has been impersonating you," Felicia responded.

  "What? Who?" Nick asked, sounding somewhat surprised and angry at the same time.

  "A Mr. Theo Gresco," Felicia said looking to see how he reacted to the name. Nick did not react at all as he seemed to be digesting what Felicia had just told him.

  "Son of a bitch! That bastard! He was the reason I was sent up. He tried to kill me. Do you know where he is?" Nick asked her.

  "As a matter of fact, I do. He will be coming here sometime today. That is, if he keeps his promise," she said.

  "So he works for you?"

  "Not anymore," Felicia responded.

  "So why is he coming here?"

  "It doesn't matter. The point is, he will be here and you are free to do what you want with him," Felicia said with a cold stare.

  "I would like my gun back," Nick told her.

  She stared at him and then over at one of the guards. "Give him back his gun," she ordered. A couple of minutes later Nick was handed his weapon, which he holstered.

  "Make yourself at home, Mr. Costello. It may be a long wait," she said.

  "You'll let me know when he arrives?" Nick asked her as he turned and headed out the door.

  "Of course," Felicia said almost smiling.

  As Nick left the room, Felicia walked over to the window and was staring out at the gate where she noticed some activity. She walked over, picked up the phone and called the gate, watching as one of the guards picked up the other end.

  "What's going on?"

  "Ms. Giordano there are two FBI agents wanting to speak with you. It's Miss Sheila Cooper and Mr. Samuel Williams," the guard said.

  "What the fuck do those two assholes want?" she almost screamed aloud, but instead said, "Ok, send them in."

  She watched as the guards opened the gate and let the car through. A minute later she was confronted by the two agents.

  "Well, well, and what can I do for you two?" she said as they were escorted into the study.

  "We hear you are looking for Detective Tyler Santiago," Sheila said.

  "You mean ex-detective don't you? What business is it of yours?" Felicia responded.

  Just then there was a knock at the door. A guard stuck his head in and nodded to Felicia. "Excuse me a second," Felicia said as she walked over to the guard to determine the purpose of his interruption. He whispered in her ear that Mr. Theo Gresco was at the gate wanting entrance.

  "Shit, now? Frisk him thoroughly and show him into the conference room," she whispered to the guard.

  Returning to Sheila and Sam she resumed her conversation.

  "I'll ask you again: What business is it of yours? Tyler Santiago is a civilian now. And by the way, I am no longer interested in his whereabouts, so you can scurry on back to the hole you came out of," Felicia told them.

  Suddenly there was a huge explosion.

  "What the fuck!" shouted Felicia as she saw Sheila and Sam both draw their weapons.

  "What the hell is going on?" Sheila asked as she raced towards the front door followed by Sam. Felicia ran to the window and looked out in time to see smoke coming from the front gate. One of the gates was hanging by a hinge and she could see two men lying on the ground. Other guards were rushing towards the gate, and she watched Sheila and Sam also head in that direction. They all slowed down as they reached the commotion.

  "What the hell is going on?" she thought to herself, when suddenly she heard, "Good afternoon, bitch." She turned and f
ound herself facing Theo Gresco.

  "You! How?"

  "Doesn't matter. I am here," Theo said.

  "You won't be able to get out of here alive you know. My guards will cut you down in seconds," she said.

  "They're going to be busy for the next few minutes," Theo said as they suddenly heard gunfire coming from the gate.

  Felicia stared at him, smiled and said, "Go ahead. Kill me if you dare." Mocking him as if she didn't think he had the guts to do it.

  Theo stared at her for just a second before answering with, "My pleasure," as he put three bullets into her chest. Her eyes widened as she fell to the ground, clutching her chest as blood flowed with prejudice over her fingers, quickly stealing her life and breath. She stared back at him in disbelief as he walked up to her and aimed his gun. "This time you aren't walking away," he said to her as he fired another round into her head.

  A second later, Theo was joined by Nick. They made their way to the front door and peered out to make sure no one was looking as they got into Theo's car and headed for the back entrance of the estate. With most of the guards at the front of the property, only one guard was left at the back entrance, which served as little resistance to Theo and Nick as they crashed through the gate and made their getaway. Heading in a circle around the estate, they passed the front entrance signaling both Tyler and Jay to jump in. A few seconds later, they switched cars and headed east towards Montauk. In another hour and a half, they boarded a small plane at a private airstrip and flew south, to another airport, where they boarded a larger plane and headed to South America.

  In Conclusion….

  Jay Messina rejoined his wife in their beachfront home in South America.

  Nick Costello moved just a half a mile down the road from Jay and became quite popular with the ladies.

  Tyler became a private investigator and was quite successful. He later married and had a son, which he named Theodore after his father.

  Denise Lazzaro and Mike Paluski married two years later and had two little girls named Jamie and Lauren.

  Benito Randazzo lived with his wife, Ana, till the age of 92. Ana joined him less than six months later.


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