True Blue SEALs: Zak (True Navy Blue #1)

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True Blue SEALs: Zak (True Navy Blue #1) Page 10

by Sharon Hamilton

  Of course, Amy would stare down at his bulging groin area. The barista abruptly turned.

  Inserting a finger in his belt loop, Amy took the lead, pulling him behind her as she wandered in search of a place they could be more intimate.

  They found a purple velvet oversized chair in the back corner. Zak slid it discretely to the left so the main café area couldn’t see it. She pushed him onto the cushions as his hands reached for the nude lips of her sex, feeling her pulsing wetness. He turned her around and guided her down on his quickly unsheathed cock.

  His upward thrust reminded him of their chemistry, the hot hormones of their young love mixed with something he now knew as a full grown adult man he never wanted to be without.

  It was a far cry from a golf course, but as he felt her grind down on him, giving him full access to her warm wet channel, his hands overflowing with the warm pillows of flesh her breasts made, he observed where they’d wound up. Directly in front of him was the sports section. At eye level were big books. One in the center read “The World’s Most Outstanding Golf Courses.”

  He smiled. Some things never changed.

  Chapter 2

  The exciting encounter with Zak left her wanting more as soon as it was over. The forbidden public sex and her nerves all added to bring her to a crescendo and an orgasm that was still racking her body long after he’d finished.

  She rocked back and forth on him.

  “Baby, that was awesome,” he said, kissing that part of her neck that sent chills down her spine.

  She kept her eyes closed and focused on every movement his cock made against her tingling insides. She dug her nails into his thighs, still feeling the long rolling spasms that would not release her. Grateful, she secretly hoped it would continue all night long.

  “Someone’s coming, sweetheart,” he whispered. She heard the polite coughing as if someone wanted access to the row they were occupying.

  “I can’t,” she said, unmoved. “Oh God, Zak, I can’t stop.”

  His warm chuckle did little to cool her passion. “Baby, I love that about you.”

  “I could go forever.”

  “I know you could,” he said to the back of her neck, his fingers squeezing her tits, pinching her.

  She continued to rock against him. His inhale told her if they were in bed he’d be ready to go again almost immediately. She heard the clearing of a throat behind them. “I don’t care. He can watch,” she gasped.

  Zak urgently put his fingers under her dress, and as she rocked him, he massaged her little bud, which helped her come to the full climax and then start to retreat down the other side.

  “God, baby, thank you,” was all she could think to say.

  “Thank you,” Zak whispered.

  She glanced over her shoulder. A handsome older gentleman was smiling, but not looking directly at her. Zak’s fingers slid down her thigh, his chest leaning forward against her, spreading her skirt over his lap while he buttoned his fly. “Is there someone there?”

  “Yes, Zak. He’s waiting.”


  She couldn’t remember seeing him blush before, but it definitely was a blush on his cheeks as they repositioned the chair and made their way, hand in hand up front, without checking back to view their intruder.

  Without her panties, Amy reveled in the feeling of the moistness between her legs and hoped it would be a permanent condition for the very brief visit of only three days.

  “That was a first,” Zak mumbled as he opened the door for her.

  “Me, too. But it was wonderful.” She kissed him, resting her wrists on his shoulders. Zak’s palms naturally smoothed up her thighs.

  “So we’re so very hot tonight, then? I guess you’re not hungry? I was going to take you out.”

  “Well, you did take the edge off a little. A small salad would be nice, Zak.” She was starved, after all. Recalling the morning getting ready and then flying, she realized she hadn’t eaten anything but a banana since breakfast. She regretted leaving the rest of the hot creamy mocha on the floor by the chair.

  Zak picked up her panties and held them down at her feet so she could put her red toes through them and slide them up to her hips.

  “Thank you. I like how you do that,” she said.

  “I like how you do that, too, sweetheart.”

  She forgot that in the evenings the San Diego area had a gentle breeze, and his arm around her shoulder softened her chill, as he pulled her hip against his. The small Italian restaurant was open for lunch, but sparsely populated. They took a booth, sliding over the smooth oxblood red leather.

  Zak appeared healthy, tanned, and stronger than she’d ever seen him. He’d always been in great physical shape. With all the soccer and football and other sports in high school, he was the one most others were compared to. But today, seeing the size of his arms, which had gotten huge, the thick chest muscles connected to more muscles extending up his neck, his square jaw, and the way he honestly returned her gaze without flinching or diverting away showed he’d grown up years just in the few weeks they’d been apart. He was an enhanced version of his former self, and that former self had been pretty damned good, too.

  He laughed at her after they’d ordered. “You keep staring at me like I’m going to jump out and spook you or something. What gives, Amy?”

  She’d never noticed how white or straight his teeth appeared, how smooth his lips were, or how when he swallowed he used more muscles than she’d ever seen. He’d always been the best looking guy in high school, heck, in the whole town. But now, his handsomeness was focused, sharp, and well-honed.

  His palms were a bit callused, the right side graced with one new scar. Corded veins roped up his biceps and down his forearms. Even his fingers were thicker. She wondered…

  “It’s just that you’re different somehow. Bigger.” She felt the flush of her cheeks and the light veil of sweat at her upper chest. An evening with him alone – all night long – was making her knees weak. She’d never seen him so magnetic. Just being anywhere near him always engulfed her in the flames of great fantasies, but today, she found an even stronger attraction, almost like an animal chemistry that wasn’t present before.

  “Bigger?” Now it was his time to blush. He cocked his head and winked at her. “So what you’re saying is all the running on the beach, the midnight swims, and double PT is making me a little more…” He chuckled, and Amy’s spine shivered. That dimple at the right side of his lips was getting deeper the more he smiled. When he let the smile bloom, when he opened his lips and gave her the full-on beaming face, she nearly fainted.

  Yes, I’ve studied your body for years, Zak. And yes, holy cow, you’ve gotten bigger. You’re stronger. You’re just— She didn’t have the words to describe her jumbled belly, the reaction her body had to not only the sight of him, but the scent of him as well.

  A wine glass was dropped in the far corner, and instantly, Zak turned his head. His relaxed demeanor didn’t hide the fact that he had taken in the whole room and everything inside it. The hairs at the back of her neck began to rise.

  “Should I be worried, Zak?”

  He scowled. “No.”

  She waited for him to explain.

  “It’s the training, Amy. I think my reaction times are quicker. Everything is quicker—” Catching himself before she could say anything, he continued, “Well, we’ll see on that other thing.” His smile wiped her mind of anything except the vision of them tossing in the bed together for thirty-six precious hours non-stop. He looked at her directly, eyes unflinching, not hiding any of his new intensity.

  She sat back and let him see she was noticing how different he was. “Don’t get me wrong, Zak. I like what I see.”

  As the waitress presented their food, Zak peered around her, raising his eyebrows. “I certainly hope so. Wouldn’t want you to be disappointed, now.” He wiggled his eyebrows again. “Would we?”

  “You know I wouldn’t. You’re just—you’re j
ust different. More you. More of you to love, and I certainly don’t mean you got fat. I loved the Zak I said goodbye to in San Francisco. But this one—” She opened her palms. “I wasn’t prepared for what a change all this training was going to have on you. I mean, you’re harder, but in a kind of gentle way.” She knew she wasn’t making much sense so scrunched up her eyebrows to ask for help.

  Zak was playing with her, barely looking at her, a sexy smile gracing his lips as he toyed with his spaghetti, twirling it around the fork until he put a forkful of the delicious pasta in his mouth. His lips were covered with buttery Bolognese sauce. He raised his left eyebrow as he licked the substance with his tongue. Then he winked at her.

  She was done. Frozen in place, just watching him eat. It gave her chills observing his swallow. His Adam’s apple did the slow dance down and then back up again as he silently finished the whole plate of pasta in sheer minutes.

  When the emotional fog lifted, she began to pick through her salad. She wasn’t hungry all of a sudden. She felt his eyes on her and loved the feeling.

  “Tomorrow, I can’t wait to introduce you to the Team, especially my LPO.”


  “Leading Petty Officer. He’s in charge of our little company. He’s not a Naval Academy grad, but came up through the ranks like I hope to do some day. Kyle’s a good man and one of the best I could serve under.”

  “Okay.” She stared down at her salad and wasn’t rewarded with any hunger pangs. She gulped down some ice water, chewing several pieces of ice. Zak again gave her that knowing smile.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  He shook his head. He grabbed her hands in his callused palms. “Amy, it’s just me. Just you and me, sweetheart. Why are you so skittish?”

  “Nervous?” She didn’t know what else to say. Words were completely failing her. “I don’t know. It’s like we’re together for the first time all over again.”

  His thumbs caressed her knuckles and the backs of her hands.

  She continued, “After all the times we’ve—”


  She tried to hide her shock. He brought her palm to his lips and kissed her tenderly.

  “Yes, well, not like we aren’t familiar with each other. I mean—” The hole she was digging was getting deeper, and Zak was enjoying it way too much.

  He squeezed her hands, laying them back on the table. In a whisper, he answered the question she’d not asked. “Maybe because this time it means something. This time you’re here to see if this is a life you could live. Amy, I want you to be a part of my life, this community. You have to be completely honest with me, because, honey, I’m done looking. I need you here by my side, but only if you can see yourself doing this. And if you can’t—” Zak leaned back in the seat and dropped his gaze to the table then gave her that piercing stare that told her he was one hundred percent serious. “If you can’t, we have to walk away. I need to deploy knowing you’ll be good when I’m gone.”

  Chapter 3

  Amy was easy to love, insatiable in bed, and incredibly lusty out of bed; he was in a constant state of arousal. Since he no longer drank, taking her to one of the clubs—even if he had the energy to go dancing, and he doubted that right now—was not an option. Several of the guys had taken him to a western brew house, and he’d felt out of place learning the line dancing, but he’d try that with Amy. And he knew she’d like it.

  Bars and even brew joints with dancing were for picking up girls. It was great for the single guys. But Zak, just like he’d told her, was done looking.

  She snuggled into his chest, tucked in sweetly like she always did. Most of their trysts were done on a blanket at a park or golf course, so he was enjoying the luxuriousness of the king-sized bed and the smell of her body on his sheets. He decided he’d not wash them for a week or more, just to remind himself of these nights.

  This trip was way too short, of course. There would, hopefully, be a lot of loving. But there was also a lot he had to accomplish, and he wondered if he wasn’t trying to do too much too soon in their relationship. Reluctantly, he put that aside. Using his training to focus in on the task, he set up the plan and rehearsed it over and over again in his own head. Then he was going balls to the wall to execute. His hope was that it would be so well thought out, so well executed that she’d find it natural and easy to go along with everything he’d worked out.

  Amy moaned, wrapping her legs around his thighs. He could feel the smooth flesh of her sex against him. Even in sleep, she was fully available to him and he loved that about her.

  Zak’s hands smoothed up and down her upper arm as he stared at the ceiling. He’d made the first step to do something important with his life by becoming a Navy SEAL. The Brotherhood was his new family and it healed and filled so many holes in his soul. Serving with men who would gladly die for him without thinking about it felt honorable. It was indeed what made him one of the lucky ones.

  Now, Zak was about to do the next big thing in his life. He was “securing the target,” bringing Amy into his life, not just as a girlfriend but also as a mate and life partner. He had been completely honest with her. If she couldn’t take the intensity of his family now, couldn’t deal with the stress and loss and tears and, the joy of doing something more important than all of them that sometimes came with the job, he’d have to walk away.

  And as hard as it would be, he’d do it. He’d make sure he didn’t give up on his shot to become one of the best of the best and to serve his country proudly with honor.

  They were to meet Carter at an omelet house for breakfast. He and Amy noodled around in the shower until they were going to be unfashionably late. He was always the one to have to turn down the heat so they could keep to a schedule. Amy would have been fine just staying in bed the whole time.

  She made a point of showing him she wasn’t going to wear panties, “just in case.”

  “This is going to be a painful day for me, I can see.”

  “I have the cure for that pain,” she whispered.

  “Indeed, you do.” Her hopeful face was seeking out a message he wasn’t going to give her. “You’re here to learn about my community. And before you tell me you learned all you need to know in that bed,” he pointed to the tussled sheets behind him, “I need to show you things. Things that are important for you to know. I’m doing this for you, Amy.” He added a smile he’d almost forgotten to show.

  She got that little stubborn teenager look as she continued dressing and then, examining the floor, turned her head from side to side, the pouty smile on her face. It enchanted him, but also reminded him that he really wasn’t in control.

  “Zak, I hope you’re not tired of me already,” she whispered to her bright red toes.

  “Not a chance, sweetheart.” He grabbed her and held her tight, tilting her chin with two fingers. “Stay just the way you are. Insatiable.” He kissed her. “Sexy as hell.” He kissed her again. “Riding my cock all night long like last night. I’m going to be ruined when you have to go back.”

  “Then keep me here.”

  Her clear brown eyes were honest, unflinching. He knew she was ready to take that step through the doorway with him. As long as everything else worked out over these next two days, he’d be able to convince her to get married before he deployed. That was the new mission. He didn’t want to wait until he got home. There was a new target to be acquired.

  Carter had already had breakfast when they arrived. He stood, giving Zak an annoyed sneer before he even looked at Amy.

  “You know, I’m sitting here, eating my eggs and bacon, and thinking—no, I’m knowin’—what Zak’s doing right now. And I’m sitting here eating cornbread and drinking more coffee than I usually do, all by my lonesome. I coulda slept in, man.”

  Carter’s eyes darted to Amy and got round.

  “Carter, this is Amy.”

  “Nice to meet you,” she said and extended her hand.

  “Oh, honey, we don’t sha
ke here. We hug.”

  Before either he or Amy could react, Carter had pulled her chest into his and gave her a big squeeze.

  “Um. Nice. Very nice.” Carter winked at Zak as he let Amy escape. With his fingers stroking his chin, he added, “Didn’t he teach you that? That boy is not doing his job. Now, if you wants pointers and instructions, I’m your man.”

  Zak punched him in the arm. “You asshole.”

  After they all took their seats, Carter again directed his conversation to Amy. “You see how he swears now? Occupational hazard, ain’t it, Jell-O?”

  Amy turned to face him. “Jell-O?”

  Zak didn’t like that one of his most painful nights was being relived. Amy’s father, now the Santa Rosa Chief of Police, had him arrested for adding red Jell-O in the opposing high school’s fountain. Some of the opposing football team’s members caught Zak and handcuffed him naked to the school sign. He was left as a present for Officer Dobson, Amy’s father.

  That was his senior year, and Dobson forbade Amy from seeing Zak any longer, not that it made a bit of difference. It just meant they had to sneak around a bit, which actually made it more fun.

  “I can’t believe you told him that story, Zak.”

  All he could do was shrug.

  “Okay, you love birds. I got things I got to do. I’m not excited about spending the next hour watching you two fuck with your food, you know what I mean?”

  Zak took Amy on a tour of the beach area near the Hotel Del, walking her down to watch some of the new BUD/S recruits who were just beginning their painful journey to glory. The little rubber boats, manned by men in orange vests, came in from just beyond the breakers, sometimes overturning and sending everyone into the water. The boats were carefully lifted over the slippery, sharp rocks that were a break barrier. The boat had to be protected. Footing had to be secured or an ankle could be broken, or worse. Zak remembered how black and blue his shins had been after those days and how it took nearly six months to grow the hair back on the top of his head from carrying those boats overhead.


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