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Coonts, Stephen - Jake Grafton 7 - Cuba

Page 35

by Cuba (lit)

  might be in prison just now."

  "That's rightea"...the director agreed, nodding. "We

  think the rioting is directly due to the fact

  Sedano is in prison. The lid is coming off down


  "We've had our finger in a lot of Cuban

  piesea"...the president said disgustedly, folding his hands

  on the table in front of him. "Probably too

  many. I seem to recall that die CIA did some

  fast work with a computer, emptied Fidel's Swiss

  bank accounts."

  "The money is still hi those banksea"...the director said

  quickly. "We just created a few new accounts and

  moved the money to them. Don't want anyone to think

  we are into bank robbery these days."

  "Why not? This administration has been accused of

  everything elseea"...die president said

  lightly. Poking fun at himself was his talent, the

  reason he had made it to die very top of die heap

  in American politics. He laced bis fingers

  together, leaned back in his chair. "If we had any

  sense we would let die Cubans sort out their own

  problems. Lord knows we have enough of our own."

  A murmur of assent went around die table.

  Tater Totten sighed, took his letter of resignation

  from an inside jacket pocket and unfolded it,

  placed it on die table in front of him. Then he

  took out another letter, a request for immediate

  retirement, and placed it beside die first. He

  smoothed out both documents, put on his glasses,

  looked diem over.

  The secretary of state was sitting beside him. She

  looked over to see what Totten was reading. When she

  realized she was looking at a letter of resignation, she

  leaned closer.

  "What is today"..."...later whispered. "The date?"

  "The seventh."

  General Totten got out his ink pen, wrote the

  date in ink on the top of the letter of resignation and the

  letter requesthag retirement. Then he signed both

  letters and put his pen back hi his pocket.

  "... our willingness to work with the new

  government. In fact, I think this would be an

  excellent time to end the American embargo of

  Cuba...."...The national security adviser was

  talking, apparently reciting a speech he had

  rehearsed with the president earlier today. As the

  adviser talked, the president had been looking

  around die room, watching faces for reactions. Just

  now he was looking at Tater Totten with narrowed


  He knows, the general thought.

  When the adviser wound down, the president spoke

  before anyone else could. "General Totten, you look

  like a man with something to say."

  "We can't ignore six ICBM'S armed with

  biological warheads. We can't ignore a lab

  for manufacturing toxins. We can't ignore a

  warehouse full of stolen CBW warheads." He

  leaned forward in his chair, looked straight at the

  president, whose brow was furrowing into a scowl.

  "Fifty million Americans are within range of

  those missiles. We must move

  right now

  to disarm those missiles, put the Cubans out of the

  biological warfare business, and recover those

  stolen warheads. We have absolutely no

  choice. When they find out what the threat is, the

  American people are not going to be hi the mood to listen

  to excuses."

  Tater Totten looked around the table at the

  pale, drawn faces. Every eye hi the room was on

  him. "If one of those missiles gets launched at

  America, everyone hi this room will be responsible.

  That is the hard, cold reality. All this happy

  talk about lifting embargoes and a new era of peace

  hi the Caribbean is beside the point. We can't

  ignore weapons of mass destruction aimed at

  innocent Americans."

  The silence that followed lasted for several

  seconds, un-

  til the president broke it. "General, no one

  is suggesting we ignore those missiles. The question

  is how we can best deal with the reality of their presence.

  My initial reaction is to wait until a new

  government takes over in Cuba, then to talk with them

  about disarmament and return of the stolen warheads in

  return for lifting the embargo. Reasonable people will

  see the advantages for each side."

  "Your mistakeea"...General Totten replied, "is

  thinking that reasonable people will be involved in the

  negotiations. Reasonable people don't build

  CBW weapons of mass destructionunreasonable people

  do. Unreasonable people use mem to commit murder for

  ends they could achieve in no other way, ends they

  think are worth other people's blood to attain. Now,


  by God, is reality."

  The secretary of state had snaked the chairman's

  letter of resignation over hi front of her while he

  was speaking. Now she showed it to the director of the

  CIA, who was on her left.

  "What is that document"..."...the president asked.

  "My letter of resignationea"...Tater Totten said

  blandly. "I haven't decided whether to submit it

  now or later."

  As the president's upper lip curled hi a

  sneer, the secretary of state put the letter back on

  the table in front of disthe general.

  "Totten, you son of a bitch!


  the man responsible."

  "I have to sleep nightsea"...Tater shot back.

  "You reveal classified information to the press,

  I'll have you prosecuted."...The president knew

  damn well that Totten would hold a press conference

  and tell all. "You'll spend your

  goddamn retirement in a federal pen," the

  president snarled.

  "Bullshit! When the public finds out about polio

  warheads on ICBM'S aimed at Florida, the

  tidal wave is going to wash you away."...General

  Totten pointed a finger at the president.

  "Don't fuck this up, cowboy: there are too many

  American lives at stake. Now isn't the time

  for a friendly game of Russian roulette."

  "Okayea"...the president said, lifting his hands and showing

  the palms. "Okay! What's the date on that letter?"


  "Make it a week from today. We'll do this your

  way, and a week from today you're permanently off to the

  golf course with your mouth welded shut."

  Totten got out his pen, changed the date on both

  the letters, and passed them across the table to the president,

  who didn't even glance at them.

  "Better get cracking, Generalea"...the president


  "Yes, sirea" Tater Totten. He rose

  from his chair and walked out of the room.

  At the same time the president and National

  Security Council were meeting in Washington, the

  Council of State of the communist government

  of Cuba was meeting in Havana.

  "Where is FidelThat someone roared at Alejo

  Vargas as he walked into the room, flanked

  by Colonel S
antana on one side and a

  plainclothes secret policeman on the other.

  Santana limped as he walked. He was heavily

  bandaged about the head and left arm, and moved like a man

  who was very sore.

  Vice President Raul Castro watched

  Alejo Vargas take his seat at the table beside die

  other ministers. His face was mottled, his anger

  palpable. He motioned for silence, smacked a

  wooden gavel against the table until he got it, then

  looked Vargas straight in the face.

  "Where is my brother?"


  "And you have hidden the body."

  "The body is being prepared for a state funeral.

  I didn't think anyone would object."

  "Liarff"...Ratil Castro spit out the word. He

  stood, leaned on the table, and shouted at Vargas.

  "Liarst I think you murdered Fidel. I think you

  murdered him so mat you could take over the

  country."...He waved at the window. "The

  people out there think so too. You have murdered my

  brother and arrested the man that he hoped would eventually

  succeed him, Hector Sedano. Jesus, man, the

  whole country is coming apart at the seams; they are

  rioting in the streets!"

  Alejo Vargas examined the faces around the table

  while Raul shouted. Maximo Sedano was there, his

  face impassive. Many of the faces could not be read.

  Most of them merely wanted food to eat and a place

  to live, something better than the people in the cane

  fields had. They went to their offices every day,

  obeyed Fidel's orders, took the blame when

  things went wrongas they usually did watched Fidel

  take the credit if things went right, and soldiered

  on. That had been a way of Me for these people for two

  generationsforty yearsand now it was over.

  "... the people loved Fidelea"...Raul was saying,

  "honored and respected him as the greatest patriot

  in the history of Cuba, and I think you, Alejo

  Vargas, had a hand in his death. I accuse you of his


  "Watch your mouthea"...Santana told him, but Raul

  turned on him like an enraged bear.

  "I am vice president of the republic, first in

  line of succession upon the death of the

  presidentea"...Raul thundered at the

  colonel. "Maintain your silence or be evicted."

  Alejo Vargas had already removed his pistol from his

  pocket while he sat at the table listening

  to Raul. Now he raised it, extended it to arm's

  length, and squeezed the trigger. Before anyone could

  move he pumped three bullets into Raul

  Castro, who fell sideways, knocking over his

  chair. The reports were like thunderclaps in the room,

  leaving the audience stunned and slightly deafened.

  Alejo Vargas got to his feet, holding the

  pistol casually in front of him in his right hand,

  "Does anyone else wish to accuse me of


  Total, complete silence. Vargas looked from

  face to face, trying to make eye contact with everyone

  willing. Most averted their eyes when he looked

  into their face.

  "Colonel Santana, please remove Senor

  Castro from the room. He is ill."

  As a bandaged Santana and the plainclothesman were

  carrying out the body, Alejo Vargas again seated

  himself. He placed the pistol on the table in front

  of him.

  "I will chair this meetingea"...he said. "We

  are here today to decide what must be done in light of the

  recent death of our beloved president, Fidel

  Castro. He fought a long, valiant fight against

  the disease of cancer, which claimed him four days ago.

  Of course the news could not be publicly announced

  until the Council of State had been informed and

  decisions reached on the question of succession.

  "I do hereby officially inform you of the tragedy of

  Fidel Castro's passing, and declare this meeting open

  to discuss the question of naming a successor to the office of


  With that Vargas reached across the table and seized die

  gavel that Raiil Castro had used. He tapped

  it several times on the table, sharp little raps that made

  several people flinch.

  "This meeting is officially openea"...he declared. "Who

  would like to speak first?"'

  No one said a word.

  "The news of our beloved president's death has

  hit everyone hardea"...Vargas said. "I understand. Yet

  the business of our nation cannot wait. L hereby

  nominate myself for the office of president. Do I

  hear a second?"

  "I second the nominationea" General Alba, his

  voice carrying in the silence.

  "Let the record show that I move to make the

  nomination unanimousea"...Admiral Delgado said, his

  voice quavering a little.

  "I second that motionea"...General Alba replied,

  "and move that the nominations be closed."

  One would almost mink they rehearsed that, Alejo

  Vargas thought, and gave the two general officers a

  nod of gratitude.

  * * *


  The silent predators came gliding in even as

  Ocho Sedano watched with his face hi the water,

  gray, streamlined torpedoes swimming effortlessly

  through the half-light under the surface. They seerned

  to be swimming toward the place where the

  Angel del Mar

  had just gone under. No doubt the turbulence and noise

  from the sinking boat attracted them.

  The people thrashing about on the surface were also making

  noise. Nature had equipped the sharks to sense the

  death struggles of other creatures, and to come to feed.

  He raised his head from the water, shouted, "Sharks.

  Sharks."...His voice was very hoarse, his throat

  terribly dry. He sucked up a mouthful of

  salty seawater, men spit it out.


  Do not struggle. Swim away from the wreck, from each


  He didn't know if anyone heard him or not.

  A scream split the air, then was cut off

  abruptly, probably as the person screaming was

  pulled under.

  Another scream. Shouts of "Sharksff"...and calls

  to God.

  He felt something rub against his leg, and kicked

  back viciously. With his face in the water he could

  see the shark, a big one, maybe eight feet,

  swimming toward the concentration of people in the water.

  He turned the other way, began swimming slowly


  The old fisherman was nearby, doing the same.

  "Do not panicea"...the old man said. "Swim slowly,


  "The others ..."

  "There is nothing we can do. God is with them."

  He heard several more screams, a curse or two,

  then nothing. He didn't want to hear. And he was

  swimming into the wind, so the sound would not carry so


  Dora was back there. If she got off the

  boat. He couldn't remember if she leaped from the

  boat before it sank. Perhaps s
he drowned when the boat

  went down. If so, that was

  God's mercy. Better that than being eaten by a

  shark, having a leg ripped half off, or an arm,

  then bleeding hi agony until the sharks tore you

  to pieces or pulled you under to drown.

  That mere were still things, on this earth that ate people was an

  evil more foul than anything he had ever imagined.

  He tired of swimming and stopped once, but the

  old fisherman encouraged him.

  "Don't die here, son. Swim farther, get

  away from the sharks."

  "They're everywhereea"...Ocho replied, with impeccable


  "Swim fartherea"...the old man said, and so he did.

  Finally they stopped. How far they had come they had

  no way of knowing. The sea rose and fell hi a

  timeless, eternal rhythm, the wind occasionally ripped

  spume from a crest and sent it flying, puffy clouds

  scudded along, the sun beat down.

  "We will die out hereea"...he told the old man, who

  was only'ab ten feet away.


  The fisherman didn't reply. What was

  there to say?

  Even the tragedy of Dora couldn't keep him

  awake. He kept dozing off, then awakening when

  water went into his nose and mouth.

  In the afternoon he thought he saw a ship, a sailing

  ship with three masts and square sails set to catch

  the trade winds. Maybe he only imagined it.

  He also thought he saw more contrails high in the sky,

  but he might have imagined those too.

  He would swim until he died, he decided.

  That was all a man could do. He would do that and God

  would know he tried and forgive him his sins and take him

  into heaven.

  Somehow that thought gave him peace.

  "Gentlemen, your backing this morning touched me


  Alejo Vargas was sitting with General Alba and



  Delgado in his office at the Ministry of

  Interior. Colonel Santana was parked in a

  chair near the window with his leg on a stool and a

  bandage around his head.

  "What happened to you, Colonel"..."...General Alba


  "I was in an accident."

  "Traffic gets worse and worse."


  "Gentlemen, let's get right down to itea"...Alejo

  Vargas began. "Right now I don't have the

  support of the people. The mobs are out of control. We

  must restore order and confidence in the government; that

  is absolutely critical."

  Delgado and Alba nodded. Even a dictator

  needs some level of popular support. Or at


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