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Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1)

Page 12

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

weight, she managed to manoeuvre him in the right direction. With a heartfelt sigh, Drusal

  collapsed onto a mound of pillows, burying his head in down filled comfort.

  “Hells bells, what a chuffing mess…” Biting back a choking sob, she couldn’t believe that such

  a magnificent body could be reduced to shreds of skin. How many victims had been fed to a

  sadistic torturer over eons? How much suffering had to be endured to appease the distorted

  nature of an unworthy Queen? Cat regretted her threat to send him back to a realm where

  the sanctity of life didn’t exist.

  Drusal heard the desperate sob that escaped her throat in a choked whisper. Too ill-used to

  lift more than one finger, he inhaled the scents of earth, fire, air and water Iscatya had left

  behind only a short time ago.

  “My body will recover with sleep.” He grunted softly. Unwilling to alienate her further, to

  become a pariah she would not tolerate to be at her side, he tried to ease the shock in wide

  eyes at the severity, of an excess of injuries.

  Leaving a night light on, Cat crawled slowly onto the bed, wary of jostling him.

  “Are you absolutely certain I can do no more to help?” Wriggling into the soft comfort of

  the duvet she held her breath, waiting for a sign of pain to cross the marred lines of his face.

  A twitch of a smile graced a firm mouth, belying the pain he suffered.

  “I am grateful for what you have done Iscatya. I ask that you hold my hand, nothing more.”

  Voice drowsy with the onset of healing sleep, the request was slurred.

  “Why…?” Suspicion crowded that one syllable.

  “For comfort foremost, your touch will boost my earth element in healing the superficial

  damage, a secondary gift I ask of thee.” Pearlescent grey eyes flashed with latent desire.

  “I also ask thy forgiveness, for damning mankind as less than worthy to live. Any trace of

  compassion I have is for my brethren, too long have I been witness to their degradation.”

  Turning his head to face Cat, sincerity glowed in the swirling copper whirls encircling

  dilated pupils of deepest midnight.

  “Fur ball you are a mess of conflicting emotions… One minute I could hug you for risking

  your life to save mine. The next minute, I want to smack you for being a misguided bigot.”

  Wriggling in place she held out a hand hesitantly, remembering how she had callously rubbed

  away his blood from her skin. “Tomorrow we begin again, slate wiped clean.”

  Twining long fingers with hers, his thumb caressed a soft palm curling into a fist, locking Cat

  to him. “As you wish my mate…”

  He was unconscious in seconds, fingers latched onto hers in a death grip. Cat succumbed to

  physical and mental exhaustion, the story of her life with Drusal in its midst. They were safe

  behind a barrier of elemental forces, his brothers not so well protected. Had she done

  enough to ensure Queen Grandmother couldn’t extract revenge from their bodies? She had

  to hope so, or live in torment until the day she could bring them home to her version of a

  safe haven. The house she had extracted from Phillipe was big enough to hold two, maybe

  three families at most.

  Plans to enlarge the footprint of a rambling house flitted through waking dreams. Planning

  for an invasion of huge Sidhe warriors meant earning more money. Cat had to expand her

  horizons, explore the earning potential of the optical practice.

  Alex had to be brought on board. She was a wizard when it came to cost analysis, etc...

  Making any sense of Phillipe’s business portfolio and stock market investments was so much

  gibberish to Cat. Given a patient with symptoms of flashing lights and floaters in their vision

  was an easy diagnosis to make, possible retinal detachment to be referred immediately to the eye

  clinic, a simple, easy decision to make. Unearthing hidden accounts, made her feel as useless

  as a chocolate fireguard. Listening to the beat of a steady heart she drifted away on a cloud

  of hope, a hope that maybe she and Drusal could overcome the radical differences in their

  disparate natures.

  Waking to soft light drifting through the open window, Drusal found Cat curled into his

  side. A shimmering mass of red streaked hair teased the muscles of his shoulders with a

  gentle swathe of blanketing warmth. Even in sleep, her empathic spirit reached out to

  heal the torn muscles of his shoulders in an enervating cascade of tender care. Individual

  strands stroked his skin, imparting the earth essence his body craved to aid recovery.

  With a hand hesitant to wake the female who snuggled so trustingly into his side, Drusal

  ran gentle fingertips over the delicate contours of a sleep softened face. This was a face

  he wanted to wake to forever, a visage that could show disdain, love and infinite

  compassion for all who abided on this earth. Was he more worthy than her to live a life

  free of constraint, to be the one in a marked mating to hold the power of decision?

  Iscatya Edan-Fire would never submit to a bond, other than equal partnership, of this he

  was absolutely certain. Marvelling at the sweep of dark lashes fanning cheeks, pink tinted

  in sleep, Drusal gazed upon the rise and fall of rounded breasts taut against the fabric of a

  skimpy vest with a growing arousal tightening his loins. By the Fates…

  If Iscatya awakes to a male in her bed lacking in self-control, any chance of reconciliation

  would be doomed to fail miserably. He would be lucky to be given the choice of exile.

  A grin stretched his mouth wide, he would be lucky to live…

  Cat slowly reached for consciousness, a deeply mellow voice tickled at her mind. The sense

  of pleasant murmuring was lost in a backwash of stomach gripping arousal. The tactile

  nature of hair on naked skin, absorbed and relayed Drusal’s present state directly to her

  hind brain. She came awake instantly…

  During the night she had moved into the inviting curve of his side, her body in contact

  along his full length. She knew he was erect. The sexual frustration streaming from his

  aura drew an immediate response from her. Would it alter the balance of power if she

  accepted the Lord Vardon as her lover? Knowing full well, she was just a body in the

  right place at the right time. Oh hell… Maybe it was time to give in to the pheromones.

  Opening eyes tinged with flickers of emerald fire Cat stretched against his side, a warm

  smile lent a radiant glow to a face he had deemed unremarkable.

  “Good morning Fur ball…” Cat’s voice was a low purr, husky from sleep. She felt the

  shudder running through his body, watched with simple pleasure as his pupils dilated to

  deep wells of dark desire. Score one for the inedible human…

  Running a hand over the skin of his back she touched ridged scars, wounds that mere

  hours ago had been weeping lacerations bone deep. Satisfaction at amazing powers of

  recovery brought a grin to her lips, a musical laugh gurgling to life. With confidence born

  from the knowledge she could have this magnificent male, here and now, Cat reached up

  to tease his mouth with the brush of thumb over silky lips. A low growl reverberating in his

  chest Drusal pulled her thumb between his teeth in a tender bite. Shivering in anticipation

  Cat raised her face to lay a gentle kiss on waiting mouth, running her fingers into tangles of

  copper curls at the nape of his neck.
r />   A desperate moan whispered over her skin, strong arms gathered her into a solid chest.

  Drusal flicked his tongue to part her lips, delving deep to taste all that his mate had to offer

  with a kiss that drove her towards insanity. Locked in an embrace where desire collided with

  passion, enough to distract the thoughts of the male in her arms, Cat mate marked him with

  a line of fire the full length of a rigid spine. The orgasm that rocked him was an unexpected

  reaction to the covert manipulation of a love hungry male.

  Pulling back from a kiss that promised heaven, Drusal looked devastated at the course nature

  had taken. Gripping the duvet to cover his groin, he rolled away, one arm flung across his face.

  “I apologise Princessin…” He was deeply shamed by his failure as a lover.

  Moving to sit cross-legged by his side, Cat tried to prise the arm from his face. He was too

  strong to allow more than an inch of movement, too proud to admit he had lost control

  before he had pleasured his mate.

  Licking at lips suddenly dry at inadvertently reducing him to no more than an over eager

  adolescent, Cat tasted the honey sweet memory of his kisses.

  “Don’t ever apologise to me. You have been denied female companionship for over a

  hundred years… Now we know your body is recovering from trauma.” Guilt at causing him

  to feel shame at a release he had no control of, made Cat squirm. She was no better than

  Queen Grandmother. At least Istirina was honest when she seduced the males. Drusal

  could be psychologically scarred by a stealthy marking of him as a bonded mate. Finding a

  way to reinforce his masculinity, would tax even the awesome skills Alex used to bewitch

  the male of any species.

  “It’s my fault… I should have had the sense not to tease you until you’re fully recovered.”

  Hanging her head, Cat plucked at the duvet. “What I did was unforgivable, I’m so sorry.”

  Tears clouded her vision, sobs tore at her throat. She really was sorry for causing him more

  pain. “Cat…” Strong arms rocked her as she cried into his chest.

  “Please don’t cry for me.” Long fingers brushed through her hair, spreading long strands in

  a cloak around them both. Kissing the moisture from her cheeks, Drusal tasted the wash of

  remorse in guilty tears.

  Wrapping her arms around a solid chest, Cat employed her empathic gift to bolster a

  faltering sense of worth, in a male she wanted with her heart and soul. A woman had the

  right to be contrary, mood swings came hand in hand with PMT. So she wanted to exile

  him from her life last night, today she wanted to be his mate in every possible way.

  Her thoughts streamed into his mind in a torrent of desire, building into a flood of passion

  that brought the same desire to his eyes.

  “We have all the time in the world to explore the promise of a mating bond.” Cat dropped

  a kiss on the smooth skin, right above the solid beat of a strong heart. Leaning back to look

  into his eyes, her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Do you know you’re glowing?”

  Her eyes were wide in wonder at the pulsing golden radiance illuminating and supporting

  pale green luminescence.

  “As are you, my mate…” Smiling gently, Drusal lifted her hand into view. The same pale

  unearthly light infused her skin.

  “This is the sign of a true bond, an exchange of elements.” Satisfaction in the mellow

  timbre of a bass growl sent her senses reeling, they were bonded viscerally. There was

  no going back, Cat had marked him, and in doing so she had to accept the consequences

  of that decision. In practical terms, Drusal was as much her family as Shayla and Jarl.

  Oh shit… Grandma would not be a happy bunny when she got to meet her new Grandson.

  One more frigging confession to add to a growing list… A chuckle tickled her throat, fighting

  for release.

  “What amuses thee?” Drusal stroked at the skin of her hand, mesmerised by conjoined

  patterns of green and gold flowing in whirling patterns.

  “Shayla has been angry with me ever since I asked for help in reviving you from near death.

  Having to tell her we began the mating bond is going to send her over the edge.” Biting at

  her lip deep in thought, Cat missed the frown of confusion creasing a smooth forehead.

  “Over the edge of what…?” Splaying her fingers wide, Drusal played with the tips of her

  finger nails, testing the sharpness on his own skin.

  A little unnerved by his fixation at the texture of her nails, she withdrew her hand, gaining

  his undivided attention. “You are far too literal Lord Vardon.” Brushing her hand over the

  fading scratches that marred his cheek, Cat nearly fell into the same trap of fixation.

  Wriggling from an embrace that was far too intimate, blushing at the way her thoughts kept

  returning to the taste and texture of his lips and tongue, she slid across the bed.

  “It means that my falling into a trap Shayla tried to save me from will send her over the

  edge of reason. Grandma will be more than happy to slap some sense into me.” A wry grin

  twisted her lips. “Then tell me, I told you so…”

  “Ahhh…. I begin to see. The Lady Shayla has no love for me.” The frown deepened on his

  forehead. “Can we not keep the bonding from her?”

  The honeyed bass of his voice was hesitant. Evasion was an acceptable alternative to an

  outright lie. Cat’s laugh was deeply infectious. An answering laugh left Drusal’s lips in a

  dark rumble of delicious sound.

  “Not a chance Fur ball… No more hiding, no more skirting the truth. Today is the first day

  of the rest of our lives. We begin as we mean to go on, either we share all, or we share

  nothing.” Cat opened up the way, for her to confess to a plan that her mate would be less

  than happy about. Jumping from the bed she offered him the greeting of fingers to head

  and heart in the deference to a loved one. His smile was breath-taking as he responded

  with ease and exquisite grace.

  Desperate to dive back into bed and wrap herself in the earthy scent of his skin, she drew

  a deep breath, inhaling the perfume of wildflowers and intoxicating vanilla. Pheromones

  beat at her defences in a tidal wave of sensuous desire.

  “Stop it right now Fur ball… Go have a bath while I make breakfast.”

  A deep growl reverberated in his throat.

  “Threats don’t work either.” Cat denied the pull of his glamour, as a delightful shiver of

  anticipation ran down her spine, at a feral response to the distance she placed between


  Falling back on the bed Drusal grunted his frustration at a refusal to succumb to a scent

  that had driven other females wild with passion.

  “I’m not immune to your allure Fur ball. I just have more sense than any of your previous

  playmates.” Ducking from the room before he retaliated with physical force, Cat ran

  down the stairs more light hearted than she could ever remember, except for an idyllic

  childhood spent with Shayla and Udg.


  Drusal was seething with impatience at a body that had betrayed him in a moment when

  he had the chance to sheath himself in a female who drove him insane with the desire to

  touch and taste every inch of her skin. That she forgave the atrocious slight of releasing

  his seed before he had pleasured her, blaming herself for the
loss of control, made him

  eager to learn more of a soul who cared more for his distress, than to take offence at what

  should have been a gross insult to any female of Royal breeding. Wallowing in a bath as

  deep as the pool Iscatya had dropped them in last night, he inhaled the comforting

  aroma of tea tree oil. Every container bearing the scent of a familiar restorative was

  dumped into the water, regardless of the instructions. Sensing Cat’s return, Drusal’s loins

  tightened painfully in the hope she would join him in the manmade pool. He picked up on

  tendrils of thought seeping from an overactive brain, listening in as she stripped the bed

  of rumpled coverings to replace them with clean bedding.

  A glimmer of satisfaction that Fur ball could rest more easily had him groaning with guilt.

  His mate showed innate compassion when he felt but the rise of passion. Sinking under

  the water to submerge completely, his skin tingled with the restorative power of an ancient

  remedy, chasing away aches and pains. Drusal ached for his skin to tingle beneath Iscatya’s

  hands, longed for a complete melding of body and spirit, to consummate a complete bond.

  Bringing a reluctant mate to the point of total immersion of heart and souls, stayed illusively

  out of reach. That he wanted her to be his true mate simply because of what that life force

  promised, rather than complying to a command issued by his Queen, left Drusal gasping for

  breath as he surged up and out the healing balm of the bath.

  He felt a true connection to another being, one denied to the males of the court for eons,

  a connection of the heart Istirina had beaten from the body without mercy. A female as

  lacking in grace and beauty as the least drudge, driven from the Queen’s sight in a purge of

  all that could distract the breeding males, held his heart in a cage of warmth and comfort.

  Iscatya may not show the inbred decorum, the willingness to submit to a dominant male…

  Drusal’s chuckle echoed back from the white tiled walls of the bathroom. Nay…

  She had no idea what it meant to be subservient to her mate’s wishes, did not live by the


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