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Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1)

Page 25

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  sight of his brethren. The warriors were fair game to a rapacious female.

  Cat, do not repress the males. His silent plea went unanswered.

  Alex will take whomever she wishes, you know this. Drusal argued the point heatedly.

  I do my love… She is but one female, outnumbered by your love-starved brothers. That

  choice will be hers to make, not the males. Cat wasn’t giving an inch, or the males would

  take a mile. Turi was a prime example of frustrated hunger for any female’s favours.

  In truth I care not Lady Vardon. My body craves only for thee. He growled into her head.

  Soon Fur Ball… Cat put off the moment they would be alone. The life in her belly had to

  be revealed, she hadn’t a clue how to tell him he was going to become a father.

  We have a world to offer your brothers. Once they’re settled in, I’m all yours.

  Good… Drusal eased to his feet, to wrap secure arms around his mate’s waist.

  Bring the incubus out to entice my brethren… Slapping at his arms at a blatant insult Cat

  had to agree with a deep chuckle. Beckoning for Alex to join them, dispassionate eyes

  evaluated the human woman who had been the blessing that brightened Cat’s working

  day. She noticed for the first time how truly beautiful her friend was. Blue black hair fell

  in a feathered cut to emphasise the radiance of peach tinted skin. Sapphire eyes held wide

  in bemusement were crowded by long lashes. Figure hugging denim shorts and scarlet

  t-shirt encased a voluptuous body. Blood would flow if Alex started playing the warriors

  one against the other. Cat had to hope her friend could learn some restraint.

  A mocking laugh assaulted her ear, a purr of derision and amusement.

  You would put a wolf in the midst of prey and expect restraint?

  Shut up Fur ball and get out of my head. Cat fumed at the invasion of her thoughts.

  She is a tasty treat to the eye. Drusal nipped at his mate’s neck with sharp teeth.

  My tastes lie in a different direction. The chest Cat leant upon rippled with laughter.

  They had better… Pulling free of a cage of arms, Cat held out a hand to Alex.

  “Oh My God… I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Alex leaned into Cat’s side for support,

  sighing at the glorious vision of armed and armoured Sidhe warriors lifting fingers of

  right hand to head with a deep bow of respect that held her enthralled.

  “Tell me I’m not dreaming?”

  “You’re not dreaming, and they are far from angels.” Cat’s musical laugh rang out, in a

  sensory balm to relieve the tense stance of mighty warriors. “The introductions can wait…”

  Grasping tightly to Alex’s hand, Cat sent an enquiring thought to her mate.

  Is it possible to translocate with a human tagging along?

  I see no reason why not… Where are we going? Drusal had heard the name of a new

  realm from the lips of its Queen. To locate it, he would require directions.

  The truth pool first. It has the power to disclose anyone unworthy to enter the New Court.

  Your senses will pin-point the portal, after each and every one of you pays respect to the

  power of the Fates.

  Cat was nearly as excited as Alex at the promise of a new home.

  I will take my brothers, unless you wish to exchange tasks? A heady chuckle prodded at

  the possibility of jealousy in Iscatya’s heart.

  Don’t push your luck… Move the mountain of testosterone, we’ll follow on behind.

  Drusal’s laugh echoed in her head as the males shimmered as one.

  “Whoah… Where did they go?” Alex gripped Cat’s hand in a vice, a hint of fear in a low

  whisper. “Not far. Are you ready for the ride of your life…?”

  Alex stumbled blindly as they materialised at the edge of a deep pool of crystal water.

  Running a hand round her friend’s waist Cat drew her to the edge.

  “Lean over Alex, look at your reflection…” Together they peered into the depths. Iscatya

  appeared the same except for gleaming white fangs. Alex was wreathed in a white light

  of such purity Cat gasped aloud.

  “I knew you were an angel.” Indicating the wavering image she hugged her friend close.

  “That’s me…” With a hoarse whisper Alex shook her head. “What does it mean?”

  “Haven’t got a clue chuck…” An infectious giggle tickled Cat’s throat.

  “I suppose time will tell… Shall we go join the boys in an adventure?”

  Squaring her shoulders Alex shook off the disturbing image, reminiscent of a halo.

  “Lead on Majesticness…” Arm in arm the two females stepped across the border to the

  unencumbered potential of Edanholme. The vista that unfolded was lush and green, a

  sun leaning more to red than gold touched their skins with the warmth of welcome.

  “Wow, this is amazing.” Leaning down to touch the texture of verdant growth Alex

  breathed in a lungful of air, untainted by the noxious taste of technology.

  “I know. Life at its most basic…” Lifting her head Cat sought out the males in the distance,

  corralling a herd of wild horses. Shouts of exultation and joy reached her ears.

  “Sounds like someone’s happy.” Leading Alex towards the huddle of log cabins she was

  suddenly envious of the simplistic life available to the refugees. Her life was just too damn

  complicated to envision a time when she could lay back and laze away the day.

  The Lord Vardon came to meet them in a small clearing. “My brothers are at play…”

  A wide grin creased the edges of pearlescent eyes, irises swirling with copper flares of

  desire, the wolf held at bay for the present.

  “Lady Alex, I wish to walk with my mate, if you would excuse us.” With a bow, he glanced

  sideways at the serene face of his mate. A false visage of untroubled acceptance at his

  need to spend time with a lover.

  Alex backed off, hands held out. “No problem, I’m gone…” She headed off towards the

  cabins at a running trot. Hands on hips Cat raised her eyebrows at his cool dismissal of

  her friend, receiving a shrug of huge shoulders in response.

  “Ok… But these damn boots have to come off first.” Lying on the Grass Cat tugged at the

  stiff leather, holding out her leg to Drusal for help.

  “I have a liking for these damn boots.” He growled hungrily as he relieved her of the

  offending footwear. “Great, then you can wear them, they match the armour.”

  The Lord Vardon’s scowl creased his brow, a sure sign he wasn’t a happy bunny.

  “I have a demand I require of thee Iscatya…” Arms locked across his chest Drusal was

  the complete package, if you preferred hard muscle encased in weapons and armour.

  A poster boy, man, for the Sidhe nation, one who wouldn’t go amiss on the front page

  of Esquire magazine.

  “Just spit it out Fur ball…” Narrowing her eyes, Cat had an idea where this line of insistent

  command was going.

  “I ask that you disavow my brethren.” A drawn out growl thundered in his chest.

  “Done, dusted and sorted… While you were busy leering at Alex.” Jumping to her feet

  she threw a saucy look over her shoulder. “Catch me if you can…” Taking off at vampire

  speed on bare feet, she was soon a speck in the far distance.

  Drusal knew she was heading for a large body of water on the horizon, translocating he

  was there before his mate. Dropping armour and weapons in a pile he stretched out,

  listening to the lap of waves on the shore,
the trill of birds in alien trees.

  Cat collapsed into his side, no more out of breath than he.

  “You cheated again…” Her smile held all the love he could ever hope for.

  “If that is the only way I can keep pace with you, then so be it.” Rolling on top of her,

  Drusal pinned his mate to the ground, making her aware of the arousal he had been

  keeping in check in front of an audience. “We have unfinished business…”

  He kissed her with a promise of heaven, hell and all points in between.

  Cat sighed against his lips, wriggling in place.

  “I feel that you are not attuned to my appetite…” He nibbled deliciously at her neck.

  “Lord Vardon there is something you need to know…” She whispered softly, unsure

  where to begin, in unravelling a complicated life. Drusal rolled onto his back, arms

  spread wide in surrender.

  “I dislike that tone in thy voice Iscatya. What trouble befalls me now?” A gusty sigh of

  resignation left compressed lips. Leaning on one elbow to look in his eyes she grinned

  at his discomfort. “I suppose you could call it trouble…” Cat hesitated.

  “Let me show you. I can’t find the words necessary for this confession.” She sent to him

  the whole content of Alastrina’s reveal of her destiny, including the start of new life in

  her belly.

  Drusal reached for her in the instant of translocation, dropping them onto her bed.

  Face frozen in shock he ran his palm across the flat plane of golden skin.

  “We are to have young…?” He leant down to place a tender kiss on her navel.

  “Do you wish for this?” He growled softly.

  Tugging at his hair to bring pearlescent eyes on level with hers Cat smiled at the question.

  “It’s too late to wish for anything idiot, we’re going to have babies, a boy and a girl.”

  Easing back on the bed, Drusal ran his hand across his brow in bemusement.

  “We cannot make love. I cannot risk you losing the young.” Fear of loss made his voice

  sharp. Cat eased her back against the headboard, nose curling in exasperation.

  “If you think I am going to spend the next nine months without you in my bed, you may

  as well go into seclusion. Humans make love all through pregnancy without ill effect.

  We are no different.” Arms crossed across her chest in imitation of his stance whenever

  he disagreed with her suggestions, Cat laid down the law.

  “So be it, I go into seclusion.” Gripping onto his jerkin she shook her head.

  “Not so fast Lord Vardon, I know you don’t mean that…”

  “You are right Lady Vardon, I cannot live without thee. I have a condition to make if we

  are to make love. One that may not be not to your liking…” He eased her fingers from

  the soft leather of his jerkin, laying a kiss on the palm.

  “I ask that you bite me, a simple request, with a simple answer.” Nibbling on Cat’s finger

  tips Drusal waited for the explosion.

  “No… I won’t give in to the bloody curse. Not even you can make me do that.” Her face

  paled to ashen grey at the thought of draining her mate of his essence.

  Drusal crawled up her body, dragging her beneath him.

  “You would deny me the one token of blood lust left to your subjects. The joy of sharing

  a blood bond with a mate? I want this Iscatya, I ask you to take what you desire.”

  Locking her face to his throat, he slipped a hand beneath her vest to stroke a hardened

  nipple, teasing her to arousal with the touch of magic fingers.

  “No…” Cat gasped as the scent of vanilla overwhelmed her senses, the rush of blood so

  close to her lips made her mouth water.

  “Yes…” Drusal insisted as he ripped the clothes from her body to ease between her thighs,

  the throb of his member hot against her core. Tears coursing down her cheeks, Cat’s fangs

  dropped to sit upon the satin of his skin, a scant layer of flesh away from the elixir of his

  life essence.

  “Do it Iscatya, do it for the young, they need you to be strong.” His hand pressed her head

  down into his neck.

  On a cry of despair she bit down hard, sinking fangs deep. Drusal roared as she rolled him

  over to get a better grip. His lifeblood flowed into her, in a rush as exotically intoxicating

  and fulfilling as the promise. Her mate bucked beneath her in the grasp of uncontrolled

  arousal. Sinking over him Cat encased the full girth of pulsing need with a moan.

  Fangs retracting she licked the wounds on his neck, sealing them instantly with a kiss.

  Locking onto his mouth she worked his body without restraint. The fear had gone, she had

  not, could not drain her mate. Locked together bonded by blood, their souls came together

  as one in a shattering release that rocked the house. Wind howled, thunder and lightning

  lit up the sky in a show of unbound energy. Hail bounced off the ground in a flighty dance

  that held disdain for the heat of a summer sun.

  Drusal held Cat close as the aftershocks came fast and furious, a rainbow mantle formed in

  the air above them, his eyes went wide in wonder as the cloud shrouded them, seeping into

  skin and bone. “Drusal….” The throaty murmur was lost against his neck.

  “Did the earth move for you…?” Her chuckle held sheer relief that he still lived.

  “Iscatya the universe shuddered.” Drusal wasn’t lying, their bond had been felt throughout

  dimensions, sending a message that the earth was well protected.

  “Do you feel better now?” He whispered softly into her hair.

  “I feel amazing…” Still locked together Cat stiffened at a familiar voice in her head.

  Welcome my sister… The musical tones of Alastrina held joy and wonder.

  Thy destiny is fulfilled Iscatya, the universe has acknowledged thy power. Deep satisfaction

  coated every word with smug triumph.

  You’re sort of intruding on a private moment Alastrina, couldn’t this wait? Cat was unhappy

  andexasperated with the female in her head.

  Becoming one with the Fates is a momentous occasion Iscatya, don’t spoil my fun.

  The deep chuckle in her head belonged to her grandfather Teyrnon.

  “What…?” She rolled off Drusal, grabbing at a sheet to cover her embarrassment.

  Welcome to the sisterhood of Fates. Teyrnon is my mate as Drusal is yours. A strong bond

  is necessary to bolster the energy you generate. Use his gifts to you wisely little sister…

  Alastrina’s voice faded away on a throaty chuckle.

  Shaking head free of the thought of Teyrnon mated to a Fate, Cat laughed out loud.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. The crafty old king had been fooling Istirina for eons.

  “You are amazing…” Drusal growled as he pulled her back beneath him.

  Rainbow swirls danced in her eyes as Cat fixed him with an accusing stare.

  “You knew… You knew I was destined to become a Fate?” She pushed against his chest,

  making space to look up into opalescent eyes. “How..?”

  It was a question he couldn’t evade, or ignore.

  “I know the legend of the Crystal Swords. None, but a Fate can wield them.” He placed

  her hand over the pulse at his neck. “A blood bond is the only way to be tied to a Fate.”

  His grin held the wolf, as his eyes glowed with amber lights.

  “Sneaky Lord Vardon, I could still disavow you.” Cat held him at arms-length.

  “If I tell you how much I love you… How I fell in love, with a human face that means more

  to me than the one you wear now, will that suffice to keep me at your side?”

  Pretending to ponder the unburdening of his heart, Cat melted into his arms.

  “Ok… I accept. But only if you make love to me again.”

  The rumble of laughter in his chest was worth all that they had been through to get to

  this moment. “You have but to ask my Lady Vardon….”

  Hand in hand they walked together towards the truth pool, towards the promise of a

  new world. Translocating was too abrupt a method to suit the mood of companionship

  they had fought so hard to secure.

  Hefting the cooler box on his shoulder, Drusal occasionally paused to catch his breath,

  or more correctly, catch Iscatya’s breath in a succession of kisses that that made her legs

  tremble and her heart race wildly.

  “This has to stop Lord Vardon, or we will never reach our destination…”

  Dropping the cooler box he dragged her against his chest to smother her face and neck

  in a rash of hot little nips.

  “Ok…” She laughed against his lips. “I’ll just shut up and let you move at your own pace.”

  Tugging at his jerkin she pulled him near enough for mouth to reach the throbbing pulse

  between neck and shoulder.

  “Or, if you promise to get a move on… I might be tempted to bite you again.” Reaching for

  the cooler box he translocated them straight to the enclave of cabins.

  “Gotcha…” Cat whispered huskily.

  A bonfire had burned down to hot glowing coals. A whole boar turning lazily on a make-

  shift spit oozed glistening fat, to splash with a sizzle on the white hot ash.

  The warriors sat or lay in a huddle chewing gustily on the fruits of their labour. Alex sat

  alone on the steps of a cabin, back wedged tightly against the door.

  Dropping beside her, Drusal at her back as always, Cat twitched the pile of yellowed

  parchment from charcoal stained fingers.

  “What’s this…?” Scanning the spidery handwriting she knew well, Cat laughed.

  “Eco toilets…?” Rainbow hued eyes questioned her friend.


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