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Rescuing Sadie_A Delta Force Heroes/Masters and Mercenaries Novella

Page 5

by Susan Stoker

  Without a word, Annie spun away from Sadie and raced for the front door. She wrenched it open and was gone.

  Fletch chuckled. “Knew that would light a fire under her butt. The kid loves obstacle courses like a squirrel loves nuts.”

  Chase grinned.

  “Anyway, thanks for keeping your eye on Annie this morning. Most of the team is gone, but I thought I’d invite Ghost and Rayne over since they’re around and we could have a small barbeque tonight at the house. You want to come over?”

  Chase turned to Sadie. “Since Fletch has the biggest place, he usually hosts their get-togethers.”

  “You want me to come?” Sadie asked hesitantly.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Fletch asked.

  “Well…because Jonathan wants to find me, kidnap me, probably rape and kill me, and he won’t care who gets in his way to do it? Your wife and kid will be there, right? It might put them in danger.”

  Before Fletch could answer, Chase stepped into Sadie’s personal space and backed her against a wall. His hands went to her waist and he held her tightly as he said, “No one is going to kidnap you, Sparky. Fletch’s yard and house is probably the safest place you could be… The cameras are all connected to Fletch’s watch, so he’ll know the second someone steps foot on his property. Besides, I’ll be here too. I’ll keep you safe.”

  “If you’re sure… The last thing I want to do is drag someone else, especially another child, into this fucked-up situation. It was bad enough Jonathan and his father hurt those girls at Bexar, but then they brought JT into things—”

  “Annie will be safe,” Fletch interrupted. “I know you haven’t been around her other than this morning, but she knows how to take care of herself…more than I’d like, actually. It’s just a barbeque, Sadie. A few men and their women hanging out, drinking beers and eating some good food. Don’t overthink it.”

  “In that case, I’d love to,” Sadie said. Her gaze went from Fletch to Chase, who was still standing in her personal space.

  “Great. I’ll see you later then. Around five?” Fletch asked Chase.

  “Sounds good.”

  After Fletch left, Sadie looked at Chase. “Wanna let me go so I can get ready for shopping?”

  Did he want to let her go? No, actually, he didn’t. “No.”

  She looked surprised for a moment, then annoyance crept in. “Chase, step back.”

  Instead of doing what she asked, he stepped forward until his thighs touched hers. He slid a hand around to the small of her back and pulled her into him until her breasts brushed against his chest.

  She looked at him with her eyes wide with shock and her brows drawn in confusion. Her hands came up and gripped his T-shirt on either side of his waist. “Chase—”

  “Jonathan isn’t going to touch you. Tell me you believe that,” he ordered.

  Sadie pushed at him for a moment, but when he didn’t loosen his grip, she merely sighed. “Fine. I believe you.”

  He brought one hand up to her face and tilted her chin so she had no choice but to look him in the eyes. “Now say it like you mean it.”

  “You’re just like some of the guys at McKay-Taggart,” Sadie told him. “All macho dominant, sure that you’re Superman and nothing can touch you. News flash—you can’t promise that. Shit happens, I’ve seen it firsthand. People get hurt. They disappear. Chase, you don’t know Jonathan. You don’t know what he’s like. If he wants to get his hands on me, he will. You can’t guard me all day, every day. Eventually, I’ll have to go back up to Dallas. To my job, to my life. He’ll just wait me out. Postpone the inevitable until you aren’t around.”

  Chase wanted to immediately rebuff her words, but he took a moment to examine the woman in his arms before he replied. Her hands were gripping his shirt as if he were the only thing holding her together. Her lips were pressed together in a thin line, and he could see the pulse hammering in her throat. She wasn’t mad, she was fucking terrified.

  “Tell me what happened inside that room, Sparky,” he ordered gently.

  Sadie shook her head.


  Her eyes dropped down and to the right, but Chase didn’t release her chin. Finally, her eyes came back to his. “I don’t want you to think badly of me.”

  “Sadie, I absolutely am not going to think badly about you for anything you may or may not have done while inside that hellhole.”

  “I think badly about myself.”

  Chase’s stomach clenched. He hated that. Abhorred it. “You have absolutely no reason to think that way.”

  “I do,” she told him.

  Chase looked at her for a long moment, then said, “How about we table this conversation until tonight?”

  The relief on her face was easy to read. “Yes.”

  “We’ll go shopping with Rayne. Have dinner with Fletch and Ghost. Then tonight when we’re back here, relaxed after a couple of beers, we’ll talk. It’ll be easier.”

  “It’s not going to be easier,” Sadie told him.

  “It will. Trust me. Talking about what’s fucking with your mind is a lot easier in the dark than the light of day.”

  Sadie’s eyes whipped up to his. She peered at him intensely for a beat before whispering, “Okay.”

  “Okay.” Then Chase pulled the woman who had stolen his heart into his embrace. She buried her face into his shoulder and they stood like that for a minute or two. Simply enjoying being held by each other.

  “I need to call Rayne,” Chase said, pulling away.


  “I’m not sure how long it will take her to get over here.”

  “Can I go lie down until she arrives?” Sadie asked.

  “Of course. Take a nap. I’ll wake you up when it’s time to go.”

  Without another word, Sadie took a step to the side and headed toward the bedroom.

  Chase ran his hand through his hair. Sean Taggart had asked him to keep him informed regarding anything he found out from Sadie about what had happened to her. Her uncle knew as well as he did that something had to have transpired between his niece and Jeremiah’s son. He wouldn’t be so hell-bent on getting to her if it hadn’t. Whatever it was had Sadie completely torn up inside.

  He’d have to wait until she told him to decide what, if anything, he’d relay to her uncle. The man was lethal. He could be sweet with Sadie and his wife, but Chase knew without a doubt, he’d kill Jonathan if the situation warranted it. Hell, any of the Taggarts would.

  But they’d have to get in line behind him. He needed to know what happened between Sadie and Jonathan, what she wasn’t telling him—but he also didn’t want to know. He did know, however, without a doubt, that tonight would change his and Sadie’s relationship. He hoped it brought them closer together, but he also knew, after hearing whatever it was she was so ashamed of, it could drive them apart.

  Because if she told him Jonathan had violated her…had taken her against her will… Chase knew without a doubt that he’d tell the Taggarts he couldn’t look after their niece anymore—so he could go AWOL and hunt down that son of a bitch and kill him with his bare hands.

  Chapter Five

  Sadie hadn’t been sure what Chase’s sister would think of her, but she shouldn’t have worried. Rayne Jackson took one look at her and immediately gave her a big hug.

  “I’m so sorry you were caught in the middle of that situation, Sadie. How awful. Are you okay? Were you hurt? I also can’t believe you’ve been at my brother’s apartment for a month and he didn’t tell me! Is he taking care of you? I love him, but he’s a guy… Sometimes he has no clue about what women need.”

  Sadie stepped back, right into Chase. He put a hand on her waist to steady her. She turned her head to thank him and saw he was grinning at his sister.

  “What do you mean I don’t know what women need? When you were eight and had the chicken pox, I brought you a whole cup of worms to make you feel better.”

  Sadie shared a look with Rayne and giggled whe
n she rolled her eyes.

  “Or the time when you were upset over some boy when we were in middle school, and to help, I got into your Myspace account and posted that picture of you asleep in your bed with chicken pox scabs all over your face and asked that everyone send you good wishes.”

  “You didn’t,” Sadie asked Chase with big eyes.

  He grinned and shrugged. “I was helping.”

  “See?” Rayne asked Sadie. “He has no clue.”

  “What about the time Ghost came to me after he rescued you from that coup in Egypt and I didn’t beat the shit out of him when he said that you were ‘his’? Or when I gave you that barrette that ended up helping to save your life? Or when we had that long talk because you were upset about Ghost being away on a mission and you came to me and I let you eat my entire pint of double chocolate brownie ice cream I had in my freezer?”

  Sadie watched the irritation melt off Rayne’s face. “Yeah, all right, sometimes you know exactly what women need.” She turned back to Sadie. “I just want you to know if you need someone to talk to, I’m here.”

  “But you don’t even know me,” Sadie blurted before she could think about what she was saying.

  “Hopefully after today, I’ll know you better. Besides, I heard all about what happened down at that school from Ghost. You and your friend… What was her name?”

  “Milena,” Sadie said.

  “Right. From what I hear, you and your friend Milena were amazingly calm and helped make sure the head guy wasn’t able to get away and abuse hundreds of other girls.”

  “That’s not exactly—”

  Rayne held up her hand. “Whatever. The point is, anyone who can hold her own against fake teachers and philanthropists who are actually pedophiles is someone I want to be friends with. So, after today, if there’s anything you need, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get it. Snacks, time away from my annoying little brother, clothes, a friend to drink with… I’ve got your back.”

  “Wow. Uh…thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Can I ask something?”

  “Sure,” Rayne said breezily.

  “Chase gave you a barrette that helped save your life…?”

  Rayne smiled at her brother, the love in her eyes clear to see. Sadie didn’t have any brothers or sisters, but she knew without a doubt, no matter how much they might tease, Rayne and Chase would do anything for each other.

  “Long story, one I’m sure Chase will be happy to tell you,” Rayne said softly.

  “Speaking of which,” Chase said. “I’ve got a new prototype…a bracelet that comes apart and has a hidden blade inside. You want it?”

  “Duh, of course I do,” Rayne told her brother.

  “I’ll get it to Ghost as soon as I can.”

  “Awesome. You guys ready to go?” Rayne asked, changing the subject and motioning toward the door. “I stopped over and saw Emily and Annie before I came up here, and Fletch informed me that I’m coming over for a barbeque tonight. Good timing, because I have an overnight flight that leaves tomorrow.”

  “Overnight flight?” Sadie asked as she turned to pick up her purse from the kitchen table.

  “Yeah, I’m a flight attendant. I used to work the international routes, but after the Egypt thing, I really wasn’t interested in that much anymore. So now I work the shorter domestic flights. I’m headed to Los Angeles tomorrow, will spend the night, then come back the next day.”

  “Do you have those a lot?” Sadie asked.

  Rayne shrugged. “Enough that Ghost gets grumpy when I’m gone too long. But honestly, I prefer the day trips because I’ve found that I don’t sleep well by myself anymore.” She smiled, apparently not at all shy about sharing. “There’s just something relaxing and calming about falling asleep in Ghost’s arms and waking up the same way.”

  Chase held up his hands. “Gettin’ too close to too much information there, sis.”

  “Whatever. TMI would actually be if I’d said that we both like to sleep naked so when I wake up horny, we don’t have to take the time to pull off our clothes. Ghost can just rip the covers off and—”

  Rayne stopped speaking and laughed when Chase put both hands over his ears and began to hum so he couldn’t hear what she was saying.

  Rayne turned to Sadie. “He’s so easy to tease.”

  Sadie tried not to laugh, she really did, but Chase looked so miserable, she couldn’t help it. She’d seen Chase in action; he was one tough, scary guy. But at the moment, he looked like he wanted to throw up at the mere mention of his sister’s sex life.

  “Not fair that you guys are ganging up on me,” he pouted after he’d lowered his hands. “Seriously, sis. Not cool. You know I don’t want to hear about your sex life.”

  “Tough. It’s payback for all those times you made my life miserable when we were growing up.”

  “Come on, let’s get this over with,” Chase said grumpily. “Too much sister time is bad for my health.”

  Rayne merely laughed and hooked her arm with Chase’s. “You love me, you know it.”

  “I do. But if you don’t stop torturing me by talking about your sex life, I’m going to have to do something drastic.”

  “Like what?” she taunted.

  They waited while Chase locked the apartment door and then they all headed down the stairs, Rayne in front, Chase following her, and Sadie bringing up the rear.

  “Turnabout is fair play. You want to know about my sex life? What my favorite positions are, how I like to be touched, and how good my woman feels when I’m inside her?”

  Sadie would’ve fallen down the stairs if Chase hadn’t been in front of her. Hearing him talk about sex so casually, to his sister no less, made her heart skip a beat.

  Chase caught her easily, keeping her upright. His eyes met hers as he added, “How every time I look at her, I want to tear her clothes off and make her scream for me?”

  Sadie held her breath. Oh my God. Was he talking to her or his sister?

  “Ewwww,” Rayne said, continuing to move down the stairs, not even noticing that Chase had stopped. “Gross! Okay, you’re right. I have no desire to think about you without any clothes on. It was bad enough I saw everything you had when you were ten and I accidentally walked in on you in the bathroom. I’ll stop teasing you about me and Ghost. Ick!”

  “Chase,” Sadie whispered. “We need to go.”

  “I do, you know,” he said softly, ignoring her warning.

  She tried to hold back the question, but couldn’t. “Do what?”

  His eyes roamed from the top of her head down to her chest, then back up before his nostrils flared and he took a deep breath. “Never mind,” he muttered. Then leaned close, kissed her forehead before making sure she was steady on her feet again, and continued down the stairs.

  Sadie stood stock-still for a heartbeat. She could feel the warmth of his lips on her forehead even though he was no longer touching her. She’d seen her uncle kiss her aunt like that countless times. It was an affectionate gesture. One that had always touched something deep inside her. That easy affection between them was somehow much more intimate than if they’d publically shared a tongue-curling, passionate kiss. It was something they did when they were around their kids, or Sadie, that showed how much they loved each other.

  And Chase had just kissed her the same way.

  She was so screwed.

  Sadie knew, at that moment, that she wanted Chase. For as long as he’d have her. One night, two. It didn’t matter that they disagreed about stuff all the time. It didn’t matter that she was only supposed to be staying with him until Jonathan was caught. It didn’t matter that it would tear her heart out when she left to go home to Dallas. She’d take what she could get, soak it all in, and try to pick up the pieces of her heart when he let her go.

  “Coming?” Rayne called up to Sadie as she stood on the steps, frozen, as if Chase’s lips had turned her to stone.

  Sadie shook her head, trying to
get herself back under control. “Yeah, I’m coming,” she told Rayne, taking a deep breath and heading for Chase’s car as if he hadn’t shattered her with a simple touch of his lips on her skin.

  * * * *

  It was after a trip to the Temple mall and a short stop to grab some alcohol for the get-together that night, and when they were coming back to the car after stopping at the grocery store to stock the little apartment with food, that it happened.

  Sadie was laughing at something Rayne was saying when she felt Chase stiffen at her side. “Wha—”

  She didn’t get anything else out before Chase grabbed her arm and yanked, spinning her around until she was behind him. He shoved her hard enough that she went flying toward a parked SUV. Luckily, she put out her hands and caught herself, otherwise her face would’ve smashed into the glass on the driver’s side door.

  She turned and saw Chase hustling his sister toward her in the same urgent, not-gentle-at-all way. It would’ve been comical—Rayne still had ahold of the grocery cart and Chase was literally dragging her and the cart to where he’d basically thrown Sadie—but because of the deadly look on Chase’s face, it wasn’t. She opened her mouth to ask what was going on, but Chase beat her to it.

  “I saw someone crouched by my car. Stay here. Stay down. Do. Not. Move. I’ll be right back.”

  And with that, he was gone.

  “Shit,” Sadie muttered, knowing whatever was happening couldn’t be good.

  Rayne dug into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. She pushed a couple of buttons and put the phone up to her ear.

  “I’m in the parking lot of Walmart with my brother and Sadie. He just shoved us behind an SUV and told us he saw someone hanging around his car.” She paused, listening to what whoever was on the other end of the line was saying. Then she said, “Right. Okay.” Another pause. Then, “I don’t know.” Finally, after a long moment, she whispered, “I love you. Bye.”

  Sadie waited impatiently for Rayne to hang up. When she didn’t say anything about their situation, Sadie whispered, “We need to do something to help Chase.”


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