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by David Howells

  MEMBERS OF THE TALE (alphabetical)

  Melissa Valerie Banks (2020-still living). Born and raised in Hunter, NY, to parents Charles and Ursula Banks. She learned to enjoy skiing at an early age and spent weekends as a part time instructor at Killington Ski Lodge. Melissa started a Liberal Arts education at Ulster Community College in NY, then transferred after the first semester to RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) in Troy, NY. Though her grades didn’t quite meet RPI standards, a generous donation to the college cleared the hurdles for her entry.

  Dr. Marc Benoit, specialist in emergency medicine at Milledgeville Hospital.

  Vanessa Mary Blankenship (1906-1930, 1944-2016). Born in Fort Myers, Florida to Homer and Anne Blankenship. Homer was the city comptroller, Anne the Women’s Guild president of the Ft. Myers Holy Mother Catholic Church. Vanessa graduated from the Women’s University of Jacksonville with her degree in Elementary Education, and took a job with the City of Selma, Alabama, to teach at the Grace Community School. Married to Ryan David Fitzgalen during her second life, she gave birth to her only child: Obediah Geoffrey Fitzgalen.

  Marianne Castalano Cabrini (2009-still living). Born in Highland, NY, to parents Gerolomo and Carol Castalano (Sicilian and German respectively). Her father emigrated and got his citizenship by marrying a US citizen. They ran a German/Italian restaurant in High Falls, NY. Marianne attended SUNY New Paltz for paralegal training and certification. She was hired as a legal secretary to Gustav Mendelssohn at age 21, was married at 23 to Michael Anthony Cabrini, but widowed at 26 before they had any children.

  Private Elijah Cooper (1841-1864). Born in Newburgh, NY, to Michael and Delores Cooper. His father delivered milk for the Hudson Dairy Company. Elijah joined the Army when hostilities broke out, two months after he had married his childhood sweetheart, Henrietta Jensen. His son, Walther Thaddeus Cooper was born eight months after Elijah left and never saw him, except in pictures. Walther married Jayne Elise Payman and they had three children: Victor, Mark, and Burdette. Burdette married Erin Patrick Fitzgalen and they moved to Galveston, Texas, so that he could join his father’s beef cattle business. Their first child was Ryan David Fitzgalen. There was a second child, Margaret, who became a missionary to Mexico and was subsequently never heard from.

  Major Benjamin Covington (1819-1865). Born in Brooklyn, NY, son of Col. Edward G. Covington, US Army, and Annabelle Lucille Sweetwater. When Benjamin was five, his father transferred to Boston, both for better schools and to be nearer to Annabelle’s parents who lived in Farmington, MA. After being graduated from military school, he went on to the Army Academy and accepted a lieutenant commission in 1838. He rose to Captain during his stay at Fort Laramie during the westward expansion. He was recalled to die east coast when the Civil War broke out and earned a field commission to Major during the battle of Shiloh. He never married and died of pneumonia.

  Anita “Annie” Brady Edwards (1837-1864). Born in Atlanta, Georgia, to Joshua and Pearl Brady. Her father ran a horse breeding business and her mother inherited a 50% partnership in Carson-McBride Exports (cotton and sugar). She met her husband, at that time Captain Archibald Everett Edwards, when she was sixteen and while accompanying her parents on her return to boarding school in Atlanta. They were married in 1855. Their son, Jason, was born the following year and their daughter, Rebecca, was born in 1857. All three died during the Civil War in November of 1864.

  Obediah Geoffrey Fitzgalen (1946-2021). Born in St. Louis, MO, son of Ryan David and Vanessa Fitzgalen. He married Carol Scorci and moved to Rochester, NY, to work with Eastman Kodak. Their children were Abigail and James Lee. James left to join the USMC and all contact was lost.

  Ryan David Fitzgalen (1919-still living). Born in Galveston, Texas. Son of Erin Patrick and Burdette Fitzgalen. Served at the age of 22 in the USN at the U. S. Naval base located in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

  Frank Samuel Gladstone (2000-still living). Born in Cambridge, England while his parents (US. citizens) were visiting relatives. Son of Artemus and Henrietta Gladstone. Double citizenship. Was graduated from Penn State in 2025 with an advanced degree in electrical engineering. Took an offer with Rotron Industries in Kingston, NY, as Jr. VP in charge of research and development. Married his 1st wife, Elizabeth, in 2030. They had two children: Jerry in 2031, and Janet in 2033. Divorced in 2039 for irreconcilable differences and was awarded primary custody by mutual agreement. Remarried Rachel Hawthorn in 2042.

  Rachel Louise Hawthorn Gladstone (2003-still living). Born in Charleston, NC, daughter of Peter and Penelope Longstreet. Mother of Allen Hawthorn, widow of Carl Hawthorn, wife of Frank Gladstone. Was graduated from Tampa University 2024 with a liberal arts degree. President of the Tampa U. Debate Society. While touring NYC and attending Radio City Music Hall, she thought she had met her future husband by accident. Carl had fallen for her from first sight and managed to arrange the ‘chance’ meeting. She was married at age 22 and gave birth to their son Allen the following year. Widowed at 27, she worked part time at Bailey Middle School (clerical) in Kingston, NY, more for personal fulfillment than to supplement the death benefit from Carl’s life insurance plus shares of stock from the company which had employed her husband. She was remarried at age 39 to Frank Samuel Gladstone.

  Abigail Fitzgalen Hawthorn (1974-still living). Born in Rochester, NY, at Strong Memorial Hospital, daughter of Obediah and Carol Fitzgalen. A surgical nurse at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, MO, she retired in 2024. Married to Maxwell Hawthorn in 1996, gave birth to Carl and Belinda Hawthorn. Belinda had Down’s Syndrome and continued to live with them until she developed heart problems and passed away at age 39. Fatigue and stress from taking care of Belinda wore Abigail down and she and her husband moved to Florida to live the remainder of their days in Jacksonville, FL, in a retirement village.

  Allen Carl Hawthorn (2026-still living). Born at Samaritan Hospital in Troy, NY, as the only child of Carl and Rachel Hawthorn. Allen lost his father to an auto accident when he was 4 years old. Moved to Hurley, NY, at age 5 and attended Myer’s Elementary School. He went on to attend St. Joseph’s Middle School, Coleman Catholic High School (dean’s list), and moved back to Troy, NY, in 2044 to attend Rennselear Polytechnic Institute with dual majors in physics and business, and a minor in computer science. CEO Hawthorn Enterprises as of 09/27/2047.

  Carl Allen Hawthorn (1998-2030). Born at Vassar Hospital in Poughkeepsie, NY, son of Maxwell and Abigail Hawthorn. Was graduated from RPI in 2020 with dual majors in business and engineering and was hired by Custom Properties, Inc. Was married to Rachel Louise Longstreet in 2025. Took final paramedic training in 2026 and joined a volunteer squad in Troy, NY. Carl died in an auto accident.

  Barney ‘Hammer’ Jenkins, pack leader of ‘The Harriers’, an outlaw motorcycle club.

  Ralph Henry Kithcart (2006-still living). Born and raised in Milledgeville, GA, son of Henry and Millicent Kithcart. He took on a job as a taxi cab driver in Milledgeville against his parent’s wishes. They had wanted him to go on to college to further his education, but eventually accepted Ralph’s decision as he seemed very happy in his profession and made a good living at it. Never married, he had lived successively with two women (two years and three years respectively). Neither relationship lasted.

  Kurt Mangela, paramedic with Milledgeville Ambulance, Inc.

  Barbara Meissner, RPI student and friend to Melissa Banks.

  Gustav Mendelssohn (1978-2047). Born in Snow Shoe, PA, to parents Bernhardt and Marlies Mendelssohn. His father was a radiologist, and his mother a respiratory therapist. Graduated cum laude from Cornell Law School, part of Cornell University at Ithaca, NY. He moved to Poughkeepsie, NY, to join the law firm of Higgens, Hanks & Greenbaum in 2003, immediately upon graduation. Hanks died of a heart attack the following year, which gave Gustav the opportunity to focus on the business law part of the practice. Higgens and Greenbaum dissolved their partnership due to personal differ
ences. Gustav remained with Greenbaum as a partner and the practice was moved to the Ulster County historical seat located in Kingston, NY. He first did work for Carl Hawthorn in 2020, chief executive officer for Custom Properties, Inc. Divorced twice, no surviving children. First child Garrison died at age 9 of leukemia. The death destroyed his first marriage with Martha Scholldorf, and his second wife, Valerie Knudson, did not want children. The second marriage ended after two years due to personal differences. Hired full time by Custom Properties, Inc. in 2035.

  Dr. Joseph Barnard Morrison (1899-1941). Born in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. His father, Ezra Quincy Morrison, was a laborer and his mother, Winona Mackey Morrison, died birthing him primarily due to poor medical care. This played a role in his eventual decision of becoming a doctor. He was the first black MD to be graduated from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, MO, which was the only medical school that would accept his application. He joined the Navy with a Lieutenant’s rank. He met and married Viola Parker in 1931. Due to uterine fibroids, they were unable to have children, and opted instead to adopt a male child, Bradley. Dr. Morrison died during the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces.

  Private Jedediah Patterson (1839-1864). Born in Bolton Landing, MA, to Chester and Cassandra Patterson. His father was a fisherman for Three Brothers Seafood. Jed dropped out of school after seventh grade to help his father provide for their family. When he was thirteen, his father died at sea in a storm when his boat went down and all hands aboard were lost. Jed continued his work with Three Brothers, being the primary support for his family. His mother, Cassandra, took in laundry and babysat to help make ends meet. She exhausted herself and died of consumption when Jed was fifteen. The two younger sisters, Roberta and Judith, were sent to an orphanage, but he decided to keep working and Three Brothers continued his employment for almost two years when Jed’s tendency to get into fights after drinking made him a liability. Jed joined the Massachusetts Militia the following year. He died in Milledgeville, GA, during General Sherman’s ‘March to the Sea’, under the command of Major Benjamin Covington.

  Mary Kitterick Safford (1915-1944). Born in Alton, IL, to Preston Charles and Johanna Jenson Kitterick. She married to John Safford in 1934, and gave birth to twin girls in 1937, Penny and Patricia. She was a full time RN at the John Cochran VA Hospital in St. Louis, MO. Records ascribe her death to an anesthesia reaction and that she was cremated. Her ashes were reported to have been placed into the flowerbeds at the St. Louis Zoo, where she was known to spend much of her time.


  David Lee Howells, born to Earl and Siddie Howells in Savannah, Georgia, March 19th, 1954.

  Doctor of Chiropractic in Kingston, NY since 1984.

  Nuclear Medicine Technologist 1976-1981.

  EMT and volunteer for the Hurley Fire and Rescue Department

  Folk Musician, “sound man” for the Hudson Valley Folk Guild

  Member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (chirurgeon, archer, fighter, volunteer mead sampler)

  Member Kiwanis Club of Kingston

  Other Books to Read (All are being processed for publication)

  VANESSA: FAMILY TREE – Sequel to VANESSA. The battle was over at the Edwards Estate. The Fitzgalen Family regroups to pursue their mission of saving souls stuck on the Earth plane. What happens when an underground spirit desperately hiding from judgment beneath the ground doesn’t want to be found, and is ready to strike anyone who tries?

  VANESSA: ALL HEAVEN BREAKS LOOSE – Sequel to Vanessa: Family Tree. Ever since humans began to wonder of the world’s miracles, knowledge of death and what comes after was precious and elusive. The Fitzgalen Family appears to have new authority in this awareness. That unwanted notoriety has a way of creating devotees, and very powerful enemies.

  VANESSA: MENDED HARPS – Sequel to Vanessa: All Heaven Breaks Loose. When a human spirit merged its energies with an ancient oak tree during the Battle of the Rhinebeck Cemetery, a new species was born. Amidst legal entanglements that hamstring the growing Fitzgalen Family’s efforts to pursue its holy mission of spirit liberation, a greater question arises; how do you deal with an emerging competitive species?

  VANESSA: FALLEN COLORS – Sequel to Vanessa: Mended Harps. Conclusion of the VANESSA series. The world’s religions have witnessed great changes, miracles, and proof that the dead walk the earth. Earth feels poised on the brink of a great change. The one who has a hope of leading the world away from cataclysmic holy wars of dominance is an autistic child, who is guarded by a being of great power…an Angel, Avenger Class.

  TIME SNAP – “In The Beginning” are the first words of Genesis, and they tell us that the first thing to be created was Time. When the machinery of Time fractures, all animal life on Earth freezes except those near enough to Heaven’s observation portals. While Heaven races to repair the machinery of Time, Host watch over Humans wandering through frozen life seeking other survivors, while watching out for Opposition Host.

  HELL RISE - The sequel to Time Snap. Hell is not what it used to be, as the Fallen Host radically change how they manage Human souls. One of Lucifer’s leading Angels wants Moriah back in Hell and will stop at nothing to either bring her back, or destroy her.

  “Thank you for your honoring me with your attention. I hope what you received in turn was worth your time and effort. I invite you to further pursue the human and ghost friends you’ve made here as the scope of their adventure expands to new levels in the sequel, ‘Family Tree’.

  “You are also invited to download the first in the TIME SNAP series of e-books. Fear not…there will be a ghost or two there for your amusement. Here, though, I would draw your attention to Angels.

  “Would you do me the honor of leaving your evaluation of these works with your e-book distributor resource? Thanks.

  “Dr. David.”

  Contact the Author with Comments and Questions


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