Malster, William, 127–128, 131
Manchester Courier, 77
Marconi, Guglielmo, 185–186
Marshall, John, 285
Massachusetts, 211
Mathematical Magick, 15, 21
Mathews, Admiral, 118
McClintock, James, 43–44
McCullagh, John, 249–256, 259–260, 264
McKinley, William, 164, 213–214
McLeod, Archibald, 174–176
Melville, George, 221–222, 231, 236–237, 240–245, 334
Melville, Lord, 36
Mercier, Lewis, 50–52
Metcalf, Victor, 317–322, 326–327
Miller, Lebbeus, 218, 235–236
Moccasin, 223
Moeran, Edward, 186
Monitor, 70, 132
Moody, William H., 269, 271, 274–275, 297
Morgan, J. P., 176, 325
Morgan, Pierpont, 174–177, 181, 343
Morning Star, 29
Morrill, Harry H., 227
Morris, Charles, 108–110, 161,
Morris, Henry, 179–181, 190
Morris, Richard, 161–162
Morse, Charles W., 324–325
Morse, Samuel, 28
Morton, Paul, 297–305, 316
Mulcahy, Denis, 72
Muller, Nicholas, 246
Mysterious Island, The, 50
Narval, 282–283
Nautilus (Fulton), 31–37, 32, 51
Nautilus (Lake), 341
Nautilus (Verne), 50–52, 115, 144
Naval modernization, 102–103, 105
Nelson, Charles Preston, 240–241, 308–310
Nelson, Lord, 36
New Atlantis, 12–13, 15, 20
New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, 21
New York Herald, 67, 126, 328
New York Sun, 68, 152, 212
New York Times, 43, 95–97, 107, 119 - 122, 139, 144, 160, 161, 175–176, 185, 248, 294, 309, 317–318, 322, 324, 334, 346
New York Tribune, 118, 219, 284, 286, 329, 334
Newton, Isaac, 75
Nixon, Lewis, 128, 131, 146, 149, 210, 224, 291, 311, 347
Noise pollution, 344–345
Nordenfelt, Thorsten, 82–88, 106, 112
Nordenfelt I, 83–86
Nordenfelt IV, 86–87
North American Review, 171, 242
Obermier, Leonard, 251, 264
O’Brien, Bernard, 57
Obry, Ludwig, 200–201
Octopus, 311–314, 313, 318–319, 321
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 184
Olympia, 224
O’Mahony, John, 54
Omniscope, 267. See also Periscopes
Onassis, Jacqueline, 185
O’Neil, Charles, 221–222, 234–237, 240, 244–245, 334
Oregon, 224
O’Reilly, John Boyle, 55
Orlov, Alexis, 215
Ottley, Charles T., 207
Owen, Robert, 29
Panic of 1893, 174
Panic of 1907, 323–325, 342
Papin, Denis, 17–19, 22
Paracelsus, 7–8
Payen, Clement, 177
Payne, Henry, 104
Payne, John, 45
Peacemaker, 106–108, 107, 234
Peale, Rembrandt, 28
Pensacola, 224
Periscopes, 2, 94–95, 116, 162, 267, 274, 280–282, 348
Petroleum, 60–61
Pike, 223
Pioneer, 43
Piston power engines, 17, 60, 78–80, 109, 137, 200
Pitt, William, 35–36
Plongeur (Diver), 47–49, 48, 52
Plongeur-Marin (Sea Diver), 39
Plunger, 129–135, 138, 145–154, 153, 163, 194, 199, 210, 221, 223, 226, 307–310
Pneumatic bell, 314
Pneumatic drill, 48
Pneumatic gun, 70, 92–94, 93, 99, 149, 155, 159, 223
Pneumatic tires, 179, 182
Pneumatophore, 77
Porpoise, 223
Posthumous Works, 20
Powhatan, 101
Pressure cooker, 17, 18
Priestly, Joseph, 9
Prison Life: Six Years in Six English Prisons, 66
Protector, 218–219, 265–275, 266, 268, 283–289, 297, 301–303
Quigg, Lemuel, 248–251, 254–256, 258–260, 264
Railroads, 172–176, 183–184
“Ready Motor,” 59–60
Resurgam, 75, 80–83, 81
Revier, Louis, 208
Ricardo, David, 171
Rice, Isaac L.
battery developments and, 177–182
birth of, 170
bribery case and, 247–249, 252–255, 261, 264
as competitor, 6
complaints by, 235–237, 242–245
death of, 343–344
early years of, 170–172
education of, 170–172
electric power and, 177–185
electric vehicles and, 179–184, 190
Elihu Frost and, 189–197, 204–206
as financier, 148
home building and, 184–185
as innovator, 6
John Holland and, 188–197, 294–296
legacy of, 342–345
marriage of, 172–173
photo of, 171
railroad industry and, 174–176
submarine investments, 188–197, 204–205
telegraph and, 185–187
Rice, Isaac L., Jr., 344
Rice, Julia, 172–173, 184, 342–345
Roberts, Ernest W., 245, 249, 256–257, 261–263
Rodgers, Admiral, 209
Rogers, Gustavus, 257
Romazzotti, Gaston, 280–282
Roosevelt, Theodore, 138, 163–164, 252, 292, 305, 308–311, 310, 323–326
Rossa, Jeremiah O’Donovan, 66–69, 72–73
Ryan, Thomas Fortune, 183
St. Johns, 71
St. Paul, 190, 192
Sakuma, Tsutomu, 293
Salk, Jonas, 7
Salom, Pedro, 179–181, 190
Salvage vessels, 116, 134–136, 140, 143–144, 216–217
Sampson, William T., 114, 119–120
San Francisco Call, 309
Saunders, John, 227
Scholz, William, 316
Schwab, Charles, 347
Science, 84
Scientific American, 14, 59, 84, 136, 332–333
Sea trials, 49, 151, 158, 277, 285–288, 318–321, 327, 338. See also Submarines
Seal, 337, 337–338
Selden, George, 60
Shakespeare, William, 9, 215
Shark, 223
Sharp, John, 334
Shelley, C. M., 120
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 107
Sicard, Montgomery, 105, 111, 114
Simon Lake X, 297–304, 315
Simon Lake XV, 315–316, 316, 319
Skerrett, Robert G., 317, 332–334
Skirmishing Fund, 58–59, 64, 67–68, 72–73
Somers, Lord, 36
Spear, Lawrence, 224–226, 229–230, 238–240, 311, 333
Spencer, Herbert, 172
Sperry, C. S., 119
Sperry, Nehemiah, 326–327
Sprat, Thomas, 20
Staple of News, The, 11–12
Steam engines, 59–60, 79–80, 106, 111, 116, 129–135, 199, 221
Steam locomotive, 59
Steam power, 17, 35, 41, 47, 59–60, 79–80, 92, 199
Steinitz, Wilhelm, 173
Stephens, James, 54
Stewart, William M., 194, 203, 208
Stirling, Yates, Jr., 338
Stuart, Gilbert, 28
attack submarines, 145–156, 191, 214–218, 341, 348
ballast challenges with, 38–39, 45, 63–70, 87–88
batteries for, 111, 148, 177–182, 282
buoyancy o
f, 21, 37–40, 63–65, 78–85, 91, 105, 111–115, 135–136, 234, 266–267, 280–281, 349
classes of, 38, 277–278, 348–349
competitions for, 108–112, 117–124,
compressed air tanks for, 38, 40, 48–49, 58–64, 69–70, 92, 111–112, 125–126, 136, 144, 200–201, 268, 282, 311–314
design of, 5–14, 10, 12, 58, 58–59, 76–80, 78, 105–106
development of, 5–19, 18, 22–32, 32, 33–36, 58–63, 78, 78–88, 111–144, 160, 210, 265–270
displacement and, 21, 32, 105, 125, 135, 221–223, 266, 348
first base for, 192, 196, 197
first concepts of, 9–14, 10, 12
first purchase of, 210
first working submarine, 7–8
illustration of, 10, 23, 32
improving, 68–74, 80–82, 94–95, 108–112, 134–144, 191, 199–201,291
inventor of, 7
testing, 34, 40–49, 62–74, 80–88, 96–97, 107–108, 126, 143–169, 201–210, 271–277, 285–288, 318–321, 327, 338
torpedo tubes for, 130, 149–153, 167, 223, 267–269, 282, 311, 319, 337–339, 348
warfare and, 34, 94, 145–156, 191, 200, 214–218, 232–233, 273, 283–284, 340–341, 345–348
Sullivan, Tim, 248
Sylph, 209, 308
Taft, William Howard, 272, 325
Tarantula, 311–312
Tayler, Robert, 258–259, 261
Telegraph, 185–187
Thurston, John Mellen, 320, 326, 333–334
Tilden, Samuel, 104
“Torpedo boats,” 41–43, 42, 60–63, 62, 102, 110. See also Submarines
development of, 22, 24–26, 60–63, 61
firing of, 1–4, 3
improving, 199–201
testing, 201–205, 209–210
torpedo tubes, 130, 149–153, 167, 223, 267–269, 282, 311, 319, 337–339, 348
Tracy, Benjamin F., 108, 110
Train, Charles J., 271–272, 275
Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation, 29
“Trimming tanks,” 63
Trumbull, Jonathan, 22
Tuck, Josiah, 106–108, 112, 234
Tuna, 338
Turbot, 338–340
Turtle, 22–25, 23
Twain, Mark, 344, 345
Tweed, Boss, 104
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, 49–50, 115, 139, 144
U-9, 2–3, 339, 343, 347
Underwater boats. See also Submarines
concept of, 9–14, 10, 12, 76–79, 78
development of, 17–19, 18, 22–25
illustration of, 10, 23
Underwood, Oscar, 231
United Irishman, The, 67, 69
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 246
Vanderbilt, William, 324
Verne, Jules, 49–52, 115, 139, 144, 173
Vesuvius, 99
Victoria, Queen, 67
“Viewing tube,” 95, 116, 162. See also Periscopes
Viper, 311–312
Vizcaya, 164
Von Rebeur Paschwitz, A., 204
Von Tirpitz, Alfred, 283
Voorhees, Foster, 218, 233
Wainwright, Richard, 237–240
Wardwell, Colonel, 152
Wardwell, Ernestine, 152
Washington, George, 25–26, 29, 51
Washington Evening Times, 206
Washington Morning Times, 132
Washington Post, 328, 334
Washington Times, 317, 333
Watson, Baxter, 43–44
Weddigen, Otto, 2–4, 49, 343
Wellenkamp, Herr, 204
Welles, Gideon, 43
West, Benjamin, 28
West, Mary, 28
Wheeler, Charles, 262–263
Whitehead, Robert, 60–63, 199–200, 202
“Whitehead torpedo,” 60–63, 61
Whitney, Fred, 274–275, 297–298, 300-301, 316, 333, 334
Whitney, William Collins, 103–105, 108–109, 183–184, 325
Widener, Peter, 183
Wilde, Oscar, 76
Wilkins, John, 15, 17
Willson, C. M., 284
Wilson, A. K., 276
Wilson, John, 227
Wing, Lillian, 230
Winslow, 229
Wireless system, 186–187, 314
Woodward, J. J., 272
World War I, 278, 340, 347
World War II, 341, 345
World’s Fair, 59
Wright, Orville, 5, 75, 154
Wright, Wilbur, 5, 75, 154
Zalinski, Edmund, 91–99, 122, 131
“Zalinski Boat,” 94–96
Zédé, Gustave, 280
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All illustrations are in the public domain, with these exceptions:
Pages 3, 316, 321, 329, 337. Library of Congress. Prints & Photographs Division.
Pages 228, 247, 310. Library of Congress. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers.
Pages 4, 42, 44, 69, 147, 196, 223, 312, 313. Naval History & Heritage Command.
Page 183. William M. Van Der Weyde, Museum of the City of New York.
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Copyright © 2017 Lawrence Goldstone
First Pegasus Books edition June 2017
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