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Seventh Talon_Dragonrider's Fury

Page 40

by James Patton

  “No, this happened two days ago. I- there are that many? Where did they all come from?”

  “Are you sure this was two days ago?”

  “He does not know,” the female spoke again. “Laven, you only think it was two days, but a Mind Wraith has been feeding on your memories. It has been at least a few weeks.”

  “How would you know that?” Laven called back.

  “I just know.”

  “Ok, enough. I am taking charge as of now. So all of you rest, and I will keep watch tonight. Tomorrow we ride for Crosspointe, and we will aid them in their war against our kind.”

  “Yes, sir.” Several voices echoed.

  The sound of their grief was affecting him, but he could not grieve with them. It was not yet time.

  “Taro?” The female spoke up again, and he recognized her voice for the first time. “For what it is worth, I am glad you were not here. You remain pure and clean of the atrocities that we-“

  The female’s voice broke for the first time.

  “You know how I know how long it has been? The Wraiths triggered my urge to procreate, they put me in heat time and time again. I do not know how many drakes I took in my desire to mate, but I know it lasted for weeks. They never bothered to take my memories. Those creatures just used me. And— and I enjoyed it. I still want it.”

  “Omaro?” Taro whispered, and his eyes filled with flame as tears of lava rolled down his cheek, the skin on his face started to glow with heat.

  “It is I, littermate. Brother. It is good to see you, even if you are supposed to be in exile.” She smiled sadly at him, and his once proud sister was looking disheveled and weak. It reminded him of Boh when he first met her. The girl had been skittish and mistrustful.

  “Do not cower in that corner. Let me tell you the tale of my bonded. A woman who has suffered as you have. Perhaps you will find hope and spirit in the telling.”

  Their heads turned towards him, and his sister came forward. They all knew him, and why the Matriarch had exiled him. Claiming to have bonded had them all curious.

  He told them of his wandering. How he met Boh, his bonded, and the monsters she faced before he even came along. Told them of their journey through the mountain, and of the things she had endured during the journey. At the end of it, he saw his sister sit up a little straighter, and her face lost the doe eye stare. She hardened into the warrior princess she had always been.

  “I would very much like to meet this Boh,” Omara told him.

  “Sleep. Tomorrow we ride hard, and if we are fast enough, you will see her soon. Tonight, I patrol and leave a message for our Matriarch.”

  “She will not be pleased you are back.” One of the drakes said.

  “I will accept whatever punishment she metes out. Pack and blood are all I have ever known, and I have always been loyal to that. I always will be.”

  “Thank you.” The guard told him, and several others echoed his sentiments.

  He could not have known how deep the mental scars were on some, or that they would take their own lives. He could not know that when they left the next morning, only seven would live to accompany him.


  Chapter 71


  It annoys me when therapists associate bullshit to my motivations. They are clueless because my motivation is simple and lacks complication. I do it because I can.

  -from Boh, Audio Roll 0304

  Malinite touched down lightly, a safe distance from the Matriarch and its rider. Boh felt her dragon vibrating as a growl percolated deep inside him. It did not take long for her to figure out what had Malinite on edge. Not only was the Matriarch twice the size of Taro, but the creature on it repulsed and fascinated Boh.

  The human-shaped head of the creature had a thin transparent skin, like a layer of see-through gel. Millions of tentacles inside of it were visible, and several strands coiled together to create the eyes that stared at them through the thin membrane.

  Other tentacles formed its skeletal structure, giving the creature its shape. It was disturbing. The idea of a jellyfish evolving into something like this made Boh shudder, which she did not bother hiding. The jellyfish-man’s thin tentacles formed a mouth and smiled at her, which was not helping put her at ease.

  The next thing to grab her attention was the officer’s service cap atop its wet head. The hat had a red band that circled it with a black dragon stitched into it. She recognized the emblem from her trials, which worried her.

  The thing was wearing a crisp dark gray uniform, with the pant legs tucked into knee-high boots. The boots, gloves, and belt were all made of black polished leather and brought to a military shine. It looked like a military outfit, maybe a German officer’s kit. The armband and the band on the hat stood out, and Boh’s eyes rested on the black dragon on a field of red.

  *What am I looking at?* Boh asked and shifted in the saddle.

  *A Mind Wraith, an elder by the looks of it. Guard your mind, and keep your thoughts from straying. They can hijack our telepathic communication.*

  “Amusing as your thoughts are, it is not as easy as that. I can listen in, but it strains my ability to do anything else. If you do not mind, how about we avoid speaking that way. And call me Heinrich.” The Mind Wraith informed them.

  She did not want to see another smile on its slimy face, but she could not look away either. It was amused.

  “Why are you waiting for us? And Heinrich?”

  “What is wrong with my name? And I was not waiting for you specifically. Just waiting for whoever would investigate. Now I can deliver the message and return below.”

  “Are you taking your army with you?” She retorted.

  “Oh, gods no, those beasts stay. Glad they are finally gone. I am to tell you that you will get three days reprieve to deliver my message. The drakes will continue to amass outside of Crosspointe but will not move until the third day, at which point they will destroy everything on their way to Haase. And seriously, whats wrong with my name?” Heinrich asked.

  “Your name makes you sound like a physicist or something. Feels stupid calling you Heinrich, so I’ll stick with calling you ass or jellyfish.”

  The creature's tentacles pulled in tightly, and somehow she knew she had pissed it off. Its tentacles seemed to reflect emotion, and she smiled at it.

  “You will deliver my message.” He said tersely.

  She shifted in her saddle, not sure she was liking where this conversation was going. Maybe she should just kill the damn thing and be done with it. Boh’s hand twitched ever so slightly as it moved towards her gun.

  Odd. Why would I attempt to grab my gun? This time the creature was not smiling, and despite its cockiness, the Wraith raised its shield. It was not dumb, and she felt the raw elemental energy coming from it. It could block anything she sent its way, and she knew it was foolish to attempt it. She should praise the glorious-

  “Stop it.” She told him, realizing the bastard was trying to manipulate her. When he smiled again, she did not doubt that he had tried to influence her thoughts. “I will accept your message, but if you try that again, one of us is not leaving this place alive.”

  *Stop provoking the creature; it is more powerful than most adult dragons.*

  *Relax. We are negotiating.* She told Malinite and felt her cheeks pulled upward in a tight grin that held little mirth.

  “Indeed we are. It has been awhile since I have met one of your kind with the willpower to resist me. I find it refreshing, enjoyable even. So I’m going to give you the best quest reward I can within my king’s parameters. I have a series of items I can offer you to deliver this message, but if I am any judge of character, we can skip all that. I know you desire this the most.” Heinrich held up a spell book, but the gold filigree across the cover told her it was something rare.

  She did not even have to reply, and the creature smiled almost as soon as he showed the book. That smile needed to stop.

  “This book contains a rare spell,
and it has the first three ranks inside. It will not unlock until you deliver the message and they must believe you.”

  “What game are you playing at?” Malinite growled and entered the conversation for the first time. He was breathing heavy, and she realized she could not feel his emotions.

  “I thought you said you would not interfere with me?”

  “I am not. The dragon is another story. I need him to remain quiet.”

  *Relax big guy. I got this, just relax.* She told him and patted him on the side. Malinite’s breathing settled, and he stopped shifting around.

  “Malinite will remain quiet but knock it off. Or else I leave, and you can shove that spellbook up your ass. If you have one.”

  “Very well.”

  “Now speak. What is it you want us to do?”

  “It is simple, deliver a message to a Monarch, or anyone of power. Tell them The King No More lives, and he is coming for all those that betrayed him.”

  “You liar!” Malinite roared, and his rage broke any hold the Mind Wraith had on him.

  “I thought we had an agreement,” Heinrich said nonplussed.

  “We do, but I figured you knew,” she said frowning.

  “Knew what? And Boh, stop screwing with me, or I will destroy your dragon.”

  “You will do no such thing. If the King No More is your sire, then you harm my dragon in any way, you will die. Say hello to Malinite, son of Osric and Vasia. You just told him that his father still lives.”

  “Interesting. I had heard all Osric’s children died. Murdered by the Usurper King.” Heinrich adjusted his focus towards Malinite. “Knowing now why you spoke out of turn, I will allow it. Feel free to join the conversation. I find it most curious that you are still alive.”

  “And if I kill you?” He growled, but the jellyfish just smiled in return.

  “Now, to finish my missive. All of my king’s loyal subjects know where to meet in six months time, on the eve of winter’s solstice. Those who do not show up, are against him and will gain no quarter.”

  The Wraith’s manner of speech was getting on her nerves. It talked down to everyone and held a superior attitude that made her want to hurt him.

  “That is an impossible quest. No one is going to believe me without proof, hell my dragon doesn’t even believe you, and Osric sired him.”

  “Which is why I am to give you this.” The Mind Wraith threw something at her, and she snagged it out of the air.

  Event Bonus: Parley

  - Reflex +1. Reflex is now 5.

  You have acquired Osrics’s Tear.

  Quest Granted: Messengers Get Shot

  - Details: The leader of the drake army requires that you deliver a message.

  - Objective 1: Convince someone in a position of power that Osric, The King No More lives.

  - Objective 2: Deliver Osric’s message: “If you remain loyal to me, your king, I will see you at the predestined location on Winter’s Solstice. Failure to show means you are one of the betrayers, and I will grant you no quarter.”

  - Rewards: Rare Spellbook with a Novice, Journeyman, and Adept ranked spell.

  - Quest Granted By: Heinrich on behalf of Osric

  “Take this as well.” The Wraith threw the spell book at her too, which she caught and put both the book and the tear into her bag.

  “So he does live,” Malinite said upon seeing the scale. “How?”

  “That will be divulged in time.”

  “Why destroy Haase?” She did not understand the point of the army.

  “I doubt this army will destroy Haase. And who says this is the only attack? You see Brocard around here? No, you do not. This is a warning and is the weakest part of his army. If I were you Boh, I’d join my king. Remember, you have three days. You can go now- Oh, almost forgot. Do not think about attacking the drakes during your reprieve, because that will rescind all previous orders to stop.”

  The Mind Wraith turned the Matriarch and headed away from them, but then stopped and turned back. Its head looking towards the sun, which hung low in the sky.

  “Well, that is unfortunate. Malinite take Boh and make haste for Crosspointe!” The Wraith’s facial expressions still bothered her, but his look of concern seemed real enough.

  Malinite started running towards him and jumped into the air trying to gain altitude. She did not understand what had them both freaked out until a shadow descended on them.


  Chapter 72

  The Fallen

  I was T-boned crossing a major intersection. A truck ran a red light and smashed into the side of my car. I do not remember much, but I do recall flipping and spinning out of control and then hitting something like a median. I was in awe and fear at how much destructive power a vehicle had- until I saw two dragons collide.

  -from Boh’s Journal, May 11th, N167

  Malinite’s wings pumped faster than she had ever seen him go and they shot into the air gaining altitude fast enough that her ears popped. Boh’s dragon did not stop, and she could sense he was spooked.

  *Boh, unhook before you get crushed.* Malinite warned her. The shadow descended on them, and Boh noticed the change in air pressure. She pushed on the stirrups and shifted her legs to release the clamps. Malinite rolled to meet the threat head-on, and Boh fell out of the saddle.

  Air rushed by her as she went into freefall. Boh’s hands were already in action as her Elemental Shield flared into existence around her, and with little effort, she willed it outward into a parachute. At about the same time her Wind spell went off, and her downward momentum all but stopped as she started to rise above the two dragons.

  Boh’s eyes were drawn to the wings, because of their red scales. They were attached to the scaleless flesh, grafted on to the stumps where her real wings once existed.

  Vasia! But how did she steal wings? The Dark Queen’s Shroud still hovered around her. It was weak and could not hide the dragon underneath.

  Malinite’s wing crushed between him and Vasia on impact and Boh was blown back as they collided. Her dragon roared in pain and desperation. Malinite clawed at the soft skin of his queen, and she saw him wedge talon after talon into her flesh. It was too much for the queen’s smaller wings, and they began losing altitude.

  What do I do? She questioned, dismissing several ideas as they all put Malinite in danger. Think!

  *Boh, escape. You cannot help him or yourself.* Heinrich broke into her thoughts.

  *I told you to stay the fuck out of my head, you gods-damned freak.*

  *I warned you.*

  “Damn it all to hell,” she muttered. Boh turned her shield into Glide and dove towards the two beasts falling from the sky. Landing on Vasia’s broad back, she kept her shield up but narrowed it so it would not blow her off. Knife in her other hand she stabbed into the soft flesh trying to anchor herself. The wind attempted to tear her free. Boh held on to her knife stabbed into Vasia all the way up to the hilt, her legs flailing in the wind behind her. The soft dragon flesh had less resistance than Boh had thought, the knife was sliding through it as the wind tried to separate her.

  Boh grinned as blood blew back in her face. The cut was several feet long before the wind finally dislodged her. Using the back of her arm, she tried to wipe her goggles clean so she could see again. Vasia’s screech of pain was her reward.

  “Elfling, stay out of this, and I will let you live,” Vasia called back, her head craning to watch.

  “No. I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it, even if I have to drain you of all your blood one cut at a time.” She roared over the wind and dove once more towards the queen. On the underside of Vasia, Malinite was grappling so tightly that Boh could see his muscles rippling with the effort.

  Boh’s arms came together once more as she dove and stabbed her knife into the Dark Queen. The knife’s knuckle duster was the only reason she could manage holding on. Her hand and fingers might snap before she dropped the knife. This time, Vasia bucked under her, trying to shake both B
oh and Malinite free.

  “It is funny how weak dragon flesh is.” She called out. Boh was laughing like a lunatic as she put gash after gash into Vasia’s backside. Blood was painting the sky red, and Boh struggled to keep her goggles clean enough to see. Boh could hear Malinite’s cry of pain, and when she was adrift once more, she rose above the blood mist to clear her goggles.

  Malinite’s rear talon was broken, snapped at a funny angle. His fingers had been rooted deeply into Vasia’s hindquarters and came away with a massive chunk of flesh.

  Vasia had used her bone magic, and Boh trembled at the thought. Out of desperation turned her Glide into a steep dive and shot past both dragons. Once she was under Malinite, she used the parachute and rose up to the saddle. The handle on the saddle allowed her to hold steady while she touched her dragon.

  *Put your shield up. Going to try Inversion on you.* Boh told Malinite and seconds later she saw the shield forming around him. Boh’s hand moved almost of its own volition as she activated Inversion. The shielding lost its dark purple hue and shifted towards a gray color. Something she associated with the Void.

  Every bone Vasia tried to break bolstered Malinite and his shielding. His breath was misting around him draining Vasia and healing himself. It made no sense for Vasia to hold back on using her breath attack, but she did not use it.

  Boh broke away from Malinite because there was only one way this ended and she hoped her dragon could survive it. She was not about to get caught underneath both dragons.

  “Clever. But it only delays the inevitable. You are still weak.” Vasia snarled and cast a spell with dark swirling energy.

  The spell was easy to spot, and Boh started shifting her shield and casting her own. In the sky, with Glide and Wind, there was not much that could hit her. Her elvish frame was taking a beating as she shot upward in a painful move that tried to defy gravity.


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