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Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)

Page 6

by Sher Dillard

  She brought it to her mouth and blew on it gently. A small hint of smoke appeared. Then, more. Her heart raced as she focused everything she had on the ember.

  At last, a small flame came to life. She squealed with joy as she quickly brought it to the fireplace.

  Setting the nest of shavings down gently, she blew onto the flames, then lay more twigs across it. Those caught and she squealed again.

  It was like bringing new life into the world. A sense of power and accomplishment flowed through her. She had started a fire.

  Gingerly tending her new creation, she slowly brought it to fulfilment. Eventfully standing before a raging fireplace. A smile a mile wide, creased her face. She couldn’t wait for Drake to return so he could see.

  It wasn’t long, she heard him approaching. She was sure, deep inside, that he had purposely made noise so that she would know and not be startled. Confirming it, he called her name.

  “Elsbeth, it’s me,” he said.

  Her heart hitched. The sound of his voice alone could send shivers of anticipation up and down her spine. She stepped aside and watched the door. She wanted to see his face when he saw the fire.

  He had to bend at the waist to fit his head under the door frame. He held three large trout, already cleaned and skewered on green branches. Her mouth began to water immediately. Thank God, she had been growing tired of rabbit. His other hand held several wild onions and other plants she was unfamiliar with.

  His eyes went immediately to the fire, then to her. His face broke into a huge smile as he nodded, ‘well done’ to her.

  She felt herself grow warm under his admiring gaze. He was proud of her. It was as if she had conquered a new land. He turned to look at what she had made.

  Something was wrong, there was too much smoke. The fire was growing, but the smoke wasn’t leaving. Instead, it was backing up into the room. Threatening to chase them from the house.

  He chuckled and walked over to the fire. Without any regard to himself, or the flames. He reached up into the chimney, opening the flue.

  The fire had been fed a new burst of energy. It flared up. The flames licking at his arm as he wrestled with the mechanical contraption.

  “Drake,” she screamed, “your arm.”

  The flue clanked into place, and he stepped back. “It’s alright. See. No harm,” he said, as he turned his arm back and forth. Displaying it to her.

  He was right. He wasn’t burnt. The hairs on his arm weren’t even singed. The sight shocked her. She had been so sure he would be hurt. Was there nothing this man couldn’t do?

  He retrieved two wooden spoons and pewter plates from a box in the corner.

  “We’ll borrow these for the trip, and I’ll return them the next time I come through,” Drake said as he served the dinner at the small table.

  Elsbeth nodded as her mouth watered, she was so hungry. She wondered if she had ever had this good an appetite in her life. It was all the exercise, she realized, then immediately thought of their coupling the night before.

  Her body grew warm thinking of what was to come. Or, was she assuming too much? Would he want her again? He had taken her virginity. Had he already gotten what he wanted? Maybe he wouldn’t want her. Not as desperately as she needed him.

  The thought made her frown. She didn’t know what to do in this situation. Everything was new and strange. Her world had become narrower and yet wider at the same time.

  Her stomach clenched in fear of the future.

  She caught him staring at her with that slightly tilted head look of his. As if he were trying to discern the puzzle before him.

  His look sent a shiver down her spine. She needed to get away before he learned all her secrets. If the man knew what he did to her insides, there would be no peace.

  Rising, she took a step towards the door. Her legs buckled with the pain. She groaned as she reached to the table to steady herself.

  “You don’t happen to have a hot spring behind the trees?” she asked with a chuckle, trying desperately to shake off the embarrassment of being unable to walk.

  He frowned and shook his head.

  “I have pushed the pace to much,” he said, continuing to frown.

  Her heart raced at the look of concern in his eyes.

  Grimacing she tried to walk off the pain in her legs.

  “Here, Princess,” he said as he rose to stand behind her. “No hot springs, but perhaps I can do something to help.”

  His hands came to her shoulders and gently began to knead the tension from her muscles.

  She moaned as she closed her eyes and sank into his touch. His fingers seemed to caress all pain and stiffness from her.

  “Elsbeth,” he murmured as he bent to kiss her on the back of her neck.

  The tension and soreness in her muscles were instantly replaced by a burning need.

  “Let me,” he continued.

  Before she could think to answer, his fingers started to unlace her dress. Slightly brushing against her skin. Her garment fell away, and his fingers returned to messaging her neck and shoulders.

  She was lost in the pleasure of his touch. She let her head fall forward, moaning with delight at the way he made her feel.

  He reached up and pulled her hair pin, letting her hair fall. He rumbled something deep in his throat as he pushed her hair aside and continued to nibble at her neck.

  She didn’t know how much longer she could stand there like that. Her legs were growing weak, her knees turning soft. Her heart raced, and her skin tingled.

  Everything about this was soft and wonderful. To have Drake care for her. To sooth her soreness. It was so sweet, and so tender. It made her want him all the more.

  She started to turn into him, but he held a hand to stop her, “Not yet my Princess,” he said as he bent and gently removed her shoes, then pulled her stockings down. His strong hands slowly rolling them down each leg.

  She began to shake with the shear wonderfulness of his touch. He was so close; he had become part of her universe.

  Rising again, he returned to kissing her back as he slipped her shift from her shoulders.

  She stood before him, naked, vulnerable. But yet, she didn’t feel in peril. She needn’t fear this man. He would never hurt her.

  “Lay down Elsbeth,” he said. “Let me make you forget your pain.”

  She swallowed hard and sat on the bed. He was still fully clothed. It wasn’t fair. She wanted to see him. Reaching for him, she wanted to remove his clothes.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “On your stomach, dear.”

  Her insides clenched in worry. Why? What did he want? She was unfamiliar with what was expected. Why like this? she wondered. Hesitating she gathered her courage and lay down. Her breasts rubbed against the rough blanket.

  She could feel him behind her, his gaze traveling over her body. She buried her head in the pillow and refused to look. Surely his eyes were focused on her bottom.

  The bed tilted as he sat down next to her. What was he going to do next? she wondered. Whatever it was, please hurry, she thought as her inside grew soft.

  He started at her feet, slowly messaging the pain away. His fingers seemed to contain an infinite source of magic. Where they touched, only soothing contentment remained.

  His strong hands moved to her calves. Burrowing deep, he washed away any sense of distress.

  Her nervous embarrassment at being naked before him disappeared to be replaced with silent wonder at the specialness of his touch.

  “Oh Drake,” she moaned as he gently caressed the back of her knees.

  She sank into bliss as he circled and caressed, pulling the ache from her bones and sending a burning need to her core.

  His hands traveled up her thighs. Biting into her flesh. Rolling and pulling at her muscles until, at last, they relaxed. His touch was magic. His fingers were a gift from God.

  She moaned into the pillow and fought to not scream with delight as his hands pushed her legs apart so that he coul
d reach the insides of her thighs.

  She felt exposed, but she complied with his silent demand. She needed his touch. Needed him to continue his magic.

  His fingers gently caressed as they moved ever closer to her core. She held her breath as she waited for him to touch her there. Her heart raced with anticipation. Every fiber of her soul silently urged him on.

  His hand brushed her. She knew that he felt her wetness. She could imagine the smile on his lips as he realized how much she needed him.

  His fingers left her as they traveled to her bottom.

  Oh, the bastard. He had teased her, then moved on.

  His hands continued to knead and fondle. Continued to make every part of her body soft and compliant. He was returning her to normal by taking her someplace new.

  When he had once again reached her shoulders, she felt whole again. She could walk a dozen miles more if needed.

  His lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “Turn over, I’ll do the other side.”

  Her cheeks grew warm for some reason. She was at his mercy, biting her lip, she turned to her back.

  He smiled down at her. His eyes as tender as his fingers. Her heart melted. Oh this man, what was he doing to her?

  Once again, he started on her feet. Slowly moving up her calves. Caressing, kneading. He bent and brushed a kiss across her knees.

  She giggled at his tickling lips.

  He smiled and continued on, kissing her thighs. Gently separating her legs to gently kiss the tender parts.

  He was close, too close to her center.

  What was he doing? Her heart raced. Going forward, he continued to trail kisses upwards, ever upwards.

  No, he couldn’t, she thought as she felt his warm breath on her most sensitive of spots.

  What was he doing, no ...

  “Ohhhhh,” she moaned as his tongue found her.

  She arched into him. Her hands instinctively going to his head to hold him in place.

  Grinding, she tried for more. Needing that touch. Needing that gentle caress of his tongue.

  Her world expanded, her body shook with each kiss, each taste he took.

  She thought she could go no higher when his finger entered her. Reaching to rub her very center. She felt herself gush with need. Felt herself swell with want. She needed him, but she could not let him go.

  He had set her afire. Her heart raced as he continued to kiss and caress. Her breath stopped, as she focused on reaching her finish.

  Still, he caressed, still he teased and taunted her.

  She shook her head back and forth, seeking release. Building. Growing, until, at last, her world exploded.

  She clamped her legs together. Holding on for dear life. As she fought to regain control of her world.

  At last, he stopped and let her free.

  Looking up from between her legs he smiled at her. She could only look back. Unable to believe what he had done to her. Unable to believe what he had made her feel.

  A burning need flashed through her. She had to have him inside of her. Now.

  Reaching, she scrambled to remove his clothes. Only when he stood naked before her, was she able to stop and marvel at the maleness of him.

  His strength and size were overwhelming. It made her mouth water and her insides tighten up with desire.

  Pulling him down on her, he went willingly and entered her with a quick, sharp thrust.

  “Yes,” she said as she wrapped her legs around him. “Yes,” she repeated as he began to move inside of her.

  She lost herself in the feeling of him. Her only awareness was the hardness inside of her. Spreading her, filling her every need.

  He grumbled and grimaced as he continued to thrust into her. She rose to meet him. Thrust for thrust. Grinding against him.

  Searching for that release that only he could give her.

  She felt him building. Growing even larger as his forehead creased in concentration.

  At last, she melted as she felt him explode inside of her.

  His throbbing heat sent her over the cliff as she too was set free to explode.

  “This,” she whispered into his ear as he lay atop her. “This,” she repeated.

  Chapter Eight

  Drake woke with a grogginess that was unusual for him. He was normally a morning person. A fact that had always driven his family crazy with frustration.

  He shifted to pull Elsbeth close. The woman was amazing. She had woke him in the middle of the night with her mouth around him. Urging him on. Once he was awake and aware, she had mounted him and taken what she needed. All the time, giving him what he had desired.

  The woman had hidden talents. He wondered if she knew how unusual she was. That sweet combination of cool grace and wanton desire, touched with a beautiful body and a sharp mind. It was enough to make a man forget himself. No! It was enough to make a man realize why he was alive.

  Sighing, he pushed himself from the bed. They needed to begin if they were to make his goal by the end of the day.

  He looked back down at her. She slept heavily, her mouth slightly open, her hair falling across her face. She was a goddess.

  She whimpered in her sleep and pulled his pillow in close, hugging it to her chest.

  Give her a little time, he thought. She deserved it. She had been awake half the night. Enjoying him, enjoying the fact that he enjoyed her.

  Shaking his head, he made his way out of the huntsman’s cottage and down to the stream. He’d make her breakfast in bed, then they would have to be on their way.


  The morning mist had burnt off, and the sun was forcing its way through the green canopy of the forest. The dappled yellow and gold lighting their path.

  He stopped and turned to help her through a small ravine and over a trickling stream of water. When they reached the far side, he didn’t release her hand. Instead, he continued to hold it.

  She looked up at him and smiled as she squeezed her hand around his.

  “You know, for a princess, you are pretty good in bed,” he said. He liked seeing the fire jump into her eyes. It pleased the beast in him.

  She halted and stared at him for a moment. “You know,” she said, “for a man, you’re not as dumb as you pretend. Besides, you’ve slept with a lot of princesses?”

  He chuckled, the woman had an answer for everything.

  What was coming over him? he wondered. The woman was a wizard. She had put a spell on him. He, the mighty Drake, was walking through the woods, holding a woman’s hand like an infatuated school boy.

  Shaking his head, he tried to understand. But, he didn’t drop her hand.

  They broke through the forest wall and stepped out onto a meadow. An old beaver pond that had filled with sediment and been abandoned long ago.

  The ground felt soft under his feet. The tall green grass beaconing. He wondered what she would do if he pulled her down and took her here. He grew hard thinking of it. Imagining being inside of her. Hearing that soft moan of hers.

  He looked down at her. She looked back up at him, and he could tell she was thinking the same thing. The woman was insatiable, which meant the woman was wonderful.

  Smiling he reached for her, then stopped.

  Something tickled the back of his mind. Something was wrong. He shifted away from her and tasted the wind.

  No, not now. Not like this. Another beast had arrived. Another beast had invaded his territory.

  He searched the sky, turning and twisting until he located the direction.

  A burning need to protect burst into him. The beast demanded to be set free. It was the only way. This wasn’t a few weak men. This was another beast. A true danger.

  His heart pounded in his chest. A deep fear entered his soul. She would learn the truth. It could not be avoided. There was no other way.


  Elsbeth gasped when Drake stepped away from her. She had been sure he would pull her to the ground and have her right there. The burning passion in his eyes had
matched her own.

  She had felt herself grow ready as she licked her lips in anticipation.

  But then, he halted. A new fear had entered his eyes. The sight sent a cold chill down her spine. He looked at her with regret, as if afraid of what she would do.

  Her mind whirled with confusion. What was going on? He stopped looking at her. Instead, he searched the sky, then focused on some distant point.

  “Drake?” she said as she reached up to touch his shoulder.

  He didn’t react. He was gone. Off searching, preparing himself.

  “Drake? What is it?” she asked. Her voice hitching with concern. Her own fears were rapidly growing.

  He turned to her. His eyes flaming with something new. Something unspeakable. He was a different man.

  “Stay here, Elsbeth. Please.”

  She swallowed hard. What was it? A bear? Wolves? Had the King’s Guard found them? Suddenly, the thought of the shadow from two nights prior flashed into her mind.

  A bolt of terror traveled through her.

  He looked down at her. The fear in his eyes scared her to her very soul. He wasn’t afraid for himself, she realized. But, afraid of what she would think.

  Stepping away from her, he moved to the center of the clearing.

  She watched him as he searched the sky. He looked so strong, so big. What could frighten this man?

  Something registered within him as he stiffened. He turned back to her, his eyes begging her for forgiveness.

  “I’m sorry, Elsbeth,” he said.

  She fought to understand. Studying him, when suddenly he burst into green flames.

  Elsbeth screamed.

  Drake had disappeared into a pillar of fire. It burnt like a thousand suns. She instinctively stepped back, throwing a hand up to block the heat.

  The fire morphed and twirled. A great column of green smoke rose into the air. She fought to understand. Drake was gone. Her Drake. The man she was coming to love.

  “No,” she screamed again as she began to rush towards him.

  Before she had taken two steps though, the fire changed. Dying away to reveal a monster.


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