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Dragon Fire (Dragons of Perralt Book 1)

Page 12

by Sher Dillard

  “Tsk,” his mother snorted. “From what I hear, this Prince Julian couldn’t fight his way out of a bathtub. This is not the kind of man Elsbeth needs.”

  A cold chill traveled down his spine. What was his mother leading to?

  “I thought we were not to interfere in their world. Not to become involved.”

  His mother looked at him for a long moment, obviously trying to decide whether to admonish or hug him. At last, she nodded.

  “Yes, that is our policy, and it has served us well. There is one exception, though.”

  “What might that be mother?” he asked as he held his breath.

  “For a soul mate. All, and any rules, might be broken to protect a soul mate.”

  He forced himself not to react less she see the impact her words were having. At last, he took a deep breath.

  “Well, luckily that is not the case here. Elsbeth is about as far away from being my soul mate as is possible.”

  “Oh really, I thought …”

  “You thought what?” he asked. “That you would act as matchmaker? Marry off your eldest to some distant queen so you would never have to put up with him again?”

  “No,” his mother said. “I thought perhaps my eldest son might find happiness. That is all any mother ever wants for her child. And I thought, the way that she looks at you. The way you look at her. Perhaps …”

  Drake snorted and turned away. “You didn’t see the way she looked at me when I released the beast inside of me. It wasn’t fear, it was disgust. She was seeing the worst thing in the world.”

  His mother bit her lips and shook her head slightly. He knew she wanted to say more but was holding back for some reason. Instead, she turned to look out over the valley.

  “You know Drake, for a man unafraid of anything, you seem to be very concerned about what this woman thinks about you. Interesting. I am sure if she were a fifty-year-old scullery maid, you would not care near as much. What is it about this woman that makes her opinion so vital?”

  Drake froze in place as his heart raced.

  His mother smiled up at him and patted his shoulder. “And, don’t forget. Women have been known to change their minds. We are famous for it. Especially when it comes to matters of the heart. What we found annoying becomes endearing. What we thought as atrocious becomes funny. You would be amazed at what we will do to accommodate the man we loves’ foibles and peccadillos.”

  “Mother, being a dragon is not a foible or peccadillo. It is a bit more serious than that. Especially, to women like Elsbeth.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she said as she turned to leave. “In many ways, being a dragon has advantages. And you must admit, no woman ever thought her mate was too big and too strong. Especially, not a woman in need of obtaining a kingdom.”

  Drake watched his mother leave him, he could have sworn she was laughing to herself. But, that was impossible. His mother didn’t laugh. A smile perhaps, but laugh? Never.


  The next morning, his family joined them on the outside landing to wish them goodbye. Elsbeth hugged each of them. Gwyn, then Thaddeus, and finally, Flint.

  His brother gave him a wink as he held onto her a little longer than necessary.

  Drake swallowed the anger building inside of him.

  At last, they separated, and Elsbeth turned to his mother. She curtsied and said, “Thank you for having me, Your Highness.”

  His mother smiled back and said, “You must come back for a visit. After you have regained your kingdom. You can call me Mattie then. We Queens are rather informal with each other.”

  Elsbeth blanched, then allowed herself to be pulled into a goodbye hug.

  Drake watched as his mother whispered something into Elsbeth’s ear. His heart stopped. What was she saying? This could not be good. It was never good when his mother had secrets.

  Elsbeth’s face turned a pretty shade of pink as she nodded, then she smiled and stepped back.

  “Thank you,” she said. “Are you sure you won’t take the medallion, now?”

  Drake’s mother gently shook her head. “No, my dear, it must be done this way.”

  Drake desperately wanted to know what his mother had said, but he well knew this was not the place or time. He would get it out of her later.

  “Are you ready?” he growled as he started for the steps.

  Elsbeth nodded, then moved to sweep past him.

  “Hold it,” he said, “I’ll go first.”

  “Why do you get to go first?” Elsbeth asked as her brow narrowed confusion.

  Drake shook his head. “For several reasons, Princess. One, if you go second and fall, I can catch you. If I go second and fall, it will take us both out. Plus, because I said so. The trail starts here.”

  He smiled to himself when her eyes jumped with anger. He thought for sure she would argue with him, but instead, she stepped aside and let him pass.

  What was that all about, he wondered? Was she still so mad at him that he wasn’t worth arguing with? He caught Elsbeth giving his mother a secret look and a small smile creasing his mother’s lips in return.

  What had his mother said to her?

  They reached the bottom of the long steps without incident and were soon deep into the forest. Drake drank in a deep breath, he felt safest and happiest in the valley, but he felt most alive, here in the forest.

  He turned and said, “If you want, you can go first, now. The trail is well marked and relatively easy from this point for the next few miles.”

  She glanced up at him from under her brow, trying to decipher his trick. But, being unable to find anything wrong with it, she smiled her thanks and began down the path.

  What she didn’t realize, Drake thought to himself as he watched her hips swing back and forth, was that he got to watch the most perfect view ever created. He didn’t even mind if she thought that she had won an argument. Not if it meant he got to watch that all day.

  They quickly fell into a rhythm. The pace was slower, but it was acceptable. They would make their evening goal.

  The birds sang, the bees buzzed, and the wind kissed the tops of the trees. Life was good.

  “I liked your family,” Elsbeth said out of the blue.

  “Good,” he responded. “They liked you.”

  “I’m curious, though,” she said as she stepped over a log, “if they are all so nice, what happened to you?”

  He caught a twinkle in her eyes that let him know she was teasing.

  “They don’t have the experience of the real world that I have. A few days around people like you would make any man grumpy.”

  She laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I think it’s all an act,” she said, “the grumpy bear.”

  “Grumpy dragon, you mean.”

  “Yes,” she said, “the grumpy dragon. You act that way so you don’t have to deal with people.”

  “It works, doesn’t it?”

  “So you admit it. It is all an act. The mean, mad, grumpy beast.”

  “Oh Princess, you haven’t seen me when I am mad, and believe me, you don’t want to see me when I get mean,” he said with a gruff rumble. The beast inside of him called to be let loose, to show this woman what he could do when he was truly free.

  She stopped for a moment as her face turned white. She looked up at him, he knew that she was remembering him in his dragon form.

  “It’s never far away, is it?” she said, referring to his beast.

  “No, not really,” he said as he stepped past her to lead the way. This talking about it was troublesome and only made the day even worse.

  She skipped to catch up with him.

  “I haven’t forgiven you, you know,” she said from behind him.

  A silent, awkward pause hung in the air. A massive wall had been dropped between them.

  “I know,” he said simply.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Elsbeth watched the big man in front of her. He moved like a large cat. Smooth, efficient, every
muscle working in concert. She swallowed hard as she glanced at those shoulders once again. It was either that or stare at that perfect butt of his.

  Her heart gave a quick hitch. He’s not a bad man, she realized. The thought sent a tingle of doubt throughout her body. Really? What had he done that was so terrible? He lied to her. Everybody lied. Her maids, her uncle, even her so called friends.

  So, why had this hurt her so much? What was it about him that made it tear at her soul?

  Because you thought he was different.

  But he is different, she told herself. He is a dragon. They don’t come much more different than that.

  She continued to debate with herself. Listing all the wonderful things about Drake. His protectiveness, his grace and strength, the way he could make her moan at night as he fulfilled her need.

  But, he is a dragon, she reminded herself for the thousandth time.

  The thought of his secret ability, his strangeness, would not leave her alone. How could she ever get past what he was? Dragons were evil. Every story she had ever heard, the dragon was the villain. Destroying people, burning villages.

  The thought of Teagan and Cade running up and giving their Uncle Drake a hug flashed into her mind. They didn’t see evil. They didn’t see bad. To them, he was Uncle Drake, their friend.

  Maybe she should reevaluate her beliefs. Perhaps the problem was not with Drake, perhaps the problem was with her.

  “Here we are,” Drake said as he stopped and pointed towards and old gray barn. “Home for the night.”

  Elsbeth looked around. She had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t even seen the small building. Raising an eyebrow, she queried Drake.

  “This used to be a farmstead. The main house burned down years ago, and the old couple returned to the valley. But, the barn remains. It will keep us dry tonight.”

  Elsbeth glanced up at the clear blue sky. “Are you expecting rain?” she asked with a smirk.

  “A storm actually,” he replied, “but it should clear by the morning. It won’t slow us down.”

  Her heart fell. All he cared about was getting her to Sinstra and retrieving the medallion.

  Grimacing, she dipped her head and entered the barn. It smelled of dust and dry wood. Faint light filtered through cracks and crevices in the worn wood sides of the building. Just enough light to show a dry dirt floor and a small loft.

  “We’ll eat well tonight,” Drake said as he slipped off his massive pack. “The castle kitchens sent along a small feast.”

  “What? No rabbit?” Elsbeth asked.

  Drake laughed and said, “If you want, I can go get some?”

  “No, No,” Elsbeth replied as she looked around the barn. “Um, where will I sleep?” she asked. Her heart hurt, but it was important to establish that they would not be sharing a bed.

  Although, the thought of those shoulders and that perfect rear end of his, made it difficult. Even if she was mad at him, she could admire beauty when she saw it.

  His face hardened for a brief moment. Obviously, upset at her decision. A warmth flowed through her to know that he still wanted her.

  Maybe … No, she couldn’t. Not again, not now. It wouldn’t be right. This man could not be trusted. Besides. They would soon be at Sinstra. She must remember her goal.

  “I’d suggest the loft, but I don’t think it is too stable. You’ll have to sleep down here. You take that corner, and I’ll take this one.”

  Elsbeth nodded her head as she drug her pack to the corner he indicated. It was going to be a long, lonely night.

  Once their separate beds were set out. They gathered together in the middle of the barn and ate the meal prepared for them. The sweet meat pies were delicious, the fresh bread and honey, even more so.

  “How much further?” she asked as she finished her last bite of food.

  “Tomorrow noon,” he replied solemnly.

  Her heart skipped a beat. So soon. She had thought it would be days, yet. Glancing up, she caught him staring at her strangely, as if she were becoming a distant memory he was trying to recall.

  She had to fight back a tear. Why? This wasn’t right, she should be ecstatic. They were so close. She would see Julian tomorrow. She would start to get back what was hers.

  The thought didn’t warm her soul as it should have. Instead, all she could think about was that this was their last night together, and they would spend it in separate beds in a dry, dusty barn.

  A distant rumble made her jump. Her first thought was a dragon’s roar.

  “Thunder,” he said with a small smirk. “It will be pouring in a minute.”

  She wished she could wipe that silly grin from his face. He didn’t have to be right all the time. The insufferable bastard just sat there and grinned, waiting for her to admit that he had been right.

  Well, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  Gathering her skirts, she stepped outside for a moment. Better to take care of things while a little light remained to the day, and before it began to rain.

  Once again, heavy thunder rumbled through the forest. Closer now. She shivered and hurried to the bushes. Once finished. She scampered back into the barn.

  Drake was laying on his bed. His hands folded behind his head, he lay on his back and watched her as she crossed to her bedding.

  “Sleep well, Princess,” he said with a gruff tone as he turned over.

  Elsbeth removed her shoes and lay down on the hard floor. The castle bed from the night before flashed through her mind. Oh well, tomorrow. Julian had nice beds, she was sure.

  The thought sent a quick, nervousness through her. Julian and bed just didn’t seem right. The two didn’t go together.

  Drake, on the other hand, the man was made for bed and the things that people could do in bed. Her body flushed.

  No, she mustn’t. A burning need was beginning to build inside of her. She could feel it at her very core. The longing to be touched, caressed, held.

  Grumbling to herself she turned over and punched her pack, trying desperately to form some kind of pillow.

  Elsbeth lay there, fighting to find some kind of sleep. Some kind of release from the thoughts that continued to dance through her mind.

  The thunder grew closer, each clap sending her heart to race faster. She waited for the storm to break. Waited for the rush of wind and rain that would wash over the old barn.

  Twisting, she glanced across the barn at the heap laying in the distant corner. She watched as his chest slowly expanded with each breath.

  The man was asleep. How was that possible? The thunder alone should have kept him awake. Their last night together and he slept like a winter bear.

  This is your last time. The last time to watch him sleep. The last opportunity to touch him in that special way.

  Her heart broke. She would miss him. In fact, a small part of her would always regret that they had parted like this. Distant, alone, not using this opportunity to enjoy each other.

  A mighty clap of thunder shook the building, making her squeak with fright. The heavens opened up, and the rain fell, hitting the roof like a thousand hammers trying to pound their way into the building.

  Drake stirred and turned over. Their eyes locked across the room. He wasn’t asleep she realized. Maybe he is having regrets, as well.

  For a long moment, they stared at each other. A million messages flashing between them. The rain pounded, the wind wiped, the thunder crashed, and her heart raced. Not from fear of the storm, but from the look in his eyes. It was enough to melt an iron heart.

  “I’m cold,” she said with a shiver.

  He smiled as he slowly raised his blanket, holding it open. His eyes sending her an invitation.

  The bastard was going to make her walk across the barn to him. He wouldn’t come to her. The reality of this settled into her. He would always be like this. He’d move heaven and earth for her, give his life for her. But, he was in charge. At least for now. If she wanted him, she must accept him
for what he was.

  Jumping up, she scurried across the barn before she could change her mind. Her feet flying across the dry dirt floor.

  She slid in next to him, his arm instantly draped across her and pulled her in tight.

  A sense of safety and security washed through her. This was where she belonged. At least for now. For tonight. In his arms. She would start being a queen tomorrow. Tonight, she would be his woman.

  Turning, she faced him, her eyes searching his.

  He smiled and caressed her arms. He knows what I want, knows what I need. But, he’s going to make me ask. Going to make me beg.

  Her hands reached up to gently cup his rough cheeks, the stubble scrapping at her hands. She held him and said, “Please, take me. Please.”

  A deep rumbled inside of him sent a thrill though her. It was as if a beast were roaring to be set free. His smile dropped, and his eyes narrowed.

  “Your wish is my command,” he said as his lips devoured hers.

  Her heart burst with happiness as she melted into him. His hands ran up her back holding her head as he took what he wanted from her.

  Fighting for breath, she broke away to kiss his neck. To nip and bite at his chest. Her hand ran down his belly to cup his man hood. She couldn’t wait, she needed him now. Her body ached for him to be inside of her.

  His hardness felt large and pulsed with his own need.

  Suddenly, he grabbed her, lifting her, he turned her to face away from him.

  A fear coursed through her, what did he want, how?

  Cold air brushed against the back of her legs as he lifted her dress. Her head sank as he ran a hand between her legs to her core. Touching her, filling her with his fingers.

  She felt herself swell with need and grow wet with want.

  “Please,” she begged again.

  He positioned himself behind her. His hardness pressing at her.

  “Tonight, you are mine,” he said as he thrust himself into her.

  Elsbeth screamed with joy as he filled her. Every part of her body trembled with satisfaction as she became one with him.

  His strong hands gripped her hips and pulled her onto him. He thrust into her again and again. She felt vulnerable, alive, and needed as he continued to pound into her. Filling her. Rubbing against every part of her insides.


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